Where Did Jiang Hong Go?!

What's going on? What just happened?

Everyone was already in despair, thinking that they were going to die here.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan suddenly flew into the air and fell to the ground. The left side of his face was still branded with an indelible red palm mark.

He had been slapped?

'Who hit him?'

Could it be a rescue?!

Just as everyone was puzzled, Linley felt a weight on his waist. Lowering his head to look, his eyes widened.

"You, how did you…"

"Senior-apprentice Brother Lin, I'll leave the detoxification to you. Leave this guy to me."

His voice was mellow and steady, making people feel at ease.

Jiang Hong took out two bottles of antidotes from Linley's waist pouch, handed one to Linley, and placed the other into his own waist pouch.

In the innermost pocket again.

"Ah, okay."

Linley subconsciously nodded.

Immediately after, Jiang Hong's left hand twisted his right hand, and the crisp sound of bones cracking could be heard. It was like a powerful calming pill, instantly making one's mind tremble.

"You, what did you do… Why can you still move?"

Liu Yuan covered his swollen face and quickly got up. He looked at Jiang Hong in shock.

Liu Yuan was not surprised by Jiang Hong's strength. Rather, it was precisely because he had seen Jiang Hong's strength that could pierce through the Titan Stone Ape that he had adopted a cautious plan to poison them first.

At the same time, in order to avoid being affected, he specially adjusted the dosage of the poison to only affect those below the Golden Core Realm.

You can't even move. So what if you're strong? You'll only be tortured to death.

It should have been like this…

But what about Jiang Hong?

He was lively, rosy, and unaffected.

He didn't look poisoned at all.

Even the simple-minded, muscular Linley had been paralyzed, yet he acted as if nothing had happened. Was this reasonable? Clearly, this was very unreasonable.

Jiang Hong shrugged his shoulders and smiled, pretending to be deep in thought.

"Is there a possibility that it's because I'm very handsome that the poison can't bear to mess with my body?"

Liu Yuan: ???

What the f*ck are you talking about?!

Liu Yuan's face turned purple. He felt that the other party was humiliating him.

His eyes were filled with killing intent as he slowly took a deep breath to calm his emotions. Then, he said coldly,

"Although I don't know what you're up to, you're just a small Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator. You're not worth a single cent in front of me, a Golden Core Realm cultivator. F*ck!"

Before Liu Yuan could finish speaking, a powerful fist swiftly attacked the right side of his face.

As an orthodox cultivator, you actually launched a sneak attack?

Can't you be more virtuous?!

Liu Yuan cursed in his heart and quickly dodged. The powerful fist brushed past his cheek and at the same time, it struck the tree behind him.


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the tree had collapsed and was broken in half, revealing uneven growth rings and green smoke. Liu Yuan couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly. Otherwise, his life would have ended just like that.

What was going on with this guy? Was he really only in the Foundation Establishment Realm? Liu Yuan had doubts about this and wanted to investigate.

However, Jiang Hong's fist that did not stop came again.

He continuously swung his powerful fists, creating sharp bursts of wind. Liu Yuan was so stunned that he could not even say a complete sentence.

There were even a few times when he accidentally bit his tongue.

In the end, the thousands of words he wanted to say could only barely be turned into one sentence.

"Jiang Hong, you bastard! You're definitely hiding your cultivation."

This was the only truth. Otherwise, there was no way to explain the current situation.

"You're thinking too much. I'm truly a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator."

However, his physique was only at the Golden Core Realm.

After Jiang Hong finished his sentence, he punched the ground.

The ground exploded and spiderweb-like cracks appeared. Liu Yuan staggered and did not have time to dodge. The aftershock forced him back a few meters and he landed heavily on a big tree.

He spat out a large mouthful of blood, which dyed the yellow earth red. He almost couldn't catch his breath.

Liu Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. He was numb.

This was only the aftermath of the punch. If he was hit head-on… Liu Yuan swallowed his saliva. He did not even dare to think about the consequences.

"No, this, this guy is too strange… I can't kill him at all."

It was not easy for him to officially enter the Sky Demon League and even obtain a jade mirror.

To be killed on his first day. He definitely did not want this to happen.

His bright future had just begun.

Since that was the case, there was only one thing he had to do.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

"He ran away?!"

Linley and the others, who were almost done with the detoxification, were all stunned upon seeing this result.

Looking at the other party's serious expression as he stared at his hands, they thought that he was holding back and was about to use his ultimate move.

But that was it?

The corners of Jiang Hong's mouth twitched.

He had not fought enough.

"Brother Jiang, don't chase after him. We don't know what tricks that traitor is up to." Linley warned.

Jiang Hong agreed. It was a huge taboo to pursue enemies on the battlefield.

He thought so.


[You beat up Liu Yuan, who was holding a jade mirror.]

[Spiritual Power+0.2]

[Liu Yuan, who holds the jade mirror, begins to doubt his life.]

[Spiritual Power+0.3]

+Spiritual power?!

And so many points.

After his senior sister, Gu Yiping, this was the second person who had triggered this much attribute points since Jiang Hong started cultivating. Moreover, it had always been very difficult to increase his spirit energy.

Could it be that there was something special about Liu Yuan?

Jiang Hong lowered his head and looked at his fist that was the size of a hot casserole.

Gradually, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a kind smile quietly appeared.

"Brother Jiang?"

Seeing Jiang Hong's joyous smile, Linley couldn't help but be stunned.

Jiang Hong immediately retracted his smile, turned around, and said with a sincere and resolute tone.

"I suspect that man might have taken away information that is harmful to the sect. I'll chase after him and take a look. Senior Brother Lin, I'll have to trouble you to pass on the message to Senior Sister."

"No, Brother Jiang, wait first."

Before Linley could finish speaking, Jiang Hong had already chased after Liu Yuan.

His face was filled with excitement and joy, as if he had encountered an interesting and fun toy.

Was this Junior Brother Jiang a battle maniac?

"Senior-apprentice Brother Lin, everyone has already taken the antidote. Although it's nothing serious, I'm afraid we can't continue with the trial." Wang Han, who had finished distributing the antidote pills, dragged his exhausted body over.

Linley came back to his senses and said:

"Wang Han, bring Qian'er and the others back first. Tell Elder Bai Mei and the others what happened here. I'll help Brother Jiang."

Linley's cultivation base was the highest amongst them, and his recovery rate wasn't too bad. Although Jiang Hong had displayed extraordinary battle prowess just now, his opponent was still a Golden Core Realm cultivator who was one realm higher than him. Having one more person was always a guarantee.

But just as Linley was about to make his move…


An aura that was more profound than anyone present quickly approached.

There were still enemies?!

"Everyone, be careful!"


As soon as Linley finished speaking, a beautiful white figure suddenly descended from the skies, kicking up a large cloud of dust as she landed in front of Linley and the others.

Under their vigilant gazes, the dust dissipated and an anxious woman walked out.

"Where's Jiang Hong?! Where did that bastard go?"