A family

Philippe roamed the halls of the palace. Archimedes was set tp arrive anytime soon. There was not going to be any coronation party, nor any extravagant affair. Just a small ceremony to crown him king. The statues all across the kingdom were cleaned and polished. Even though there was no formal ceremony the crowd would be able to see, there was a festive affair among the people. Everyone was happy except the people who were locked up in their cells. Xeltar and Tektron were locked up in adjacent cells. Alguran guarded them. Day and night he guarded them, without ever taking a break. And he would surely not take place at the crowning ceremony. The cells were also made of special metal that was specifically made for the both of them. "Xeltar" shouted Tektron from his cell. What? asked an annoyed Tektron. It is high time we break out of the cell, he said to Xeltar. Alguran grunted and twisted his axe. We can easily break out and take out this fool, he said to him. You can take me out, said Alguran , But I smell lightning entering the palace gates soon. Tektron, went silent. Fool! said Xeltar.

There was another voice that came in from the prison cells. He spoke " Everyone starts of as a good man, the world twists and turns" and sooner rather than later, when he looks back at the steps he has climbed. He will look back and see that he too has become a bad man. He will cut corners, steal money and kill people just because they did him wrong! said the voice. Not Archimedes! said Alguran. Even him! laughed the voice. Shut up fool! said Xeltar to the voice! There was silence.

Ilvandir, buskar and Borkir thought it would be a good idea to take the children along with them, when they meet the new king. Some others thought it would be a bad idea. What if he asked who the children are? they certainly are no dwarf children, said them. So what, asked Ilvandir. They are our children now? aren't they ? asked Ilvandir. They kept mum, the dwarves. Then, so be it. We take the children to the kingdom, said Ilvandir. Yes, they would help us getting more gold for us to live by, said Buskar. The dwarves though not fully convinced, but decided that it was the best thing to do now. Carry on! said the elders. The children were just returning after lighting the flames. Let us go, he said to Ilkir, Buskar. The goats waited for them outside, as the sun started to withdraw itself. Buskar and the kids on one of the goats, the other one with me, Ilkir and Borkir, said Ilvandir. The company left the caves as the dwarves said their goodbyes, some of them were happy, most of them sulked. The goats flew up in to the skies. One of the children asked " Can we see dragons" asked one of the children. Trust me kid!" we do not want to see one! replied Ilvandir. The kids were in awe of the scenic views that they were surrounded with! Ilkir, Borkir and Ilvandir were focused and looked now where but ahead!