Who Is Number Six?!

Jiang Hong stared at the jade mirror in his hand.

If the real experience chamber was the jade mirror from the Sky Demon League, Jiang Hong would definitely not hand it over to the sect.

In this case, he had to fish out the identity of Number Four, lest his identity was exposed one day.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hong decided to take the risk and play with these spies from all walks of life.

If he went overturned the boat in the end, he could ask his master to protect him.

His master, Ji Xiaoran, had a bad reputation in the Black Heaven Sect.

However, her strength was top-notch.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hong put away the mirror.

Next, it was time to go out and freeload from his senior sister.

He would try to get 30 points in a week.

His goal was clear.

But just as Jiang Hong was about to push open the door…

"This should be Jiang Hong's residence."

"I didn't expect to live in such a desolate place. Could this be the cultivation method of the most talented disciple of the sect?"

"Do you think it's possible that it's purely because the Misty Peak is very poor?"

"It's true that the Misty Peak is poor, but don't say it out loud. Does my master, who is in seclusion, not care about her reputation…" Jiang Hong complained in his heart and pushed open the door.

Three disciples in black clothes were standing outside the courtyard and pointing at his wooden house.

Seeing Jiang Hong come out, they immediately cupped their hands respectfully.

Then, the leader standing in the middle said,

"Are you Jiang Hong, I mean Senior Brother Jiang?"

"It's me." Jiang Hong nodded. "You are…"

The leading disciple immediately replied,

"We're disciples of the Hundred Swords Peak. We've been entrusted to send a letter for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the disciple took out a letter from his sleeve.

Jiang Hong took it, and the few of them left without saying anything else.

At the same time, they continued their unfinished conversation.

"What do you think is written in that letter? I'm guessing that Junior Sister Lin wants to challenge Senior Brother Jiang to a fight."

"I think it should be a duel. Junior Sister Lin must want to fight this famous senior brother."

"Either that, or you two are illiterate. A duel and a fight. Isn't that the same thing?"

"Then what do you think Junior Sister Lin wrote inside?" x2

"Judging from Junior Sister Lin's state when she wrote the letter and her smiling face from time to time, according to my many years of experience, Junior Sister Lin definitely wants to wrestle with Senior Brother."

… If you ask me, this kind of situation should be a love letter.

Jiang Hong looked at the people from the Hundred Swords Peak who had already left on their swords and his eyebrows twitched.

In the past, the disciples often said that the disciples of the Hundred Swords Peak were all brawny and honest battle maniacs. In the past, he did not really believe it, but now, it seemed that this description could not be more appropriate.

Jiang Hong was not surprised that he had received a love letter. After all, whether it was now or before he transmigrated, he was very handsome. Furthermore, he had this trial as a catalyst for his fame. It would be abnormal if he did not have a love letter.

Jiang Hong opened the letter that still had a pleasant fragrance.

There was a sentence in the letter.

—Senior Brother Jiang, come to the Red Moon Bamboo Forest.


"Almost, ha, ha… I almost exposed myself."

In the courtyard, fine snow fell from the tree branches, and the morning light intertwined with the falling snow.

A beautiful woman with long eyelashes was sitting cross-legged on a bed. Her snow-white, delicate, and plump legs were curled tightly together. Fragrant sweat slid down her exquisite collarbone and fell to the ground.

The white gauze covered her snow-white skin, and one could clearly see the faint trembling below.

Her figure was slender, and her chest was heaving up and down rapidly because of her rapid breathing. Her cheeks were flushed, and Gu Yiping held a jade mirror with a number four printed on it. Her eyes were filled with nervousness and lingering fear.

The Sky Demon League actually had Number Six, and it was even given by Number Four. She had never even heard of such a thing in her previous life.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and gave the right to answer to the person involved. Otherwise, she would have been exposed on the first day of her undercover work.

Her jade-like hands gently patted her chest. Gradually, her emotions calmed down.

Looking at the jade mirror that had stopped communicating, she bit her lips hard.

"It's all thanks to the rules of the Sky Demon League that we can't reveal our identities to each other that I was saved this time. However, the other party is a vicious demon after all. Let's not talk about Number One, who I haven't been able to find any clues about his identity until now. Leaving Number Six alive will always be a hidden danger."

She could still get away with a simple exchange, but her ultimate goal was to find the spies that the Sky Demon League had hidden everywhere.

If this went on for a long time, Number Six would probably realize that something was wrong.

She had to find Number Six and get rid of him before he realized that something was wrong.

"The holder of the number six jade mirror was recently handed over by the original holder of the number four jade mirror, Si Tianlu."

"If I remember correctly, this is the only place where the Dao Alliance has been active recently."

"In other words, this Number Six can only be someone from the Dao Alliance or the Black Heaven Sect."

"There are only two months left until I return to the Dao Alliance. I still have to complete the Cultivation Alliance's mission during this period of time. I have to find out before then."

Tsk, the schedule was really tight.

Gu Yiping felt that God was unfair to her.

Gu Yiping crossed her arms in front of her chest and pondered for a while. She decided to figure out Jiang Hong's real motive first.

After this failure, one thing was certain. Something must have happened to Jiang Hong that caused his behavior to be different from her previous life. Discovering and finding the cause was now her primary goal.

At the thought of this, Gu Yiping got out of bed and put on her shoes.

The fastest way to investigate the target was to get close to him.

From their interactions so far, it could be seen that Jiang Hong seemed to want to stick to her, but this stickiness was a little different from the past when he deliberately deceived her.

The exact reason was unclear. This was also one of Gu Yiping's next goals.

Gu Yiping came out of her house and used her jade-like fingers to perform a hand seal. She sat on the sword as wind rustled in her ears.

On the way to the Misty Peak, she happened to pass by Heaven Ascension Peak. At this moment, the canyon behind Heaven Ascension Peak came into view.

In an instant, a slender figure with horns on her head and a long tail below appeared in Gu Yiping's mind.

"…Since his attitude towards me seems to be a little different from before, what about her?"

Gu Yiping's beautiful eyes were half-closed, but she quickly retracted her complicated emotions.

It was useless to think so much now. There was still a long time before she woke up. By the time she woke up, this Great Demon King would definitely have been wanted by her.

There was no need to worry.

Thinking of this, Gu Yiping sped up and soon arrived near the Misty Peak.

She did not intend to go straight to the door. She had to observe in the dark first. Human nature was often exposed more easily when there was no one around.

She stopped nearby and sheathed her sword.

The snow at the foot of the Misty Peak had basically been removed, leaving only a thin blanket of snow.

Just as Gu Yiping was about to go up the mountain, three burly figures walked down the mountain.

'What are they doing here?'

Could it be that they were colluding with that great devil?!

Gu Yiping frowned and hurriedly found a hidden bush to hide in.

Just as she was feeling puzzled, the voices of the disciples entered her ears.

"Hey, do you think it's possible that it's a love letter from Junior Sister Lin to Senior Brother Jiang?!"

Gu Yiping: ?!