The Undercovers in the Jade Mirror

[2]: Hehehehe, tremble. I've finally advanced to the Peak Divine Transformation Realm. It's only a matter of time before I break through to the Void Underworld Realm.

[1]: Congratulations.

[5]: Congratulations.

[3]: Congratulations No. 2. Congratulations to the Sky Demon League for having another great general. Although this is a small step for the Sky Demon League, it is a giant step for the Demon race. The day when the Demon race regains control of the Tianluo Realm will be just around the corner.

[2]: Thank you for your encouragement.

[2]: Number 3 is still as good at talking as ever. I will officially break through to the Void Underworld Realm in a few days. When I break through, I will protect you.

[3]: "Number Two is awesome. Number Two is mighty. My admiration for Number Two is as endless as the Yellow River. Once it floods, it can't be stopped. With Number Two around, our Sky Demon League will definitely become famous in the entire Tianluo Realm."

[2]: Hehehehehe.

[3]: Hehehehe.

Jiang Hong looked at these words\ that should have been as sinister and terrifying, but at this moment, he didn't feel any fear at all. He wanted to laugh.

So, this mirror was actually a communication device? The development of the cultivation world was quite cutting-edge.

From the looks of it, this jade mirror was a communication tool for the Sky Demon League. The demons who had colluded with Liu Yuan should be one of them.

Unexpectedly, he had really picked up a big treasure by accident.

"From the conversation, Number Two seems to have a good position in the Sky Demon League. Number Three is a bootlicker. Number One and Five only replied with one sentence. For the time being, I can't deduce anything about them. However, Number Two seems to respect Number One very much. In addition, there are a total of eight people in the groupchat."

Jiang Hong rubbed his chin and briefly analyzed the current situation in the Sky Demon League.

From the conversation, Number Two only thanked Number One for his congratulations. Number One was similar to the group leader, and Number Two was the administrator.

Since Number Two was about to advance to the Void Underworld Realm, Number One's cultivation realm must be above the Void Underworld Realm.

In this world, there were many cultivation systems. However, no matter which system it was, the cultivation realms could be categorized into Qi Refinement, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Divine Transformation, Void Underworld, and Mahayana.

Void Underworld Realm was the strongest realm below the Mahayana Realm.

Just the thought of a demon with a Void Underworld cultivation base made his scalp tingle… Jiang Hong suddenly felt that the mirror in his hand was a little hot.

"The original holder of this mirror is already dead. If I am discovered, it won't be something a Foundation Establishment cultivator like me can face."

It was better to quickly hand it over to the sect.

Jiang Hong swallowed his saliva and prepared to go find Elder Bai Mei.

At this moment, the mirror in his hand trembled and new blood-red words appeared. There was new information in the mirror.

[4]: The Dao Alliance seems to be planning a big move with the Imperial Palace recently. Number One, have you heard?

[1]: This is the first time I've heard about this. I haven't heard anything from my side.

[4]: It's still in the initial phases. I'll report it immediately after I've investigated.

Imperial Palace?

Dao Alliance?

Number four and number one were from the Dao Alliance and the Imperial Palace?!

Jiang Hong gasped in shock and quickly retracted his foot that was about to get off the bed.

No, they couldn't be said to be one of them. According to the conversation in the mirror, the correct way to put it was they were undercover agent.

Recalling the incident of Liu Yuan colluding with demons, Jiang Hong could easily think of it with his genius brain.

Hiss, he didn't expect the hands of those demons to stretch so deeply.

If Liu Yuan had not bumped into him this time, even the Black Heaven Sect would not have been spared.

Just thinking about it made one's heart tremble.

[1]: Number Four, have you handed over your number six jade mirror?

A new message appeared in the mirror.

About that Nunber six.

He remembered that there was the character 'six' written on the back of this mirror.

Could it be the one in my hand?

[1]: Four, why aren't you saying anything?

The information in the mirror was still changing. Something seemed to have happened on Number Four's side.

After a few seconds, Number Four came online again.

[4]: A sudden order came from above. You know that the Dao Alliance has never done anything proper and has a lot of disgusting things.

[3]: My heart aches for Number Four for a second. Being undercover in a foul place like the Dao Alliance, unlike me. The place where I am at is very free.

[4]: "Very free? Is Number Three an elder from a big sect?"

[1]: If there are no special circumstances, you can't casually asked about the location of the spy in the organization. Number Four, you're a little talkative today.

[4]: I'm sorry, Your Excellency. I just saw that Nunber Three was easy to talk to, so I was a little curious. I won't do it again.

[1]: Alright, answer my question first.

[4]: Six, you answer.


He could clearly feel the mirror in his hand shaking more violently than ever.

Good lord, this Number Four was really f*cking skilled.

Jiang Hong bet that Number Four was definitely a shitt-stirrer in real life.

Jiang Hong stared at the motionless mirror. It seemed like they were all waiting for him to answer as Number Six.

What should he do? Should he reply?

From the looks of it, the original owner of this mirror was a newcomer. Moreover, from the conversation between these people, they seemed to be spies. Other than Number One and Number Four, according to the rules of the Sky Demon League, no one else could know the exact location and identity of the spies in the group.

If that was the case, he could give it a try.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hong tried to inject his divine sense into the mirror. Soon, the words he was thinking appeared on the mirror.

[Six]: First time using it. There are still some unfamiliar areas. I've neglected the leaders. I hope the leaders can let me atone for my sins.

Since this was the first time a newcomer was using this mirror, this answer should not be a problem.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was a response in the mirror.

[1]: Be careful in the future. This is the new undercover agent. Let's get to know each other and keep in touch in the future.

[2]: If you encounter danger in the future, tell me your name. I guarantee that you'll be safe and sound.

[3]: To be treated so well by Number One, he must be an undercover agent in a very important position. Please guide me in the future.

[5]: Hello.

[8]: Hello.

No. 2 was as arrogant as ever. No. 3 was very eye-catching. The new No. 8 and No. 5 were the same. Their answers were very short.

Perhaps it was because they had a cold personality, or perhaps they just didn't like to interact much.

In short, from the looks of it, they really thought that he was a spy who was supposed to be here.

However, Jiang Hong did not dare to say anything at the moment.

After all, Number Four had yet to speak.

"From what Number One said, the original Number Six should be related to Number Four. I can't act rashly until Number Four officially speaks."

Jiang Hong rubbed his chin as he analyzed and waited for Number Four's reply.

[4]: Since we've joined the Sky Demon League, we'll be companions from now on. Let's work hard for the Demon Lord together.

[1]: Everything is for the Demon Lord.

[2]: Everything is for the Demon Lord.

[3]: Everything is for the greatest and most handsome supreme Demon Lord in the world.


6: Everything is for the Demon Lord.

Jiang Hong followed suit.

From the looks of it, Number Four did not seem to suspect his identity. Of course, it was also possible that he was baiting him.

However, what the other party was thinking had nothing to do with him. In any case, he had to hand over the mirror.

Just as he was thinking this…

[You had a friendly chat with Number One.]

[Spiritual Power+0.3]

[You and Number Four had a passionate conversation.]


Attribute points?!

And it enhanced his spiritual power.

Jiang Hong's eyes widened in shock.

After pondering for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Speaking of which, I remember that when I was gained attribute points from Liu Yuan, the jade mirror seemed to have been mentioned in the notifications. Could it be that the real attribute point experience chamber is actually this?!"