And they call it a mine! A mine!

A/N pt 1. To those who made it this far, thanks! If you like it let me know! If you don't… my b?

~Apollyon Pov~

Our new round friend's eyes never stepped raking over the women's appearance if the small peak in his pants was any indication.

I could only shake my head as I started trying to figure which one of the girls would take action first.

A pink flash of light made it apparent who it was. The kitty doesn't like perverts. Good to know… for scientific purposes of course the great and majestic me only knows pure vibes.

Nodding my head to myself I watched the gruesome scene taking place in front of me as my new friend cut off… ah I can't even say that. I'll try though, he cut off his dagger with his own great sword. RIP.

"Hey Ri, was that the only way you could have taken care of him? You could have just had him stab himself?" I asked the cat girl, trying my damnedest not to antagonize anyone of the women in my group.

Snorting Rihasa growled out "Piggy, don't forget to stab each thigh and shoulder of yours like a good stuck pig." Turning her attention back to me, ignoring the man following her directions unhesitatingly "I have bad experiences with people who look at me like that and get erect. I no longer hold back. I hope you understand Apollyon." Her eyes dead, and promised pain any who tempted her anger.

Sighing I nodded. "Fair enough friend. Sorry in advance if I stare longer than I should. I won't let my base instincts control me but you all are gorgeous. Eye candy is to be appreciated not attacked." Nodding to myself I started my way towards where I thought the other two bandits were. Purposely avoiding the reaction, the girls had.

I only wanted to be honest and I don't really wanna deal with crazy any more than I have today. I just want to sleep. It's been a crazy two hours after all.


The two other bandits were currently in the same tent.. well, they were banging like rabbits. First thing I need is a tent that actually gives me privacy not something where I can see into it from either end. I get that they are practical for travel, but the idea that someone can see into it while I sleep is just a big no go.

Debating for a second, I activate the spell I just made, cause I'm a bad ass, silence. Choosing to ignore the happy couple of orc females, while I melt the lock on their chest of loot. Stealing their gold and a treasure map, I lean some steel armor that looks to be their size, after seeing only iron cuirasses lying around I think it's the least I can do.

Gotta spread good vibes somehow, plus they gave a pretty good show and I feel bad that I just thought that.

I'm strangely comfy with killing but killing just to kill doesn't make me feel full of rainbows and sunshine. Maybe my earlier glee was just because of the battle? It made me go into a frenzy like orcs supposedly do?

Alina went into a similar state as I did so this option is looking more and more plausible.

Hey wait a minute… the girls didn't come with me?

Walking back to where I left them all I see is a massive pool of blood and a dismembered sorry sap.

I know I shouldn't care about the random man who offended these vicious women, but they all were happily chatting away while big chief, was dismembered and organized like a poorly made charcuterie board. Honestly, it was almost scarier than the hash slinging slasher. That's high praise for their morbid artwork.

Aura rushed me again while the girls took notice of my return.

Ysona spoke first "Well? What's the plan? And where did you go?" crossing her arms under her peaks almost made me stare at a dangerous place but my will to not be horny till I was safe took hold.

"I think our best place to go for a nights rest is the nearby mine. First thing's first however, Alina and I need to pray at the standing stones. For most people they're nothing more than star signs, for us it gives a way to channel their power." Everyone's eyebrows raised in curiosity but I'm pretty sure they are all getting numb seeing me and Lin doing odd shit.

Woot, woot, I'm kinda an OP protagonist. Well if we ignore the fact that this is no longer a game so ancient warriors aren't streamlined and nerfed by attack patterns and cool downs cough, cough Miraak.

So stoked I'm not the dragonborn. Just a random Elf dragon combo that doesn't make sense ya know except that we are probably also descendants of Akatosh himself.

"Oooo, which ones are close, do you know?" Looks like Lin has something else to focus on besides Aura now.

"Warrior, Thief, and Mage. I think you should do Warrior or Mage. The Thief's benefits we can make up for with the use of spells at this point after all." Giving a brief analysis I gesture for our group to follow me as we move down the mountain.

As we get close to the rabbits, I subtly cast silence in a wide area around the group. Don't wanna co-… block them from having their fun after all.

Oh, little dizzy. Obviously, it would cost more magicka stupid.


"Since we are going to be walking for a while, anybody wanna chat about your future plans after with get to Riverrun?" satisfy my curiosity people.

"I'll go wherever you go for as long as it's fun. I think you and I's time together is nowhere near over and my blood starts pumping thinking about the Epics they'll write about our adventures!" Alina's grin split her face talking about her fantasies.

Ysona ponders for a moment before saying "Agryne saved my life during my own journey. As a blood debt must be paid, he asked me to join the legion with him in recompense." Her voice laced with melancholy " I don't really care for the legion though. They seem to be soft and refuse to take the war to the blue bitches."

Ysona your motherly appearance is slipping again.

"So, I guess since you spared me, and saved my life from the graying wench over there, my blood debt has transferred again. My life is yours to do with what you will." Bowing her head to me as she finished up.

"You don't have to give me your life or anything, but if you want to then…. I order ya to do what you want and live freely!" heh, your boi is smart.

"Then I'll follow you till I figure it out. Thank you, Apollyon." Ysona replies with a small smile.

Shit. She called my bluff kind of. Oh well, a badass is always welcome help.

"Oi, old bitch, who did you call a graying wench… I've had this hair color since birth. Rude ass..." as Lin's grumblings got quieter and quieter I moved on.

"Eve you want to get vengeance on the Thalmor so what's the plan there? I'm sure you'll grow stronger travelling with us. Problems are bound to follow me" thinking about the cute stalkers I now have I can only imagine the shit they'll pull to make it entertaining for them.

The dark elf's head snapped in my direction "it's Evangeline to you. I think I will stay with you as well. I need to better acquaint myself with fighting mages and soldiers alike if I am to assault the Thalmor stronghold I need, to gain my revenge. I'm willing to gamble that our varied group will gather their attention eventually. Then I'm hoping to convince you all to help."

"that's fairly manipulative of you to admit out loud Evie. I respect it." Truly this girl is and honorable assassin type huh? I think I'll try to help her burn the racists when the time comes.

"I believe my honesty is endearing. I would rather not hide my intentions from hopefully, long-term companions anyways." The second part was said in a voice quiet enough to escape all our ears.

Glancing at the two left "Ri, Anna it's just you two."

"I'm not sure. I want out of Skyrim but everywhere, and I mean everywhere, in Nirn currently hates Half-breeds. My family may be looking for me but I doubt it. Too many of us have been killed off lately, so I will just be written off as another casualty of the conflict I'm sure. Plus, we are nomadic merchants by trade, they are long gone and where they go only the winds know." Ri's floofy ears slowly flattened and fell the longer she thought about her family.

"Well, Ri, you're more than welcome to come along with us. Honestly, your talents will be a blessing, we just need to get you out of those royal robes and into armor or mage robes, then you'll fit in perfectly." Trying to throw a cheerful spin on my tone, all I got I response was a halfhearted smile and nod.

Women are tough. I can understand her thought process right now though. From the sound of it, her family more than likely just abandoned her and she just was forced to go through the hell that was Helgen.

I thought it was kind of fun but I also played through the soulsborne seki-ring in my past life, and looking at the memories of that game type I can only say my sanity has always been questionable.

"I'm all that's left huh? Well to be truthful... it sounds like a good way to make money. Which I love. I don't love the near constant life-threatening dangers, however. So, we will probably split at Riverwood unfortunately." Ah one is using logic, good job Anna. Run away from the Daedric/Divine champion, and the literal cinch point of the world, the Dragonborn.

"that's one hundred percent fair. I'd ask you to take Rihasa with you but I don't think either of you would like that." Stroking my chin as we finally wandered up to the standing stones I glance at Alina.

"Lin. I am going to activate the blessing of the Warrior. I think I can learn magic fairly easily myself, but an increased understanding of weapons and combat awareness would do wonders for me. I believe the mage stone will allow your magical understanding to skyrocket as well as help your pool of magicka explode." Smirking to myself I add "well if you want to go the way of the warrior, I won't stop you either. It's really a sight watching you tear through our enemies with a smile on your face" my smile gives way which I'd prefer.

Warrior women are hot, don't get me wrong. Witches are hot as hell with their better than thou attitude, but there's something about a well-muscled women with thick thighs and abs grinning like mad as she rips apart anything in her way. It's cute.

"Oh, definitely warrior then. We'll be the strongest warrior duo in history!" an excited glint shimmered through her eyes as she thought about the songs the people of Skyrim will no doubt sing about us.

As we both walked towards the stones I could feel my magic thrum in my veins. So this is what it feels like huh? The warrior stone seemed to sense my intent, lighting up with a deep blue glow as the constellation made its will known. I reached out to the stone and gripped it, feeling the power of the stars course through me a warmth flooded my veins like a solid buzz while drinking. Then it was over.

Nothing felt like it changed but I knew, that the magical star power I have flowing in my blood would allow my brain to retain and learn more from combat. Shit's wild, imagine if I had one in my last life that let me retain all my knowledge about media. I'd be undefeated in troll battles of the mighty typed word.

I guess I'll settle for having a clear-cut path to becoming an OP dragmer daedric/divine champion.

Stifling the need to sigh again by reminding myself I'm not a pineapple headed ninja, I stared at the lil dova next to me as she followed the same process that I just went through.

She smells like cinnamon and vanilla. That's weird, she should smell like lavender, right? Oh well it's nice. Patting her back I turned back to the group.

"Embershard is halfway between us and Riverwood, I don't know about you ladies, but I want to sleep. Since none of you had anything to say about spending the night camped out instead of trudging through to the village, I'm assuming you're okay with it." Grunts and nods of approval is all I get as Ysona's eyes appear to be drooping the longer we chat.

The mighty ball of gas had long ago started its descent so I figured we had maybe an hour or two to reach the mine which I had no idea where it was now that the world had grown. Only knowing it would show itself on the right of the cobblestone path towards the city.

"First things first, Aura time for you to go back sweetie. We'll call you tomorrow okay?" getting a semi-sad chirp in response I rubbed the cubs noggin before it tore space and time

What bullshit. Anyways.

"Me and Alina up front, Ri middle please. Ysona, Anna and Eve please back us up. The two of us will handle all threats except those to the rear, our race is… different and we grow exponentially with each battle we take part in. so just watch us grind please" my bobblehead companions did what they did best and their heads nodded.

Our trek was mostly silent till I finally spotted a small dirt trail leading from the road up towards the mountains on the right side of the path.

"I smell sweat and questionable things… I think I'm pretty angry about it actually." Anna's face turned into a snarl as she let the group know what awaited us.

"Bandits are class acts after all." Sigh well time to purge " I'm going in there and slaughtering everything that I deem a problem. I will not be humane and will probably rip them apart with my bare hands. If your stomach can't hang, then I understand if you want to wait till, I'm done. But something about bandits and their chose activities enrages me." my face didn't have a bloodthirsty smirk this time I'm sure, all it had was grim determination to add skulls to the skull throne.

~Anna Pov~

They have all probably already caught on. I mean I am not even trying to hide it anymore. Heh, well I know Apollyon has, he seems sharper than most even if a little idiotic sometimes. Oh, and demented, the man slaughters people with almost no hesitation. This is the first time he's looked even minorly serious after all.

As we walked up the hill, a small awning protected a heavy door leading deeper into the mountain. Standing out front is a Redguard warrior who undoubtedly has seen us as he chose to turn around and sprint into the mine.

Eh? Weren't Redguards the epitome of warriors? Their fearlessness supposedly rivaled by none? How cute. Unknown to me my wheat irises extended, pushing out the whites of my eyes as the pale gold color changed to a vibrant yellow. Looking rather beastly.

Feeling the urge to hunt, I crouch into a runners stance, my giant hammer on the ground behind me.

Sensing me somehow, "Runner's set. Go!" Apollyon yells as I push my body harder than it had been in ages. Even the fight against the execution squad was more of a light workout in comparison. I tore down the door to the mine in my blind charge with a simple shoulder bash. Without pausing I rushed down the hall watching the man in front of me clearly dodging a trip wire.

Fuck that, the fast route, is forward.

Cracking the ground with a push of my calf I launched forward, easily clearing the trip wire, and in one fluid motion, brought the hammer that had been dragging behind me in an overhand swing crushing the bandits head into his chest cavity. Blood erupted from several spots as bones tore their way through his skin, before crumpling his now dust legs.

The force behind the hit led to spiderwebs on the ground, even though most of it had been distributed to the newly shortened bandit. He must at least, be a head shorter.

Shit maybe I am just as crazy.

Thinking that now wasn't the time, I glanced ahead and saw two more bandits run up onto the small bridge I walked onto at the bottom of the hill. They saw the shortguard and drew their weapons.

Noticing that my rage was affecting me in a different way than most, I decided to keep charging forward. Fast is safe, brutal is efficiency, and hesitance is death.

My forearms had grown chestnut patches of fur, fingers elongating into claws, as I spun my hammer with efficiency off the ground into a devasting swing crushing the first unimpressive bandit's rib cage as he coughed out blood.

The light leaving his eyes clued me into how little time he had left.

The second bandit showed competence at the least launching himself backwards as his friend flew into the wall with a sickening crunch. Music to my ears. Fucking hate bandits.

Ah that's why he's alive, he's an orc. The thought went through my head as the final effects of the transformations took place. My limbs elongated, my head lengthening into a bestial maw, fur covered my body as all the articles of clothing I had were sent flying off my body.

I couldn't help it as a howl tore from my throat, marking the true start to my hunt.

Realizing to late, that the orc was only briefly stunned. He rushed towards me swinging a solid steel great sword with years of experience, towards my well exposed neck.

I need to get my impulses under control again. It's been too long since I've slipped like this. Ah well a mine is as good of a place as any to die.

The solid mass of lighting screamed as it flew through the air. Burning anything in its path including the upper body of the orc right before his blade started its quest to claim my head.

Glancing over my shoulder, I locked eyes with a pissed off Dragmer, wrapped in lightning. The rest of our group a couple of meters behind him.

Ah shit, I am on a team right now maybe I shouldn't hav- "Oi ya silly pup, get your ass in gear and eat these hearts. It's the best way for a pup like you to turn from a whelp, into a big bad she-wolf." Have let them see me… Huh? Who's okay with werewolves in this world???

We are the offspring of Hircine. One of the Daedri- ah. That was dumb of me. of course, they don't hate Daedra, they're part of the group of a potential Daedric champion after all.

Is he right? I'll tear these three's hearts out. Well maybe two. The short redguard has little left of anything protected in his ribs.

The first heart is… amazing.

~Apollyon Pov~

I was always a dog person anyways, and while this form may not be cute, it is a lot more badass than the game. No patches of fur missing, and those claws mean business.

Jogging over to the lever I know is waiting on the other side to drop the bridge I watch as Anna pops the hearts into her mouth like a gushers. I am again reminded that I'm not human as the scene doesn't disgust me just makes me curious about a lot of unsavory things.

Pulling the lever I watch as an unsuspecting bandit flashes pink before walking around the corner. Two groans of pain make me realize Ri had the first bandit kill his friend, then himself.

These girls must have forgot that I wanted to kill all of them. That and Alina and I would probably get some easy levels from this mine.


Well I guess it makes sense, the logical conclusion from what Anna smelt is people are being abused here. Ri seems to hate all perverts, Anna seemed to lose control with what she was smelling, the other girls are all ready for homicide as well if I had to guess.

Guess we'll let them vent out the bad vibes and stay out of their way. I got plenty of juicy XP earlier. Plus I can spend a couple hours using the forge with all the armor I have stored in my inventory.

As all my contemplations were going through my head the girls had long since pushed into the mine ahead of me.

Trailing behind them, I found bodies strewn along the cave floor, bisected, burned, impaled by their own weapons, some just simply smashed. All were missing their hearts. Anna likes hearts huh?

Surprisingly not a single prisoner in any of the cells, no traces of any abuse actually… just several mostly naked dudes… RIP

Ignoring everything about this situation for my currently very weak mental health I decided the earth could have the bodies.

My magicka dug into the ground, creating shallow graves under the bodies as I stole- looted their corpses. Just as quickly as they died, they were buried. The process was simple and would allows us all room to walk around tonight without dealing with bodies scattered around the cave.

Finally catching up to my girls… none of them are mine… yet.

Nah I'm just joking I'm not a confident Chad. I am sexy as hell right now though and well hung. Don't blame me, blame the horny primal entities who let me make my new body. So I could probably score easy lays.

I don't think I like the sound of that though, would rather build something fun with someone I want in my life for a long time. Like Alina… maybe... probably.

Marriage in skyrim always seemed like an easy thing though. Everyone understood that life comes at ya fast. I mean the amount of times I got jumped by nature's critters, bandits, cultists, zombies, daedra, werewolves, vampire, literally anything that could be hostile, just goes to show how dangerous this world is. Not everyone is the dragonborn, or even gifted magically making survival a genuine triumph over the world. Nirn as a whole, is lowkey fucked huh.

Anyways we'll deal with feelings as they show up.

I entered the last cavern of the mine which conveniently had a pool of water at the base of the waterfall. Honestly, the mine is a great base… maybe I'll spend a while renovating it at some point. First, I got to buy it from Balgruuf. One of the only leaders who thinks with his head not a misguided rage at their supposed enemies.

All but ripping off my clothes except my potato sack trousers I march my way to the natural pool. Pouring magicka to my palms I push fire into the water bringing the temperature up to hot tub levels.

Sinking my shoulders down into the water. I close my eyes ignoring the bloody femme fatales in the room. Each had torn apart some members of the conclave of lover bandit men.

Time to sort through some of these notifications.

"My champion!" or not as a ball of purple light showed up in front of me. It was quickly joined by a rainbow ball as well.

"You have done plenty of good in your first day on Nirn, I knew I was correct I choosing you!" the rainbow bounced up and down with happiness.

"No! you tore apart all of the soldiers with no mercy. Not a single one escaped your murderous rampage!" the purple ball made her presence know after having her moment broken.

" I don't think I did either of those really Amy, Mara. I just did what I wanted to and what would benefit me the most." I'm not a good person, but I also won't go out of my way to ruin people's lives… maybe chaotic neutral?

" Whether you meant to or not is of no consequence. My dear champion, you saved dozens of lives with your direct action, and thousands of others by buying them time to escape. Alduin summoned some others of his kind and razed Helgen to the ground, but because you forced him to retreat for a while, many were able to evacuate! You could have just left them all to fend for themselves, but you did your best to give them some time. If that's not good I do not know what is." Mara's ball of light was practically vibrating with glee.

Amy wouldn't sit quietly while her counterpart rattled off praise for their champion "You could have cowed those men and women into submission with a show of strength. The prisoners were, despite appearances, not all bandits. Yet you slaughtered all of them. While it may not have been evil, you pushed back three of my stronger servants. Not the pinnacle by any stretch mind you, but you showed strength in defeating them with a smile on your face. You dominated them…. It was so perfect" Amy basically purred that last part.

I'm so glad I can only see the balls of light, otherwise their face splitting grins would freak me out and turn me on all at the same time. Fight me they are godly beauties! Plus what I did made them happier than I thought possible.

"Thank you for the praise you two, and the chances you've give me.. I'm having a lot of fun" a soft smile spreads across my face as I stretch my shoulders and arms. Fighting makes your muscles tight. I am sure I could use restoration magic to take care of it, but I kind of like the natural relief I'm feeling I'll take care of it in the morning.

"Amy, can I ask a favor?" I think I have a good idea.

"Hmmm, what is it?" the purple ball finally stops humming with delight.

"my boon I got from you… can I ask for some changes?" glancing at the women around the room who have their ears trained on my conversation with the deities in front of me. Alina and Eve are making their curiosity blatantly obvious as they stare right at me.

The purple orb flashed and a black sphere stretched the length of the pool blocking our conversation from the outside world I'm sure.

Amy manifested on the edge of the pool next to me, legs crossed and hanging in the water.

"Was my gift to you not good enough." A hint of anger made itself known in Ammit's voice.

"That's not the issue Amy, I just think my body is already leveling up without my input so I was hoping the points that would go to magicka, health and stamina would be able to change to an extra skill point or two. I can tell that draining my magicka is boosting my own max amount, all the exercise/combat is increasing my "health" and stamina. I think this is the best way to use your generous boon especially if you were to I don't know… make my body more likely to grow with training ." explaining my logic I felt kind of bad that Amy thought her gift to me wasn't good enough.

Bouncing her legs, the Daedric princess looked cute while biting her thumb in contemplation.

"Do you want anything from me Poly?" Mara's innocent face appeared sitting next to me as she looked up at me. for some reason her hair had changed from being blonde to a shimmering rainbow.

"the body you helped me make, I have zero changes I'd like to add to my appearance… but I do have a request… I feel bad for asking you though." This is so uncomfy, but It's a long term wish that will make everyone happier in the future.

"If you want it, I don't mind rewarding you. Tell me please." Mara's face looked serene and mildly amused as she spoke.

Leaning down I whispered what I'd like.

Blushing up a storm she said " I can do that, but only three…" a ball of rainbow light appeared and she pushed it into my lower stomach, a warm wave of energy pass through my body. Making me feel like I just was massaged for several hours.

"That should be fine Apollyon… as a reward I don't mind altering your boon. Your body will just have a "x2 xp boost" training bonus. I think that's the right saying." Amy dropped into the pool on the opposite side of me as Mara.

"That's perfect thank you both so much!" a wide, warm smile spread across my face at the thought of these two helping me so much. "I really am so glad you both chose me."

My eyes were closed at this moment of happiness so I missed their enamored stares and blissful smiles at my expression. Glancing at eachother a knowing nod was shared.

"We have to go now. Please keep sending us prayers. They're fun and if we can, we'll even try to respond from now on!" Amy said with some conviction.

A devious glint went through Mara's eyes as she said, "Congratulations on being unbound." Giggles at the jab made at my expense from both Ammit and Mara echoed as my expression dropped.

"Well… goodbye then you two. Please visit if you get the chance okay? I'd like to bake something for you at some point. I feel like it's something I was good at once upon a time. Not so much cooking just baking." Flashing the two a sad smile, I was surprised when I felt two pairs of lips on my cheeks before the black veil surrounding me disappeared along with the ones who made it.

Welp we are just gonna ignore that. They aren't beings I can fall for right now. I'll leave that problem for future me. Yep, that's the mos-


An unknown flying object just barreled into my side more than likely breaking all my ribs. Looking down all I see is a grey haired, horned head glued to my side.

"Lin, I know you saw all that, but I'm 100% okay. Well I was till you tackled me ." chuckling I say to the ball of worry glomped to my side.

"They aren't taking you away. I want new experiences and adventures with you. So, sit your ass down and don't leave" her tail snaked it's way around my waist in the water. Her top was gone leaving her only with her red bra, and her potato sack pants.

That's… super nice of her. Being so protective for me probably means feelings are brewing but whether that's as friends is to be determined. I mean I don't think anyone (except goddesses who have literally watched my life) would fall for me in less than a day.

We build healthy relationships here.

"Ammit and Mara wouldn't take me away for a long while I imagine. They both are using me as entertainment and my story with them has just barely started." Wrapping my left arm around her massaging her scalp in between her horns with my hand.

All I got in response was the smaller than me dova wrapping herself around me tighter.

Right now she's like a snake coiling around their- friend… yep friend.

What are the others doing right now? Let's focus on that brain.

Ysona and Eve have already followed Alina's example stripping out of their armor leaving themselves in chest wrappings and shorts? Not really sure where that came from but oh well. Ri had just stuck her legs in choosing to leave most of her clothes on.

Anna's pup form was on all fours walking around the pool splashing just as eagerly as her animal counterpart no doubt would.

It was all strangely calming.

No one spoke we just sat enjoying the pool and waterfall. Soaking our worries away.

After spending what I guess is at least an hour in the pool, it's hard to tell time in the cave. I stood, with the Lin still clinging to me. Walking to the forge I sat her down on the side where she could still see me. I pulled all the armor from my inventory. Any that had metal attached was separated out an put to the side. All the fur and hide armors were stuffed back into my inventory.

"Lin, can I have all the gladiuses please?" the dragmer nodded at my request. Dumping them from her inventory then taking her seat again.

While she grabbed the swords I requested, I willed my magicka into the ground, imagining the structure of a smelter to come from the ground. Once it had I thought about what I wanted to heat the metal. My conclusion was simple, magicka. If the whole weapon was forged under magical conditions would the result be just as incredible as the process?

Willing the ground of the smelter to turn into charcoal via alteration I started my bullshiter- I mean, forging process. Lighting the charcoal was easy through destruction magicka, and I realized my magicka was running low, so I decided to activate the #1 cheat that us Dragmer have, Dragonicka. This racial ability doubled magicka regeneration for sixty seconds in the game, also it was able to be cast repeatedly, indefinitely. As I used it for the first time in my new life however, I realized the cost was not my body's stamina, but my mental energy.

Regaining focus as fast as possible I pushed my magicka into a solid iron cuirass, making it denser and denser. The old, worn, gray metal turning into a heavy black extra-large ingot as sweat poured from my brow. It's hard manipulating the world, no matter how easy that shrimp made it look, shit is tough. Before moving on I gathered the 4 gladiuses that Lin had dropped for me, repeating the process that I went through with the cuirass. Feeling my Dragonicka kick in to restore my now empty reserves, I took a breath as I walked the lump of metal to the smelter.

I learned with my previous weapons that magic could create my weapons but without enough materials, they would be mostly hollow and fragile. Which works in a pinch, but making one from scratch myself would allow me to make it as cheesy as I'd like.

Using my Blacksmith skill knowledge, plus the hours upon hours of watching homemade and master craftsman videos from my last life, a little bit of author's bs, and a whole lot of hammering with a quick cast of alteration magic to make my forge tools from some more of Alina's drops, 4 hours past. Through the entire process I soaked the blade in my magicka, willing it to be more durable, unbreakable, and the perfect partner for me.

Panting covered in sweat and metal flakes, a crude, unsharpened great sword sat in front of me. Not quite a scimitar, the blade had a slight curve at the tip, it was about 1.8m (6'2) in length from tip of the blade to the pommel. The black had lost some of its luster through the forging process, creating a dull black sheen across the blade. There was a simple cross guard with pointed tips in either direction. I go cocky and made a dragon head from some leftover metal, that lead towards the pommel of the blade. The pommel itself, simply had a swirling design nothing as extravagant as the rest of the blade.

I feel so satisfied looking at this blade. It looks like it will truly be a good partner for dancing on a battlefield. Granted it will be more like mosh pit dancing, I'm not elegant like the little dova after all.

All that's left is finding a soul gem to aid in carving ruins on it, and this sword will be bad ass as hell. Let's see if the magicka infusing help with magic casts on the blade itself.

Pushing lightning magicka into the blade, it focused on tip of the blade as I slashed forward towards the cave wall, the result? A long gash in it the size of the blade. What I did not expect was the backlash, a completely depleted magicka reserve and my body almost gave out from the exertion. There has to be more… walking slowly to the gash in the wall, I realize, I can't see where it ended.

Turning back I noticed the girls staring at me with awe, apparently having watched me for a while as they are all dried off. "Lin can you come make a mage light for me?" briefly explaining the concept to her, she did as I asked. 5 ft…10…20… 40ft of solid stone carved through with ease. Honestly it could have been more but I couldn't see the light anymore.

Laughing from the depth of my soul, "Hahahaha how overpowered am I? I'm so talented" tears started to form at the corners of my eyes as I just laughed and laughed.

Breaking out of the revelry at my own skills I'm met with looks of determination, awe, and curiosity.

"if you all look me like that I'll blush, and someone who looks like me should never blush you know? I'm basically a monster ya know?" my shit eating grin clued them in as some chuckled.

Anna's wolf form seemed to have had enough though, as I saw some fur and bones shrinking. Hurriedly, I tossed the bear pelt I had over her shoulders. I don't think she'd appreciate me gawking at her at all.

"What was that? You didn't enchant the sword??? By all rights that sword should have shattered. You poured so much magicka into it, no metal can conduct magicka without enchantments placed on them. So can you explain?!?" Rihasa's waving tail clued me in that despite how startled she sounded it was genuine curiosity.

Despite popular belief, I have no fucking clue what I am doing.

"To be honest with you Ri, what I just did was an experiment. I was always curious about why genuine magic swords didn't exist, but I think the answer is that no one besides Dragmer has enough magicka to constantly saturate the metal." Letting my tired little brain think "honestly, I bet if I did it again with a focus in mind, it could even absorb magicka from its surroundings to power itself with whatever magic I choose. I also don't think I'm anywhere near powerful for any of that yet."

Gathering anna up in my arms, keeping the pelt between us "I'm thinking that my sword as it is now, is simply a weapon that strengthens my magic cast. It's somehow turned into a magical focus if you will." As I walked up above the forge towards the splayed out bedrolls I thought for a second before shaking my head.

I laid the pup on the ground using alteration magic for the last time turning the large bear pelt into a comfy sleeping bag with a hood that had wolf ears.

Sue me.

"Now if you'll all excuse me, I think it's the dragon in me talking, but that forge looks so damn comfy." Climbing into the burning coals I sprawled out, cracking seemingly every bone in my body before I abruptly passed out. Dreaming of a sword that would could call meteors and slice glaciers with ease, my half-dead brain turned off for the day.


"You three realize how insane what he just did was right?" Apollyon is amazing. What the hell was that. We just saw what can only be a master at work. I thought the illusion spell he cast to kill the bear was as logic bending as my day could be.

"Poly keeps breaking my common sense, things the elders of my island installed in all of us from hatching. How fun" Alina's eyes seemed dreamlike as a glint of madness flashed through them.

Out of all the women here I can't understand her motivations for coming along with Pol- Apollyon. He's a trouble magnet, not a good person, but he saved us so, not a bad person? I'm following him because I believe that he can teach or even help me succeed in my vengeance.

Ysona lost her lifelong goal back in the skirmish with the Daedric forces so she latched on to the first "savior" figure she saw. Which is weak and Apollyon called her out on it subtly to be sure, but he did.

Rihasa… isn't innocent. She is probably seeking a way to manipulate the group into doing what she wants. I'll have to be careful around her. I'd rather not slit my own throat or whatever she'd "ask" me to do.

Anna is the most level-headed out of all of us. How he reacted to her though may change her mind come morning though.

I think I speak for all of us when I say, that watching him forge was incredible. Every swing rippled across his sweaty muscles. It was like watching an artist paint, if the paint was red hot metal, and the brush was a hammer. Similar enough in my mind.

Not to mention how the magicka in the room practically raced to answer his call. Singing in tandem with the performance he put on at the anvil. Everything about it doesn't make any damn sense… using normal logic…

Wasn't the whole process incredibly simple though? Why wouldn't it work? The sword shouldn't have melded with the magicka. The metal should have been erased by the raw energy emitted from it.

Unless he fused magicka in during the original alteration process in from iron to whatever metal he changed it to. I don't think it's ebony after all. Maybe a kind of alloy?

"To be honest, I think I'll stick with him till it's time to hang up my swords. I've been with the man what? 6 hours? He's yet to do a single thing that hasn't shocked or impressed me." Ysona said with a little bit of awe seeping into her voice before a small frown took over her features "you know, outside of him slaughtering my unit. Still kind of pissed about that."

Rihasa ignored our conversation picking a bedroll before casting what looked like a very amateurish version of Apollyon's water cleansing spell. Merely succeeding in pushing high pressure water at the fur mat. Her face scrunched in frustration at the fact she couldn't get her wanted result.

Alina, still somewhat with a lost look on her face walked over to the upset kitten, gathering bed rolls along the way. She grabbed the soaking wet mat as well walking towards the pool.

Oh that might work but what about the drying spell?

Manipulating the water from the ball into a sphere, while pulling lavender out she cast the spell Apollyon had used with frightening ease. A blue flash from her scales was all I needed to see before I understood. She too has the whatever ability he used to pull the magicka to herself, allowing her pool to seemingly never dry up.

She cast her drying magic on the fur blankets and padding. As the glow surrounding her died down, she passed them out to each of us.

"I have first watch, then the cat, then the ogre, then Evangeline will wake us up at the end of her shift. Everyone alright with that?" the dragmer female spoke with mild disinterest.

Besides a snort of disdain from Ysona, and a look of jealousy from Rihasa no doubt annoyed that she couldn't perform the magic that Alina made look simple, all of us nodded in agreement.

Watching the girls separate to different parts of the room I thought I should probably do the same. As I climbed the ramp leading towards the second floor I glanced back at the forge seeing Alina kneeling beside the forge with her arms crossed on the stone edge, gazing at the sleeping man in the charcoal with flames of determination burning in her eyes.

Shaking my head, I carried on.

Taking a bed roll to a small cave behind the waterfall I lulled myself to sleep thinking about the steps I was taking to avenging my people.

'these people will turn the world upside down, all I have to do is convince them that helping me is worth it' was my last thought as my eyes closed falling into the comforting darkness of sleep, cause my character was written lowkey chuuni.


A dragmer who isn't locked by tradition. Poly is smashing everything I know with simple actions. Everything he's doing isn't groundbreaking, it's just slight adjustments to a process that had already been "refined" why would any want to change it?

He doesn't see that though. He's just doing what he wants, not worried about failure, just actively trying to learn more, grow more, gaining strength and just doing what he wants.

He's the most Dragmer, Dragmer alive. The embodiment of unbridled curiosity, strength, pursuit of what he sees as worthwhile.

The people of my island stagnated, that's why we fell I'm sure of it. We stopped growing and seeking new things to add to our hoards. We thought we were the strongest and we were burned by our pride.

What good is pride, in the face of absolute strength?

I wonder if Poly will want to destroy, the one who took down my island? I don't particularly care about the people of my island anymore. They weren't strong so they died, but I don't feel love that he's still out there and hunting the rest of us.

Mehrunes Dagon… if you come for us, I'll send you back to Oblivion myself.

Somewhere in the planes of oblivion, a red skinned being felt chills crawl up his body for the first time since the oblivion crisis.

A/N pt2. I liked this chapter. It's a little shorter than the others, but I felt like it was a good spot to end tbh. If you like my book let me know in the comments. If there's something you think I should add or change feel free to let me know. Who knows I might even do it. Thanks for reading this far! I'm having more fun with this than I thought. Oh and save your stones for the greedy guys who extort stones please.