Dwarves of Andora

The children led by Ilkir and Buskar walked out of the caves and headed for the summit. The sun shone brightly that day, melting the last bit of snow that were on the grounds ." Good day for a walk?" is it not children, Buskar asked them. Yes, they all replied cheerfully. Good, he said and walked towards the mountains. The children marveled at the wonders that was present to them. Who made all this? asked an innocent nature. No one made it, it was always there, replied Ilkir. But someone made us? asked another child. Yes, replied Ilkir as he turned back and replied. And they ran away, did they not? he asked back, The child almost burst into tears. That is enough, warned Buskar. Enjoy the sunshine, he said with a cheery face again!

Akira stared at the moon, calling it out for help. Please let me out of this cage, she cried. I want to hold my mother's hands she said. She shook the bars again and again and still nothing happened. Is there no god? she shouted. Again, there was nothing. She knew her efforts would be futile. She went back and sat down in her cell. Just then, she could sense a shadow creeping upon her. She wiped the tears of her face and stood up. She became alert as the shadow grew larger and larger until it revealed itself. It was a dwarf. He shot the lock of the cell and opened it. He did not say a word and he left the scene. She came out of the cage, and went and held her mothers hands tightly. She saw the dwarf walk out of the palace. She whispered "Thank you". Thronir did not care for thanks nor for favors. He only had heard of whispers that a Hylin was locked up in her own cell, and what else could a revolutionary do? other than do what was needed. He could not turn his back at injustice even though it was against his enemy. He slid past the gates and thought it was time for him to head to the caves now. As he walked, a craft hovered above him. The doors opened and a rope slipped down to him. He climbed the ropes up and entered the craft. There was Seronn waiting for him there. Why did you help her? he asked Thronir. Because she needed my help, replied Thronir. Why did you come back for me? asked Thronir to Seronn. Because you the bad man, even the enemy is afraid of, replied Seronn. Are you afraid of me? asked Thronir. Yes, laughed Seronn and the craft went away.