Jiang Hong Can't Be Left Behind!

"S-Senior Sister Gu?!"

The beautiful woman who walked out of the smoke and dust was none other than the pride of the Black Heaven Sect, the role model of all the disciples, Eldest Senior Sister Gu Yiping.

The scolding, anxious-looking girl saw that it wasn't Jiang Hong, but rather Linley and the others. She couldn't help but be stunned, but then she quickly came to her senses. She immediately retracted her anxiety and asked in a low voice:

"What happened? Where did Jiang Hong go?"

Linley immediately told him everything that had happened.

"You said that guy went after that traitor Liu Yuan?!" Gu Yiping's eyes widened.

The word 'impossible' was written all over her face.

The straightforward Linley didn't feel anything was wrong. With a sigh, he continued.

"It's all thanks to Brother Jiang. If he hadn't stopped Liu Yuan in time and given us a chance to take the antidote, I'm afraid we would have all died here."

"He told you to take the Poison Understanding Pill…" Gu Yiping repeated.

Linley obediently picked up the pill bottle in his hand.

"Yes, that's right."

Before Linley could finish speaking, the pill bottle in his hand was heavily smashed to the ground by Gu Yiping.

"Senior Sister Gu?"

Linley had a blank look on his face. Before he could ask why she had thrown his pills away…

Gu Yiping shouted at the top of her lungs, "No one is allowed to eat this pill. Everyone stay here and wait for the elders to come. No one is allowed to go anywhere!"

"But brother Jiang has already chased after him." Linley clenched his fists, his voice resolute. "One more person means one more power. Senior Sister, I'll go with you to help Junior Brother Jiang. The three of us together will definitely be able to deal with that traitor Liu Yuan."

"I said no!"

Gu Yiping glared at him and her pupils constricted.

The last three words were especially clear and loud.

Then, just like Jiang Hong, she ran forward without looking back.

Everyone was left dumbfounded.

"What exactly does this mean…"

Linley mumbled in puzzlement. The consecutive unexpected developments had already caused his mind to be on the verge of overloading.

"Of course it's Senior Sister Gu who's worried about Old Jiang. What else could it be?" Wang Han walked forward, standing to Linley's right. He stared at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, sighing. "In the entire Black Heaven Sect, in the field of picking up girls, only Brother Jiang is someone I respect. After all, he is someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me."

Hearing this, Linley nodded, then shook his head. "Of course I know that Senior Sister is worried about Brother Jiang. I'm also worried about him, but what does that have to do with not letting me follow them? Although I really am not as strong as them, I am still at the peak of Foundation Establishment Realm."

One more person meant one more power. The honest Linley's way of thinking was as simple and straightforward as this.

"Brother, you don't even know this. You're so stupid."

Lin Qian'er walked over gracefully.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at her big brother, who was a stupid big guy. She was filled with regret and pity. "Senior Sister Gu obviously wants to show off her skills in front of Senior Brother Jiang. Women like to show their best side in front of the person they like the most."

And the best side of her senior sister was obviously her own strength.

It made sense that Gu Yiping did not want anyone else to interfere.

Linley scratched the back of his head, not fully understanding. Seeing the dazed look on his face, Lin Qian'er knew that her explanation had been in vain.

She silently covered her face and said,

"Brother, I'm not criticizing you, but when can I have a sister-in-law like this?"

"Wait, this has nothing to do with when you will have a sister-in-law."

Linley was even more confused by these two's words.

Seeing how unteachable he was, the two of them were too lazy to explain.

Coincidentally, the elders had just arrived.

Linley's group had no choice but to quickly report what had happened here to Elder Bai Mei and the others.

Although, compared to understanding what his little sister and the others were saying, Linley wanted to know something else.

"Why did Senior Sister Gu break my pill bottle? That bottle was very expensive…"

Staring at the shattered pill bottle on the ground, Linley's emotions were incomparably complicated.


On the other side.

The deeper she went, the more the snow melted.

Gu Yiping ran quickly through the chaotic forest. Her face was stiff and her gaze was heavy. She bit her lips so hard that the color drained from her face.

Jiang Hong defeated the Titan Stone Ape? And even saved and chased away the traitor Liu Yuan?

Putting aside whether he could defeat demon beasts and Golden Core Realm cultivators with his current strength, it was obvious that he had ulterior motives!

According to his understanding of him, tracking the traitor was just a cover. His true goal was definitely to secretly contact the devils.

"…Why is this guy acting so differently in this life?"

Gu Yiping bit her thumb. She really could not figure it out.

Everything was fine a few hours ago.

Which step had gone wrong?

Did she accidentally fall asleep in front of him previously and expose something?

Or could it be…

"…Is he really like me?"

This thought occupied Gu Yiping's mind again.

After all, at this stage, Jiang Hong's actions were too different from what she knew.

If everything was different, it could be explained by the fact that this life was different from her previous life. However, only Jiang Hong's actions and personality were different from her previous life.

"No matter what, I have to hurry…"

Thinking of this, Gu Yiping muttered to herself and sped up.

The only thing she could do now was to find those devils that were connected to him before Jiang Hong did.

Other than letting the matter of Jiang Hong siding with the demons be exposed, her true goal was to obtain an item from the demons. Only then could she continue with her plan.

"I hope I don't make any more mistakes."

Just as Gu Yiping was secretly praying, two figures appeared not far ahead.

Seeing them, her eyes lit up with excitement.

One was Liu Yuan, and the other was…

"Found it, the demon with the jade mirror!"


"You incompetent piece of trash!"

The black-robed man shouted angrily and sent Liu Yuan flying into a huge tree with a palm.

Withered leaves and snow fell from the sky, covering half of Liu Yuan's body.

The black-robed man's voice was low and his eyes were cold. He was incomparably manly. A sinister purple aura lingered around his body, and his rich killing intent was unconcealed.

Liu Yuan was so frightened that his face turned pale. He did not even care to pat the snow on his body away. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly to beg for mercy.

"Master, please spare my life. You really can't blame me for this. I didn't know that Jiang Hong had hidden his cultivation. His strength was so strong that even my Golden Core Realm body couldn't resist it. If I really continued to fight him, I would have definitely been killed."

"Shut up!"

Liu Yuan immediately shut his mouth and did not dare to say another word.

The black-robed man gritted his teeth in disappointment.

All he knew now was that the Sky Demon League's plan all along would be ruined here. Liu Yuan, this spy, had been nurtured for nothing.

Moreover, after this incident, the Black Heaven Sect would definitely take more precautions. It would be difficult to develop spies in the future.

"Trash, just hope that Number One won't be angry with you."

The black-robed man waved his sleeve angrily.

He turned around and faced the direction where Liu Yuan had escaped from.

Since his plan had failed, there was only one thing he had to do—kill Jiang Hong.

This cultivator who could kill enemies above his realm could not be left alive.