This Dragon Is Not Very Smart

Although Shen Bai had never seen the sect guardian divine beast's human form, from the other party's aura and that extremely obvious dragon horn and dragon tail, he instantly understood that the thin and weak-looking woman in front of him was that lord.

Of course, if that was all, it would not have made him, an elder who had already experienced many storms, panic uncontrollably. What was truly panicking was their current actions.

Why would Lord Dragon Queen Ao hug Jiang Hong so intimately?

On the other hand, Jiang Hong seemed to be enjoying himself. There was no fear or panic on his face.

Why was he not peeing his pants yet?

'Why isn't he shivering in fear?'

Why was there no signs of fear on him?

"What did you just say? Say it again."

While Shen Bai was stunned, Ao Yueli's icy cold gaze swept past Shen Bai as she asked again.

That irresistible pressure pressed on his body again.

At this moment, Shen Bai's brain was spinning rapidly. After gussing what was going on with the clues from the scene in front of him, he cupped his hands and braced himself to say,

"Senior Aunt Ao, I heard that someone broke into your residence. I was worried that someone was up to no good and wanted to harm you. I just didn't expect it to be Jiang Hong. If it's him, then I'm relieved."

Ao Yueli nodded with a serious expression.

"That's very thoughtful of you. You…"

"I'm Shen Bai, the current Deputy Sect Master of the Black Heaven Sect and the Peak Master of Yunyue Peak."

Shen Bai hurriedly replied. Seeing that Ao Yueli did not have any objections, he heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had made the right bet.

"Alright, Xiao Bai. There's nothing else for you to do here. Go back. Let's go too, Brother Hong."

The first half of the sentence was still that serious and deep voice, but the second half was said in a sweet and gentle voice. There was even a hint of shyness mixed in the gentleness. The two voices did not seem to come from the same person at all.

Moreover, Xiao Bai… Are you serious about calling me that?

Shen Bai's heart, which had just relaxed, tensed up again.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?" Ao Yueli held Jiang Hong's arm and turned her head, casting a sidelong glance at him.

"I'll leave now." Shen Bai cupped his hands and hurriedly replied. However, when he raised his head and saw the scene in front of him, it was really impossible to ignore. Whether it was his position as the deputy sect master or simply because he was unhappy with Jiang Hong's position, he braced himself and asked, "May I ask if Senior Aunt Ao just called him Big Brother Hong?"

"Are you deaf?" Ao Yueli asked.

Shen Bai was stunned. "No."

"Then why are you asking?" Ao Yueli rolled her eyes.

His disdainful gaze seemed to be saying, "Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Shen Bai's expression stiffened, and he was filled with embarrassment.

'Ask what?'

It was precisely because he had questions that he wanted to ask.

Jiang Hong was a disciple of the Misty Peak. In terms of seniority, Jiang Hong should call him Senior Uncle, while he himself called Ao Yueli Senior Aunt. Logically speaking, Jiang Hong should call Ao Yueli Senior Aunt.

But now, Ao Yueli was calling Jiang Hong, Big Brother Hong?

So, how should Jiang Hong address him?

Elder Shen?

Uncle-Master Shen?

Or Little White.

This was all a mess.

In an instant, Shen Bai's mind was filled with the image of himself calling Jiang Hong 'Big Brother Hong'. He couldn't help but shiver as goosebumps appeared all over his body.

It was better not to think about it. The more he thought about it, the stranger it felt.

However, Shen Bai could not refute. He could only endure it and stand rooted to the ground as he watched the two of them leave.

"Oh yes."

Suddenly, Ao Yueli stopped in her tracks.

Shen Bai hurriedly bowed and cupped his hands.

"Senior Aunt Ao, do you have any other instructions?"

Ao Yueli looked at him with disdain. She tilted her head and turned her wrist. The two fingers on her right hand rubbed the hair hanging in front of her chest. Then, she smiled kindly.

"Speaking of which, didn't you just say that you want to know who's guilty?"

"What do you mean by knowing who's guilty? There's no such thing at all." Shen Bai's heart sank when he heard this. He had lost count of how many times his heart had tensed up today.

"No? But I clearly heard it just now." Ao Yueli rolled her eyes and looked at Jiang Hong. She then smiled evilly. "Brother Hong, what do you think?"

Shen Bai's gaze also fell on Jiang Hong. He winked crazily, hinting at what Jiang Hong should say.

Jiang Hong met Shen Bai's gaze. He first looked at him, then at Ao Yueli, and finally at Shen Bai. Jiang Hong immediately smiled, revealing a gaze that he understood his intentions.

Shen Bai was also delighted. Then, Jiang Hong said honestly,

"Elder Shen said that I trespassed into the forbidden area and if I know my crime?"

Shen Bai: ?!

Shen Bai was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe.


'Understand my ass!'

"Looks like I didn't hear wrongly." Ao Yueli raised her eyebrows and looked at Shen Bai with a faint smile. "If I remember correctly, Xiao Yun seems to be in seclusion, and you don't have a warrant, right? In that case, you are the one trespassing the forbidden area."

"Since you asked Brother Hong if he knows his sins, shouldn't you recount your sins now?"

As soon as he said this, Shen Bai really couldn't take it anymore. Cold sweat seeped out of his forehead.

Shen Bai suppressed his emotions and forced a smile.

"Senior Aunt Ao is right. Disciple, Xiao Bai trespassed into the forbidden area and should be punished."

"Yes, yes." Ao Yueli nodded in satisfaction. Then, she glanced sideways. "What about Brother Hong?"

"Jiang Hong was invited here by Senior Aunt Ao, so there's no need for him to be punished."

"Okay, go back. Remember, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do in the future."

Ao Yueli waved her hand in disdain. After Shen Bai bowed, he quickly slipped away without looking back, afraid that he would be caught again.

After Shen Bai's aura completely disappeared.

Ao Yueli immediately smiled and held Jiang Hong's arm.

"Brother Hong, how is it? I did well, right?"

It's not just not bad, he even want to carry her back into his house now. With such a flattering divine beast following him, even if he, Jiang Hong, wanted to do something in the Black Heaven Sect, no one would dare to say no… Jiang Hong replied with a smile.

"Not bad, not bad."

Who wouldn't love a Dragon Woman who loved to simp and had status?

Ao Yueli also revealed an expression of enjoyment. Just as Jiang Hong opened his mouth and was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed and he changed his words.

"It's getting late. I'll come back when I have the chance."

"Brother Hong, can't you stay a little longer?" Ao Yueli pouted with a pitiful look in her eyes.

Jiang Hong put his right hand into his cloth pocket and pressed it down. He comforted her, "I have to go back and cultivate well. I'll definitely accompany you more next time."

"Okay, then it's a deal."

Ao Yueli narrowed her beautiful eyes and revealed a joyful expression as she nodded.

Jiang Hong also left on the enlarged clam.

At the same time, Ao Yueli put away her expression and said proudly to Old Tortoise, who had just arrived,

"How is it? Did you see that? That man is already mesmerized by me. Soon, he will completely become my puppet. At that time, I will deliberately trip him up and make him even more dissatisfied with the sect. At that time, it will be time for him to fall into the demonic path and expose his identity."

"Hey, you said that I should have let Little White punish him for trespassing into the forbidden area so that he will be more dissatisfied with the sect and speed up his betrayal of the sect…"

Repeating the Old Tortoise's words, Ao Yueli's pupils constricted and lost their light. Her voice gradually became softer until it disappeared.

The entrance of the cave fell into a strange silence again.