Mithrir's wife

She was at home, bolting at the doors and windows tightly. She went and saw her husband in the room who was fast asleep. She shut the curtains and sat beside him. "He was supposed to be dead!" she thought. In the beginning she did not realize it was, but later on it dawned upon her that it was indeed the fabled hunter Thronir. It surely cannot be a ghost! How did he come back to life? many questions haunted her mind that night. She was tempted to wake up her sleeping husband, but it would be of no good, as only ramblings came out of his mouth. There was a knock on the door! amidst the rusting sounds of the trees that combed through the neighborhood. Thronir?! she thought it was him, as she was hesitant to go to the door. The knocking continued, and she was getting even more anxious. She sighed and went to the door. She opened it, it was Ayrovan!
She knew who Ayrovan was, but not well enough to welcome him inside. But she had no other choice to, under the circumstances. Come inside, she said to him and hurriedly closed the doors behind them. She noticed that Ayrovan was carrying a bag with him. What is inside that? she asked him. Money, he replied. Good! she said to him and took it into her hands. Is he alright? he asked her. As fine as he can be! she replied. Anyhting else? she asked him. No, there would be nothing else for me to say! wouldn't it, he asked her back. I suppose not! she replied and shut the doors as soon as he was one foot outside the door. In fact, it was the door that slammed hard. Ayrovan looked back in disguist, on how he was treated by the rich dwarfs wife. As he walked, he was shaken by the wind, tip toeing his way back to the city center. What is with the wind? his wife wondered. But she no had time to think about things! she had to be busy counting the coffers that was lying in the house, unattended to for a very brief moment. She caught hold of it, before it disappeared, it would seem so. Such was her expression. She took a look inside and was relieved to see the bundles swim inside the bag. Let me have a look! she said and counted the money!
She was filled with happiness and woke her husband up and showed him the money. Good! he said and collapsed back on his bed. She held the bag and sat beside him with the money, and counted it once more just to make sure. There was a knock on the door again!