Summer's Confusion

-Summer Rose-

The catalog wasn't that complicated to use, instead, it's quite a user-friendly platform as she could see some categories, from weapons, armor, foods, animals, skills, slaves- wait what?!

She couldn't believe something like this was available in the shop! She knew that Alex did say that the shop sells everything, but it was still hard to grasp something hideous exist in the shop, her righteous mind was screaming for her to demand justice for whoever these slaves were, but a larger part of her knew that it was useless, because there's no way she'd be able to free these people, not mention they are basically strangers to her, so is it worth to save them with the cost of her very life?

The answer is no, as selfish as it is, she didn't want to lose her life for some faceless crowd, she was just one foot to the grave a few hours ago, and she didn't have any intention of repeating that again.

In the matter of fact, after this she'll retire as a huntress, there's no way she would continue being one, it wasn't like she was afraid of death, she's afraid of what she'll be living behind, her family.

With great reluctance, she ignored that particular category, and although she held no responsibility toward them, it didn't stop her from feeling guilty.

Shaking her head, she looked at the weapon category and saw that there were really some expensive weapons, but they look powerful and beautiful, out of curiosity she checked a certain weapon description.

It was a normal-looking scythe, however, its description gives her creeps, it says that once this weapon inflicts damage to the target no matter how small it may be, they'd die instantly without resistance.

She couldn't believe something like this exists, if she had this kind of weapon, killing Grimm would be easy as-

No, let's not think about it, she decided to retire. That's the reason why she decided to convert her precious Rose Thorn into this shop currency because she planned to leave the life of a huntress and also to forget her recent memories of almost dying.

The only reason why she was in the weapon category in the first place is that she wanted to buy a gift for her daughters, though she wasn't sure if she could afford the weapons here.

Summer noticed that there's a section on price range, so she put 20 or lower so that she could afford them. She wasn't really expecting to find many weapons in that price range category, since 20 is technically not a big number.

But she forgot that the currency of this place is valuable, that a single credit is almost priceless.

Summer couldn't hold her shock as she saw the selection of her price range, it was billions upon billions, and that's how many weapons she could afford.

"W-what! There's so many!"

"That's to be expected, the multiverse is infinite and the amount of things you could buy with your credit is naturally a lot, a single credit could let you buy a ton of gold, depending on the quality and the universe it came from, in some universe it's valuable and some it's worthless, I don't know about yours but I'm betting it is," Alex explained with a smile.

Hearing that, only amplified her amazement, could a single credit buy her something that would make her a millionaire in her world?

This is ridiculous! Her weapon doesn't even cost that much!

"Anyway, take your time shopping." The owner of the shop left her alone, thinking hard about what she just learned.

She once again re-evaluate her understanding of this place, and with a gulp, she continued her shopping.

This was probably the most stressful shopping that she participated in her entire life, she was really hesitant about what to buy or not, after all, there's almost an infinite amount of choice in the catalog.

There's even some interesting weapons with effects, some were cursed, like literally, and some were well lewd.

She couldn't help but blush remembering them, she can't help it okay! They were just that terrible!

Anyway, she managed to find a fit for her little rose, a scythe-like her uncle's, as her mother it's very obvious to see that her little rose idolized her uncle, and his weapon, a scythe.

He called it Harbinger, anyway the scythe that she bought for her daughter isn't a mecha-shift, not to mention it isn't different from an ordinary scythe, except it's red and not to mention looks mesmerizing, however, it isn't the reason why she bought it.

She bought it because of its effects. The first effect is that it has almost no weight at all, despite being a head bigger than her, it should have a weight of at least 100 kg, but thanks to this magical effect, it's no easier than carrying a bag of potato chips.

With this scythe, she doesn't need those extra heavy weapons that would affect her growth in the future, she might like her baby girl to stay little but she knew that it isn't possible.

That's why, she's going to let her grow without complications, and lastly the most important effect on why she bought this scythe is, this scythe would be bound to its user, meaning if her little rose her gets unarmed in the future, this weapon would just go back to its owner without her reaching for it.

Oh, she knew how dangerous it is to be unarmed, she couldn't count how many times she was almost a goner without her weapon, that's why a weapon that would come to its owner is extremely useful without a doubt.

After she gets home, she'll immediately give this to her little rose, thankfully though the scythe was warped into a beautiful red box that fits the scythe.

Next is for her little sunshine, right her eldest daughter is being taught by her husband with his family's personal martial arts.

Which mostly uses the fist, that's why she bought her a gauntlet, while it isn't like her little rose scythe that is bound to its owner. It's equally as useful as the scythe.

First, it is a pain nullification limited to the arms, meaning no matter how much her little sunshine punches, she won't feel any pain from her arms.

It's also made out of an almost unbreakable material, so she wouldn't worry about this gauntlet breaking soon.

And its second effect is size adjustment, as her little sunshine grows this gauntlet would remain a perfect fit in her hands.

There's also a hidden blade beneath the gauntlet, so if her daughter ever felt like her fist isn't enough to beat the enemy, she could always use this hidden blade.

The scythe cost 10 M.C while the gauntlet cost 8 M.C, for such amazing weapons they are quite cheap.

Summer used the remaining of her credits with a box of cookies, that was said to be one of the most delicious in the multiverse.

It only cost 1 M.C and as for the other…

She had no idea what she was thinking when she bought it, but she did. It was a pill that guarantees pregnancy, after experiencing a near-death situation, she realized that she wanted more children of her own.

That's why she needed this, although her face was so red when she bought this thing.

Anyway, she had everything that she needed now she is set to go, she misses her husband and daughters and she can't wait to see them again.

It's been almost a week since she saw them.

At the perfect time, the shop owner arrived and said, "I suppose you're done shopping?"

Summer nodded. "Yes, so how do I get home?"

"I thought it was obvious already, you just need to leave using that door, and I guarantee that you'll get home." He said.

Summer nodded at him, there's no reason for him to trick her, if he did he wouldn't have bothered saving her.


"Once again, thank you for saving me." Summer bowed at him in gratitude if it weren't for him, there's no doubt that she'd be in the afterlife now.

"You're welcome and please come again next time."

"I will." Summer promised and after that, she left the shop using the door and on the other side, she was surprised to find out that she was at Patch, not to mention in front of her house.

Without waiting any longer, she dashed toward her family house with a smile on her face, she was excited to see her family again!

It didn't take her long enough to arrive at her family house using her speed semblance, she eagerly knocked on the door a few times.

Then she frowned as she realized that no one was answering, she couldn't help but think. 'Strange…'

Summer noticed that the door was unlocked making her more suspicious that something was wrong, her husband always locks the door and for some reason, he didn't.

Without thinking any further, she went inside the house and started looking for people and saw her little rose on the couch crying by herself.

It broke her heart to see her baby girl cry, without hesitation, she dropped her gifts and went immediately to hug little rose.

"Mommy is here baby, mommy is here don't cry anymore.." Summer gently pats her daughter's head.

Then little Ruby looked shocked as she saw her, then a second later she cried even more loudly than before. "Uwaaah! Mommy! T-they told me that you w-were dead!"

'What?' Summer's eyes widened in surprise and thought. 'What's going on here?!'

Then she heard something drop on the floor, she couldn't help but shift her gaze toward the spot.

And she saw her husband shocked as if he saw a ghost or something.

"S-summer…..?" He said in disbelief.

"Tai..! What hap-" Before she could finish her sentence, Tai was already hugging her tightly as the man cried in her chest.

'What exactly is going on here?!' Summer asked herself with great confusion.

The next chapter is the last of Summer's Pov.

Anyway as you see, in the last few chapters you get to see Summer's Pov, because it's fun and interesting to write, and I would do similar to the other customers in the future.

Because I would like you to know their side story and reaction after getting an item from the shop.

After the next chapter, Alex Pov would be back again.


Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 5 advanced chapters there