Number One Wants Number Six to Investigate Jiang Hong

The night was mesmerizing and the moonlight was bright.

As soon as Jiang Hong left the cave, he immediately found a hidden corner.

He took out the mirror from his trouser pocket that was shaking non-stop like a small motor.

[2]: Where's Number Four?! Where's Number Four? Come out quickly. I promise I won't beat you to death.

Good lord, he was so vicious as soon as he opened the group.

Was Number Two cuckolded by Number Four or something? Was there a grudge between them? Even Jiang Hong could feel the hostility in those words.

A few seconds later, a few undercover agents began to come online.

[3]: Who provoked the great Second Venerable? Watch me drown him with my spit.

[8]: "No matter what it is, don't be angry. We're all companions. Can't we sit down and have a cup of tea to talk about it?"

Number Eight seemed to have a strong sense of companionship. He was the old bootlicker who followed Number Three's routine.

As for Number Four, he was not online yet.

Could it be that Number Four had really cuckolded Number Two… Jiang Hong complained faintly.

At this moment, Number Two began to speak again, his words filled with hostility.

[2]: The person I sent to Green Sparrow City was intercepted and killed by the Dao Alliance. As a spy in the Dao Alliance, this Number Four didn't even inform me in advance. Do you think I should kill him?

[2]: I suspect that Number Four is deliberately going against me.

[2]: Where's Number Four? Don't pretend to be mute. Come out quickly.

So he wasn't cuckolded, how boring… Jiang Hong was disappointed.

"However, looking at the current situation, it should be a coincidence."

Jiang Hong looked at the mirror and rubbed his chin as he analyzed.

According to Number Two, if the Sky Demon League members were to make a move, they would inform them in the mirror in advance.

Since Number Four did not inform him immediately, it was most likely because someone from the Dao Alliance happened to be working in Green Sparrow City. That was probably why this subordinate of this great venerable One was unfortunately intercepted and killed.

Of course, Number Four had not said anything yet, so it was only Jiang Hong's speculation.

[1]: Number Four is not such a person. Let's hear what Number Four has to say first.

[2]: Alright, I'll give Number One face first. Number Four, come out and explain.

At this moment, group leader Number One finally appeared.

Just by his appearnace, Number Two's hostility was visibly reduced. Number One was really Number Two's nemesis. Jiang Hong couldn't help but be curious about the identity of Number One.

They waited for a few more seconds.

Number Four finally appeared.

Four: "I just found out about this. The higher-ups sent me to Green Sparrow City to carry out a mission at the last minute. It was my negligence this time. I'm really sorry, Number Two."

Without retorting, Number Four admitted his mistake honestly.

Apologizing sincerely? Or was he just fooling around?

[2]: Sorry? An apology is enough. If an apology is useful, why would I need a fist?

[4]: How about I sent you another one for free. That should be enough, right?

[2]: No! One yard is one yard. Set a time. Let's fight offline.

[1]: Everyone makes mistakes. Since Number Four already apologized, you should forgive him.

The mirror fell into a long silence.

A moment later.

[2] I'll give Number One another face. Five days later, I'll send another person to Taotie City.

[4]: Sure.

"This Number Two really listens to Number One."

After watching the conversation between the spies, Jiang Hong couldn't help but sigh.

According to his previous understanding, Number One seemed to be a spy in the Imperial Palace. There were several dynasties in the Tianluo Realm, but he did not know where he (she?) was from. If he had the chance to ask, he might be able to rely on his identity as a spy to get something for free.

Since Jiang Hong was lucky enough to obtain this opportunity, he naturally wanted to maximize the benefits.

Well, he should wait until he found another experience chamber and learned a few moves, then he would pat Number One's butt too.

[1]: Is Number Six here?

Eh?! Why are you suddenly looking for me? Could it be that he (she?) knows that I want to patt her butt… Jiang Hong joked in his heart and immediately injected his divine sense into the mirror.

[6]: Number Six is here, at your service.

[3]: Why do I feel that this newcomer wants to snatch my job?

[8]: We're all companions. There is already enough flattery coming from Number Three. Number Six, be normal.

Jiang Hong ignored Number Three's obvious jealousy and Number Eight's lack of presence as he quietly waited for Number One to speak.

[1]: Have you interacted with Jiang Hong?

Jiang Hong: ?!

Good lord, Jiang Hong spasmed and almost fell to the ground.

All of a sudden, my handsome name came out of this big shot's mouth.

Moreover, he wanted him to investigate himself. No, he wanted the original Number Six to investigate him. What's going on? He didn't think he had provoked such a big shot, right?

Just as Jiang Hong was in shock, a few more people appeared.

[5]: Number One, why are you investigating him?

[8]: Is it the organization's new target? Where is he? I'll go and take his head now.

[4]: It's better to be happy together than to be happy alone. Number Eight, bring me along.

[3]: Jiang Hong? This name sounds terrible. Your names are much better.

"You don't seem to know our names…" Jiang Hong complained faintly and began to analyze.

Originally, Number Six was still a rookie. It was understandable that he did not know some things. The only person with a special connection with him was Number Four. However, from what Number Four said, he (she) seemed to be very excited about this. He did not even ask Number Six why he did not report Jiang Hong's matter to Number One earlier.

From this, it could be inferred that Number Four had not said anything related to Number Six at the beginning.

In that case, he could try to directly ask why he was being investigated. If Number Six should have known why, he could just hand the mirror over to the sect and leave.

'Yes, let's do that.'

After letting out a long breath and calming himself down, Jiang Hong injected his divine sense into the mirror.

[6]: "I haven't come into contact with him for the time being. May I ask why His Majesty wants me to come into contact with him?"

After answering, Jiang Hong gripped the mirror handle tightly and stared at the mirror nervously.

[1]: I heard that he's the newest genius of the Black Heaven Sect. He beat a Golden Core Realm cultivator with the strength of a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator. I'm a little concerned.

"Phew, looks like I made the right bet."

Jiang Hong broke out in a cold sweat and let out a long sigh. It seemed that Number One had only entrusted the original Number Six to investigate him, but he had yet to say the exact reason.

However, was it necessary for a big shot to care so much because of this?

Although killing enemies of a higher realm was rare in the cultivation world, it was not unheard of. Moreover, he was only crossing realm in the lower realms. He should not have such a huge influence, right?

Number One, who was he?

Why not test it out a little?

Just as Jiang Hong was thinking about this and was about to take action…

[4]: I do know a little about Jiang Hong.