Jiang Hong Is An Unpolished Jade

He spat out a mouthful of blood along with the tea.

Shen Bai almost couldn't breathe.

He did not even bother to wipe his mouth. He rushed forward without caring about anything else and pressed down on the shoulder of the disciple who came to report to him. He pulled him forward with all his might. His eyes were bloodshot, and his tone was hurried.

"Who is it! Who is it! Who dares to kill Jian'er? I will definitely slaughter his entire family."

The disciple who came to report was frightened and trembled.

"Master, be calm. We're different from those from the Misty Peak."

"Calm my ass! Tell me!"

Shen Bai roared at the top of his lungs. The 'calm' disciple hurriedly replied,

"I, I heard that a traitor who colluded with the demons appeared among the disciples participating in the trial. Then, Senior Brother Shen was… I don't know the details either. Elder Bai Mei and the others are rushing back."

"If you don't even know that, what's the use of having you?"

Shen Bai's eyes were filled with anger and shock. He shouted and threw the disciple away. He then performed a hand seal and left on his sword.

The calm Peak Leader was no longer calm.

After Shen Bai left, the disciples who were practicing their swordsmanship below were also in a mess.

"I heard that Senior Brother Shen is gone. Is that true?"

"Master flew out in such a hurry. It's obvious that it's true."

"Didn't they say that there were elders looking over this trial? Why would something like this happen?"

"I just heard that Liu Yuan colluded with demons. That's why Senior Brother Shen was unfortunately killed."

"Liu Yuan?! You're talking about that lackey who only knows how to suck up to Shen Xingjian every day? Are you kidding me? How could he collude with demons?!"

The disciples did not believe it. After all, in their impression, Liu Yuan was an unremarkable lackey. If his master told him to go west, he would definitely not dare to go east.

Such a person was actually a mole of the Demon race. This was too terrifying. How deeply had this person hidden himself?

"Why are you all gathered here instead of practicing your swordsmanship?"

At this moment, Wang Han walked back and broke the tense atmosphere.

Seeing him, the disciples immediately surrounded him and asked.

"I remember that you also participated in the trial, Wang Han. Is it true that Liu Yuan is a spy for demons?"

"If he's a spy, how did you guys come back alive? Even Shen Xingjian was killed by him."

"Could it be because you have more people swearing allegiance to demons?"


Among the disciples participating in the trial, Shen Xingjian's cultivation was publicly acknowledged to be the highest.

If the person with the highest cultivation was gone, even if the others did not die, they would definitely lose an arm or a leg.

However, Wang Han looked as if nothing had happened. He even gave off a relaxed feeling.

This abnormality was incomprehensible.

Wang Han pursed his lips into a smile and shook his head.

"There's a reason why you're still outer sect disciples even after cultivating until now. Your insight is really too bad. How can that fellow Shen Xingjian have the highest cultivation among the disciples in the tria

"Then who do you think it is?"

The disciples were dissatisfied and frowned.

"Don't tell me you're saying that it's Linley from the Hundred Swords Peak?" A disciple analyzed.

"Linley's cultivation base is indeed quite good amongst the trial disciples, but he's too simple-minded. In addition, his style of doing things is very reckless. I don't think that with his intelligence, he'll be able to see through the identity of the demon spy."

Wang Han placed his hands behind his back and welcomed everyone's gazes. He shook his head and sighed.

"That's why I said that your insight is bad. Have you forgotten that Brother Jiang also participated in the trial?"

Brother Jiang?

The disciples of Yunyue Peak were stunned for a moment before they reacted in the next second.

One of the disciples exclaimed, "Are you talking about that guy from Misty Peak who was recognized by Senior Sister Gu as the number one talent?!"

Then, another disciple immediately denied, "Impossible, absolutely impossible! We've already discussed it. That man is just a smokescreen thrown by Senior Sister Gu. How can he have the ability?"

"That's right. Wang Han, don't keep us in suspense. Hurry up and tell us."

The disciples spoke one after another. They did not believe that Jiang Hong was that strong.

It wasn't until that calm disciple, who had reported to Shen Bai earlier stood up and interrupted everyone, that everyone turned quiet.

"Actually, it's all thanks to him that the demon spies could be dealt with this time. Not only that, I also heard that he defeated Liu Yuan, whose strength suddenly soared to the Golden Core Realm."

Hearing this, everyone present gasped in shock.

Compared to Wang Han, most people trusted this fellow disciple more.

Now that even he said so, the credibility of this matter would greatly increase.

In that case, Eldest Senior Sister's words about Jiang Hong being the most talented was not just a casual remark?!

For a moment, the scene became noisy. At this moment, Wang Han cleared his throat forcefully.

Everyone's gaze immediately landed on Wang Han again.

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Han nodded and said,

"Actually, I've always thought that Brother Jiang would definitely be able to achieve great things. Fortunately, Senior Sister Gu, who has the same jusgement as me, also discovered his talent. Otherwise, I don't know how long it would take for me to polish him alone."

Hearing this, the disciples all wanted to say he was being thick-skinned, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

Indeed, from the start, only this fellow was on good terms with Jiang Hong.

In that case, didn't that mean that this fellow had long discovered Jiang Hong's extraordinary talent? Then his judgment was indeed comparable to Senior Sister Gu's.

The more they thought about it, the more afraid they became. A seed of Wang Han's tall and mighty image was quietly planted in the hearts of the disciples.

As the participating disciples returned,

This matter also quickly spread throughout the entire Black Heaven Sect.

Even those who had never heard of Jiang Hong's existence before had an impression of him for the first time.

At the same time, they felt even more admiration for their eldest senior sister, Gu Yiping, who had unearthed Jiang Hong's unpolished talent.

To be able to discover a talent that even the elders could not discover after so long, she was indeed the youngest inspector general in the Dao Alliance.

In the following period of time, no matter where one went, one could hear the disciples discussing this matter.

The popularity did not decrease.


The night was bleak.

Heaven Ascension Peak.

In the meeting room of the main hall of the sect.

Elder Bai Mei of Carefree Peak, Vice Sect Master Shen Bai of Yunyue Peak, Elder Liu Ming of Hundred Swords Peak, and Elder Jun Wulan of Hundred Flowers Peak, as well as a total of seven elders of Black Heaven Sect, were having an emergency meeting overnight.

The elders participating in this meeting all had important positions in the sect.

The main content of this meeting was naturally about the recent trial.

"Liu Yuan's golden core was shattered and his Primordial Spirit has dissipated. Even if the sect master were to take action, he would not be able to find anything."

"I didn't expect the forces of the Demon race to infiltrate my Black Heaven Sect. When exactly…"

"This is the most dangerous moment since the founding of the Black Heaven Sect. We have to be careful."


The atmosphere in the conference room was heavy.

At this moment, Vice Sect Master Shen Bai slammed the table and shouted angrily,

"Extremely arrogant! These disciples of the Demon race are really arrogant. I suggest that we immediately denounce the Demon race and report it to the Dao Alliance. Our Black Heaven Sect must not suffer humiliation for nothing!"