The Slave

Seeing the mines up close was much worse than observing it from a distance. That is, upon entering through the main guarded entrance, the site became much more comparable to a German POW camp. Specifically, within the confines of the large wooden walls was a series of horizontal openings dug into the mountainsides; from which dazed figures in tattered rags drearily hacked into open rock with pickaxes, whilst others lugged large wooden carts filled with ore back and forth. Away from the mines was a series of large barracks constructed from wood. These served as the housing units for all prisoners, in which they slept.

Additionally, whilst the archers in the towers domineered over the terrain below, Royal Guards armed with spears also walked amongst the toiling slaves. If ever anyone was working slower than expected, the guards would probe them with the tip of their spears. Although only a rough estimate, the populace of the site consisted of over one hundred slaves divided between the numerous mines, with the guards numbering half these personnel.

Exiting from the carriage, Lev and the two brothers were immediately introduced to Overseer Marat, who stood flanked by three armed guards. He was a rather short man, aged in his forties with greying hair and a neatly trimmed beard. It was not common for a man of such stature to see the new arrivals but seeing as one had personally threatened and insulted the Grand Duke, and the other two were prominent bandit leaders, he had desired to meet them. That is, to match a face with the stories he had heard.

"Nowhere near what I assumed you three would look like" he remarked, rolling his eyes in disgust. Rather than vocalizing his genuine observations, the Overseer was from his first words instead trying to diminish the resolve of the men. Glancing over, he observed the various awards and decorations pinned to Lev's greatcoat.

"They mean nothing here… let it be known that whoever you were before arriving to my mines means nothing" Marat followed up. Although continuing to feign disinterest, it was clear that he had at the very least a subtle interest in Lev; regarding both his background, and his actions that led him here.

"As for you two… well, I don't know what I was expecting from two lowly peasants"

The Overseer really was going on the attack; this time going after the physical appearance of the brothers. Whilst Lev retained his cool, Ivan and Maxim were visibly angered. Their fists clenched, they tried to focus on anything but the man verbally abusing them. Smirking, the short statured Captain signaled forth one of his guards.

"Show them where they will be living from now on"

As they were led away, the three captives watched in shock as one particularly sadistic guard prodded a frail slave with the tip of his spear. Although drawing blood, the prisoner did not howl and writhe in pain. Rather, he simply continued hacking at a rock lodged in the mountainside; his eyes and mouth shut tightly, as if to hold back his sounds of anguish.

Eventually, Lev, Ivan and Maxim arrived at the barracks that would now be their home. The windows were frameless, and the planks that constituted the walls were crooked. Inside, there was rows of bed made from hay, with torn pieces of dirty cloth as blanketing. The place was otherwise empty, as the inhabitants were all outside labouring.

"You'll find your pickaxe over there" spoke the soldier, pointing at a distant wooden shed, with a guard situated out front.

"Every night, at the end of your shift, return your tools. If we find them, we'll kill you. If there aren't any questions, I'll leave you to it"

Before being provided the opportunity to respond, the soldier had turned his back and begun walking away. Having no other option, the three prisoners-turned-slaves went to collect their pickaxes.

"Straight into the fucking wolf's den, I guess" spoke Maxim angrily, in response to the soldiers' abrupt exit.

"We've spent our whole lives toiling, Maxim. We had our fun playing as outlaws for a bit, but its back to our old lives meaninglessly laboring away…" followed up Ivan more pessimistic and lamentingly.

After eventually reaching the toolshed, they were given a shady and distrusting glance by the guard: before finally being given the nod of approval, which in turn allowed for the slaves to get their pickaxes.

[I'll get out of here somehow… actually, scratch that. I'll get all of us out]

Lev took charge, with the two brothers following. As they tried to find a spot to set up, numerous eyes observed hungrily. Although in part due to Lev's clothing, it was also in part derived from the two bandit leaders being recognized by practically the entire laboring workforce. After entering one of the horizontal mount side passageways and setting up at a relatively solitary spot, the three men tried to establish their next move.

"What exactly are we supposed to do?' Maxim enquired.

"These mines are where the Grand Duke gets all his gold. His throne, his crown… it all comes from here. I'd therefore suppose our job is to hit the rock and find gold." Ivan replied, before raising his pickaxe and letting it down with a heavy thwack into a rock protruding from the wall.

Similarly, Lev grasped his pickaxe and begun hacking. Though in the depths of his mind, he was also thinking of any possible means of escaping. This thankfully alleviated the physical burden of working, as it made time appear to move much quicker. Yet, with every hypothetical solution, he would also think up a hypothetical flaws and conundrums. Nothing would work.

"You plotting or something? Fallen awfully silent" Ivan said, his voice grabbing Lev by the hands and dragging him back into reality.

"Yeah… but we seem screwed. I mean the only way out would be a literal uprising!" he responded, laughing at his own response. Ivan, however, did not laugh. Rather he kept hacking at the rock, before interjecting mid swing:

"Perhaps that is the only way out… I mean, it could work. From what you said to the Grand Duke, to us in the carriage, I'd say you'd make quite the rabble rouser. You speak of people living completely equal, being provided with sustainable lives… hell, had you arrived in these lands sooner I know for sure I'd follow you. Even your clothing! I mean, look at you… a steely military officer representing the interests of the people!"

"He might as well by an angel sent from the Heavens" joined Maxim.

"Well, that sounds grand and all… but how would something like that work. How do we convince the others here to join us? Then, after that, do we stop at just these mines or aim higher?" Lev replied. He was interest. Indeed, he had entertained such a plan when giving farewell to Kostya but had since put this down to an in the moment thought left over from his tirade against the Grand Duke. Before he could finish rationalizing what to do, Ivan once again interrupted his thoughts.

"Me and my brother will spread the word… you know, tell them how you ended up here, how you humbled the Grand Duke and his Court. The people here have most certainly hard of us. As such, we'll ingratiate you with them, and in turn, once they know of your exploits, you'll take the lead. Give 'em a speech, rally them to your cause. That's how we formed our small band of brigands. But given your capabilities, I trust you'll be able to spur a much bigger movement".

Lev knew everything that had been spoken thus far was the truth. Afterall, he had the training of a political commissar, who's entire purpose was sustaining the moral of comrade-soldiers and providing for them lectures on Marxist-Leninist ideology. Therefore, if anyone were qualified to lead an uprising it was Lev. And with the help of the notorious brothers, such a feat may yet be possible. Though, what would happen after liberating the mines was a separate question that Lev dared not yet investigate; as he was concurrently solely concerned on getting himself and the slaves out of such terrible conditions, regardless of the effect thereafter.

"Fine" Lev relented, "If you can ingratiate them with me, and convince them to listen, I'll provide to them the reasons they need to escape. From there, I'll lead them out of this hellhole"