The Greedy Witch

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"I…can't accept your confession," I said, although she made my heart race and the fact that she is also beautiful; in fact,, she's a D grade level of beauty.

Sure, her personality is trash, but her beauty is undeniable, and that beauty was also applied to Shiraori as she's a fragmented version of herself.

And the best part is, she's not D and is better than her at everything except for having a stronger power.

But regardless, I can't accept her confession. If her request was a one-night stand without feelings, then I would gladly partake in the deed; if I didn't, I would have fucked Gilgamesh.

But confession was different from sexual activities; this is a matter of the heart, and I can't just happily accept knowing that I don't feel the same.

It would only be one-sided at most

Those who are in a relationship with me are either forcing their way into it (D's case), and the other is with someone I genuinely have feelings for, which includes Hitori and, to a lesser extent, Gilgamesh.

My relationship with her is a bit complicated, the only reason why she became part of it was because she's pregnant with my child.

Or else she'd be just a fling at most.

I like her, but I don't love her. However I don't know if she feels the same, but I do know that she's fond of me, or else she wouldn't have initiated having sex with me or having my hand for marriage.

Then I looked at her reaction only to see her smiling, which was honestly beautiful. 

"I'm glad."

I was initially confused, but quickly realized that this was some sort of test to her, and thought. 'Why must it be so puzzling.'

Shiraori then revealed. "If you accepted easily, I would have been disappointed, but thankfully you didn't; although I'm a bit hurt by the rejection, it doesn't stop me from pursuing you."

I raised a brow at her words. "If that's what you want, sure, but how would you do that? You have to go back to your world, because you know it's on the verge of destruction."

"I know, but D explained to me that time flows differently here."

I got curious and asked what the ratio was. "By how much?"

"D said that 1 year in this world is just a single day there," Shiraori admitted.

Okay, now that's a very surprising piece of information. It would imply that time moves faster here than in the other world.

Time and space are very complicated cases to study, and only someone like Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg can understand them without going mad.

Actually, he did lose his mind in a unique way.

Now that she insisted on staying in this world, just to pursue me, talk about intense.

Should I be pleased with this outcome? I don't know, but things would certainly be more interesting than before.

However, I should ask one more question before I call this a day. "Since you're staying here, do you have a place to stay?"

It's a very important question, and then Shiraori shook her head and answered. "No, but it doesn't really mean much; I can easily make a house if I put a bit of an effort. Still, it's been a while since I've played house."

There was a hint of nostalgia on her face; I don't know what she was recalling, but it's probably best to ignore it.

Before I left, I asked D to give the card in my hand to its rightful owner, which was Alaya, but she refused, saying that if she were to meet the will of humanity, there was no doubt that she would deploy the counterforce and try eliminating her which was honestly adorable considering that's not happening.

While Alaya and her counterforce aren't a threat to her, however, they could be a bit annoying to deal with as they're constantly being revived by Alaya to try and eliminate her once more.

From her perspective, it's like ants endlessly trying to bite her to death.

That's why I left with no choice but to ask her for a favor, which she quickly accepted like her rejection didn't happen just now.

I was speechless at first. However, I realized that I'd been played; she did this on purpose just to get something out of me.

But since I already said that, I'd do her a favor, and there's no way I'd go back to my words now, as this was the very first lesson my sister taught me.

Once you give them your favor, you can't take it back or else none would take you seriously anymore.

To a magi, reputation was everything; that's why you have to be careful giving away favors, as it would bite you back in the ass if you're not careful.

D isn't a magus. However, it still applies because If you're only doing that to a certain group of people, then what's the point of honor?

And besides, pride also has to do with this as refuting what I already promised is simply a disgrace.

I went back home thinking that today had a lot of unexpected surprises, and as I entered the house once again I was surprised as someone I'm very familiar with visited.

It was a familiar blonde woman with the iconic princess drill hairstyle; it was Luviagelita Edelfelt, or I'd like to call her Luvia, who is also my childhood friend.

I noticed that she was talking with my 'wife' not really my wife, but more like the mother of my children.

The future number 1 idol of Japan. Ai Hoshino.

Finally, they noticed my presence, which gave two distinct reactions upon my arrival.

One was quite angry and betrayed, while the other was relieved and a bit at a loss.

"Oh my, the protagonist of the night is finally here!" Hearing that sarcastic voice, I couldn't help but cringe at that.

"You know, when I was on my way to surprise you with my visit after a few years of now seeing each other, do you know what I found after?" There was definitely anger in her tone, a bit of trembling in her voice indicating that she was hurt.

I didn't answer, but regardless she continued. "I found out that you had children, and a happy little wife."

As much as I wanted to deny that Ai isn't my wife, I couldn't because that wouldn't change anything at all.

After a moment of silence, I finally decided to reply. "I'm sorry."

That's the only thing I could say; if I say other things, then it would end up sounding like an excuse.

Luvia was blatant with her desire to be with me, it wasn't a secret to anyone who has a working eye.

But unfortunately, before we could go even further with our relationship, I was already out of reach, putting our relationship at a stalemate for years without any change.

That's why she felt betrayed by this situation, as she was supposed to be the one who should be in this situation and not Ai.

Upon hearing my reply, she let out a bitter smile. "That's it? Tell me, why did you choose her and not me? In terms of appearance, I don't think I'm losing at all, what about my talents? I don't think I'm lacking in that particular category, as for my status? I have more than she could have, so…why?"

I was really tempted to say directly to her that it just happened, but it would only make her dislike me even more.

That's why, at this moment, silence was golden; there's just a situation that requires being quiet.

Then, eventually, she decided. "I was originally going to stay here for the night but…I-i can't because I honestly don't want to see you right now."

With that, she left while trying to hold back her tears.

Seeing her live, I felt like an asshole; I mean, I am, but damn, this was seriously unfair for her as she knew me the longest.

Either way, I would fix this issue soon, but today is not the day, as chasing after her would only make the situation worse.

Then, finally, Ai remained quiet all the time and finally spoke. "Who was that girl?"

I answered with a sigh. "My childhood friend."

And suddenly as if she understood why Luvia was reacting the way she did.

"Ah, I see…" Ai muttered.

Anyway, I'm way too mentally tired to do anything right now. I need to rest.

But when I was about to, all of a sudden a notification indicated that one of my employees was calling for help.

This made me frown, but since Archer rarely does this kind of thing, the only time this happened was with Alaya.

Then, thinking about his issues with her made me feel irritated; if he hadn't interfered with the card-giving process, I wouldn't have done D a favor.

But it was already too late to regret it, so after a moment of decision, I went to the shop to check whoever made Archer ask for my help.

Then as soon as I arrived, I saw a familiar woman who seemed to have a rather 'pleasant' conversation with my employee.

By pleasant, I mean she made Emiya look irritated, and for her to be capable of doing something like that to him is quite an achievement of its own.

Then the ex-counter guardian finally saw me and said with a very irritated voice. "Please deal with this woman, I can't stand being with her for even a single moment."

I raised a brow at that, then shifted my attention back to the woman, who looked like she couldn't understand why he got angry.

"Hey, I know it's a bit sudden to ask you this, but what exactly did you do for him to be irritated by you?" 

The woman seemed a bit lost but quickly recovered. "Oh, yes. Well, I just told him that I wanted a solution of how to save everyone."

And immediately, it clicked to me as to why Emiya became irritated by her, as she was constantly reminding him of his idiocy.

"Oh, that's why. Right, I'm Alexander, the owner of this humble shop, and feel free to ask me any question; I would gladly answer you if It's within my knowledge." I did my usual introduction.

Then the woman's eyes brightened, she replied. "Oh, right. I suppose. It's only fair to introduce myself to you. My name is Echidna and The Witch Of Greed, and I want to know if there's an item or a solution that could save everyone."

That is how I met the Witch Of Greed.

Well, the greedy gal is finally here. Now, the question is, would become a father again? 

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be grateful.
