Chapter 79

Fred and George retraced their steps through the ancient halls of Hogwarts Castle, following the same route they had taken earlier. As they returned to the third floor, anticipation filled their hearts as they prepared to take a shortcut and make their way back to the cosy warmth of the Gryffindor common room. The twins had already planned their next course of action and confirmed that their number one "adversary" was nowhere in sight.

A sudden tickle in George's nose signalled an imminent sneeze. With swift reflexes, Fred reached out to cover his brother's nose, stifling the sound and preventing any unwanted noise.

"It's all right, just a runny nose," George remarked, his voice slightly muffled. He rubbed his nose with the back of his hand, fighting off a yawn. His weariness was creeping in, and he longed for the comfort of his soft bed.

"Winter is coming," Fred sympathised, glancing at his twin with understanding eyes. "Let's hurry back."

The two ascended the grand staircase, climbing up to the fifth floor, where they planned to take a secret passage leading directly to the eighth floor. In the depths of the castle's hidden passages, they hoped to find solace and evade any unwanted attention.

But just as they reached the landing, a peculiar meow echoed through the corridor, freezing Fred in his tracks. Raising his wand, he peered into the darkness, where a dark figure emerged from the shadows. The twins focused their attention, their eyes locking onto Mrs Norris, Filch's notorious feline companion. The cat's eyes widened upon spotting the mischievous duo, and with a swift motion, it turned tail and scampered away. Fred and George exchanged knowing glances, bursting into silent concession. They understood the feline's purpose all too well. Filch would soon be roused from his good night's rest and set off on a frantic search for them. But the twins remained unfazed, for by the time Filch discovered their absence, they would be safely ensconced within the warmth of the Gryffindor common room. The mere thought of Filch, already ailing, being dragged out of bed in the dead of night only to fail miserably in his pursuit filled the twins with mischievous joy.

"Hurry, let's return and go to bed." George yawned, his weariness seeping into his voice.

The twins proceeded up the staircase to the eighth floor, aiming to reach the portrait of the Fat Lady, the gateway to their haven. However, to their dismay, they found the painting devoid of its usual occupant. The Fat Lady had fallen asleep, like she said, and seemed determined to prolong her rest. Fred and George's faces fell in disappointment, realising they were locked outside the Gryffindor common room.

"What should we do now?" Fred's voice carried a hint of frustration. The uncertainty of the Fat Lady's return weighed heavily on their minds. To make matters worse, Filch had already awoken and was accompanied by his feline friend. They were making their way towards the fifth floor, utilising a shortcut through the secret tunnel, and would arrive sooner than expected.

"I don't want to spend the night in this corridor. We'll catch a cold if we haven't already. Perhaps we should find a temporary resting place?" George suggested, his voice tinged with helplessness.

Seeking a place to rest seemed far more appealing than risking an encounter with Filch in their current state. But where could they find a hideaway? The answer became apparent—the secret passages. Many hidden corridors adorned the eighth floor, and Fred was confident that Filch remained oblivious to some of their whereabouts. With the aid of the Marauder's Map, they had observed Filch's progress, witnessing his movement through the secret tunnels on various floors. They could discern his every step, rendering the chances of capture near impossible.

"Filch is so familiar with the castle's secret passageways that navigating them unnoticed is an incredible challenge for the average student," said George. "Luckily, we're not average."

"No time. We cannot stay here any longer. Filch may know where we are. We must seek a place he doesn't know or remain in constant motion," Fred declared, a sense of urgency colouring his words.

"Shall we check to see if the Fat Lady has returned?" George proposed with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Access to the common room would relieve their worries about Filch's pursuit.

"Let us proceed," Fred agreed.

The determined twins left their hiding place and approached the portrait of the Fat Lady, stationed at the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. Their anticipation swelled, but their hopes were dashed once again as they discovered the Fat Lady's absence unchanged.

"We need to go now. If Filch comes to the eighth floor, we won't be able to escape his grasp. Let us go back to the knight's armour on the seventh floor. I doubt Filch knows that secret route," Fred proposed.

However, their newfound sanctuary on the seventh floor was not without its challenges. Mrs Norris patrolled the area, a vigilant sentinel, ever watchful for wayward students. A single misstep could expose their presence and lead to their capture. The twins hesitated momentarily, weighing the risks.

"We can't afford to stay here any longer. Filch may already close in on us," George voiced his concern.

"We have to make sure he doesn't see us," Fred reminded him.

The prospect of falling into Filch's clutches was grim. It would not only entail dealing with the caretaker himself, but also facing the wrath of Professor McGonagall and their mother, likely mediated by Percy. The repercussions would be severe, with Gryffindor House enduring their transgressions. They only hoped Filch would soon abandon his pursuit and the Fat Lady would wake up.

On the seventh floor, within the portrait corridor, Filch embarked on his relentless patrol, clutching an oil lamp that cast eerie shadows on the walls. His foul mood persisted; a bout of ill-timed illness had plagued him, leaving his head pounding and his sleep disturbed. Lighting his way with an oil lamp, Filch carefully examined the empty classroom, listening for the slightest sound. His trusted companion, Mrs Norris, aided in the search, and her feline instincts had been fine-tuned to detect rogue students.

"Have they got away?" Filch muttered to himself, a mix of frustration and determination clear in his voice. "No, that would be utterly preposterous."

It took only a matter of minutes for Mrs Norris to sound the alarm. Those pesky children couldn't evade his grasp forever.

"They can't have gone too far; I will catch them!" Filch asserted, unwavering in his belief. He was determined to prove that no student could escape his clutches. Little did he know that his every move unfolded before the twins' eyes, thanks to the Marauder's Map. They watched his progress and tracked his movements through the castle's intricate network of hidden passageways.

As Filch continued his relentless pursuit, the twins seized the opportunity to move. They ventured forth from their temporary refuge, making their way to the fourth floor. There, concealed behind a tapestry depicting dancing trolls, lay a concealed passage leading to the Astronomy Tower. It was a risky endeavour, for the Astronomy Tower was not a typical destination for late-night mischief. It presented an opportunity to temporarily evade Filch's relentless search.

Emerging from the concealed passage, the twins found themselves in a dimly lit corridor leading to the Astronomy Tower. Their steps were hushed, the sound of their footsteps barely registering on the stone floor. The air grew colder, permeated with a sense of mystery and anticipation.

"Perhaps we can take refuge in the Astronomy Tower until Filch goes away," George proposed, peering through the narrow windows at the starlit sky. "It seems an unlikely place for him to search."

Fred nodded in agreement, realising that their options were becoming limited. The Astronomy Tower offered a brief pause from Filch's pursuit, granting them a chance to catch their breath and devise a new plan. With cautious steps, the twins ascended the spiral staircase leading to the tower's summit.

The Astronomy Tower was bathed in an ethereal glow, courtesy of the moonlight filtering through the arched windows. The room was adorned with celestial charts, telescopes, and a breathtaking view of the Hogwarts grounds. Fred and George found comfort in this tranquil setting, a momentary escape from the chaos that enveloped them.

As they stare out the window, contemplating their next move, Fred's gaze falls on Filch in the distance. Filch had given up on exploring his lower floors and was heading for the Astronomy Tower. A surge of panic coursed through the twins' veins as they realised their sanctuary was about to be compromised.

"Hide, and quickly!" Fred exclaimed, his voice barely above a whisper. The twins hastily scoured the room for a suitable hiding spot, settling on a cluster of towering telescopes.

They squeezed behind the telescopes, barely concealed from view. Fred's heart pounded in his chest, the sound resonating in his ears. He held his breath, praying that Filch's scrutiny would not uncover their presence. Minutes felt like hours as Filch's footsteps drew closer and closer.

Luckily, Filch's attention was drawn to a strange sound emanating from a malfunctioning telescope. With a disdainful grunt, he adjusted the apparatus, unaware of the twins concealed just inches away.

Silence enveloped the Astronomy Tower once again as Filch departed, the sound of his footsteps fading into the distance. The twins remained hidden behind the telescopes, their hearts slowly returning to a steady rhythm.

"We can't stay here any longer," Fred whispered, his voice laced with urgency.

Agreeing with his brother's statement, George nodded in silent agreement. The twins cautiously emerged from their hiding spot, their minds focused on finding a new refuge away from Filch's pursuit.

With a renewed sense of determination, they descended the spiral staircase, leaving the Astronomy Tower behind.