Argonaut Impersonator

Despite how easy bushy brows made this look, it is not. I feel like I'm moving through molasses as each blow made by the enemy is hurtling towards my face. Small cuts are stacking up as my mind is barely able to keep up with the big guy who is surprisingly graceful twirling his big ass swords around.

"Give up Mer. We are going to gift the souls of this world to Princess Ammit!" the cringy line coming from the dry skin monstrosity, makes me stumble.

Ammit doesn't really want world domination, does she? I guess maybe subconsciously, but I doubt that she's serious about it. If she was this definitely would be a lot more stacked first group of enemies not just some half assed mobs running about with one elite who can keep up with me.

Come to think of it, even that hit squad was lackluster compared to what she could do.

She's probably just keeping me right at my limit of what I could handle without actually pushing me over. Or Mara is giving me sneaky blessings to counteract her sadistic counterpart… fuck I'm fighting.

The train of thought, coincidentally, came crashing to a stop by another train, in the form of the aberration's tail bitch slapping me into next week.

As I spiral through the air like skeletons in the worlds of souls, everything surrounding me slows down like a cheesy superhero movie. Eve has jumped on the back of a large Tiefling, blades stabbed deep into his shoulders, her emotionless face making the scene feel almost serene.

Anna had just sent her hammer spinning end over and as she tossed it towards, yet another frost Atronach whose arm was cocked back in what would end up being a fruitless attempt to impale Lin.

Ri was halfway up a tree shooting a blast of ice magic that looked like a cloud as it descended on twilight matriarchs and scamps alike, her lips curled into a face like a hissing cat. Cute.

Lin, meanwhile, had both of her eyes closed as she focused on the task, I left her… hehe, her hands on the grounds glowed with a pale light white color as a surge of magicka suddenly shot forward. A thick coat of a slippery substance appeared on the ground show cased how talented the little dova was. It was only 1.5m wide (4'11) but it went all the way down into the cave…


Did I give the Dragonborn idea to make lube? Maybe.

Did it work? Well, I would like you to take a look at the Tiefling Hulk as he flops down on his ass and the loud crashing noises of people sliding back into the cave.

As my face impacted the ground, I laid there laughing hard at the thought of using a perpetual slip spell on a Daedric Lord. I know it wouldn't last long and would require a ton of magical power to eliminate an object's friction, but still, Mehrunes Dagon stumbling and bumbling promising to destroy Nirn just makes me chuckle.

Back to the present, I'm fucked. One of his tail vertebrae spikes had pierced my right arm most likely shattering it in the process. Well, if the purple swelling was any indication, the blow itself hurt my insides in a way I'm not sure I can fix, plus I just want to sleep. Lazy Apollyon wants to come out sooo bad.

But no, the world wants to fight me.

This is such bullshit. My thoughts progressively darkened as my left hand continuously lit up with golden light. Bones mending wasn't a pleasant experience. It's mostly due to my mental imagery, I'm sure. The only way I could visualize being healed was the bone shards moving to their proper place, but to do that, they had to move through the muscle and surrounding flesh they had torn through in the process of breaking.

That's all fine and dandy, besides the fact it hurts and this a real body, not some cheat gamer body. Idiot, "I want a useless Skyrim system" the hell is that. I really just don't want to feel this pain ever again. I haven't even used my system besides a quick stat check the other day.

Need to do better. It's not a game Apollyon. You could die.

Feeling my mana pool run out as my right arm is mostly healed besides the odd bruise here and there. I surveyed the situation.

The girls had cleaned up the mobs. Ri had sweat pouring down her face and was panting at the base of a tree surrounded by lesser daedra that had seemingly torn themselves apart. Ri's clothes were torn and singed with a few cuts on her left arm, the Daedra probably saw the spells coming from that hand and targeted it. What was scary though was two of the dead scamps had their clawed hands wrapped around the others throat.

Anna was glistening and breathing heavily but her grin had yet to fall from her face. Her injuries were healing clearly visible to the naked eye, but she didn't seem at all bothered. Her trusty hammer had bits of flesh clinging tightly to it as a pool of blood formed beneath it.

Eve was totally fine. She was walking slowly to me wiping her blades on her pant legs getting ready for the next fight. Her injury had healed well and put her on edge, I can't see a single nick on her figure right now. The bodies behind her spoke volumes of her skill with her new blades. Necks sliced and cleverly placed wounds that hit the clearly wounded her enemeies allowing her to cleanly dispatched them like, cut knee tendons, pierced shoulders, and slit wrists. Poor bad guys.

Ysona was on her back, shaky breaths telling me she was alive. The ground surrounding her was surrounded by scorched earth and patches of frost. I guess the summoners changed their focus from Lin. I don't see blood or singe marks one her body though? I guess she's good.

The last girl, Lin, had just recovered from the magicka overuse from the lube spell. Her eyes widened at something behind me. I'm not ready to deal with that yet.

Looking at a couple of my ribs protruding from my chest I let a girlish shriek out. Shit's scary, well it was, before I realized that it was going to be an easy fix, well hopefully. Feeling my magicka stores finally filling to acceptable levels to cast my variation of cure wounds again I pushed my magicka into my ribs. Groaning in pain as they slid back into place.

Despite the holes in my chest and the bruises on my arm I decided to check what was going on behind me.

Oh, that's why she was worried. Fair.

Big boi was finally on his feet after he had ripped the lubed ground out of the... well out of the ground. He had cast several "buff" spells if the black mist surrounding him was anything to go by. His swords were sparking with red lightning and his eyes had the famous streak of light following them.

I am no longer confident I am a protagonist in the story. I mean just look at this monster. I also take back what I said previously, sir looks like the elitest elite to ever elite. Fucking Ammit.

"Ladies, we might be shit out of luck. He looks seriously angry now." Wincing as I drag my body to my feet, I stare at a guy who can probably one shot me I feel… alive. You know, maybe those two didn't just choose randomly. I think they chose me because they knew that I would be excited even in a situation where my chances weren't that great.

That's the thing though. My chances aren't that bad either. I have 5 badasses in the wings ready to fight, knock-off creation magic, and I'm a Half-dragon Half-Elf badass who could help if they wished. Sure I'm tired, incredibly tired even, but what is a little more fatigue in exchange for a battle that someone like Dandelion could make songs about. The thought makes my heart pound with eagerness.

My somewhat drunken state had disappeared as the blood in my veins thundered with life. I'm becoming a battle junkie for sure, but it's just so damn fun. My face must be in a permanent blood thirst smile by this point. Fuck pain. Fuck fatigue. and fuck this guy.

I'm going to kill him.

Okay, what do we know about demonic abomination we got over there? He's using lighting and a cloak of darkness.

Counters should be easy, but I have no idea what that eye shit does and if it's anything like the edgy ninjas I don't want to know. I focused on my body and found one of the Dragmer's racial abilities I had neglected so far.

Dragmer's light. Described as using holy power I thought that it'd be perfect.

Activating it was like using Dragonicka, all I felt was my fatigue growing and the surrounding magicka responding to my will. My own magicka wasn't being used, which is nuts that Dragmer have the ability to use the magicka from mundus to do what they wish. Pushing that thought to the back of my mind I stared at the effects of what I just did.

Pale white flames danced around my body, at the end of each tongue of fire, golden energy seemed to dance from flame to flame. This is so much cooler than the pale semi-translucent energy barrier from the game.

Then I felt it. Glancing down I saw the holes in my ribcage stitching themselves up as golden light pulsed on the flames above my wounds. The bruises from my arm were also clearing up at a rapid pace.

This is gonna have a big backlash, there's no way we can use this power as freely as Dragonicka.

Arriving at that conclusion I activated Dragonicka as well. Might as well go all out.

"Hey take care of me if I'm useless after this okay? Only join the fight if you are confident, you won't be hurt and if you think I'm going to lose. Otherwise stay back." Hollering to my companions, I try my best to mimic the flames floating across my body, and imagine them coating my blade. My mana pool is immediately drained, but Dragonicka fills up just as quickly as an incredibly small flames greeted my blade. That's disappointing but I'm sure they'll help it survive this exchange or something.

The big beast had recognized that our fight was about to begin as well. He marched towards me leaving imprints in the ground…. Cause he's fat. No, his presence is just strong enough the ground quakes as he walks. Kinda cool effect to be honest. Might have to mimic that in the three way war I'll fight in the future.

Fifty seconds, till it runs out and I'm hit with whatever backlash is coming.

Tensing my muscles I dash forward, leaving my own imprints on the ground. The tiefling seeing this, raises his greatsword to meet my blow as he pulls the other back, readying himself to unleash a vicious blow.

Heh, you fell for it you gnarly looking dick.

Pushing my mana into the ground a large spike shot from the ground in front of me forcing him to use the attack he was preparing to bat it to the side.

In doing so his side was unprotected, seeing my chance I swung my bade as fast as I could to meet him.

What I didn't expect was for his tail to whip from behind him to block the blow. The force causing my hands to shake.

46 seconds. Thank you voice inside my head.

Continuing his spin from blocking my spike he lashed out with his opposite greatsword as his tail pulled my sword out of blocking position.

That shit can't hit me.

Stomping my foot down a wall of earth responded, exploding from the ground to hit his elbow making the horizontal blow turn into a diagonal cut. Buying me time to lean away from the crackling blade.

A lightning blade followed the trajectory of his swing screaming at the world as it tore into the clouds.

Our light and dark cloaks fought against eachother just like their wearers. Both sides gaining and losing ground.

Pushing my magicka to the limit I summoned four ice spears in the air above him. Each one was shot as we exchanged blows. The first scored a glancing blow on his shoulder, but in a gross display of body control, one of his eyes stared at the sky above him, allowing him to block and dodge the remaining three.

38 seconds.

Biting my cheek in annoyance I kept the magical and physical onslaught up to the peak of my abilities.

He seemingly understood that I could cast with any part of my body, after the earth magic and ice spears appearing out of nowhere. Making his cracked red veins appear around his eyes as he sped up his already insane reaction time. The flames around me had already shrunk and began focusing on defense, with an apparent mind of their own. Every cut or hit he landed on me, the flames focused on mending .

His darkness while not actively healing his injuries swarmed them, till they stopped bleeding, then continued their attack on my flame.

Annoying. I leapt back after a wild combo from his great swords that would have broken any defensive counter measures I could have formed.

Making him roar in outrage as he thought of what to do with his next attack.

His lightning finally stopped following his blades. Then like any charge up ability, from the handle of the blades to the tip red light poured out into the night. Lightning suddenly shot from them as he pointed both of his blades, side by side, at me.

Grin splitting my face "I'VE BEEN WAITING" as I suddenly dove in a front roll under the beam of pure destructive force.

The trees behind me were carved apart as the pillar of light tore them down.

It's true my magical attacks had slowed down and had become a sort of shield instead. Although the reason wasn't due to lack of ability to defend and attack, but because I was already casting several spells while weaving through his rain of blows.

22 seconds

My magicka was constantly drained due constructing diamond chains from the dirt below us. Waiting for a moment when both swords were close enough together to launch from the ground, chaining them together so tightly, they were wrenched from his hands and pulled back into the ground below.

Finishing my roll in front of him I was met with a cocked back fist. Barely bring my sword up in time to block the blow I felt my sword crack at the force the monstrous Tiefling was able to use.

Instead of trying to hold my ground I killed the momentum of the blow by allowing myself to backflip away landing on my feet.

I'm proud to say, that I was not the only sweating and panting for breath after our last exchange. The space between us was both not close, yet not far. Four meters (13'1ft) apart.

We stared at eachother.

14 seconds.

"Ah… fuck it." Deciding to channel everything into one blow. I willed my magicka into the fractured sword, my cloak of white flames responded to my will. Leaving my body defenseless as it traveled to my sword and took over my pale imitation of them.

"MORTAL I'LL KILL YOU!" yeah, yeah. I'm sure you will.

The big man charged as he lowered his stance, looking like a bull. In response I brought my sword back with both hands, then, I swung.

A/N: so sorry for the cliff and short chap. To be fair, it was supposed to be there at the end of the last chapter. Don't hate me.

Thanks for reading!