Chapter 97

In the frigid embrace of November's first dawn, Hogwarts Castle emerged from the shadows, veiled in a blanket of freshly fallen snow. The enchanted windows, adorned with delicate frost, bore witness to the clandestine dance of winter's arrival. A silvery luminescence painted the world beyond. Each pane, adorned with telltale signs of the night's chill, was a testament to the enchantments woven into the very fabric of the school.

Within the hallowed halls, students stirred from the warmth of their dormitories, their breath crystallising in the early morning air. The common rooms, their hearths now mere embers, clung to the echoes of fading warmth. Through the fogged windows, they glimpsed the transformed landscape, a realm cocooned in silence beneath the mantle of snow.

Outside, the Forbidden Forest stood as enigmatic as it always is, its branches weighed down by the shimmering burden of winter. Creatures of the night retreated to their hidden domains, leaving the castle and its denizens in hushed communion with the wintry tableau. A spectral calm settled upon Hogwarts, a stillness as profound as the secrets woven into the very stones that cradled centuries of magic. But the silence was not going to last long, because today was the day. Today was THE day. Today was the start of the quidditch season. And to start this season off, it was Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

Anticipation swirled through the Great Hall like palpable enchantment. The enchanted ceiling mimicked the foggy sky above, casting a dark undertone over the expansive space. Banners bearing the bold colours of Gryffindor and Slytherin adorned the walls, their crests dancing in a spectral rivalry. The house tables were abuzz with spirited conversations, and the ambient hum of excitement echoed beneath the enchanted starry sky.

The long, candlelit tables groaned under the weight of a huge breakfast. Golden platters overflowed with every item needed for a full English—crispy bacon, golden hashbrowns, and perfectly fried eggs. Goblets filled with tea and juice clinked in toasts, adding a festive melody to the air from yesterday.

At the centre of the hall, a Quidditch-themed display dominated the staff table. Miniature Quidditch hoops hovered over an emerald-green pitch made of enchanted moss. Above, enchanted models of Bludgers zipped and twirled, while a tiny Golden Snitch performed erratic loops in a dazzling display.

The excitement escalated as students donned scarves and robes in their house colours, proudly displaying their allegiances. Gryffindors sported crimson and gold, their enthusiasm contagious as they exchanged banter with Slytherins draped in green and silver. House-elves darted through the crowd, ensuring an endless supply of treacle tarts and chocolate frogs.

"It's so cold. I don't want to stay outside in this weather, especially since it snowed this morning. Do I have to go?" Albert said as he pulled his winter coat tighter around him. "I would much rather stay indoors and watch through a telescope."

"No, you can't. You promised that you'd watch Gryffindor versus Slytherin with all of us," said George. "Please don't break your promise now. Look around you. See those smiles? We're going to have a lot of fun."

"You might, but I have a very bad feeling about this," Albert said as he took a sip of his hot cocoa.

"You and your bad feeling. Just forget about them and enjoy yourself," Fred said as he tried to hug his friend. "Why is your coat so warm?"

"My dad sent this coat. He brought mink fur and sent it to Gladrags Wizardwear to make it into a coat. He then sent it to Madam Malkins to enchant," Albert said.

"How much did it cost?" Shannon said. "It looks comfy and expensive."

"He didn't say. All he said was not to fall ill and enjoy the hidden surprises he left for me."

"I wish I had a dad who would buy me stuff like that," Fred said. 

"He tries his hardest. We shouldn't complain," George said as he patted his brothers back. "And look, here comes the Quidditch team. They're walking towards us."

"Oh no. I know where my bad feelings are coming from," Albert said.

"Charlie, Charlie. Good luck today. We know you're going to smash those slimy snakes," Fred said.

"Thank you, Fred," Charlie said as he sat down next to him.

"We might not actually win today. Charlie's backup fell ill today, so we have no substitutes for seeker if anything goes wrong. And something always goes wrong when we face Slytherin," Mark said as he loaded his plate.

"If only we knew a few talented players that were willing to take that place," Irene said as she also loaded her plate.

"If only," Mark repeated.

"We know someone."

"Yeah, we know someone."

"Albert." "Albert."

"You can be the substitute."

"Even if I wanted to, I don't think I'll be allowed," Albert said as he gave the twins a death stare.

"You don't need to worry about that. We asked Professor McGonagall and she said you're okay to play for one game. Depending on how you do, you might be allowed to play more games in the future," Jackson said.

"Is there no way I can get out of this?" Albert asked. "And is it not dangerous for someone like me?"

"Nope. There is no way out of this," Mario said. "And as for it being dangerous, Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall will be keeping an eye on both teams so we don't go too overboard. And if you somehow play, Professor McGonagall said Madam Hooch will enforce the rules more harshly."

"As you know, we have bad blood with Slytherin. They might play a little dirty so you'll need to watch out," Daniel said.

"But don't worry. Madam Pomfrey will be there, so you don't need to worry about getting permanent injuries," Charlie said.

When Albert heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched. It sounded like the two teams were going to war, and he was going to get caught in the middle of it. Albert knew he wasn't going to enjoy this outing.

At eleven o'clock, the clocktower struck. Most students and teachers held up umbrellas and coats and were making their way to the Quidditch stadium. The audience included not only Hogwarts students and teachers but also the residents of Hogsmeade and other villages nearby. Tes, you read right. People from Hogsmeade and other villages were here to watch the match.

'Hogwarts probably makes good money from selling seats,' Albert thought as he entered the stadium. He saw some of the older students greet graduates, and some people were buying binoculars. Albert didn't think Hogwarts would do something like this, but it was understandable. With their budget shrinking, they needed ways to make money, and Quidditch was a solid way.

Fred and George left them early to get good seats. They chose to sit near the Gryffindor locker room. He wanted to sit near the top of the stands so he could get a good view, but the twins wanted to be nearer to the action. If the game got messy, they wanted to contribute to the mayhem.

Although the weather is appalling, the atmosphere is on another level. It was comparable to when his family, excluding his sister, went to Mexico for the FIFA World Cup. Albert saw the likes of Diego Maradona, Gary Lineker, and Michael Laudrup. He remembers watching Maradona's 'Hand of God' and Laudrup's solo dribble against Uruguay. The atmosphere was similar to that, but on a smaller scale.

The Quidditch stadium buzzed with anticipation as the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams soared onto the pitch. The vibrant energy of the crowd created an audible hum in the crisp air. Gryffindor supporters erupted into cheers, their scarlet and gold scarves waving like flames in the stands. Banners with roaring lions billowed in the wind, and the atmosphere echoed with the infectious spirit of camaraderie.

Charlie Weasley led the Gryffindor team in a spectacular dive, and the crowd's cheers reached a crescendo. Irene, one of the beaters, shot upward with a grace that drew admiring gasps from the spectators. The Gryffindor Chasers executed daring manoeuvres, and the Beaters' well-timed strikes elicited cheers that reverberated across the stadium. The roaring enthusiasm of Gryffindor supporters painted the scene with a vivid palette of house pride.

On the other side, the Slytherin team made a more calculated entrance. The emerald and silver colours seemed to weave an air of mysterious allure. Their captain directed his team with a commanding presence. The Slytherin serpent on their banners seemed to undulate with silent determination. The beaters, with focused expressions, sent Bludgers hurtling in a controlled display of skill.

The crowd's reaction to Slytherin was a mixture of awe and trepidation. Slytherin supporters applauded with a composed sophistication, their pride evident but less overt. Whispers fluttered through the stands, carrying the weight of rivalry and expectation.

As the two teams circled each other, the stark contrast in reactions underscored the age-old rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin. The stadium, a cauldron of emotions, awaited the thrilling clash of broomsticks, a spectacle that would unfold beneath the watchful eyes of a divided Hogwarts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, witches and wizards gather around as we prepare for a Quidditch showdown. My name is Mason Tipson, and this is Alaric Spinster. And today we'll be commentating on this match live from Hogwarts Quidditch Stadium, where we are moments away from Gryffindor taking on the five-time reigning champions, Slytherin.

The air is charged with excitement, and the atmosphere is nothing short of electric. Gryffindor, draped in the colours of bravery and valour, takes to the sky with the exuberance of a phoenix soaring from the ashes. Their scarlet and gold insignia practically screams, 'We are here to roar, not to whimper!'

Slytherin, the embodiment of cunning and ambition, strides onto the pitch with a serpentine grace that sends shivers down your spine. The Slytherin squad, bedecked in emerald green and silver, oozes an air of calculated strategy. The Slytherin serpent on their banners seems to say, 'We may not roar, but we strike with deadly precision.'

Today is the shadow between the five-time reigning champion, Slytherin, and the best Gryffindor in the past seven years. It's a clash of titans, a dance of broomsticks, and we're here to capture every twist and turn. Buckle up, my magical friends, because we're about to witness a spectacular display. Now let's hear what today's referee, Madam Hooch, is saying."

"Boys, settle down. This is heads and this is tails. You are the homeside as you are reigning champions and you are the visitors. Call it in the air," Madam Hooch said.


"Heads it is. Now listen, I want a clean match. There will be no injuries this time. Am I understood? Good. Shake hands, and we will begin when I blow my whistle," Madam Hooch said as she took to the air. Both teams shook hands and then took their places. Madam Hooch blew the whistle, and the game started.

"There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Gryffindor will start the game off at the centre. Alaric, how do you think this game will turn out?"

"Dirty. This game will undoubtedly have sprinkles of the Dark Arts throughout. Who do I think is going to win? Slytherin. Five-time reigning champion, and I don't think they'll be uncrowed for another couple of years. Gryffindor will play a good match, but the cunningness and willingness to do whatever it takes to win of Slytherin give them the edge of this start-stacked Gryffindor side.

And, oh, what a start to the game! Advantage to Gryffindor. Gryffindor goes on the offensive and tries to get past the Slytherin low-block, but two Slytherin chasers use their physicality to brush off the Gryffindor chaser. Madam Hooch plays advantage to Gryffindor, and Gryffindor is passing along the three most forward players. Mario plays a diagonal push, leaving a gap for Jackson to fly through. He tries to find the pass and… GOAL! Gryffindor are up 10 points."

"Lovely play from Mario to draw a defender across the face of goal, and Jackson plays a pass to Daniel. Daniel had the goal gaping, and he slotted it home. Slytherin is angry, and rightfully so. Using a simple diagonal manoeuvre, Slytherin's low block was made useless. Slytherin is in the centre, and they restart the game.

Slytherin goes for the usual and passes along the back. They are drawing in the Gryffindor player, making them waste their energy. Smooth passing along the ball, and now we wait until Slytherin decides to flip the switch. So, Alaric, thoughts on the game so far?"

"Gryffindor did well to get ahead so early in the game. Maybe this will help gain momentum and take the game by the scruff of the neck. Slytherin is behind, but the question is: for how long? We all know that, at any instance, they can turn the game on its heel. They have the best equipment money can buy, and… what a lovely spin. Slytherin broke through the Gryffindor press, and it's now a three-on-one."

"It's the Slytherin captain leading the charge, and… GOAL! As cool as you like, the Slytherin captain dispatches a wonderfully worked move. It's now 10-10. Gryffindor is waiting at the centre for the game to restart, while Slytherin is celebrating with their own. Madam Hooch is preparing her wand. It looks like she's going to book the Slytherin captain for time-wasting. He sees and cuts off the celebration early. Slytherin are in their places, and the game restarts at 10 a piece." 

"This is typical Slytherin. Just like snakes, once they see even the slightest hint of weakness, they strike. Gryffindor are on the offensive, and they try the diagonal run again, but the Slytherin defenders aren't fooled. Gryffindor recycles the play and passes it back to the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper pushes forward. Short and fast passes between the players in red."

"The goalkeeper tries to pass it long, but Slytherin intercepts. They're on the counter again, and… GOAL! It was practically an open goal. The inexperienced Gryffindor goalkeeper tries to catch Slytherin off guard, but he is caught in their lightning-fast counterattack. We restart the game with Slytherin with a ten-point advantage. Alaric, your thought on Slytherin?"

"Apart from the initial lapse in concentration, they are showing us why they are the five-time reigning champion. They are playing it safe currently. There are fewer fouls than normal, but they are still playing with the same effectiveness. And what's this? That's a clear act of Blatching. Irene of Gryffindor collide with one of the players in green and Madam Hooch stops the plays. She speaks to the Gryffindor, and play resumes with Slytherin passing it back."

"What was she thinking? She's walking on eggshells from now on. Slytherin is dominating the tempo of the game, and Gryffindor gets their first talking to. They are behind, and they can't afford for one of their players to be temporarily suspended. The Slytherin captain tries from range, and… OH MY LORD! What an absolute beauty! He's on a hat-trick. Some check this boy. It's almost like he has liquid luck running through his veins."

"Morale on the Gryffindor side is down. They are now twenty points behind. Gryffindor restarts the game. It looks like they are trying to force their way through, but the Slytherin defence remains steadfast. The Gryffindor goalkeeper pushes forward, making himself another passing option. Gryffindor are through on goal, and… that was a pathetic attempt. The goalkeeper is getting that any day of the week. Slytherin's captain makes a run towards goal, and the keeper releases the ball towards him. He gets past Mr. Wood and… GOAL!"

"That's his fourth of the day. With how he's playing, he could get a bagful. What was the Gryffindor keeper doing? Trying to take on the Slytherin captain like that. That was a fool's errand, and he was made to look like a clown. Gryffindor restarted the game once more. They go for the same approach, and what's going on here? There's blood!"

"From what it looks like, the Slytherin captain was elbowed on the nose. Madam Pomfrey is on the scene. Let's head to Madam Hooch and hear what she's saying."

"What are you doing?"

"It was an accident, I swear. I was turning, and I didn't see him. It's not my fault."

"Your fault or not, the rules dictate it's a sinbin. I'll be lenient. 90 seconds when play resumes. This is your first and final warning. Do you understand, Irene?"

"Yes, Madam Hooch."

"Do you believe it was an accident, Mason?"

"Do you think I was born yesterday? It's clear that the Gryffindor players are frustrated, but that was uncalled for. While the Slytherin captain is being patched up, let's talk about today's sponsor: Surfshark VPN."