Chapter 59

The Transfiguration Club lasted until nine o'clock in the evening. Professor McGonagall also asked the house-elves to bring supper for the member to eat together during a brief break during the session. She also had them bring up a kettle of tea and a selection of biscuits. Albert soon returned to the Gryffindor common room with Field and the two other Gryffindor of which he did not know their names.

When he returned to his dorm, it was dark and empty. The Weasley twins were still carrying out their punishment from Filch while he presumed Lee was now having dinner after a long training session with the Gryffindor Quidditch Team.

He then used the Flame Making Charm to light up the candles in the dormitory, and don't worry, they won't accidentally fall and start a fire. They charmed the candles not to and the house-elves would give priority to putting out a fire. Also, there was the Mending Charm, which could significantly reduce the perceived scale of the incident.

After lighting the candle, he took his teacup from the cupboard and went to the Common Room. The Gryffindor Common Room had two large dispensers for hot water and pumpkin juice. There was everything you could need to make a good cup of tea or coffee near the hot water dispenser. House-elves replaced the hot water every hour. If student wanted the water boiled, they could either boil in on the open fireplace or ask the house-elves or use a spell.

So Albert decide to do the former and placed water in the teapot above the fireplace. He waited until it boiled before pouring a glass for himself. Albert dropped a tea bag into the cup and added two teaspoons of sugar as well, pouring some milk. He then stirred, placed it on a plate, and carefully took it to his room. Once he returned, he replaced it on his bedside desk and got a book out to read.

When he was reading, he spoke out loud and said, "It would be greater if I had some biscuits to go with this."

A few moments later, an assortment of biscuits appeared on his desk. He had some before going for his cup of tea.

He was about to take a sip before he suddenly froze. Albert had a bad feeling about this. He then lifted it up to see if there was a logo on the bottom. Colour him surprised when it read 'Zonko's Prank Shop'. Ever since they came back from Zonko's, Albert was worried that the twins would use the items he helped pay for on him and they, although indirectly, did. So, with no choice, Albert found an empty wrapper on the floor and transfigured it into a teacup. He then poured the content into the fresh cup while leaving the tea bag still in the cup and enjoyed the silence while reading.

That was until two loud boys storming into the room broke it. There was a heavy smell of bleach when the two big of them entered the room.

"It was an utter disaster," George said as he collapsed on his bed. "Flich made us clean and polish the same trophy three times because it wasn't shiny enough. And after we had finished, he made us go back and polish it again."

"My arm hurts so much," Fred said as he tried to massage his arms. "What are you reading?"

"Guide to the Art of Potion Making for Beginners," Albert replied. "We have potions tomorrow with Professor Snape. Do you want some tea? The kettle should still be warm."

"No need. Lee promised to bring us food from the kitchen so we're waiting for him," Fred said as the door cracked.

"Just who we were talking about," George said as he rushed to open the door. "Well, hurry, we're starving."

"Give me a minute," Lee said, as he was careful not to spill the two glasses of pumpkin juice. "Its meatloaf, so enjoy."

The twins rushed at Lee and took the basket, which contained the meatloaf and the two glasses, to their desk to eat. However, before they started eating, Lee shouted at them.

"Wash your hand before you eat. You don't know what you could've touched while cleaning," Lee shouted and the twins jumped up to go to the bathroom to wash their hand. They quickly returned and scoffed their food down. "How was Transfiguration Club, Albert?"

"Decently, for the most part. Everybody there was like a genius with the practical aspects and in the theoretical section... They were different gravy. They were practising the General Purpose Transfiguration spell while I was trying to learn the Summoning Charm," Albert said.

"Did you use it properly?" Lee asked.

Albert drew his wand and said, "Watch, accio."

The air grew was thick with the scent of hoya flowers, their waxy petals glimmering in the fading light as the boys towered over it. Albert smiled, feeling a sense of calm wash over him as he relished in his accomplishment. Intertwined with the hoya flowers were chrysanthemums in every colour of the rainbow.

"Only a small bouquet at my current ability," Albert said as he cast the general purpose Transfiguration spell to create a vase. He then pick the bouquet up and placed it in the vase.

"Was it difficult to learn?" George asked.

"It was fifth year content and one of the harder spells in the curriculum, so I would say yes. It was quite hard to learn and I wouldn't have learnt it as fast if it weren't for Professor McGonagall's notes," Albert said.

"Is there any water left in there?" Fred asked. Albert nodded in response. "The'll take that cup from you."

"I would recommend you to not take that," Albert said as he saw Fred pouring water and mixing it with his spoon. "Or you do you."

However, as he did so, he felt a sudden sharp pain in his nose, as if some unseen creature had bitten him. Fred recoiled in shock, dropping the teacup to the ground with a loud clatter. Fred, too preoccupied with the intense pain radiating from his nose to notice, recoiled in shock as Lee and George turned to stare at him, dropping the teacup to the ground with a loud clatter. Tears welled up in his eyes as he clutched at his face, feeling as though his nose was on fire.

"Zonko's nose-biting teacup!" George said as he pointed to Fred's nose and couldn't help laughing.

"Shut up, George," Fred said as rubbed his nose.

"Hahaha, I almost died from laughter," George said as he took a biscuit from Albert's face and scoffed it down.

"Don't even think about slipping away, you slimy eel. I know that one was from your set, Lee," Fred said.

"I told you guys I had left one out and then it went missing. None of you believed me and didn't you hear Albert saying not to use that cup?" Lee asked as he looked at the twins. "And most of all, who put it here in the reach of an idiot such as these two?"

"That was me. I wanted to use a cup, so I picked up the first one I found but didn't use it as it looked suspicious," Albert said as he took a sip from his cup. "I later found out it was a nose biting teacup and left it here."

"See, I told you it wasn't me," Lee exclaimed as he jumped up from his seat.

"I don't care. It was yours to being with," Fred said as he got up and chased Lee around the room.


To make up for his blunder, Lee offered to go to the kitchen to get Fred a freshly baked pie and a cup of tea. He returned with enough food for the four of them again. They soon calmed down as they all ate.

"You were telling us about the Transfiguration club before we were interrupted. How was it?" George asked as he wiped the crumbs off his mouth with a napkin.

"There are only twelve members. They all are fantastic at the practical aspects, but even better with Theoretical Transfiguration," Albert said. He then explained how the club would run and mentioned Selwyn's theoretical approach to turn into an Animagus.

"So what did you do today, Lee?" George asked.

"I started my Charms homework and then went to Quidditch practice with... The girl who sits with us. Angle?" Lee Jordan said in a confuse manner.

"Angelina," George corrected.

"Yes, Angelina, and oh Merlin. She flies almost as well as Albert. If Albert is not a seeker next year, she has a very good chance. Your brother was trying to convince to join them more often, but she said she'll think about it," Lee said.

"I almost guarantee she'll be the seeker next year and maybe for the rest of her time at Hogwarts," Albert said.

"Why not you?" George asked.

"From what I heard at the club, Transfiguration is almost always around the same time as Quidditch practice, so I won't have time to make practice," Albert said.