Gu Yiping Doubts Her Life

The person who came was the Black Heaven Sect's reinforcements led by Elder Bai Mei.

"Children, are you alright?"

Elder Bai Mei shouted loudly. He brought a large group of reinforcements and stopped in front of the two of them.

After a pause, he stroked his beard and smiled.

"It seems like we came at the wrong time."

Old man, aren't you talking nonsense… Gu Yiping cursed in her heart, but she quickly reacted. No, his smile was very indecent. Instead of saying that he was concerned about the safety of his disciples, it was more like he was teasing them.

Wait, teasing?

Speaking of which, their current state seemed to be…

"Elder Bai, you've misunderstood. I have my reasons."

Gu Yiping's delicate body trembled. She straightened her back and instantly distanced herself from Jiang Hong. Her tone was serious.

"Yes, I know." Elder Bai Mei nodded in understanding.

"You know?" Gu Yiping was surprised.

In the current situation, no one could link Jiang Hong to being the traitor of the sect. Jiang Hong had actually escaped suspicion. She had completely failed this time.

Gu Yiping only realized this when Elder Bai Mei arrived with reinforcements.

Why did he beat up his companions?

Why did Liu Yuan choose to self-destruct at this time?

All of this was done on purpose to help Jiang Hong clear his name of colluding with the demons.

It was precisely because he had sensed the arrival of reinforcements that he wanted to act for Elder Bai Mei and the others to watch.

Although she was very unwilling, Gu Yiping had lost this time. She had lost completely… However, Elder Bai Mei said that he knew.

Could it be that Elder Bai Mei had also secretly investigated and discovered from other channels that this man was colluding with the demons?!

Gu Yiping's eyes lit up. A glimmer of hope was reignited in the depths of her eyes.

"No wonder you said that his talent is number one in the Black Heaven Sect. Seeing him today, we were indeed blind. If you hadn't discovered it in time, our Black Heaven Sect would have missed a good seedling."

"The cultivation of us old things is far from enough." Elder Bai Mei stroked his beard and sighed.

Gu Yiping was dumbfounded and her eyebrows twitched.

At this moment, she only had one thought. She really wanted to slap herself… I was obviously spouting nonsense and making it up. Why would you believe me?

However, this was not the end.

This sentence really made Gu Yiping's blood pressure soar.

"Gold will always shine. I'm also very happy to meet someone like Senior Sister Gu." Jiang Hong smiled and walked forward. He cupped his hands towards Gu Yiping and said humbly.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Gu, for thinking so highly of me. I will definitely work harder in cultivation in the future to eliminate demons and protect the Dao. I promise not to disappoint Senior Sister."

"Ha, haha… I'm already very satisfied that you have this intention."

Gu Yiping put on a fake smile and forced an awkward but polite smile.

"Children, leave this to us. You've just experienced a fierce battle. Go back and rest well," Elder Bai Mei said and looked at the two of them with a gratified expression.

"…Then I'll leave it to you." Gu Yiping laughed dryly.

At this moment, she did not want to do anything, let alone think about anything. She only wanted to be alone. If she continued to stay here, she was really afraid that she would not be able to help but dig a hole and bury her head in it.

Gu Yiping performed a hand seal and stepped onto her sword. With a swoosh, she left on her sword without looking back.

The only thing that made her proud and gratified was that she had successfully obtained the jade mirror of the Sky Demon League.

As for other things…

Heh, destroy it.


"Elder Bai, how are Senior Brother Lin and the others?"

Jiang Hong did not leave immediately. Instead, he asked Elder Bai Mei.

Elder Bai Mei stroked his beard and replied,

"Don't worry, they've already gone back under the protection of others."

"That's good." Jiang Hong said as his gaze fell on Liu Yuan's corpse.

Jiang Hong walked toward the corpse.

Elder Shang was currently examining the corpse.

Elder Bai Mei noticed his gaze and thought that Jiang Hong felt bad about attacking his fellow disciples.

"How dare he collude with the demons to harm his fellow disciples? This kind of person deserves to die. Child, you don't have to bear any burden. You didn't do anything wrong."

You're thinking too much. I'm just curious as to why this experience chamber suddenly failed halfway through… Jiang Hong smiled faintly. The reason why he didn't leave immediately was because he wanted to investigate Liu Yuan's corpse.

Perhaps he could understand why he could gain so many attribute points from himm.

However, from the looks of it, he could not find anything.

Compared to this, he was more concerned about his senior sister's reaction just now.

"Although everyone said that Senior Sister Gu valued my talent and was close to me because she was a promising talent, I still feel that the reason is not just that…"

Jiang Hong muttered softly as he walked through the forest.

Of course, he did not deny these words. After all, it was the truth. However, from his intentional shameless probing just now, he felt that his senior sister was suppressing something…

"I can't think of anything now. I'll find some time to ask her."

No matter what, his senior sister treated him very well. If the other party had any troubles, he could try to help solve them.

With this in mind, Jiang Hong formed a hand seal and summoned his flying sword, preparing to leave.

But just as he was about to jump onto the sword…


"This is…"

He stepped on something and picked it up.

It was a small bronze mirror with the word 'six' written on its back.


Black Heaven Sect.

Yunyue Peak.

It got its name because the peak was surrounded by white clouds all year round.

In addition, the Peak Master of this peak was the Deputy Sect Master of the Black Heaven Sect, the younger brother of the Sect Master, Shen Bai. As a result, Yunyue Peak had the most disciples in the entire Black Heaven Sect.

In front of a spacious hall, a group of disciples dressed in white stood in a square formation. Under the guidance of Peak Master Shen Bai, they were diligently cultivating their sword techniques.

The Black Heaven Sect was a sect that mainly focused on sword cultivation. They practiced sword techniques every day. Other than a few mountain peaks, practicing sword techniques was a compulsory lesson for every mountain peak.

A middle-aged man with a refined temperament sat cross-legged above. He wore a long robe and had cloud-like hair. His eyes were clear, and between his brows, there was maturity and stability. This person was the Peak Master of Yunyue Peak, and he was also the Deputy Sect Master of the Black Heaven Sect—Shen Bai.

He picked up his teacup and took a sip of hot tea. He asked in a seemingly casual manner,

"Scribe, what time is it?"

A scholarly disciple replied,

"Master, the trial is almost over."

After a pause, the disciple added,

"Senior Brother Shen should be receiving rewards from the elders now. It will take some time for him to come back."

"Kid, no need to praise him. He might not be the first in the trial."

Shen Bai smiled so widely that his eyebrows curved into crescents.

Satisfied, he took another sip of tea.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from behind him, and the door was pushed open.

"How unbecoming." Shen Baimei frowned and said unhappily, "How many times have I taught you? You have to be calm when you do things. Your actions should be unhurried. Don't be like those from the Misty Peak and be shameless."

"But, Master, I…" The disciple, who was sweating and panting, was about to speak.

"Huh?!" Shen Bai glared at him.

The disciple had no choice but to calm his emotions and show that he was 'calm'.

Shen Bai nodded in satisfaction. "Tell me, what is it?"

Then, he took a sip of hot tea.

The disciple said calmly,

"Senior Brother Shen is dead."

Shen Bai: "Pfft!!!"