Chapter 7

"I finally found all of them!" A woman exclaimed. She started to cast a spell and dark fog surrounded her. She had just made a deal with the devil. This woman was Kira. She had a deep rich dark skin tone in contrast with the white cloth she was wearing.The devil just took half of her life span in exchange for another life. She was trying to revive her dead lover. Suddenly the ground started rumbling. A small light emerged from a crack in the ground and it enlarged. The light shaped into the body of a human. A handsome young man appeared from the light. "Hey Kira, my lovely~"He had pitch black eyes with a nice contrast on his white jade skin. He had sharp features and a nice deep alluring voice.

"Ace!" Kira ran to the man named Ace and hugged him affectionately. He hugged her back and patted her head. He then continued to warmly comfort her because she had started crying. "I missed you so much! I was going crazy without you!" Kira said through tears. A few tears later, Ace and Kira started talking about what had been happening in her life. She talked about the adventure she went on trying to find the three relics to revive him. While she was talking to him she sensed something was off with Ace. He felt like a different person somehow. She brushed it off thinking that she had just been overthinking things. They went into a town and got some food trying to make up for lost time when suddenly Ace asked "did you ever catch that assassin?" Kira responded by saying "no I almost did but he got away." In truth, she was regretful that she couldn't catch her lover's killer. Ace said it was okay but to Kira he seemed troubled by it.

They went home after their little date. But Kira and Ace sensed that something was wrong when they arrived at their house. Then suddenly they heard a violent sound of the wind. And a scratch appeared on Ace's face. "He's here." Ace said warily. "Kira! Go inside, I got this!" "No! I wont lose you again!" And so the battle began with the killer of her lover and the couple. They will fight until the opponent is dead. Kira lunged forward and punched the assassin in the face. While he was busy with Kira, Ace appeared behind him and knocked him out. The fight was over so fast that it was suspicious. Suddenly they smelled something in the air. It was poison! Since Ace was basically a corpse the poison didn't affect him but Kira was a different story. She had built up an immune system for all types of poison but this type that the assassin used was rare so she didn't bother with it. She felt drowsy and dizzy, and collapsed. "Kira!" Ace yelled. The assassin was laughing hysterically on the ground. Ace glared at him and if looks could kill the assassin would be dead. "You're going to regret that," Ace said in a sinister voice.

The assassin was locked in chains, both hands and feet. Ace stabbed him with a knife and then kept on penetrating his injuries over and over again. He then continued to do a traumatic removal of tissue and appendages. He then did a traumatic amputation. He started cutting off his fingers one by one. One finger for every hour Kira didn't wake up. "AGGHHHH!" The assassin screamed in pain as another finger had just been cut off. "STOP!PLEASE STOP!!"