I Will Always Support You

Love letter?

Give it to the Great Demon King?!


Who was so brave to give him a love letter? She was too bold.

Gu Yiping was stunned. She immediately bowed and pricked up her ears to listen carefully.

"Love letter? Are you out of your mind? That Jiang Hong doesn't even have any single speck of muscle on his body. He looks like a block of wood. How could Junior Sister Lin give him a love letter?"

"Do you still need to write love letters in this day and age? Don't you just take them back to the mountain and become Dao companions if you like them?"

"You must have been exercising too little recently, that's why you have such a strange thought. Hurry up and go back to increase your training. I want to do a thousand push-ups today."

"Looks like I've really been exercising too little recently. I'll go back and do 2,000 push-ups to warm up."

The three of them put their arms around each other's shoulders and left, chatting and laughing.

Gu Yiping walked out from behind the bushes.

With a complicated expression, she looked at the three leaving figures that gradually disappeared into the sea of clouds.

'After seeing their behaviour, they are probably from Hundred Swords Peak. They are really the same no matter the time.' Gu Yiping looked at the departing figures with mixed feelings.

Then, her gaze landed on the distant mountaintop.

As far as she knew, the Hundred Swords Peak only had one female disciple, Lin Qian'er. However, in her memory, Lin Qian'er should not have any interaction with Jiang Hong. How could it develop into a relationship of sending love letters to each other… Could it be that something happened between the two of them during that trial?

Gu Yiping narrowed her eyes and fell into a long silence.

Just as she was thinking about what she should do next, footsteps approached.

Out of the corner of her eye.

It was Jiang Hong!

She quickly hid.

Jiang Hong held the letter in his hand and performed a hand seal. The flying sword rose into the air. He then stepped on the sword and flew into the distance. In that direction was the Red Moon Bamboo Forest.

"He is actually going to the Red Moon Bamboo Forest. Could it be that what those three said is true?!"

Gu Yiping's expression changed.

Since the development of the cultivation world, there was no lack of ancient sects. The foundation of the Black Heaven Sect could barely be considered second-rate.

In these ancient sects, there were naturally a few places with strange rumors.

For example, in the Red Moon Bamboo Forest, as long as a man and woman confessed here, they would definitely become a loving couple.

Lin Qian'er had specially chosen such a place to meet. No matter how one looked at it, the young lady was going to confess.

"Is that girl brainless or crazy? She could have confessed to anyone, but she chose to confess to this devil. How suicidal is she?"

Gu Yiping bit her lip and cried out that something was wrong. She immediately performed a hand seal and followed Jiang Hong to the Red Moon Bamboo Forest, shuttling between the mountains and sea of clouds.

Her heart was pounding anxiously. She could clearly feel her rapid breathing.

Because she knew that she had to immediately stop the girl from going astray.

However, just as she was about to accelerate…

"Who is it?!"

The flowing light stopped, and the flying sword stopped in the middle of the sea of clouds. Gu Yiping frowned and quickly looked around.

The sound of the wind reverberated in her ears. Under her feet was a boundless white sea of clouds. From time to time, a few flying cranes would pass by and reveal the towering mountaintop. She was alone.

"What's going on? Did I make a mistake?"

Gu Yiping's expression was serious as she frowned.

Just as she accelerated, she suddenly felt an uncomfortable gaze staring at her. However, when she stopped, that feeling dissapeared.

"I guess I was too nervous."

Gu Yiping retracted her gaze and pinched the space between her eyebrows with her jade-like fingers. Then, with a wave of her hand, she formed a finger seal and accelerated towards the Red Moon Bamboo Forest again.

However, what Gu Yiping did not know was that when she left on her sword, a pair of horns quietly rose from the sea of clouds. A pair of golden needle-like pupils suddenly constricted as she stared at her back.


Red Moon Bamboo Forest.

On the night of the full moon, the entire bamboo sea would have a gorgeous red hue under the moonlight, hence its name.

Coincidentally, there was going to be a full moon tonight.

However, that girl shouldn't be here to court death. After all, it was daytime now. How could she come to the Red Moon Bamboo Forest to confess during the day…

Gu Yiping comforted herself and prayed silently for the girl who had been deceived by the Great Demon King.

A cool breeze swept past, and the entire mountain was filled with green bamboos. The bamboo forest swayed gently, emitting a rhythmic sound, like a piece of beautiful music floating over.

Gu Yiping walked slowly through the bamboo forest and soon found Jiang Hong under a bamboo.

Opposite Jiang Hong stood a petite girl dressed in a green gauze dress. Her black hair was tied up, and she looked as sweet as a little girl next door. She should be Lin Qian'er from the Hundred Swords Peak.

In order to avoid being discovered, Gu Yiping was still quite a distance away from the two of them, so she couldn't hear what they were talking about.

However, from their expressions and the atmosphere of their conversation, it was not difficult to tell that they were getting along very well.

Gu Yiping was very clear about this because he had also used this look to deceive her back then, 'I have to quickly expose this heartless man's scam. I definitely cannot let another ignorant girl like me fall into his trap.'

I should have done it… but why do I feel so unhappy?

Hiding in the bushes, she quietly watched the two of them chatting happily.

Gu Yiping's eyes gradually glazed over.

As she watched, a terrifying thought suddenly surfaced in her mind.

I should be the one being tricked. This b*tch is a fresh flower stuck in cow dung. Why is she acting like a love-struck fool…

"No, what am I thinking."

Gu Yiping quickly shook her head.

Suddenly, cold sweat seeped out of her forehead, and her entire face turned pale. She didn't expect that she, who had a firm mental state, would make such a low-level and childish mistake.

"Who?! Who's there?"

Jiang Hong and Lin Qian'er heard the commotion and looked in her direction.

Gu Yiping exposed her position. She gritted her teeth and stood up.

"Senior Sister Gu?!"

The two of them exclaimed and were surprised to see a woman with green leaves on her head suddenly stand out from the bushes.

Gu Yiping did not say anything. With a serious expression, she strode forward. Under the two people's surprised gazes, she quickly inserted herself between them. She turned around and glared at Lin Qian'er.

"S-Senior Sister Gu…"

Lin Qian'er was stunned. Her tone was nervous and her eyes were trembling. The little girl looked frightened.

Gu Yiping pointed with her jade-like finger and said without hesitation,

"Stay away from him."


"You're not allowed to get close to her again, do you hear me?" Gu Yiping glared at Jiang Hong, then looked at Lin Qian'er again and said sternly, "This man isn't suitable for you. You should find someone else."


Everything went silent, and the wind rustled in their ears.

A few seconds later, the little girl stopped trembling and smiled. She immediately nodded and said sweetly,

"Senior Sister Gu, don't worry. I know. I will maintain a suitable distance from Senior Brother Jiang."

"Mm." Gu Yiping nodded in satisfaction. This kid was worth teaching.

"The position beside Senior Brother Jiang can only belong to Senior Sister Gu. Qian'er should be clear about this. Senior Sister Gu, don't worry. Qian'er will always be your strongest supporter! I will always silently protect your happiness."

"Well, if you understand, then, huh?!"

Gu Yiping: ???