Chapter 236 I Quite Like Monster Girls (3)

Demon loyalty is actually very delicate.

It's a world that takes the law of the jungle to extremes; Helois and Iyeta may not be very loyal to Diaberlic.

It's only because they have grown up beside the Prince, developing a habit, coupled with Diaberlic's high status and strength, that Helois and Iyeta dared not question him even a little bit.

Yet, Diaberlic unreasonably scolded Helois in front of the other demons and, adding to the disappointment, he let her go at the last moment, a decision that was also seen by Helois as quite disappointing.

After all, from what she had experienced, although the magma was terrifying, it would have been easy for Diaberlic to resist, but the Prince didn't even try before deciding to let go.

The long-accumulated veneration, fear, and subjugation towards Diaberlic dissolved quite a bit at that moment.