It Might Be Related to My Daily Farming

"Holy shit!"

Wang Han screamed and let go.

Bang! Linley fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Wang Han your grandpa, do you want to die?!"

Linley was in so much pain that he cursed. He was already weak, and now that he had dropped on his back, Linley felt as though his tailbone was about to break.

Wang Han rubbed his arms and shouted in horror.

"It's all your fault. Why are you blushing?"

"I was scared." Linley, supported by Lin Qian'er, stood up. He said angrily, "Wouldn't you be the same if you were suddenly thrown from the ground into the air and then back down again."

"Well, that does make sense."

Wang Han nodded and carefully imagined that scene. His face quickly darkened. The experience would indeed make people feel uncomfortable.


"Who threw you up there?"

"Yeah, who?"


"Jiang Hong?!"

Still in shock, they looked over anxiously.

That was a Titan Stone Ape that even Linley, the person who had the highest cultivation realm in the team, was unable to contend against. Jiang Hong was only at the early Foundation Establishment Realm. If he charged over recklessly, wouldn't he be smashed into pieces by the stone ape's palm?

Everyone's faces were filled with fear as the worst outcome appeared in their minds.

However, when the scene in front of them came into view.

Linley's eyes were wide open as he stared straight ahead, showing no movement.

Wang Han was dumbfounded, looking like he was doubting life.

Lin Qian'er's pink lips were wide open in shock.

The swirling white fog was blown away, and the stone ape's feet was pushed back. Slowly, it continued to retreat and grow taller. The Titan Stone Ape's scarlet eyes were filled with greenish-purple blood vessels. Its pupils flickered with ferocity as it looked at Jiang Hong, who had caught its fist with just one hand.

Where did this little guy come from?

Why was he able to receive such its heavy fist?

This was against common sense!

The ape could not understand.


As if protesting this fact, the Titan Stone Ape retracted its arm and hammered its chest hard. As the number of times it hammered its chest increased, it let out a roar that was louder than any before.

In the next second, the stone ape straightened its legs, channeled all its strength, and swung its fist down heavily.

Seeing this, Jiang Hong dodged to the side and easily dodged the Titan Stone Ape's attack. Although the Titan Stone Ape's destructive power and defense were very strong, its speed was not fast.

Even if Jiang Hong only had the agility of a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator, he could easily dodge the incoming attacks. If he also had the physique of a Golden Core cultivator, then…

In retaliation, Jiang Hong clenched his fist and punched the stone ape's chest.


The gale caused by Jiang Hong's punch was fierce, domineering, and ferocious, like a hidden dragon emerging from the abyss.


With a miserable cry, the stone ape immediately retreated a few steps with a painful and ferocious expression.

A large piece of fur in front of the Titan Stone Ape's chest, along with its flesh and skin, fell off.

"Tsk, your skin is really thick."

Jiang Hong clicked his tongue and waved his hand. Fortunately, before the trial, with the help of his Senior Sister, he had raised his physique to the level of a Golden Core Realm cultivator. Otherwise, he would have died here.

Thinking of this, he pursed his lips and smiled. He crounched down with his knees and used inertia to increase his speed. He observed the trajectory of the stone ape's fists. As he bent down to dodge, he clenched his fists and straightened his muscles. He punched the stone ape's bare chest multiple times.



Each of Jiang Hong's punch was backed with the full power of a Golden Core Realm cultivator. With every punch, the stone ape's black \\fur would fall off. It kept retreating, and its chest was gradually smashed into a bloody mess.

The stone ape's wails also became more and more miserable.

Watching this scene, which was almost like a brutal slaughter, shocked Linley and the others, and they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. To be able to save Linley in the nick of time was shocking enough, but Jiang Hong was actually able to knock back the stone ape, and even effortlessly suppress it back.

Wasn't he only in the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm?

Could he be a body cultivator?

That's not right. Their Black Heaven Sect doesn't seem to have such an awesome body cultivation technique…

So what was going on with him?

No one could figure it out.

"Could this be the reason why Senior Sister Gu claimed that he is the number one talent in the Black Heaven Sect?"

Wang Han's soft mumbling entered everyone's ears.

Although his voice was soft, it was like a thunderclap that struck everyone's hearts.

Number one talent.

It seemed like a casual remark, but in reality, it was the truth.

"Could it be that Senior Sister Gu discovered this and took special care of him?"

"To be able to discover a talent that even the sect master doesn't know about, Senior Sister Gu's eyes are too sharp."

"I understand now. It turns out that the ignorant ones have always been us."

"No wonder Senior Sister didn't explain. She must think that we're all stupid and can't be bothered to explain to us. What should we do? Senior Sister must look down on us."

Everyone looked excited, complicated, and uncomfortable.

This was especially true for Linley. When the trials had just begun, he had thought that Jiang Hong was being arrogant and complacent. He had thought that because Senior Sister Gu had took care of him, he had taken pride in himself and looked down on the trials.

Now, it seemed that he was the ignorant one.

"Look, the victor is about to be decided."

Lin Qian'er's excited voice sounded.

Everyone's thoughts were interrupted as they looked over excitedly.

At the same time, Jiang Hong also punched out with all his might. Under the powerful force, the Titan Stone Ape's chest was pierced through.

Accompanied by an unwilling scream, *

The Titan Stone Ape's pupils constricted as it fell to the ground heavily. With its eyes wide open, it lost its breath.

Titan Stone Ape - Dead.


[You defeated the Titan Stone Ape.]


[Agility +0.01]

[Linley and the others behind him shouted '666'.]


"Hiss, my hands are numb. This demon beast's skin is really tough. It is really not worth it."

The moment the Titan Stone Ape fell to the ground, he successfully gained more attribute points.

Just as he had expected, without the support of his senior sister, he was miserable.

The effort he put in was not proportional to the income he gained.

"Looks like I have to prostitute more in the future."

Even if his senior sister might be a stalker, he had to do it for the attribute points and for his future.

After silently making the decision, Jiang Hong dragged the Titan Stone Ape's corpse back to everyone.

"I-Is it dead?" Linley gulped, then asked.

"It should be dead." Jiang Hong threw the stone ape down and thought for a moment before adding, "If it doesn't resurrect suddenly."

Wang Han immediately said,

"That definitely won't happen. As for you, are you really only at the early stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm?"

"Of course." Jiang Hong laughed, "Can't you tell?"

'It's precisely because I can't tell that I'm asking you. Do you have any self-awareness.' At this moment, everyone cursed in unison.

How could Jiang Hong not know what they meant?

He would definitely not tell anyone about the attribute points. The way smart people lied was to always say half-truths.

"Maybe it has something to do with my daily training. Look, I've been hoeing every day, so I'm strong."

As he spoke, Jiang Hongxiu showed off his muscular arm.

The few of them, who were already too shocked by the scene in front of them, had even more doubts about life.