The hunter

Thronir was paid a handsome amount to hunt anyone. And he did so, hunt everyone far and wide. He was not as stout as he was now back in the day. Rode in a carriage that went dead silent as he approached the enemies. He was adept at keeping still and approached the enemies in stealth mode. He rarely shot the enemies, liking to use a knife instead. So that there was no noise made. Also making a point to not kill anyone in their sleep. But it was rumoured that he did put to sleep dead a dwarf permanently with his own pillow. He was so silent that the dead dwarfs wife did not know he was gone, until the next morning!

"A man such as you come once in a while" an elder dwarf had said to him a while ago. Why? he had asked the man. You fear no one, he replied. And Particularly, you do not fear the Hylin. A dwarf that does not fear a hylin, is someone i fear, said the old man. The old dwarf was stunned by the words of what came next. "A man can disappoint, but a bullet does not" he said to the old man. He took the gun out and pointed at the old man. "The money is in the safe, and he said to him the code" That does not stop me from killing you! said Thronir. I know that! replied the old man. My time has come, he said with a smile on his face. Maybe now, I will get to see the sunlight! he said. Bam.. Thronir shot the old man. Went in and took out the money from the safe and went away as if nothing had happened.

Another day….

"We have been expecting you" said the hylin in the forest. You thought that I would be alone and you would come in and kill me. The hylin laughed " Never seen a bigger fool than you" she said to him. Thronir loaded his guns and pointed at the Hylin. "Are you stupid enough" to kill me, she asked him. She pointed atop the trees, " there are many of us pointing their bows at you", Thronir smirked "But a contract is a contract" and I intend to honor it, he said to her! She laughed and that was the last thing, she did. He shot her! and the rest of the hylin were shocked at what had happened." Even if it means death" he muttered and looked at the trees. Hoards of arrows flew in his direction and pierced every part of his body! He lay on the ground, presumed dead!