Life Is Free

In her previous life, when Gu Yiping was framed and wanted by the Dao Alliance, Si Tianlu had been in charge of arresting her.

Because of the other party's strange cultivation technique that came and went without a trace, she had almost died at his hands several times.

Gu Yiping had long been familiar with the other party's methods, not to mention that she had been planning this plan the moment she returned back in time.

A reincarnator's obsession was deeper than she had imagined.

"Found it. This is it, the jade mirror of the Sky Demon League."

Without much effort, Gu Yiping found what she wanted from Si Tianlu's corpse.

Number: 4, The Jade Mirror of the Sky Demon League.

The owner of the jade mirror of the Sky Demon League would not be able to know the identity of the holder. In other words, Gu Yiping could use the jade mirror to spy on the Sky Demon League and know their evil plans in advance.

With it, she would be able to know Jiang Hong's future plans.

Although she was a time traveler, she was not omniscient. There was always a limit to the future she knew.

As long as she had this jade mirror in her hands, her subsequent plans would have another layer of protection.

At the thought of this, Gu Yiping's gaze landed on the stunned Liu Yuan, who was so frightened that he peed his pants.

The next step was to expose Jiang Hong's collusion with Liu Yuan and the demons. Then, she would deliberately let them go. Next, she would be able to apply for a warrant from the Dao Alliance. This way, the first step of her plan would be officially completed.

Gu Yiping stood up, intending to catch this traitor who had betrayed the sect.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a familiar figure rushed over from afar.

He ran to Liu Yuan's side anxiously.

It was Jiang Hong.

Not good, he wanted to bring Liu Yuan away!

Gu Yiping did not hesitate. She turned her Qi into a sword and activated the sword shadow. She was ready to attack.

"Traitor, don't even think about escaping."

"Senior Sister Gu, don't be anxious. Let me do it."

Gu Yiping: ???

The moment the Qi sword was about to be released, Jiang Hong picked up the scared Liu Yuan from the ground. However, he did not escape with his men as Gu Yiping had guessed.

He threw Liu Yuan into the air. In the next second, countless punches that turned into afterimages punched Liu Yuan.

"I'll beat you up!"

Every time Liu Yuan was about to fall to the ground, he would be beaten up into the air by Jiang Hong.

One punch after another, Liu Yuan's feet were further and further away from the ground, and he was suspended in midair.

Even falling became an extravagant wish.

Just as Jiang Hong had expected.

As Liu Yuan continued to ascend to the heavens,

Attribute points began to flow into his account.

[You beat up Liu Yuan, who has a jade mirror.]

[Spiritual Power+0.1]

[You beat up Liu Yuan, who was holding a jade mirror.]

[Spiritual Power+0.1]

[Liu Yuan, who holds the jade mirror, begins to doubt his life.]

[Spiritual Power+0.2]

[Eldest Senior Sister Gu Yiping looked at you dumbfoundedly.]



He even got attribute points from his senior sister while he was at it. He listened to the wonderful sound of attribute points being transferred to his account and the increase of his attributes.

One word: awesome.

Jiang Hong couldn't help but smile. He couldn't hide his joy.

Gradually, Jiang Hong was completely immersed in this joy, unable to extricate himself.

Until Eldest Senior Sister Gu Yiping's voice rang out uncontrollably.

"You, what are you doing…"

Jiang Hong turned around and saw Gu Yiping's lifeless expression.

As he continued to beat Liu Yuan into the air, he grinned and looked back with a smile.

"Not only did he betray the sect, but he also hooked up with the demons. Senior Sister, leave it to me to teach this kind of person a lesson. You can't dirty your jade-like hands. I hit!"

A full-power punch aimed at Liu Yuan's chin. This punch actually broke Liu Yuan's chin.

After floating in the air for an unknown period of time, Liu Yuan finally collapsed to the ground with a swollen face.

"Boohoo, you… animal… kill, kill… me…"

The powerless Liu Yuan stuttered.

Jiang Hong could roughly understand what he meant. A scholar would rather die than be humiliated.

However, Jiang Hong did not intend to stop. It was rare to encounter an experience chamber that could increase his spirit energy attribute. How could he stop so easily?

He would suck Liu Yuan dry of his value.

No one could stop him from increasing his attribute points today.

[You beat Liu Yuan until he was on the verge of death.]

[Agility +0.01]

Eh? Why did the attribute points suddenly decrease?

Jiang Hong's hand hovered in the air as he frowned.

'What's the situation?'

The Experience Chamber exploded?

Jiang Hong didn't believe this and punched Liu Yuan a few more times.

However, no matter how much he beat Liu Yuan up, he did not even trigger any attribute points this time.

This, maybe my posture is wrong? Why don't I change it?


Behind him, Gu Yiping suddenly shouted.

She quickly walked over to Jiang Hong.

Jiang Hong was a little shocked by the other party's aggressive aura. He subconsciously took a few steps back and landed right in front of a tree.

Gu Yiping had no intention of letting him go either. She blocked him completely.

Jiang Hong was a little stunned when he saw the other party's sharp and clear eyes staring at him.

"Senior sister?"

Jiang Hong called out tentatively.

"What do you want?!"

Gu Yiping questioned uncontrollably.


What do I want?

Jiang Hong was a little confused by this situation. He was even more confused by the other party's question.

At this moment, Gu Yiping's shoulders trembled in anger. It took her a while to realized what she was doing… Oh no, how could I not hold it in? Oh no, I have to think of a reason quickly.

Gu Yiping's red lips parted slightly. Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Hong suddenly reached out and pressed her shoulders.

Gu Yiping was shocked by the other party's sudden movement. She subconsciously wanted to gather her Qi to condense a sword.


However, at this moment, there was a sudden explosion behind her. A loud bang interrupted her movements, causing a large amount of dust and sand to fly up, making her unable to open her eyes.

When the dust settled, Gu Yiping finally saw the source of the explosion.

It was Liu Yuan who had shattered his golden core and detonated his spiritual qi.

This fellow actually committed suicide…

Another development that exceeded Gu Yiping's expectations.

Gu Yiping pursed her pink lips tightly. She felt that her thoughts could no longer keep up with the current situation.

"Senior Sister, are you alright?"

A cordial and concerned inquiry interrupted her thoughts.

Gu Yiping was stunned. She looked up and saw his handsome face and calm temperament. She could not help but feel at ease.

Her waist was gently supported by that broad hand, and she was protected by his strong body.

Because of Jiang Hong's timely escape, the two of them were not affected by Liu Yuan's self-destruction.

He saved me… Why?

Gu Yiping was at a loss.

"Senior Sister, are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing that Gu Yiping did not reply for a long time, Jiang Hong frowned.

Gu Yiping, who was already in a daze, did not know how to answer him.

Just as the stalemate was about to continue…

"Children, hold on. I'm coming!"

In an instant, a large number of auras quickly approached.

Gu Yiping was shocked—Huh?! What was going on? Why were there so many people all of a sudden?