Chapter 75

As the Gryffindor common room grew dimmer with the approaching night, the number of students dwindled, leaving only a few who remained engrossed in their homework. Lee Jordan, stretching his tired muscles, set aside the parchment containing his summary of Gamp's basic law of transformation, relieved that they had finished their work in the library. No longer reliant on Albert's homework to copy, they had made progress in their individual assignments.

Curious about Fred's progress in Transfiguration, Lee inquired, "How are you doing with your Transfiguration essay?"

Fred sighed, displaying his handiwork to the others. "Not so well. I can only manage this," he admitted, showcasing a slightly misshapen needle he had transformed from a matchstick. It was more like a thick wooden rod than an elegant needle.

Albert, absorbed in his book, "Disillusionment Charm and Co: The Basic Guide for Any Aspiring Auror," glanced up and offered his assessment. "Considering what you did in class earlier, this is a considerable improvement. Compared to the rest of the class, you're doing great."

Eager for an honest evaluation, Fred handed the "needle" to Albert, who took it and scrutinised it. George, observing the interaction, couldn't help but remark, "This maybe off topic but you've had that book for a while now, haven't you? And you still haven't finished it."

"It's been less than three weeks, and I only have a few pages left," Albert replied, scanning Fred's attempts at transfiguration. The sight of the "needle" made it clear that Fred still had some way to go.

Fred questioned Albert, seeking guidance. "How do I improve?"

Albert responded without hesitation, "Keep practising for a few more days, and it'll resemble an actual needle."

George, rolling his eyes, interjected, "Are you being serious? His 'needle' is even thicker than mine. It's more of a steel rod with a point."

Albert calmly explained his rationale, leaving the others perplexed. "Fred's transformation is easier to fix. The best approach to transfiguring a matchstick into a needle is to change the shape first, then the material. Fred did that, albeit lacking control and precision. By altering the material first and achieving a recognisable shape, he's already ahead. Magic works more effectively with wood than metal. Once he masters changing the material first, success will follow. You do it in a more acceptable way. However, you lack the control and precision to succeed."

George, still sceptical, proposed an alternative. "But even if I adopt that approach and focus on control, couldn't I improve faster than Fred?"

Albert responded, shedding light on another crucial aspect. "The method of transfiguration isn't the sole determining factor. Your state of mind plays a significant role. You're currently agitated, which increases the likelihood of making mistakes and becoming frustrated. It will take longer for you to see progress. Fred approaches the challenge optimistically, tackling it head-on without getting discouraged. He can persist for longer periods and is more likely to improve incrementally."

"Incrementally?" Lee asked, seeking clarification.

Albert clarified, "Yes, step by step. With each attempt, he will get better. He gradually gets better."

The conversation veered off topic when George abruptly asked, "Have you mastered the disillusionment charm yet?"

Albert, retrieving a piece of chocolate from his pocket, nonchalantly replied, "I should have it down by next week." The chocolate was one of the more expensive ones he got from Honeydukes. The chocolate was called Amberis Chocolatum. It bewitched the taste buds and captivated the senses with its enchanting, golden-brown exterior and alluring aroma. As he unwrapped the chocolate and popped it into his mouth, he added with a mischievous smile, "Are you that desperate to go to Hogsmeade again?"

Fred shared their plans, stating, "Yes, we are. Today seems like the perfect opportunity. We heard that Filch has a cold and won't be on duty."

Uninterested in joining them, Albert closed his book, closed his eyes, and accessed his system interface to check his pending missions.

Astonished by Albert's lack of enthusiasm, George asked, "Aren't you coming?"

Albert replied, his eyes still shut, "I don't feel like going today."

Surprised by Albert's unexpected response, Fred turned to George and suggested, "Lee? Aren't you coming? Come! I know you want to!"

Lee responded, stifling a yawn, "No thanks. I'd rather stay in my cosy bed than venture outside. Have you seen the time?"

Realising they were the only ones willing to go, George mused, "Looks like it's just the two of us, then."

"What are you planning to do on Friday?" A voice sounded cold, and Fred felt a figure behind him. When he turned around, he saw Percy standing in front of him. "I don't want to repeat myself, but what are you planning to do on Friday?"

Fred, meeting Percy's gaze, replied matter-of-factly, "Finding a place to practise our transformations."

Percy, growing stern, warned them of the consequences. "Do you think I'm stupid and deaf? Do you have any idea how many points would be deducted if you were caught?"

Unfazed, Fred boldly proclaimed, "Does it really matter? Gryffindor hasn't won the House Cup in the past five years. And besides, you said 'if' we get caught. Trust us, we won't."

Sceptical of their confidence, Percy retorted, "What makes you so sure? Forget it; I don't want to know. Just be prepared to receive a howler from Mom if you get caught." With that, he departed from their presence.

Grinning mischievously, Fred remarked, "I think he really loves us."

George chimed in, sharing the sentiment, "Yes, he really does."

Just as they discussed the logistics of sneaking out, Mark suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Did I overhear talk of sneaking out? If you want to go, today or Friday nights are your best bets. They're the least risky."

Concerned about the possibility of getting caught on Fridays, Lee sought clarification. "But won't we have a higher chance of being caught then?"

Mark assured them, "That's where the handy Confusion Charm comes in. It has saved me on numerous occasions. Oh, and you should discuss these matters in a more private setting," he advised before bidding them farewell.

Albert, opening his eyes and completing his mission check, made a suggestion. "Next time we discuss something like this, let's do it in the privacy of our own room."

The missions he had pending were: I'm Dora the Explorer, A night at the Muse... Hogwarts, I Won't go Speechless, The Great Library of Hogwart-ia, and The Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge.