Anna Smash

~Alina Pov~

As the townsfolk around me bristles in panic I can only shake my head. Why are they so scared. The only thing that they need to be worried about is defending the wall. With Gerdur's mill supplying wood, and having plenty of people to make arrows, even if they have to be no better than wooden sticks with sharpened tips, any small force even Daedric in nature should be concerned. Granted they might not have the materials to make any kind of fletching though. We should be able to make it through the night relatively safely. Well unless they have magic casters on their side… then my group will make it out safely.

Shit, are we gonna have to be the good guys?

The scouts didn't have any emblems of Ammit on them so they aren't even elite forces. This seems like a long turn plan where we came in at the point of fruition. They have been attacking indiscriminately inside the village problems for a while now to sow discord. This time they sent trolls to test their defenses though probably means they will attack with a large group and not a small squad… maybe I should go take a peek at what we are dealing with.

"Hey you two." Looking at Rihasa and Anna I continue "I'm not going to wait to see what they have planned. I don't know about you, but if they are scouting us by probing with trolls, Riverwood may fall when the rest of them show up."

Rihasa looks lost in thought but nods her head in agreement with me. Anna glances towards where the forge is "We should talk to Apollyon before we chase down the Tieflings."

"Here's what we will do then Rihasa, stay with the militia at the wall. They don't seem to have anyone with eyes like yours, you'll help them if the raid happens before I'm back, keeping them informed of where everyone is. Anna see if you can sniff out Poly and bring him to me. I'm going to start trying to track down where the silly bastards are. Everyone agree?" Getting the anticipated nods I turn back to look towards the forest.

"We'll like Poly says, time to rip and tear." With a causal step of the wall I hurtled towards the ground pushing my magicka out of my body, to create a burst of air slowing my fall.

The last rays of the sun had fell under the pressure of the night sky, leaving us all in darkness. Good thing I am part dragon, I snort to myself. Can't remember the last time I got to hunt in the dark.

Mimicking Poly's spell silence to the best of my abilities, I dash towards where we saw the big ass deer and the Daedric entities. I wonder how Poly is doing? He more than likely worked so hard he passed out again huh? Maybe he finished making all of us something.

Glancing down to my frost enchanted sword I can't help but feel excited remembering what his weapon I capable of. Anything he makes is sure to inspire fear in my enemies and awe in my allies. Which is reasonable I'm going to wield it after all.

Finally arriving at the patch of trees I notice the obvious tracks of a creature large enough to carry a full grown man, leading deeper into the forest away from the river.

Following the signs of life, I keep on their trail. That changes after 30 minutes of light jogging though. All tracks suddenly disappeared, and I was left stumped. Spinning around, looking for anything to give me a hint I spot a very curious tree. Larger than the rest of the pines it would make sense but, there was just something bugging me. Every tree around it seems to have given it plenty of space, none anywhere close to unlike the other pines nearby.

Everything about it seems wrong. An instinct told me to guide magicka to my eyes in a light illusion breaker spell one of my teachers on the island taught me. reality seemingly showered as blue light burst from my eyes. The ground seemingly level forest floor sunk down well below the base of the tree.

What it revealed at the base of the tree was a burrow in the ground. The rock surrounding it look like it was ripped open by the roots of the tree itself, leading into a pitch black cave that goes who knows how deep. The entrance alone is impressive at least 5m wide and 3m tall, anything except giants, mammoths, and a dragon would have a simple time getting in.

They have a magic caster, eh?

The dozens of footprints outside tell me all I need to know. This is the hideout of our group of Tieflings and there's a lot of them maybe 3 or 4 dozen? All sorts of creatures as well if the spiderwebs, hoof, and troll prints are what I think they are.

Makes me wonder where Aura flew off too.


Looking into the dark I hear faint whispers. The Tieflings are more than likely going to come out of there soon to enact whatever plan they have been working towards. My instincts screamed at me not to venture in right now… well that's boring as shit.

What can I do? What can I do by myself to help those people?

A cold smile appears on my face, well, I don't have to go in, to cause them problems do I?

~Apollyon Pov~

"Apollyon!" hands are gripping my shoulders as that shout is probably making my ears bleed. Who the hell is shaking me? This better be world end type shit.

My head is throbbing and making opening my eyes damn near impossible, but I complete this monumental achievement. Squinting my eyes I realize that I am in a room with three absolute dimes.

Ah right dumb ass you've been dropped into a magical world where two goddesses want you to be you and have fun? A small smile creeps up on my face as I realize how lucky I am.

"What can I do for you pup?" the hands belong to none other than the badass meat grinder of a woman herself. Anna.

Realizing how close we are she just pushes me back onto the bed, "the wall was attacked by the stenchlings and their pet trolls. The female version of you is scouting them out."

"Ah- wait the stenchlings?! Hahaha" holding my stomach as I laugh loudly "that's a good one. Why did Lin do something so stupid by herself? Is the kitten with her at least?" a shake of anna's head is all I get in response.

Problematic lil dova. Sighing I sit up scratching my head. Ysona has her new chest plate on while Eve has finished, what looks like cleaning her daggers?

Nasty business those two, I made them similar in design to Daedric daggers except they are silver and black, without the pulsing red that's commonly seen in Daedric weapons. I tried to match the color scheme with her armor changing the metal to fit what I wanted. The blades are also much longer than normal, to be honest it'd be better to call each a short sword. The blades alone are 14in, serrated to make it easier to saw through lighter armor during a slash. Well that was my intent anyways, I don't know if they are strong enough the slash through like a hot knife with butter or something sharp and something flimsy. Ya get the point.

I infused the blade with magicka while trying to maintain an image of magic tearing apart when they come into contact with the blades. A certain shrimp wielding a sword the same size as him was my inspiration. I doubt they'll be as effective but when I was holding them, there was a slight drain of magicka going towards the blades so maybe, low level spells will actually dissipate enemies magic. To be seen.

"Well, first things first, we need to get Anna's hammer, and then I guess we go help Alina kill a raiding party of unknown size, strength, and motive. Shit" rubbing my eyes I shake my head in slight disbelief of my situation.

Standing up I slip my boots and gauntlets on that Eve or Ysona was kind enough to take off for me. My big fuck you sword is sitting in my inventory ready for blood. I'm not gonna lie, this does sound incredibly fun.

'A hidden enemy has been causing problems in our town, please save us Dragonborn' then casually finding out it's not a small group but an large mob of enemies. I bet Lin's knee deep in blood and bodies right now.

If this was the game I know that she wouldn't need help, she's the legit dragonborn. Not only that, she's a Dragmer, arguably the strongest natural born Mer of this verse. Well not like I know how strong Snow Elves actually are but you get my point. She's blessed by Akatosh straight out of the gate with the abilities to understand the dragon tongue, harness the power of the stars, a natural genius of magicka manipulation, trained since birth in arts of combat if what I've seen is any indication and the woman's a straight badass.

Am I even need here?

No, I guess not… that's probably why I am here. Those two really just wanted to see what would happen if I was tossed into the mix; would I be good or bad? How fun.

Anyways I don't care if she gets mad that I come to help, what if one of the baddies is an ancient being or some shit. Master Vampires are known to have lived for hundreds of years. While Ammit is a new goddess that doesn't mean that the Tieflings were made as soon as she ascended. They could have been made before and have several amongst themselves that are brokenly strong.

There are just too many variables that lead to my new friend dying.

Don't stress too much. You're a chosen champion of two deities yourself, and a dragmer to boot. I have a lot going for me. As I hype myself up, we make our way out of whatever room we've found ourselves in.

This is an inn… Delphine I swear to the goddesses, if you start problems with me at any point I will tear your head off. I don't need you like I did in the game so killing you is fair game.

Walking down the stairs I spot the target of my thoughts staring at my group as we march towards the exit. The packed crowd of the inn took notice of us and all conversation ceased as they stared. Delphine the hidden blade, looked at me with barely veiled animosity.

I am half dragon, and I always wondered how she would have felt to travel with my character Alina in the game knowing that she was half dragon.

Since she's apart of an ancient organization like the blades, I am assuming that she is much better informed than the grunts of the imperial army. That's probably why she looks like she wants to kill me.

Well jokes on you bitch, you come at me, I won't hold back.

Glaring her down, the crowd parts as we walk through. Turning my head to the door I'm pushing open a shout stops me in briefly "Where are you going sir hero?" an unknown voice calls to me.

Looking over my shoulder "A hunter must hunt" hehe these are getting cringe, but I love them.

While I was mentally criticizing myself, I failed to notice the menacing grins that had formed on my companions faces. Apparently, it's true, birds of a feather flock together.

Slipping out the door into the night I lead our little party back towards the forge in silence. I think the girls have realized that I'm taking this a lot more seriously than any of the combat that we have partaken in together. My friend is undoubtedly doing something stupid with out me, I'm more pissed off than worried. It sounds like an event that would be great for grinding.

Arriving at Alvor's I see the behemoth waiting at the store. I can't fault Ysona and Eve for leaving it here. There was no point in taking it with them along with a passed out me and all the shit I made. The hammerhead itself was half the size of me and it's shaft was the almost the size of Anna herself. Truly a monster, it used half the materials I had available by itself.

The hammer head was designed to look like a giant meat tenderizer. Basic I know, but I feel like it'll be the most effective for her, because if anything survives being hit by this, the eventual blood loss and broken bones will kill them if she can't to do the deed with the first blow. Spikes coated each side of the double-sided weapon. Two running wolves were carved into either side of the reinforced wooden shaft. I figure a pure metal shaft would have hurt her hands in the long run with how strong of vibrations would be produced when she smashes it into shit. Hopefully the wood will help kill the force of each vibration while being flexible enough to not break under the pressure of the heavy blows.

I felt like I had to do something gravity based for her but I don't think she has control over her own magicka. So, I decided to increase the durability much like I did with Ysona's chest plate. It will survive my full powered swings so unless she breaks her bodies limits several times, she can swing full speed ahead.

Well probably, I don't know how strong she actually is. She could have some god's blessing or some shit who knows.

Picking up the 70lb hammer with one arm a feral grin spreads across the young wolf's face. "Oi, you did a damn good job big guy." As the hammer rested on her shoulder her eyes traced the carving of the wolves.

"I had to, the woman who is going to wield it saved my life after all." A genuine smile makes it's way onto my face due to her appreciating the hard work I put into her weapon. Each girl took a second to glance at my happy face before all looking in different directions.

No process that I know of on Earth would have let me finish everything I crafted today, but it all came so easy to me. I think my Lvl 40 skills, on top of my seemingly endless magical talent is becoming more broken the more I discover about it.

Ugh, I don't want to be a cheat character though. I like fighting somewhat equal battles too much to just casually split the sky or bitch slap eldritch deities. I want to gradually reach the peak not skip ten thousand steps… well I don't want to walk the seven thousand steps to the greybeards, but you know what I mean.

Hey, save your contemplations for later a little dova might need us. Ah thanks inner Poly.

"Let's go then" turning from the forge I set the pace of a light job towards the wall. There's a lot more militia members on the wall than earlier, the troll must have scared them. A familiar blonde was giving out orders left and right, while his sister was instructing the noncombatants on how to attach the feathers from pillows as fletching to the arrows.

A good sibling relationship to be sure.

Gerdur's boiled leather armor was form fitting. It was worn over a pair of dark brown trousers and light blue tunic. The hatchet at her hip made her the definition of a dangerous beauty. Don't judge me, almost every girl so far in this world was a 7 and up based on my standards. That's pretty dangerous. Good thing my dick doesn't control me, just gives me some fun thoughts.

"Apollyon!" oh there's the kitten. As she runs down from the wall Rihasa looks downright annoyed, her ears are even pulled back in agitation.

"The people here are trying to tell me what to do and I don't mind helping but they are belittling me with "housecat" "Half-breed" and all kinds of bullshit. I am so sick of it. If Alina hadn't asked me to keep watch on the wall, I would have left them all immediately." Well, yeah that'd piss me off as well.

"Alright, we'll deal with them when we get back, I don't like racists. For now, here" handing Ri a simple looking knife, its curved blade mimicked a claw, with a black torched wood handle. The blade itself is bone white with blue pulsing veins "I made it to channel spells through the blade. Push your magicka into it and hopefully, it'll shoot out a blast of lightning. I'll be honest, I didn't get the chance to test it, so it might just be a normal blade that barely shocks people. It should react to however much magicka you push into it though… Anyways Ri you're in the middle, Ysona and Eve watch our backs please, Anna you'll be running the front with me. I bet you can sniff out Lin faster than we can track her anyways." Ri's tail is waving rapidly as she stares at her knife, but she still nods, everyone else just groups up how I said.

My heads a bit murky still from the day's work. Better be quick and avoid using magicka. Walking over to the gate I lift off the giant piece of wood they had used to seal the gate and toss it aside. Grabbing Anna's hammer I put it inside my inventory, doesn't make sense to try to maneuver that through the woods.

Barely ten steps outside the town, we turn to hear the door get shut and resealed. Fair, If I was normal I'd be hella stressed about the situation these folks have found themselves in.

A new kind of evil creature is wreaking havoc on their kind town. Not only that, they seem to have control of trolls and who knows what else. A troll by itself is likely to cause many civilian casualties, let alone multiple of them.

I can't wait to see what other plans these bads have on them.

"Lead the way Anna" everyone's expression shifted to determination.

I genuinely doubt that this will be an issue, our group is just too well balanced.

Anna set the pace and it was not a light one, it was a mad dash through the forest. The woman was damn near graceful, as she ran through the woods. Completely destroyed the formation I had set up though. Ri was trying her best to keep up but was struggling if her panting was any kind of indication.

Barely twenty minutes had passed when we arrived at what looked like a warzone in the middle of a gorgeous field of purple mountain flowers. Tiefling body parts were everywhere, slashes carving the ground, fires burning small patches of vegetation, Frostbite spiders and… scamp carcasses littered the forest floor.

"Alina what the hell did you get yourself into bud." Shaking my head as I look around the clearing, I freeze as I hear the sounds of blade clashing.

"SOMEONE FUCKING KILL HER!" a demonic voice rang throughout the woods.

"That's probably our girl. Can't stay out of trouble for five minutes that one. Well, kill everything over there 'cept Lin. Let's save our homie." My group falters when I say the last part, but I mean, it's true. She's my homie, if they don't know what that is, that sounds like a personal problem. Dropping Anna's hammer on the ground next to me I crack my neck before we start.

Tearing through the clearing of dismembered corpses, I leap to the other side of the hill just to see a massive tree. I land with a small dirt cloud and look around the new battlefield. The base of the tree had relatively few of our new enemies, the horny bois, pouring from a cave hiding amongst its roots. With monsters like trolls, spiders, scamps, and Atronachs of frost and fire charging in between their fellow creatures.

I wish Lin didn't have the protag aura; I mean this is clearly the early warning signs of this generation's oblivion crisis level event. Started by none other than my dear Amy who is just causing problems for her own entertainment value to increase.

I will say that I'm touched she didn't seem to include any elite monsters though. Just a wave of seemingly endless mobs and ah… there it is, Mara you still are the best and you can tell Ammit I said that. Ammit I will call you Amy again when I'm no longer mad at you.

Staring down at the one I'm assuming called for Lin's death, my face immediately dropped at the figure I saw. A demonic 4 eyed, muscular, giant standing at about 9ft tall, pitch-black skin with red spiderweb veins rising out of the cracks of his stone looking skin. Bonelike, semi-curved great swords in either hand just added icing to the cake of how much of a pain in the ass that this creature will no doubt be. His two horns were large and ribbed like a n antelopes. Overall, the man looked like a knock off of big green himself, well slightly leaner physique but still. Oh yeah, his spine also extended out of his ass, to make a tail made of vertebrae with each one sharper than the last. Cause that's normal. His four eyes were the least upsetting part of him. Sighing I can't believe Ammit would create this dick just because it seemed like the right spice to add to the clusterfuck that has been the last two days.

He's clearly some kind of Elite enemy in her ranks but, all he had was a loincloth and grieves. No Crocodile symbol to be seen, which makes me think he's going to be somewhat common in the long run.

Glancing around the rest of the battlefield I spot Lin, whose grin seemed beautiful to me. Sure, she was covered in blood that could be hers, and dirt, but besides that she looked so damn happy. The only obvious wounds I spotted were a large gash on her left arm, and a small cut on her left eyebrow.

Surrounding the entrance to the cave beneath the great pine, dozens of log-like projectiles pinned all sorts of enemies to the wall, almost all of them were dead. Almost, the ones still squirming were Tieflings and trolls that had been hit in non-lethal areas.

Lin didn't recklessly charge in but set up shop outside huh? Doesn't look like it mattered too much though. Even with all the bodies laying around here and in that clearing, there still must be upwards of 100 being here. That's 18 heads a person, but Lin has already killed 40+ of our enemies. I need to ask her about the clearing though…

What a champ.

"Yo little Dova" waving at the blood covered Dragmer "need a hand?" my sword came out of my inventory falling into both of my hands. Tightening my grip, I brought the swords back tensing my muscles as I leapt towards my friend who these bastards had backed against a tree.

"POLY!" her battle manic grin shifted to a happy one spotting me.

Yeah, I'm happy to see you too idiot.

The thought goes through my head right before my sword begins its debut battle. Two Tieflings were cleanly cut at the hip, the last enemy, a frost Atronach crossed both of its arms sensing the blow. I was able to sever its arms but failed to cleave it in two.

Seems that these Tieflings aren't on the same level as the hit squad. Each one is merely dressed in fur armors that will barely protect them from the slaughter my group and I are about to unleash on them.

"Miss me?" as I land next to Lin I ask as I sidestep from angry Frosty the snowman.

Acting on the fact the giant was no longer focused on her Alina pierced the creature with a thrust from her own sword causing it to fall apart into slabs of ice.

"More than you know! They have a bunch of conjuration experts hidden in their ranks. All of them just keep summoning these big icemen from wherever the hell and sending them charging right back at me. Spineless cowards" spitting some blood from her mouth, this lady is stressing me out. You good girl? Well, a couple cure wounds won't hurt me right? It's just my head that's cloudy after all, my magicka comes back all on its own.

As I turned to Lin, two giant frostbite spiders made their way towards my exposed back. Fickle creatures really, there's several documented cases of Vampires taming them, and almost anybody who tries but who am I to judge? You give me food and I'll love you till the day I die let alone a wild animal living in this chaotic world. The gold light poured from my hands stably for a few seconds, Lin's expression got worse and worse as the spiders approached but I wasn't worried.


I brought a giant hammer wielding Wolf-girl after all.

All that was left of the spider who took the initial hit, was wiggling legs and green blood splatter. The other was sent tumbling away by the force behind the hammer, hitting several trees as it flew.

Kinda elegant to be honest.

"Apollyon!! This is great! It feels so great" her hammer began spinning, slamming into the looming frost Atronachs approaching blasting them apart in a blow each a small cloud of frost spread across the clearing. For everyone she downed 1 or 2 more would pop up. "Come on you soft skinned bitches! I can go all night hahaha!"

Leaping into the air, hammer whistling as it trails behind her before hitting a Tiefling's head dead on, causing a crater and misting the unfortunate Daedra. The woman just cackled. Her hammer spinning and flying around her hands in a brilliant showing of dexterity, sure, wounds were slowly accumulating but she showed no signs of stopping her spree of carnage. I watched with a small smile on my face as she planted her fist into the last troll's skull, that woman is batshit crazy hahaha.

Setting aside the battle drunk Anna, whatever is allowing them to pour out of this dumbass cave are annoying.

Drunkenly facing towards the horde still leaving the cave I was realized all we needed was a little art to get a reprieve. If we took hold of the front of the cave and dropped it on them, we'd buy time till we can figure a more permanent solution out. Ya know, ignoring the knock off Hulk lazing about above his soldiers. I don't want to talk about him quite yet, so we'll ignore him till he is a problem. Well, he is less of problem than the probable portal at the bottom of the cave.

Whispering a plan to Lin, I ask her "So what do you think Alina, want to win?"

"Poly… are you dull in the head? You're either as mad as Sheogorath or this actually works and I'll bite my own tail." Her look of doubt lasted all but a second, yes praise my idiocy mortal, it'll save us a lot of trouble in the short term hehe. She slapped her cheeks lightly " Fuck it, buy me time" the familiar light of Dragonicka made her glow as she crouched, palms on the ground.

"All the time in the world, it's just a Daedric invasion dear. Nothing to worry about." Responding without thinking at all at this point, what with my brain acting like it was going to shut off at a moment's notice and all, I walked towards my companions wreaking unholy hell on the small army… from hell. Ignoring the blushing Dragmer I left behind, I started the end of tonight's hunt.

Ysona had already activated her berserker's rage and was hacking her way though her enemies. Her blades never ceasing their dance of death and carnage. It wasn't pretty, it was like all her inhibitions were gone and she was as wild as a beast. Whenever she had the choice to dodge or take a potentially life-threatening hit on her chest plate, she took the hit with a smile as she killed whatever was attacking her. Taunting her opponents while doling out killing blows in turn taking her fair share of at the very least, bruising hits.

I really should make her some gnarly waraxes. Her swords don't fit her battle style nearly as well as they would.

Eve was basically untouchable; dodging, crouching, and twirling her way through the chaotic battlefield. Her daggers tore the magical wards that the mage Tieflings that lined the area right outside the entrance of the cave. Doing her absolute best to halt the increasing numbers of enemies. It was working at this point the only enemies left were the Tieflings themselves and creatures of Oblivion, Scamps and Winged twilight were some of the first out of the cave. They are always part of the first wave though.

Eve's assault continued, as she tore through her enemies spells rendered useless as she cut them out of the very air. Her daggers sliced necks, tendons, and anything between. Not an enemy could stop her charge, but one was close behind her and she was none the wiser.

A purple Tiefling swung his Warhammer (smaller than Lin's) and connected with Evangeline's torso. Undoubtedly breaking a rib or two. As the man approached her a pink streak of light hit him in the head "Kill all daedra" a cat on the top of a nearby hill hollered out.

The surrounding lesser Daedra had chosen her as the target of their hate. Luckily that was best for all of us. Her novice level of destruction magic, on top of her charm magic made it easy for her to avoid, stall, and even kill plenty of the little guys. Plus her cat-like agility made it a simple act to weave through attacks every blow sent her way.

The purple Tiefling attacked all the enemies near the downed Eve as I began my own warpath. Each step delivered a wide arcing cut from my sword. I can only imagine how truly deadly this blade will be when I have better control over channeling my magicka into it. Instead of the 3 or 4 bodies that drop from each blow it could be a dozen or more.

My form was poor, but my raw strength was enough as my magicka slowly refilled. My bones ached as I hadn't cast any healing magic at this point, wanting to save my sore muscles for when I can use my magic steroi- I mean muscle recovery spell. Well time to overexert it again, sighing I gripped my blade with one hand sending out a halfhearted swing as I put myself between Eve and the horde. My left hand extended behind my back as I imagined Eve's ribcage mending itself. The soft golden glow appeared as it's light hit the downed Dark elf.

Magic is genuine bullshit. This woman's pale complexion returned to its… still pale but less dead looking luster and all I did was imagine a healthy eve and a fixed chest cavity.

Rising to her feet as mine almost gave out from under me, I'm tired, she nodded to me before rushing back out to the fight.


The fucking yoked, beautiful, monstrosity just had to jump down when I was here huh. Drunken fist don't let me down now.