The Sect-Protecting Divine Beast Who Knows Him

'There was someone else?'

Hearing this, all the elders present were stunned.

"You mean her, the lord?"

Elder Bai Mei, who was the oldest, quickly reacted.

Jun Wulan nodded affirmatively. Under the veil, his red lips parted slightly.

"If it's that person, Sect Master once said that when necessary, that person's intention is also his."

"But the person you're talking about hasn't appeared in the world for ten years." Shen Bai snorted coldly and said angrily, "To count on her appearing? I would rather believe Ji Xiaoran exiting her seclusion."

"That's true."

Elder Bai Mei sighed.

The lord that everyone was talking about had stopped appearing in the world long ago.

From the looks of it, the matter of using the Heart State Talisman could only be rejected.

However, without using the Heart State Talisman, they would not be able to think of a good solution to solve the current issue in such a short period of time.

What should they do?

"Using the Heart State Talisman? I agree."


"Who is it?!"

A deep voice suddenly sounded, echoing in the conference room.

The elders stood up warily and looked around.


Liu Ming's exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

At the back of the main hall, a huge and slender figure stood majestically like a snake.

That pitch-black figure gave off a domineering and ferocious aura just by looking at it.

Just looking at it made one's heart tighten and palpitate.

"Could this aura be…"

Elder Bai Mei took a deep breath. Under this heavy atmosphere, he was the first to react to the other party's identity. He immediately bowed respectfully to the black shadow and said solemnly,

"Junior greets Martial Uncle Ao."

Martial Uncle Ao?!

Was it that Martial Uncle Ao?

Although the other elders did not recognize the identity of this black shadow, they knew this surname very well.

The sect-protecting divine beast of the Black Heaven Sect was surnamed Ao. In terms of seniority, it indeed was their martial uncle.

In that case, wasn't this person…

"Greetings, Martial Uncle Ao."

The other elders also bowed solemnly.

Even Shen Bai, who had never had a good attitude since the start of the meeting, was respectful at this moment.

The huge figure nodded deeply.

"I don't like these complicated etiquettes. Get up."

"I wonder when Uncle-Master Ao will come out of seclusion."

As he stood up, Elder Bai Mei asked curiously.

The pitch-black figure replied,

"I'm not fully awake yet. This is just a trace of my aura."

"A trace of his aura…"

Everyone repeated.

The dark figure went on:

"I've observed the heavenly secrets and discovered that a Fiendish Star has attacked our Black Heaven Sect. Have there been any major casualties in the sect recently?"

Elder Bai Mei nodded and said,

"Uncle-Master Ao, you're really smart. The sect has indeed just experienced a calamity."

The black shadow's tone instantly became heavier as he shouted angrily,

"This damned Demon race has only been obedient for a few years, and they're already coming out to cause trouble. When I wake up completely, I'll definitely make them pay with their blood."

The black shadow's words were like a powerful calming pill.

When Shen Bai said it, it made people feel like he was joking.

But after the black figure said this, it felt completely different.

"Martial Uncle Ao, how did you know that it was done by the demons?" Elder Bai Mei asked.

Martial Uncle Ao chuckled and said arrogantly,

"Such a small matter is nothing to me. I just need to observe the weather at night."

Hearing this, everyone felt deep veneration and could not help but straighten their backs.

Uncle-Master Ao continued proudly,

"Don't worry, when I wake up, the traitor who caused this mess will be executed on the spot."

"There's no need to trouble Senior Uncle Ao with this." Elder Liu Ming said honestly, "Our sect's disciple, Jiang Hong, has already gotten rid of the traitor and avenged our disciples."


"Martial Uncle Ao?"

Halfway through his sentence, there was silence. Not only that, but the huge figure reflected on the wall seemed to have become much larger in an instant, causing everyone present to feel as though their hair was standing on end.

After a long while, a voice that seemed to be suppressing something sounded.

"…Tell me exactly what happened."

Didn't you say that you have already predicted it? What else do you need us to explain… Elder Bai Mei complained in his heart, but he didn't say anything out loud. Only a fool would dare to refute his Martial Uncle at this moment. He honestly repeated this incident again.

Then, the conference room fell into a long silence that no one had expected.

After an unknown period of time.

"…That's all for today. Dismissed."

After announcing the end of the meeting, the huge figure immediately dissipated.

There were no signs of the figure leaving at all, making the elders present feel as if they were in a dream.

It took a long time for them to come back to their senses.


Behind Tongtian Peak, there was a canyon.

In the deepest part of the canyon, there was a clear green pond.

The quiet and clear pond reflected the bright and clear moon. It was quiet and elegant. Further in was an inconspicuous cold cave. The snow was piled up in front of the opening.

In the deepest part of the cave, a strange figure with a horn on its head and a tail below was scratching its ears and cheeks anxiously.

"What's going on? Shouldn't more than half of the sect disciples who participated in the trial be dead or injured at this time? Why are only a few dead… And why did he become a great hero? That can't be right."

Even a silly girl like her… I remember that she should still be in the Dao Alliance at this time. She shouldn't be here.

Why is this different from what I remember?

"Did I remember wrongly?"

Under the beautiful night sky.

In the dark cave, a pair of deep golden eyes suddenly shrank with a complicated expression.

Its fair fingers caressed a strand of black hair that fell on its shoulder.

After a long while, it bit its lips hard.

"No, I have to change my plan a little. I have to deal with this side first. Otherwise, who knows what this demon will do before I fully recover."

A dark glint flashed across its golden eyes.

In the pitch-black night, the moon was exceptionally round tonight.


[Cultivation realm has reached the middle-stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm.]

[All Attributes +2]

His cultivation level had increased!

The morning at the Misty Peak was filled with birdsong and the fragrance of flowers.

In the wooden house, Jiang Hong's lips curled up as he sat cross-legged on his bed. His breathing sank into his dantian as he slowly exhaled.

Middle-stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, completed.

The moment the trial ended, Jiang Hong felt his realm loosening.

After a night of consolidation, he successfully advanced. Not only that, but he also obtained additional attribute points every time he advanced.

His current attribute points were like this.

[Name: Jiang Hong]

[Cultivation: Middle-stage Foundation Establishment Realm]

[Agility: 18.00]

[Constitution: 24.34]

[Comprehension: 25.63]

[Spiritual Power: 20.35]

Currently, other than Agility, the rest of his attributes had reached the level of the Golden Core Realm.

His bodily attributes had made a qualitative leap. It was completely unimaginable a few days ago.

Perhaps it was because he had added a lot of attribute points recently, but this breakthrough was smoother than before, and the time was also shorter.

If he advanced at this speed, he should not be far from the Golden Core Realm.

"Next is this thing."

Jiang Hong took out the mirror he had picked up earlier.

The place where he picked up the mirror was not far from Liu Yuan and that demon. He speculated that this mirror might be related to the Demon race.

However, other than being able to reflect his handsome face, he could not find a second use for this mirror.

"It's most likely just an accessory."

Since he couldn't find anything, he could only hand it over to the sect.

Just as he was thinking this…

The mirror in his hand suddenly trembled.

Blood-red words appeared on the mirror.