How Did I Become a Scumbag?

Number Four actually knew him?!

Is his name already so famous that even the spies in the Dao Alliance were paying attention to him?

While Jiang Hong was shocked, Number One in the mirror also replied.

[1]: Speak.

Si: "He's a liar, a scumbag who cheats girls of their feelings. He's full of nonsense. If you stand next to him, you can get pregnant just by breathing the air around him. He's the shame of the orthodox world!"

Jiang Hong: ???

Comrade Number Four, are you sure that the Jiang Hong you're talking about is the same person as this handsome and charming young master?

When did he become a scumbag? There was just a few women around him. How could he be called a scumbag?

This was called universal love. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense.

[8]: "I didn't expect such a person to exist in the orthodox world. He is really lucky to be still alive."

[2]: I admire him very much. Number One, I think this person can become a member of the Sky Demon League. Such a bad person is simply born for the Sky Demon League.

[3]: "I agree with Lord Number Two. This person is indeed more suitable to be a demon. When are we going to let him become a demon and enter the evil path?"

'You're the one who was born to be a demon. Your entire f*cking family is…' Jiang Hong almost couldn't help but retort.

However, he didn't dare to do that. If he really argued against his superiors in the groupchat, it would be no different from directly writing the words "I'm a spy" on his face.

Jiang Hong decided to wait and see what Number One was planning before deciding what to say…

At this moment, Number One, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again.

[1]: Whether to recuit or not will be decided in the future. Number Six, you should find an opportunity to interact with him. After that, I will look for you regularly to ask about his recent situation.

… Why did Number One care so much about Jiang Hong?

At this moment, whether it was those who were discussing this or the members of the Sky Demon League who were lurking, this doubt appeared in their hearts at the same time.

Although there was no clear distinction between superior and subordinate in the Sky Demon League, excluding some spies with ulterior motives, everyone automatically took Number One as the leader and the manager of the Sky Demon League.

Whether it was his status or his cultivation, it was hard for them to care about a Foundation Establishment Realm disciple from a righteous sect.

"What is Number One trying to do? And Number Four too… Why does this guy who's undercover in the Cultivation Alliance know so much about me, a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator?"

Even though most of them were slandering him, Jiang Hong still took note of their worlds.

"Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Since that's the case, there's only one thing to do now."

If he wanted to know more about the undercover spy in the Dao Alliance, he would have to ask the people of the Dao Alliance.

As the spies went offline one after another, Jiang Hong left the Green Wave Lake Cave and headed towards Eldest Senior Senior Sisterister's room.


At the same time.

The candlelight flickered in the dark and spacious room.

The Sky Demon League's number eight jade mirror holder sat cross-legged on a praying mat. He frowned and his gaze was solemn.

"Why is Number One suddenly paying attention to a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator? He shouldn't like such things."

"Could it be… that that man is related to the royal family?"

Number Eight squinted his eyes.

Judging from Number One's current situation and status, this was the first thing Number Eight could think of.


Since Number Six could interact with Jiang Hong, then Number Six was most likely a spy in the Black Heaven Sect. The Crimson Afterglow Continent that the Black Heaven Sect was settled in was within King Zhou's sphere of influence.

Since he was called King Zhou, his surname was naturally Zhou. However, this person's surname was Jiang, which didn't match the royal family's surname… Unless this Jiang Hong was related to that country, which was why Number One was so concerned.

"Amitabha, looks like things are about to get interesting. Since Number One is so concerned, this poor monk will also investigate this Jiang Hong. After all, our Sky Demon League is filled with like-minded companions."

"And companions are supposed to help each other."

Number Eight's deep eyes were half-closed, and his lips curled into a meaningful smile.

Under the gaze of the huge Buddha stone statue behind him, the light skull flickered dazzlingly.


On the other side.

In the dark bedroom, Gu Yiping frowned.

She held her chin with one hand and sat cross-legged on the bed resentfully.

Her fair feet rubbed back and forth restlessly. Her feet were very beautiful, and even the arch of her feet was gorgeous. They were small and exquisite. Her slender toes and tightly knitted brows were curled up uneasily like crystals.

Unfortunately, although it was very beautiful, it could not hide the woman's depressed emotions.

She stared at the mirror in her hand with mixed emotions and muttered to herself,

"Something's not right, something's not right. Didn't Jiang Hong collude with the demons long ago? But why does it seem like this is the first time they had heard of him?"

"Moreover, some people even said that they wanted to get rid of him… Oh please, he's your companion. He's the great demon who will lead you to destroy the world in the future. Why do they want to start killing each other?

Of course, this was not the only thing that made her suspicious.

The most confusing thing was Number One's actions.

Could it be that this time, Jiang Hong had yet to betray the sect and enter the demonic path, and Number One's enticement was the prologue to him entering the demonic path? But Number One didn't seem to have shown any signs of pulling this great demon into his group…

"No, there's still too little information."

Gu Yiping gritted her teeth. She was so anxious that her scalp was numb. From the beginning of the trial, many events had developed differently from what she remembered. Now, the exchange between the members of the Sky Demon League had overturned her whole view of the situation.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Gu Yiping's eyes lit up.

If Jiang Hong really hadn't betrayed him, didn't that mean that he really wanted to beat Liu Yuan up in the trial? He really hadn't become a demon yet and was still an innocent man.

Then he really wanted to save her back then…

Gu Yiping's heart sank, and her gaze gradually became complicated.

"… No, I can't come to a conclusion so quickly."

After a long pause, she shook her head.

There were too few clues. It was still too early to come to a conclusion.

"In any case, let's inform the Dao Alliance first and let them ambush those demons in Taotie City in five days."

Gu Yiping patted her face to cheer herself up.

She decided to do what she could before investigating Jiang Hong's true background.

She wanted to kill another wave of geniuses from the Sky Demon League like what happened in Green Sparrow City a few days ago.

However, considering the long-term development in the future, she had to reveal a little about the Dao Alliance's movements this time to prevent her identity from being suspected.

After making the decision, Gu Yiping jumped off the bed and stepped on the clean jade floor. She picked up a pigeon and sent a message to the Dao Alliance.

Suddenly, familiar footsteps came from outside the house.

"Senior Sister Gu, are you home?"

Jiang Hong?!

What was he doing here so late at night?

Gu Yiping was shocked.

"Yes, I'm here. Come in."

Suppressing the indescribable emotions in her heart, she tried her best to sound normal.

Jiang Hong walked in. From the outside, there was nothing wrong with him.

Gu Yiping did not ask the other party immediately. She was waiting for the other party to speak first so that she could take the initiative later.

However, she did not hear the other party's words for a long time. She even felt a long gaze coming from the other party.

Strange, what was he looking at?

Gu Yiping looked up and was stunned. This man… was actually staring at her feet.

He, he even licked his lips!