Chapter 82

The consequences of the Weasley twins' daring nocturnal escapade unfolded, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the Gryffindor students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Filch, the cantankerous caretaker, seemed to possess an uncanny ability to discern the identities of the mischievous individuals who had ventured out that fateful night. Whenever a Gryffindor student crossed his path, Filch's piercing gaze fixed upon them, as if he sought to unravel the secrets of their nocturnal exploits.

Filch's peculiar behaviour left the Gryffindor students bewildered, their minds swirling with questions and concerns. What had Filch witnessed? How had he connected their nighttime adventure to the mischievous twins? As they made their way through the castle's corridors, whispers and curious glances followed them, further fuelling their unease.

While Filch remained oblivious to the truth, another astute figure within the castle had unravelled the mystery. Professor Snape, the enigmatic potion's master, had deduced the identities of the culprits behind the clandestine expedition. During their Friday Potions class, Albert overheard snippets of Snape's conversation, confirming that he knew the twins were the masterminds of the nocturnal prank on Filch.

Snape's confirmation sent a ripple of apprehension through the Weasley twins. They knew all too well the consequences of Snape's unwavering scrutiny. As a punitive measure, Snape casually deducted five points from Fred and George, besides burdening them with extra work—preparing a scabies treatment potion. This innocuous punishment masked the true nature of their transgression. Unbeknownst to Snape, the twins' concoction was riddled with potentially lethal errors; a single sip was capable of poisoning someone to the brink of death.

Before the class concluded, Snape further added to their burden by assigning them their usual homework as well as an additional task—writing a detailed report on preparing the scabies potion and documenting the errors that had been committed. The sympathetic glances exchanged among their classmates testified to the shared struggles of navigating the treacherous terrain of potion brewing.

Curiosity gnawed at George, compelling him to voice the burning question that plagued their thoughts. "How did Snape discover our involvement?" The twins were certain that Snape had identified them as the students who had roamed the castle under the cover of darkness.

Albert, quick to respond, offered a plausible explanation. "Perhaps Snape possesses the ability to peer into the depths of our minds. Magic must exist that grants him access to our thoughts, and that's where he gained his suspicions. If he harbours doubts, he could employ this power to uncover the truth. Surely, he possesses the means to detect lies."

Although Albert possessed knowledge of Snape's accurate methods, he wisely withheld this information from Fred and George, realising the difficulties inherent in explaining such an extraordinary phenomenon.

Doubt tinged Lee Jordan's voice as he contemplated Albert's theory. "Is it possible? Can one delve into the recesses of other minds?"

Albert responded with unwavering conviction, his tone laced with hints of the mysticism that permeated the walls of Hogwarts. "I cannot say for certain, but it seems within the realm of possibility. In recent days, many of us have noticed Filch's relentless nightly patrols as he seeks to catch students who dare to wander the halls after curfew. Rumour has it he has been suspending the caught offenders from the ceilings like salted fish."

Fred, his irritation apparent, retorted, "So, we would become nothing more than dried salted fish." He rolled his eyes, acknowledging Albert's warning and making a silent vow to refrain from further nighttime escapades. It had become clear that provoking Filch would lead to nothing but humiliation and retribution.

However, despite their newfound caution, Fred and George held firm in their belief that Filch would not subject them to further embarrassment should they venture out into the night again. Their past encounters with the caretaker had taught them that his wrath was seldom directed at the same individuals twice.

As they navigated the castle's hidden passages, Lee Jordan, their ever-curious companion, voiced a question that had lingered in his mind since their earlier escapade. "By the way, when did you stumble upon this secret passage?"

"Of course, we stumbled upon it during that night," Fred replied, attributing the discovery of the secret passage to their audacious nocturnal expedition.

A sudden recollection sparked Fred's memory, interrupting the silence as he turned to face Albert with a serious expression. "Let us have a look at your last scabies treatment potion."

Lee Jordan, adding to the conversation, recalled the incident involving Snape and the mysterious parchment that had returned to Albert bearing only the grade of "E" for "Exceeds Expectations." "Snape gave you an excellent grade, didn't he?" he chimed in, alluding to the potion homework Snape had taken away before class, only to return it without a single word inscribed upon its surface.

However, when Snape returned the scabies treatment option paper to Albert, he accompanied it with a warning, cautioning him against attempting to recreate the potion within the confines of the potion's classroom, lest he face dire consequences.

Naturally, Albert dismissed Snape's threats, promising to refrain from such daring endeavours.

"I've heard whispers that Snape never gives an 'O' for the work of Gryffindor students," Fred remarked, hinting at the potion's master's aversion to granting the highest accolade and dislike for Gryffindor.

Albert, unfazed by Snape's apparent bias, dismissed the notion. "That is to be expected. After all, Snape is a master of potions, and our concoctions must pale compared to his," He reminded George, with a touch of concern. "Remember, don't copy from the parchment. Even I would find myself in quite the predicament."

Fred accepted the parchment from Albert with a mischievous grin dancing on his lips. "We shall exercise utmost caution."

Lee Jordan, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, interjected with a question about the grading system. "What about the grades? How are they assigned?"

Albert, ever the knowledgeable informant, explained the grading structure. "How do you not know? Anyway, if they deem the work exceptional, they award it an 'O.' 'E' signifies "exceeds expectations,' and 'A' denotes "acceptable." However, should one's efforts fall short, they receive a 'P,' a "D,' or, worst of all, a "T."

Fred, seizing the opportunity to inject an air of mystery, interrupted Albert. "If you find a 'T' gracing your homework, it would be wise to fear expulsion. 'T' stands for 'troll,' implying that one's intellectual prowess rivals that of the trolls. As you know, Hogwarts does not entertain the notion of troll students."

George, his voice filled with solemnity, added, "Indeed, Hogwarts is no place for trolls."

Rolling his eyes at the banter, Albert retorted, "By the way, have you planned another nighttime adventure for this weekend? Remember to call me if you do."

Lee Jordan's incredulous reaction mirrored the disbelief etched across his face. "You, too? Nighttime adventure? What for? You don't do anything without a reason."

Albert's reply carried a sense of mystery and intrigue. "Indeed, I intend to embark on a shopping trip. You know, they forbid students from accessing the restricted area. It requires special permission from Dumbledore to get books from its forbidden shelves."

Fred's curiosity piqued, he inquired, "And which book do you want to 'buy'?"

"The 'Book of Spells' by Miranda Goshawk

A flicker of recognition passed over Fred's face, a glimmer of familiarity in the depths of his memory. "That title rings a bell," he mumbled.

Lee Jordan, frustrated by Fred's apparent cluelessness, interjected with a hint of exasperation. "You dolt, our spell class textbook is called 'The Book of Standard Spells, Grade One' by Miranda Goshawk."

George, wearing a knowing smile, chimed in, "Indeed, Fred, you are an imbecile. But fear not, for I am your twin, and thus, an imbecile as well."

Lee Jordan muttered under his breath, "Both of you are imbeciles."

Albert, unable to resist a playful jibe, added, "Indeed, the idiocy runs deep in this duo."

"The 'Standard Spells' series we employ is a diluted iteration. The complete set comprises seven volumes, each assigned to a specific academic year. 'Book of Spells' is the name of the original series," Albert explained. "Unfortunately, the unabridged version is no longer available for purchase, having ceased publication decades ago. They sell only the revised edition we possess."