At the Door

She kept the money bag next to her husband, under the pillow and went to check on the door. It was the Hylin who had kidnapped her daughter. One more day! the Hylin said and was about to walk away. Wait! his wife said. "I have the money" get me my daughter back, she said. The Hylin turned back and faced her. The hylin reached out her hands to her as in telling her put the money where he hand was. "I need to see my daughter first" the wife said. The hylin turned away and walked without saying anything. I have the money, I just would like to make sure my daughter is safe! said the wife. The Hylin did not say anything again. Wait! the woman said and ran back inside the house. As she came back and was about to hand over the money to the Hylin. She was surprised at what she saw! She gasped in terror and held back her shock. The Hylin lay dead in the street, she went near the decaying body and looked around to see who it was. The doors of Thronir! had shut just then.
She ran towards the house of Thronir at a distance, and as she was halfway there. She had realised that the body of the Hylin lay in the middle of the road, bang opposite her house. If anyone saw the body, she and her husband would be in grave trouble. You are heavier than you look! she said as she tried to drag the hylin into her house. The body of the hylin made creaking noises on the steps of her house and in one instance a big thud! was heard as he dropped the hylin on one of the steps. She looked around to see, if anyone was around. And there was no one to be seen. Phew! she said and dragged the hylin into her house. Put her on the couch and at once left for the house of Thronir. Knock! knock! Knock! and a few more times as Thtonir took his time to open the door. You again! he said to her. What have you done? she asked him. Me? asked as he gave a confused look. Yes you! you have killed the Hylin, haven't you ? she asked him. No, I do not understand what you are talking about! he said to her. Do not lie to me! she said to him. There was just the sound of the closing of the door as soon as the Hylin was killed, she almost yelled. Here, I'l bring you a glass of water! said Thronir. And this is my friend Vlohrir who had just entered my house. She was flabbergasted to see that she had yelled at Thronir whilst someoen was in the house. She made an expression suggesting an apology and Vlohrir made an expression himself that none was needed. Here, please have the water and calm yourself down! said Thronir. Thank you! said the women who was quite visible embarrassed. I shot the Hylin! said Vlohrir. What! she said as she dropped the glass of water on the ground. It was me who shot the Hylin, he said to her, and not Thronir, all with a smile on his face"!