Riverwood, the beginning.

A/N: I'll be straight with ya, not a huge fan of most of this chapter but everything is somewhat important believe it or not. I just struggled making it happen in a way that I think fits the story. If you could leave a review or a comment to let me know how I'm doing, I'd appreciate it. If not, fair. Either way, enjoy!

~Apollyon Pov~

I woke up with a dull ache in my bones like I just finished a 12-round fight with Chungus, I opened my eyes to see fire and charred wood everywhere around me.

Snapping up right, "FU- oh… my bad."

My tan cheeks probably are a little pink right now, I mean I woke up in a forge. The first thing when I open my eyes is a desolate looking landscape of fire and coal? Nahhhhh.

Luckily none of the girls seem to have noticed/woken up with my startled manly screech of abject terror.

Glancing around I notice that everyone is till passed out. Hm well I guess I can go outside for a second. Carefully climbing out of the forge and over a slumped over Lin, I make my way towards the exit behind the waterfall.

This really would be the best base of operations for a small team of people, or my personal house. I love everything about it, you can easily turn it into a prestigious abode, worthy of the men carving homes out of stone with nothing but wood and stone. Documenting their progress in time lapses… although, they like pools a bit too much.

"Goo-" a whispering voice in my ear startles the shit out of me.

"Hol-" a hand smacks down on my lips silencing my cries, luckily, I have my browns pants on.

"Apollyon it's me. Please be quiet the rest are still resting after yesterday." Evangeline's smooth voice finally makes me realize I'd been scared by my loyal dark elf assassin homie.

She still wore just her shorts, boots and chest wrappings. "Ah I'm sorry. As comfy as the forge was, it's not the most calming place to wake up in." ignoring the super attractive elf, I turned away and continued on my way out of the mine. "I'm stepping out for a bit, if you need me come find me."

As I stepped outside, I reached both of my arms towards the sky. Cracks resounded through my body as a slight green energy left both of my hands, stretching the around every aching part of me.

It wasn't a normal healing spell, it was simply meant to hurry the recovery and development of my muscles. While I am jacked, it didn't mean that I shouldn't maximize every single action of mine. As my muscles made themselves stronger, my stomach roared at the lack of nutrients in my body. I forgot to eat… anything yesterday.

Well, it was pretty hectic. Stupid dragon. Not Amy and Mara's fault. It's the big snake's fault for not disciplining his kid. I'm not biased you are.

Giving my roaring belly a slap "don't worry bud, we'll get ya something quick as can be."

A red glow lit up my hands turning my vision black and white, except for pulsing red figures. Detect life may have been a small time spell in the game, but it's functionality was insane.

Going to war and need scouts? Afraid of an Ambush? Hunting? Wondering if your girl is cheating on you? Need blackmail on you boss? All made incredibly easier with one spell.

Spotting a family of rabbits, I walked in the opposite direction. Sorry stomach bear with it. You know how I feel about the adorable balls of fur. Especially those ears.

This is something I should probably work on… Fluff does not always mean good. I mean look at Ri, she's a psycho who makes people kill themselves with pink magic. Stressful. Still want to feel her ears though.

Moving on.

Flashing the spell like a rave light, I managed to find a couple nests of Pine thrushes. Collecting 12 eggs between four nests, I stumbled onto a creature I damn well knew was not a part of the game.

A pig, not a warthog, boar or anything similar. A giant, pink pig. This thing is standing at 1.5m (5ft) tall. Probably weight close to 600lbs and is a thick boi.

Casting silence, I moved into position behind the piggy. Channeling a needle of lightning, I leapt into the air and turned into hog rider as my needle pierced his brain.

Or that was what was supposed to happen.

His skin dispersed my magicka with ease. Noticing that he now had a unwanted weight on his back the pig started bucking tossing me off it's oily yet slightly furry back. His "fur" was a transparent color almost invisible unless you were really looking for it. Unfortunately, it was wasted on a bright pink skinned animal.

Landing with a superhero stance my jaw dropped realizing the pig was magic proof. Not taking offence to the shame of not killing a pig in one blow I bow my head a bit in apology for doubting the beast in front of me; before deciding this was a good opponent to try magic attack that weren't technically magic attacks on.

As the pig turned to face me with rage, he was met with an earth spike piercing his dome. This happened as a result of me channeling my inner blind bandit with an aggressive stomp fueled with magicka. Unlike the legend herself who focuses on lethal take downs, mine were meant to kill and in turn were viciously sharp.

Noted. The new theory is that as long as the magicka is affecting something that already exists, it voids magic defense. Ice spike might also work, I don't think it will unless I envision the ice forming from particles in the air and not just an ice spike made from pure magicka flying at my enemies. So power of creation vs magic resistant enemies is a no go, but my magic affecting the world to attack is great.

Needs more testing.

Activating my Dragonicka, the dull throb passes through my head as I create a pillar of stone lifting the pigs body. After it's off the ground I will my magicka to change the pillar into a handcart. Wiping a couple beads of sweat from my head, I drag the pig towards my companions.

Getting to the entrance leading back to the mine I leave the piglet and walk inside. "Hey girls I need a hand so I can get breakfast ready before we head out." As I holler to them a familiar green light encases me making my muscles relax and mend.. again. Maybe a stone cart with the fat boi was a bad idea.

Anna must have smelled the pig because she practically sprints up the stairs to help me. Between the two of us we brought the pig towards the ramp leading down towards the forge and let him roll the rest of the way.

Nodding to myself I take out a skillet one of the Stormcloaks had on their body, cheering him on mentally for being prepared. Using my bounty to make us breakfast of seared pork steaks and eggs. Granted it's bland as shit, I don't have spices after all. Or even a splash of milk and maybe a sprinkle of cheese to give the eggs the ol' razzle dazzle.

Alina's shoveling the food into her mouth like an uncultured swine… well we don't have silverware but still the makeshift bowls that we made from a woman's chest plate should be good enough right?

As everyone digs into the food, I notice that everyone is dressed in their armor/traveling clothes and basically ready to go. Well as the kind of leader I guess I should make the plans for the day… what a drag.

"Well, the plan is to make it to Riverwood by noon, then we'll split. I'm going to talk to Hadvar and sell almost all of the loot we got, besides the full metal armors that are left over. I might forge some equipment for those who choose to stay with me during the rest of the day. After that I think I'll head to a nearby tomb to retrieve a stone that I heard about in passing." Hopefully I'll be able to dodge the hidden blade of Riverwood throughout my time there. She should stay inside the inn but who knows what a real person will be doing. Free will is terrifying. Plus that might be the only inn, in town.

"I guess I'll look around for someone selling camping gear and travelling supplies then. Maybe they'll take the weapons off our hands too!" Lin says cheerfully, looking fully satisfied after the shoddy meal.

That was something I hadn't thought of yet to be honest, good looks lil Dova.

"I will stick with you, Apollyon." Eve… you don't have to worry about me disappearing. I want to learn from you just as you want to learn from me. Anti-mage attacks? Broken.

Don't get me wrong I'm fire proof but, if me and Lin can make crazy shit happen, so can someone somewhere. I know we are special, but talent and hard work are bound to yield crazy results in a magical world where men can become gods. I mean just look at Ri's mend bending abilities, shit can get weird here.

Hermaeus Mora… oh no, those tentacles deserve to be burned. Put the weird shit to the back of your mind and focus Poly.

"Hmmmm, I think I'll stay with you all after Riverwood. While we are there though, I will probably go to the Tavern or a vendor and see if anyone has some spell tomes I can study… I'm going to be traveling with monsters after all." Rihasa's voice peters out towards the end making it impossible to hear all she says.

"Ah! Ri, there's a Khajiit caravan that loops to Whiterun every now and then. Maybe they have information that you can use or they'll let you travel with them." Scratching the back of my head guiltily "I know you'd rather be in a safer environment than the shit that's bound to be chasing me down."

Rihasa's back straightens along with her tail and ears at my comment before vigorously shaking her head no "I don't think I want to join random traders ha..ha"

Right, definitely doesn't have some kind of history with the caravan's travelling Skyrim. Nope she's just scared of strangers mhm that's what it must be. The cute kitten has already proven to be borderline psycho with her choice in magic, but oh well she gets bonus points whenever she acts like a demure and shy young lady for sure.

"Yeah, that's fine! I just thought you might feel more comfy with them than us. I'm glad you like us enough to stick around though! I think you should focus on finding Restoration, and Illusion magic. Don't look down on Restoration, I know of a healer who's magic literally made people explode with a touch." my shit eating grin split my face for the zillionth time since I came to this world. Cat girl get. Plus, she's cute when she's flustered… and when she's looking at others with disgust. Don't judge me, the disparity between the two attitudes just adds to the attraction maybe?

"I like exploring caves for treasure… would you mind if I came along? I don't need much in Riverwood, but I can help Alina shop!" Anna had a light blush on her face as she anxiously waited for our answer.

Smiling gently, "I'd be glad to have a badass like you stick with us for as long as you'd like." I'm really lucky to have found my new companions. Anna nods her head and starts gathering up the bedrolls from the night before, getting as far away from the conversation as she can.

This world is absolutely nuts, and here I have some people who no doubt will become powerhouses on their own.

"I want to watch you work. My mother didn't have time to teach me how to forge but watching you forge is beautiful If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be your assistant to try and learn your forging style." Ysona crossed her arms with a determined expression.

My style huh, sighing " I don't have a forging style, and that was the first time I have ever forged. I watched some people forge but what I did was anything but how normal people forge. What I did was all improvisation, magicka and a fair amount of bullshit. I'd be happy to explain my thoughts as I work though. Trying to describe my instincts might be tough though… Will that be good enough?" an assistant with my random efforts? That might be odd or work extremely well.

"No one taught you how to forge?? Your instincts… fuck you" Ysona's eyes were wide before simply snorting and turning away from the rest of us. "I'll be in your care then, sir." Her gruff reply made me chuckle awkwardly.

Woohoo, I have 5 travelling homies with dark, mysterious, and depressing backgrounds, that will give me the equivalent of their own campaign like story lines. How fun.

"Well let's get going! I want to see what the world has to offer!" gathering up all of our supplies, including the skinned pig meat, his magic hide, but leaving his thick bones on the ground we made our way out of the cave.

Bye bye my dream home in the making. When I come back I'll be sure to make you the best underground house this side of Tamriel.

The sound of a portal took my attention away from my own hole in the ground.

Aura stretched her wings and took off, flying into the sky after snorting at me and Lin. Apparently frustrated that she hadn't been allowed to join us in exploring Skyrim much. The cub's temper tantrum resulted in her flying northeast, the direction we were headed in anyways.

Taking the vanguard spot with Lin we all walked in content silence, probably all of us absorbing what had happened in the last 24 hours. I mean, going from being prisoners, fighting a dragon, wiping out a room after room of soldiers, rescuing 3 questionably sane women, brawling with a Daedric hit squad, and clearing a men loving men bandit cave, I know I'm still not mentally recovered. These girls just might be though, they grew up in this world.

I know that my experiences weren't that tough if I have this much knowledge about "fictional" worlds. *Sighs*

Letting my mind wander half an hour of walking led us through trees as we started seeing small homesteads appear as the road winded next to the slowly rushing waters of a river. The mountains around as loomed with their snowcapped peaks reaching for the sky. Small wildlife such as rabbits and squirrels and things I don't know the name of danced through the trees as we walked. When I played the game I enjoyed the scenery it showed, increasing my wonder as mods kept coming out to increase the quality. Seeing it in person, with a body that can touch and interact with it, is a whole different story.

The people of Nirn are surprising too. If you think about it, trolls are scary yes, but Draugr? They are the people's ancestors that followed the dragon priests and are now their slaves till the end of time in exchange for their devotion. Having almost their complete strength some even able to use their thu'um? Nuts that most of them just brush it off like "Yeah just killed great, great, grandad yesterday. Old bastard is still strong as hell. Whipped out a Frost Atronach and killed a bear before I put him down." The hell?

Their mental resilience is beyond admirable at this point.

I need to toughen up a bit, I'm fine with all the killing due to whatever Amy and Mara did, but my life is bound to get crazier day by day. I need to figure out how I'm going to deal with it. Forging brought me a lot of peace and could be a good stress relief. Maybe finding other hobbies, like alchemy and enchanting will help my brain relax.

As I'm lost in my thoughts, I fail to notice an arrow hurling towards me.

Anna doesn't though. Leaping through the air, the kind pup snatches the arrow out of the sky dragging her hammer behind her. A small dust cloud sprouts from the ground as her feet hit the ground, her hammer propped up on her shoulder, the arrow snapped in half in her left.

She dropped the arrow as she stared at the guard tower that had fired the arrow with hollow eyes and a promise of violence.

Guard tower? How long have we been walking? I glance up to the sun and am startled to realize that we have been walking for several hours. It's the damn afternoon now. Hopefully no one tried to talk to me.

"What should we do? That tower is far away, but I can see that imperials have set up in the town for some reason. I thought Whiterun is a neutral party?" Rihasa's eyes did wonders in scoping them out.

"First things first" walking up and looming over Anna my hand reached out " thank you pup, that would have hurt if not for you" a smile reaches my lips as I pat her head.

Anna freezes for a moment, then stares at me "we are probably around the same age you know? I don't like head pats either. Make me a badass hammer if you're truly thankful. Bitch." Growling out the bitch she returns to the back of the group.

What? The legendary head pats didn't work?! My poor heart… hahah nah what she said is totally fair, but I really wanted to pat her head. It was a crazy cool thing she just did. Got it, head pats are for those who want them not a girl who rips out hearts and pops them like a fat kid with a pack of gushers. I am not in a harem anime after all. This world will get a wee bit to bloody for it to be a nice easy slice of life.

A cloud blocked out the sun making the world a little darker… eh? There was no cloud earlier? Looking up all I see is arrows.

"well, I guess we are fighting in the shade ladies." Channeling my magicka into the ground around us I raise my hands slamming them down. As two sloped pieces of earth spring from the dirt around us, meeting eachother in a point, forming a triangle shield of cover to stop the arrows. As the hundred or so arrows glance off my improv shield, I look at all of the girls "I think they are probably scared due to the dragon, and maybe they ran into some of the Tieflings with mine and Lin's looks they might think we are some of them? Those are some of the only reasons I can think of that they'd shoot at us on sight."

There shouldn't be that many soldiers here however… unless Tullius left a detachment on his way to solitude after escaping Helgen. It was their fort town, so the number of soldiers had to have been high. We only killed a couple dozen…

Shit maybe it is the legate that Ysona had talked me into letting go?

"Poly. Can I kill them?" Lin's eyes were opened wide with rage. As I glanced at the others I was surprised at how angry every single one of them were. Even Ysona had an extremely displeased look on her face.

She muttered "… absolutely no order… idiots didn't even check to see who we are... no discipline" um Ysona they just survived a dragon attack, who they thought were long killed off, and now a group of six beings are walking towards them. Two with their own horns and tails, all armed to the teeth with weapons, and each of us wearing some kind of armor… I'm not that surprised they are freaking out.

"I'd rather we avoid fighting the imperials in public until we are all stronger. Especially in a town that we need to start our journey. The next closest city is, by my best estimates, at least another day's travel from here. Unless we walk all night." The groans of annoyance from my group at the thought of peacefully resolving this… misunderstanding is strangely comforting.

Feeling my mana pool regenerate I try think of a strategy as the arrows pour from the sky. Where are they all coming from? Focus brain, telekinesis is out, lifting anything strong enough to block the arrows will drain me even with Dragonicka. But not if me and Lin take turns or better yet we just cast ebony flesh on a construct that we can all lift. The arrows are made of steel so they should bounce off. Probably.

Making an ice shield and infusing it with ebony flesh I step out into the hail of arrows. Each that hits the shield skates off the side with no visible damage to the ice. Hehe this will be a great siege tactic one day. Well as long as they don't deploy competent mages. Luckily it seems like they just have grunt class soldiers here.

As the earthen slabs started cracking from the heavy down pour, I channeled more magicka into the ground forcing another slab to form, it is as wide as I am tall and twice as long. It wasn't very thick but channeling my magicka into it I altered it from a flat surface to a rounded one. Hopefully helping to make the arrows lose force hitting the magically enhanced slab. Adding handles as the cherry on top to make it easier for everyone to carry.

"Okay here's the move. Alina and I rotate using Dragonicka and casting ebony flesh onto this slab here. The arrows won't be able to pierce the combination of the two. When we get close enough I'll holler out to them that we come in peace. IF they continue to try to kill us, Eve your on assassination of the archers on the wall. Ri, look out for the leaders and try to charm them, if we can convince them to kill/make some of their forces stand down , the chaos alone will take off the pressure. Lin, back up Eve on the wall, hold down the melee combatants mixed in. Anna and Ysona, you two are with me. We are going straight for the bulk of their forces, spare none and don't let me out of your sight. I'll take the majority of their attention with flashy moves so please be careful everyone." A bloodthirsty grin made my sentiment at the end of the plan seem invalid.

"if they don't try to kill us after hearing you out what do we do." Lin's innocent question killed my whole vibe.

Kicking a rock "Well, the smart thing would be to get along with them and then do what we planned out back in the mine. I don't want to wage a war just yet but this fight just seems so fun. They must have at least 100 archers shooting right now. How many regular soldiers do you think they have?? Doesn't that get your heart racing?"

Lin, Anna and Ysona nodded with a battle hungry look taking over their features. Eve and Rihasa only sighed in exasperation though… spoil sports.

"Time to do or die folks!" hefting the earthen shield above our heads Lin started casting ebony flesh as the other girls reached high above their heads trying to take some of the burden off me as we marched towards the, much taller than I remember, walls of Riverwood. Alternating casts Lin and I had sweat slowly dripping from our brows as we neared the city gates.

The amount of arrows hitting the rock shield was, astonishing. If they are good guys, I need to remind them to retrieve these arrows. Despite how simple they look; they're well made enough that most aren't breaking just popping off onto the ground.

"HEY YOU DICKHEADS!!" feeling like we were finally close enough I lost my temper a bit and yelled. "STOP SHOOTING FOR A SECOND WE JUST WANT TO TALK" this is ridiculous how stupid do they have to be to shoot people on sight. I know I already gave plenty of valid reasons but I'm still angry.

The arrows stopped raining down and there was clearly discussion going on before a yell from a familiar voice resounded through the manned walls.

"OH! IS THAT YOU BROTHER? I THOUGHT THE DAMNED STORMCLOAKS TOOK YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP YESTERDAY! I BELIEVE MOST OF US OWE YOU A DRINK!" Hadvar you cheeky ass. Trying to kill us then bribe me with booze the next moment?

"DAMN RIGHT YOU DO!" I hollered back tossing the stone off of all of us as cheers from the wall shocked us all into a mild stupor.

Now that we are closer… there's only a couple dozen imperials on the walls. The rest are all just ordinary people. Granted there's a lot of them. Oh you dumb nut, all of the homesteads we passed and not a single farmer in sight? Obviously, they all pulled back to Riverwood and what they perceive as safety from whatever threat they are facing. Not only that, but the survivors from Helgen would have come here as well after seeing a dragon burning most, if not all their homes to the ground. The weapons?

As my brain tried to piece all the information together, the doors opened. Hadvar the goob, came jogging over "It's good to see you made it out alive, and found other survivors on your way!" the genuine relief on his face made me bummed as I realized that one day I'll probably have to kill him. He's loyal to the imperials and I'm… not.

Problems for later. What shocked me however, was who came out next, Ralof. "Damned Stormcloaks huh?" the blonde sighed and shook his head. "You know we can't let anyone in that we don't know, not after those creatures tear through town every night. We don't even know what they really are damnit!" Finally, his eyes land on me and the look of realization was priceless. Jaw dropped, cheeks pale, eyes the size of saucers as he stared in what could only be fear.

"Ralof, we can't abandon this man and his friends." A look of determination only a death flagging character had, appeared on his face "they saved many lives we will not abandon them." Hadvar then motioned for me and the girls to follow him into the city and passed the terrified Ralof.

"good to see you too blondie" I whispered to him as we were led into the densely packed gates. Chuckling as the man recoiled from my comment. Wonder why he's so scared. Shrugging I continued on.

What I didn't see was Anna's lifeless gaze matching the blonde man's for all of a moment, cementing his feelings of uneasiness at the group as a whole, even though she was the last one through the gates, Ralof stood still outside the gates gears turning with ferocity trying to understand if we meant his people harm.

We are a group of good looking, somewhat monstrous, variety pack of abilities, and somewhat armored people so, of course, everyone's eyes are on us.

My eyes though, they are examining everyone near or on the walls. Leather armor, weapons, the vast majority being swords but some merely had farm tools. The militia numbered around 300. I'd guess that the population in town and its surroundings is near 5 or 600 then.

"Where'd the excess of swords, bows and arrows come from Hadvar? Riverwood shouldn't be this militaristic." My eyes narrowed at another unforeseen change. I feel like I'm fairly quick on my feet, but these changes, there are just too many variables for me to form a solid plan.

Taking a deep breath, he waved at a group set up next to the river in tents "The weapons were left by Tullius and some Stormcloaks after the townsfolk told them that before Helgen even happened, monsters kept raiding the village at night killing people and livestock." Looking around the people of his town who all had dark circles under their eyes he continued "We haven't seen one in the day, but they have horns similar to yours and your friends'. Their skin is all varying in color from pale like a Nords, to as dark as the darkest dark elf with a myriad of colors that none to man nor Mer have."

Tieflings aren't well documented huh? I sigh as my hopes that this world would follow the plot to the letter is continuously crushed. I'm sure that there will be cinch points that must happen, like the start of campaign-like missions. The brotherhood, thieves, etc. but everything else will be left to chance.

"Are you well friend?" Hadvar asks with concern lacing his voice. "We are a fairly small community, but we have Vigilants of Stendarr here who could help you with whatever ails you."

"Fuck that. They aren't as good as you think Hadvar." Although I disliked how pious they were in the game, Hadvar meant nothing by it. I guess they are technically the good guys but still, they always talked down to me in the games and I'd fight them on sight. Plus, glancing over my shoulder at Anna, not everyone here should be in their presence right now.

"No I sighed because you have a problem with a tribe of Tieflings. Not many know this so I'll spell it out for ya as another favor you can repay later. There's a new Daedric Prince who ousted Molag Baal's control of Coldharbour and his concepts of divinity. Her name is Ammit, and her people are the Tieflings. Think of them as stronger and smarter dremora not to dissimilar to the saints and seducers of Sheogorath." Rubbing my eyes with annoyance at what is to come.

"A NEW DAEDRIC PRINCE??" how did I know he'd yell, haa.

"Tis what I said."

"Do you know what they want?! Are they going to trigger another Oblivion crisis or a similar calamity? Daedric entities are not peaceful creatures, friend." His worry is not unwarranted, but it is kind of annoying.

"Well, I won't dismiss the possibility... I doubt it. The Tieflings are known to be, creatures of chaos and deceit. I'd wager that the higher they are in the hierarchy of the new Coldharbour, the more honorable they'd be. Whatever form of honor that, that takes however, is unknown." Making our way to the bank of the river, the people there gathering in a group "the ones attacking you may have sensed that something was going to happen nearby and struck where they smelled blood so to speak."

"Hadvar, after what you just showed me right there, I can't imagine they'll be foolish enough to keep attacking. You all have done a great job. Don't shoot innocent travelers anymore though. My friends and I were ready to kill you all had you not stepped forward and stopped the unwarranted aggression. Still kinda want to kill you all for the juicy xp" obviously that last sentence was me fussing about not wanting to kill confused innocent people protecting their families.

Hadvar just stared at his feet in embarrassment while pondering the absolute shit storm of information he learned in the past five minutes. It's not often a primordial entity is ousted and the new one creates a new race ya know?

Maybe I should be bad for the day to get my Xp? No… I don't think that's for the best. Would be kind of fun though. Decisions, decisions.

"Thank you for saving us, sir!'' a Nord a head shorter than me said as we approached the group that was slow jogging towards us. Outside of giving the man a head nod in acknowledgement, funnily enough, I didn't care about a single one of them.

They all keep saying how they wouldn't be alive without Lin and I, and they are right. I just can't bring myself to pay attention to any of them.

Lin is actually talking to them and responding to their questions with a small smile on her face. The rest of the girls have retreated a fair ways from the river as we are swarmed by the small mob of dozens of survivors.

Someone must have hyped us up, all we did was fry the eye of a dragon in their eyes. I doubt any on them recognized the son of the snakey snake god himself. Really nothing crazy.

"Hey, hey, you can all thank me by buying me a round or throwing a feast or something tonight. My group and I have stuff we'd like to attend to today. We're planning on leaving Riverwood tomorrow and heading to Whiterun in the next couple of days. Hopefully we can get you fully trained guards out here." a chuckle slips out as I back away from the swarming, teary eyed villagers I make my way to the stunned Hadvar.

"I need to find a smithy here that I can use Hadvar." As I speak to him, I see a certain shapely blonde Nord covered in sawdust walking in town.

"Gerdur?" I thought I spoke quietly but the fact her head whipped towards us makes me think otherwise

As the mature blonde looks me up and down stopping at my purple horns she speaks "Do I know you stranger?"

Shit. "No you don't, but you look like Ralof so I figured you were the beautiful sister I heard about." nailed it. If in a precarious situation just compliment the girl. It always works.

"Oh? You are friends with Ralof? Then why are you with Hadvar and not him?" her brows raised in confusion as she looked between us with slight tilt of her head.

"I escaped from Helgen after buying the citizens time to escape the dragon. I don't have anything against Hadvar or Ralof." Except where their loyalties lie. I guess they only have two sides that they're thinking about though. Never be a fence sitter, or just take your own side and kill everyone else.

Eyes widening in disbelief "How could I be so stupid. You're the one my brother spoke of. The man capable of fighting dragons and making even Ulfric tremble in fear!" Gerdur spoke with a smile.

Ralof, aren't you scared of me? why is she happy? She firmly supports the Stormcloaks what is this?

"Hehe" rubbing my nose I smile back "well I actually said your name because I was hoping to ask for your help" motioning to my group "can you take these girls where they need to go? Alina, use my share of our profits to pay for Gerdur's time. She has a mill to run after all. During these times wood will be needed for everything from fires to arrows."

Nodding at my request "it's the least I can do for the heroes of Helgen!" Gerdur's eyes twinkle a bit when she looks at Lin. "I heard you fought on equal terms with the beast as well" dragging Lin's group of her Anna and Ri off while glancing over her should at me with what could only be a flirtatious look. Damn I'm getting pretty cocky, but she does look like she wants this Dragmer piece of man meat… yeah that felt weird for me too. That juicy looking peach of hers is bouncing delightfully though so we can ignore what I just thought voice inside my head.

Maybe Hod isn't around anymore? Hmmmm.

"My uncle is a smith. If you'd like I can introduce you to him and convince him to let you use his forge?" Hadvar chirped bring me out of my perverted thoughts.

"If you wouldn't mind that'd be great, I have some gear to sell and some to reforge for my companions." My lips slowly turned up as I thought of the badass gear I could equip them all with. Well, hopefully, I very well could fuck all of it up. I'm not perfect.

Hadvar just waves us to follow as Ysona, Eve and I walk with him toward Alvor's house/ forge.

I was looking around seeing the 80 some odd houses located through the city was we made our way to the center of town with wonder. There was more than the couple of shops that had been here before. Street vendors lined the side streets offering steals on kebobs and other odds and ends. Granted every single one of them had a paltry amount goods to sale, but they were looking optimistically at the foot traffic. As my mind raced, I realized that even bigger cities probably held populations of 20,000+ which may not seem like a lot. Except when I think about it the most NPCs that existed in these cities was Whiterun and they only had around 70. To fit those populations how much did the cities grow? How big were the farms surrounding the towns? Agriculture will play a much bigger role in this Skyrim. Shit, they'll probably enslave a population, maybe the Argonians or Dark Elves… Ah this Is going to get worse and worse isn't it?

The sounds of a hammer hitting an anvil rang through the streets and my head breaking my complicated thought train apart. Speeding up as a grin split my face, what will it be like seeing a smith work in person?

~Ysona Pov~

Apollyon… is weird. Normally when a Orc swears a blood-debt to someone, they are overjoyed at the lifelong companion, bodyguard and friend they earned. He just shook it off with a smile on his face and told me to do what I wanted. What the hell does that mean?

I'm a forty year old half orc that has lived her life on the battlefield. Agryne had nursed me back to health after a particularly shameful battle, and in turn asked me to join him in the legion as his compatriot. Fuck the legion, they are just like all the rest, racist towards us orcs. But I kept my head down, killed hundreds, and made my way to legate. Just to be met with an impossible challenge.


He stood so tall I figured he had giant's blood in his veins. Muscles that were forged in and for combat. His horns are a royal purple and eyes that pierce your soul. When he explained what he was, it made sense. Him part dragon? Obviously, the man is a monster. After Agryne and I fell in what was one of the most humiliating fights of my career, my pride wounded, I lashed out. Alina is just as much of a monster as her male counterpart I never saw her coming.

All I knew was that he saved me. 2 blood-debts at the same time? I guess the oldest wins out. Agryne died fighting beings I had never seen, what was the worst part, is that I couldn't make it to him. I was held back by ONE of those fucking Tieflings.

After talking with everyone, I understand they were an "elite" hit squad, but Apollyon fought all three of their commanders alone. Alina could fight a couple herself and I just held the man who saved my life as the light disappeared from his kind old face.

Which brings me back to my point? Was I rejected? No. I was given the choice to follow him, and after all I've seen, I just want to learn from him. His combat style was wild and free, unrefined, and instinctual. I think I could help him solidify it and reach a new level of my own at the same time.

The combat was great to be sure, his magic also, unbelievable control and understanding that only the greatest mages seem to have.

But this, this is what is what I am the most excited about. As Apollyon sped away from our group his tail swayed rapidly side from side making it clear how he felt about forging. Cute.

He's younger than me sure, but my orc blood isn't there for nothing. Now that I'm not locked in a war every day, my other primal urges are sure to start to come back. They'd been buried under the conflicts I'd fought in for the last two decades after all. Of course, they'd come out when a man beat me like that.

Shit. Breathe. You're more than instincts, that's why you developed all the swords arts you did. My mental mantra repeats in my head suppressing the song in my blood demanding lust and violence in equal measure.

"Who is the behemoth Hadvar?" the smith's attention had been stolen as soon as he quenched the blade he was forging. Looking at the oddball gang following his nephew probably made him wary.

A smile took the young legionnaire's face as he looked at his uncle "this is one of the heroes of Helgen and his companions." Patting Apollyon's shoulder and gesturing to us with a slight wave. I nodded slightly at the grime covered, rough looking Nord.

"Friends of Hadvar are friends of mine, especially with what you did there. Thank you so much for saving this idiot nephew of mine's life. The name's Alvor" Wiping his hands on his apron he shook Apollyon's hand.

Tail stopping Poly gripped the man's hand "Alina and I just took the dragon's eye, don't think it was that heroic but I'll accept the praise nonetheless." How humble do you have to be to minimize the fact you stood up to a fucking dragon. Annoying.

"Now what can I do for you all?" Alvor's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced over the three of us.

"I was hoping to steal your forge for the remainder of the day. My companions and I need new gear and this city was on our way but I want to do the forging. I have gold to give you for materials and time to use the forge." Apollyon's inventory magic activated, still amazes me every time I see it, as he pulls out 3 solid GOLD INGOTS!!

This bastard is rich too… Sighing I groan internally; the gods really do have favorites.

Alvor thinks about it for all of a couple seconds, "I'll accept the gold, in turn, you can any of the materials or tools around the forge at your convenience. I also have some coins to give you in exchange for the ingots. You paid me enough for all my wares and materials you see here. Wouldn't be right to accept more than what it's worth."

Seems Nord honor isn't as fickle as I thought.

"Ah keep it and use the extra gold to buy supplies to craft equipment for the militia. I'll try to make it to Whiterun in the next week, but till then you all are on your own. Unless you have sent runners to Balgruuf already?" that's awfully generous Poly…

Ignoring the talk between the two men I move towards the grinder, pulling my twin blades from their sheathes. Leaning the first on the nearby railing I begin restoring the razor sharp edge to my weapon.

Alvor's voice raised for a second before returning to whatever they were talking about. My mind was too focused on the task at hand to care. I had to hurry and get these two up to par so I could watch Poly.

Finishing my work as quick as I could, I looked up to see Apollyon taking stock of his materials. Shirt off, showing his scale like skin that started as bronze from his chest slowly turning darker as it ran to his arms and legs ending in scales as dark as the empty space looming between stars at night. He's not cute at all… he looks immaculate. Every part of him cut from ebony or bronze itself.

Blue flames took over Alvor's smelter as Poly dumped quicksilver and ebony ingots that Alvor had bought in hopes to use one day. From start to end Apollyon never initiated conversation answering my questions efficiently as he poured his heart into his work. Each swing of his hammer echoed in my mind. Engraving what he did, doing my best to understand the subtle manipulations of magicka he used to get the result he wanted.

The flashes of magicka seemed to make the metal sing with happiness. What stunned me however was how displeased he was with some of his results. He reforged a few of his creations several times. Going as far as melting it back down and remaking the ingots they were forged from.

His talent in forging is a monstrous as his combat and magic instincts. Every time he remade a botched attempt at crafting our gear or when he crafted something perfectly for the first time, it was obviously better quality than the last. If his sword that he poured all the same amount of time and effort into was crafted by the current him, how reality-bending would it be? A shiver went down my spine at the thought.

Hours passed and Eve and I just stared at what the man crafted with awe. A lightly armored chest plate drew my eye. An image of an orcish warrior who stood atop her foe's corpse, a great dragon, was etched into the black metal with an ethereal silver metal filling the crevices made by the etching. The piece seemed fragile, but something told me, it'd be easier to take my head, than to pierce the metal. I had watched the process and knew that Apollyon loved the way the depiction stood out on the armor.

I feel that each piece he had made was crafted with each of us in mind and had his magicka altering what would normally just be beautiful works of art, into legendary gear sought after by all.

Glancing at the man I saw how he wobbled with a grin on his face as he looked over everything that he had accomplished in the past 7 hours. His silly grin grew, and grew until he fell down arms spread, as quick as blowing out a candle.

This crazy bastard had been abusing his Dragonicka ability the whole time! Draining my magic a few times a day made my eyes heavy, draining and refilling it nonstop throughout an intensive activity like forging? He really can just keep swinging and swinging…

No! Focus you idiot.

Evangeline had already rushed to Poly's side and pulled a magicka recovery potion from her bag. Pouring it into his mouth.

"That won't help him, his magicka is fine ya know? Even a Stamina potion won't do anything to make him recover. We just need to get him into a bed" as I say that I sigh on my way to the smith's front door.

"Hadvar! Can you show us to the closest inn please? Apollyon worked till he collapsed so we need to get him to a bed." As the door opened, I explained the situation, mild concern lacing my voice.

He worked so hard for us; the thought made me smile warmly to myself.

As Evangeline did what was honestly supernatural, princess carrying the large Dragmer, I gathered up all of our gear into a large sack like piece of leather. Except for Anna's new hammer? Honestly, it's head was massive and made no sense. How was anyone supposed to lift it? That shit can stay here till Apollyon explains what the hell he was thinking. Way too heavy to carry with everything else.

Evangeline didn't complain about the situation which made me glad it was her and not some of the other girls with me. Although, if Alina sees it might cause a whole different problem. Sighing I decided to look around the town at night.

The center road was still vibrant with activity. Couples and families were out getting food and watching as bards performed all around.

Not quite a city on edge because of the "raids" from the Tieflings, that we had heard about.

Militia members stood on the wall looking both weary and confident at the same time making me wonder where this sense of confidence came from. "Hadvar why is the city so excited? We were at the forge all day and have no idea what happened but wasn't everyone terrified earlier?"

Rubbing his neck in mild embarrassment, "When everyone saw your group walking through the city, they all were told of Apollyon and Alina's feats. They now believe that nothing short of a dragon can defeat you. I think the people are at ease knowing a group of heroes are here."

Heroes? Them?

"pft… hahahaha, those two aren't heroes little boy. Don't get it twisted, they are bloodthirsty warriors. Why they chose to fight the dragon I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason, was that it seemed fun." Wiping the tears from my eye I kept chuckling.

Heroes? Unbending forces of good? Alina tortured and mutilated unarmed prisoners with no remorse. Apollyon tore through all the soldiers in the dungeon with vicious ease the smile on his face told me all that I need to know.

He's a beast of war. Lover of chaos and destruction.

That was my first impression of the man. His actions towards those he deemed on his side…. Was surprisingly gentle. Even I was crafted something by his own hands. Not only that, but it was also sure to be an unenchanted magic miracle. All it was infused with is his magicka and sweat, but I know it will be a lifesaving piece of equipment.

I know I should leave, what with his "backing" being two goddesses of the highest order. I don't think I will though, all of my instincts are telling me If I do, I will miss on more miracles.

Arriving at the biggest inn, the Sleeping Giant Inn, it easily had enough space for 20 or thirty rooms as the building clearly had at the very least, three stories. Glancing around at the large, gathered crowd, we spot what looks like bar manned by the inn's staff. We push our way to the bar where what I assume, is the proprietress of the place, an older blonde woman with stern facial features waits for her customers to dump gold coins for drinks and rooms.

I noticed Hadvar being greeted by some of the off-duty militia members as he was pulled away, he gave me an apologetic look but I shooed the man off.

"How much for a night" as I was about to speak Evangeline spoke.

"How many rooms do you need?" raising her eye at the tiny Evangeline carrying the monster that is Apollyon.

Thinking for a moment "If you have any rooms with two beds then two, please." Evangeline's reply got an eyebrow raise from me. It's a smart decision. We rotate one person in each room who is awake keeping an ear out, while the other two sleep. We are in a city "under siege" after all.

"Yeah 30 gold for the two of them. Double bedrooms cost more than normal." Evangeline just glanced at me with pleading eyes in response to the blonde's statement.

I pulled my own coin pouch out counting out the amount I needed. Setting them on the counter, I notice the innkeeper barely glance down nodding her head at the amount. Bending down behind her counter she pulls the two keys out the lady starts walking to the stairs.

The rambunctious group of people quiet down as we pass the bards filling the lively hall with music. Probably all curious as to why Apollyon was being cradled by a dark elf half his size.

His pride will probably take a hit tomorrow.

As we make it to our rooms the woman stops " Need anything else from me before I head downstairs?"

Nodding "we have 3 friends who will likely stumble in at some point tonight. A half Khajiit female, A lady who looks like the female version of our friend here, and a Breton looking woman. The second room is for them. If you could pass along their key I'd greatly appreciate it."

"I'll keep my eyes out, I'm the one running the tavern overnight tonight anyways. Odd group you've assembled huh?" her eyebrows are overly active with how often they arch.

"Unbelievable circumstances brought us together" a loud thud resounds from the room, graceful Evangeline, "if you'll excuse me, I think I'm ready for bed." Turning around to the room I shut the door, not noticing the slight malice leaking from our hosts eyes.

Apollyon was still passed out and Evangeline had set up on the chair in the corner. "Open the bag please. I want to get familiar with the blades he crafted me." Her face remained cold as she waited in anticipation for me to do as she asked.

Handing over her shimmering silver-handled daggers, I chuckled as the gleam of excitement streaked through her pupils. Her ears twitching happily tells me everything I need to know about how she feels about her new weapons.

"Wake me if you need me, or when you need to sleep" speaking my hopefully last sentence of the day, I drop straight on the pillow. Life could be worse I suppose, sure Agryne died, but despite fighting with and for him so long, I never developed more than a friendly relationship with him. Plus, being a soldier had unfortunately numbed me to the deaths of my comrades. Another one died while I continue to survive huh? A sad sigh escapes my lips. Only bothering to kick of my boots and gauntlets before passing out on the soft bed.

~Alina Pov~

Today is so damn boring. Ever since we split from Poly at the river, people constantly come up to talk to me. I feel kind of bad ignoring them so I give them courtesy small talk, but Gerdur has been a godsend. She all but beats the people off with a stick telling them that they shouldn't take up all of our time.

Shopping was a pain in the ass too, she took us to local based merchants who tried to fleece us. 2, 4 person tents for 80 coins??? What a cunt. The two siblings had been ranting and raving about bandits stealing their golden claw, so I told the two that if I found the claw, I expected my gold back on top of reward money.

They shockingly agreed.

The sister seemed the type to fall in love with anyone who showed her attention though, all I did was make eye contact to her and listen while she spoke and the woman just kept talking to me.

I don't swing that way. I want my mate… taller, more muscles, a magic and combat protégé. I want someone who can dominate me. A cock. Fucking dragon blood is problematic sometimes. Males like that are hard to find.

Pol- no. it's too soon to decide that so stop right now stupid brain.

As the hussy talked to me with increasing fervor, I hear the kitten settling to buy three spell tomes. They all seem helpful, healing hands, greater ward, and fury.

Seems like she took Poly's advice to heart huh?

Still, a stronger party means we can fight greater foes. I think me and Poly could fight anything though.

Anna had long since started wandering the store looking for anything interesting. With the funds we got from selling all the weapons I had, we could afford some expenses right now. The merchant despite being a pompous ass was incredible considerate and wanted to help his city and bought everything I had to sell giving us a nice sum of money or instore credit is a it turned out.

At this point it was more of a trade than a transaction.

Anna seems to have stopped at a group of necklaces, excusing myself from the horny Breton I walked over to her.

"Which one do you like Anna?"

Seemingly awoken from a trance she just glanced at me, "that silver necklace has a gem I'm not familiar with." Pointing at the purple roaring dragon carved from some odd gem I nodded.

While it looked like an amethyst at first glance with each shift in light from the torches it changed from dark purple to an almost pinkish hue. It even seemed blue at sometimes. Unfortunately between rations, camping gear and these spell tomes we just didn't have the money.

"I have an idea so bear with me okay?"

"Camilla dear." Snapping her head to me she walked over "can you set aside this necklace for my friend here? we don't have the money on hand right now, but we should in the next two weeks." Seeing her hesitance I grabbed her arm pulling her closer "you can right? As a favor to me"

My puppy dog eyes remain undefeated as she immediately crumbles "Of course! Anything for a Hero of Helgen." Her cheeks flush as she pulls the necklace from the display case tucking it into her dress pockets.

Rihasa seeing what happened just shook her head as she gestured to the exit where Gerdur had dozed off on the chair. We had interrupted her workday maybe she starts early. Not important.

Stepping away from the blithering woman, I grab anna's wrist as I drag her to the exit promising to return soon. Noticing Anna's shoulders moving up and down in repressed laughter I giggle to myself as well.

That is till we get outside and hear the sounds of panic coming from the gate. The sun was fading fast as night took over. Leading the group towards the wall and up the stairs I see what everyone's worried about. It's a group of three trolls. It's the first time I remember seeing the creatures in person and they are kinda cute in an odd way. I don't want a pet troll, but I don't feel revulsion looking at them.

As the trolls charge the wall, someone finally takes command of the panicked farmers "Nock. Draw. Loose" true to form, they all follow the orders to the letter.

I know trolls have regeneration, but their regeneration isn't strong enough to heal from 30 arrows turning them into a pincushion.

The trolls all drop in a bloody mess. Gazing around the perimeter of the wall I notice what at first glance looks like a deer but it's much too large glowing, and covered in leaf like feathers. On its back sat a rider.


"Looks like the Tieflings are coming tonight." Looking at the trolls my instincts are telling me that this night won't be fun for any but our group.

A/N: I don't hate this chapter as much I thought. It sets up a lot of things though. To make it up to you it's longer so... there's that. Hope you like it so far! Power stones should go to the stone hungry boys and girls though. I appreciate those who donate, but I feel bad that my release rates are so slow despite you all donating. Use your stones on the ones ya enjoy that's all! Reviews would be nice. Keep in mind I didn't edit this chapter and I plan to when I wake up. Well see ya next time