Jiang Hong's Power

Thick white mist rose.

Soon, it enveloped the entire Cloud Forest.

Linley's group, who had been circulating their Qi to recuperate, immediately stood up upon hearing this, vigilantly observing their surroundings.

"Strange, how can there be fog in Cloud Forest? Why haven't I heard of it before?" Wang Han muttered in confusion.

As they watched the fog surrounding them grow denser and denser, and soon, they couldn't see their own feet. Linley could keenly sense that something was off.

"Everyone, be careful. There might be something wrong with the fog."


As soon as he finished speaking, something unexpected happened.

The ear-piercing roars of wild beasts came from the depths of the Cloud Forest and echoed in every corner.

Because of this sudden howl, the only girl in the team, Lin Qian'er, was shocked and fell heavily on her butt.

"Junior Sister Qian'er!"

"Leave it to me!"

Wang Han, Li Dong, and Liu Er immediately reached out to the girl who had fallen to the ground in unison. Then, they were all stunned at the same time. All of them raised their heads and glared at each other.

Well, everyone was thinking the same thing.

Choosing one out of three of the three of them was a very difficult, but Qian'er would definitely choose me. The three of them instantly revealed such confident expressions.

Unfortunately, the multiple-choice question ended before it even started.



One after another, the heavy footsteps began to approach them and became clearer and clearer. Everyone's faces gradually turned pale as the footsteps approached.

At this moment, a mighty and huge figure suddenly blew away the white fog and appeared in front of everyone.

Its body was burly, like a huge mountain. Its fur was greenish-black and had a metallic luster. It had huge arms and relatively petite legs. The entire monster's body was in the shape of an inverted triangle. Two sharp fangs grew out of its mouth and reached the sky. Its face was ugly and ferocious. It even looked as if its eyes had been cut open.

With a breath, the ground shook.

Everyone looked at it from afar. The sinister aura suppressed everyone until they could not breathe.

"Titan Stone Ape?! Is there such a demon beast in Cloud Forest?" Wang Han muttered in confusion.

Hundred Herb Peak had never seen a demon beast of this level since ancient times. How could it appear here?


Spit flew everywhere. The Titan Stone Ape's ear-piercing roar sounded again. It raised a fist that was bigger than a person and swung it at everyone at a very fast speed.

Linley's reaction was quick. He immediately drew the greatsword from behind him and clashed against the Titan Stone's fist.

The violent collision between the two created a huge storm, and the fluctuations produced even cracked the ground under their feet. In an instant, sand and rocks blew around wantonly.


The two of them collided. Linley's entire body was tense, and the veins on the back of his hand and on his forehead were bulging. He roared loudly.

It was as if the louder the roar, the more it filled him with inexhaustible strength.

The Titan Stone Ape was indeed being pushed back.

"Brother is so awesome! Brother, you can do it! Beat this bastard's butt!"

Lin Qian'er immediately stood up and pushed Wang Han and the others away. She did not even bother to pat the dust off her butt as she cheered loudly. She was indeed a little girl who held grudges.

Seeing this, Li Dong and Liu Er immediately followed suit and cheered along with her.

Previously, they did not manage to attract the girl's attention, so the two of them decided to use this method to show their existence.

"I think we should escape now. It's better to stay away." Wang Han's weak voice sounded.

He originally wanted to say escape, but after being glared at by the girl, he could only swallow his saliva and change his words.

"What's there to hide? With my brother around, what's there to be afraid of?" Lin Qian'er raised her tender little face with an arrogant expression. Her tone was smug. "It's just a gorilla with a brain that hasn't fully developed. My brother can blast this demon beast into pieces with his Thunderbolt Technique."

"That's right, that's right. With Senior Brother Lin around, there's no need to worry at all."

Li Dong and Liu Er followed suit, constantly praising Linley's might and praising Lin Qian'er for having such a powerful older brother. It was truly her good fortune.

Hearing this, Lin Qian'er raised her head even higher.

Looking at his junior brothers and sisters who did not know anything and were only at the Qi Refinement Realm, Wang Han explained with a solemn expression,

"That demon beast is called the Titan Stone Ape. Although it's indeed simple-minded and not very smart, demon beast like them have always had tough fur and domineering strength. Titan Stone Apes can even block attacks from Golden Core Realm cultivators."

What, Golden Core Realm?!

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the three people who were originally confident changed and their faces turned pale.

After a long time, Lin Qian'er recovered from her daze and laughed dryly.

"So what? Although you said it is very strong, don't you see that my brother has already forced that brainless monkey back just now? There's no need to worry at all."

Ah, right, right, right. My good sister is right… The other two were about to agree.

"That's a Titan Stone Ape at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm. Moreover, your brother is already at a disadvantage."

Jiang Hong, who had been silent for a long time, said something that made one's blood pressure soar.

Lin Qian'er was already dissatisfied with the fact that her long-awaited senior sister had been tricked into leaving her side. She placed her hands on her small waist and was about to retort back at Jiang Hong.


The heavy pressure intensified in an instant, and an instinctive fear arose within them.

Lin Qian'er and the others subconsciously turned around and their delicate faces froze.

The fur on the Titan Stone Ape's body became increasingly sharp, pitch-black and hard. No matter how many times Linley chopped at it, not a single strand of fur fell off. Instead, under the Titan Stone Ape's fierce punches, Linley was constantly forced backwards.

In the end, with a cracking sound, the greatsword in Linley's hand was smashed into two by the Titan Stone Ape's fist. Linley's body lost its balance, and he fell to one knee, powerless.

The Titan Stone Ape didn't give Linley any chance to catch his breath. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it raised its human-sized fist and smashed it towards Linley's head.


Lin Qian'er screamed and closed her eyes in fear.

Li Dong and Liu Er also fell to the ground.

Wang Han reacted rather quickly. He rushed over, trying to pull Linley back.

But his speed was simply not enough.

Linley's head was about to explode.

"Sigh, why didn't you listen to my words. if you did, you would not have been at such a disadvantage. I told you so."

Wang Han: ???

A cool voice sounded in Wang Han's ears.

Then, he felt a gust of wind brush past his cheek.

"Catch me!"

Then, a scream came from above.

A huge creature descended from the sky and smashed towards them.

"It's my brother."

Lin Qian'er cried out in surprise.

Staring at the gradually growing figure, Wang Han subconsciously opened his arms. Just like that, Linley landed smoothly into Wang Han's embrace.

In a princess carry.

Wang Han: …

Linley: "…"

The two of them stared at each other in silence.


Linley, he, blushed.