The Rabble Rouser

The hay bed in which Lev had slept was rather discomfortable. However, it was preferable to the cold, mossy floor of his previous confinement. Afterall, seeing as he would for the immediate future be stuck within the walls of the labor camp, there would be little use complaining. Instead, being grateful for the small things was decreed to be the wiser approach.

Scraping the crust from his eyes, Lev awoke with a powerful yawn. Sitting up, he next adjusted his greatcoat and placed his ushanka atop his head. Curiously, after following this protocol, he had noticed his fellow slaves collectively glancing in his direction. They were all accumulated around one singular bed and had during their conversation been interrupted by the awaking Lev. Influenced by a morning dreariness, he squinted as to figure out what they were glaring at.

Seated on the bed and leading the interrupted discussion was Ivan, and by his side was Maxim. In his haziness, Lev could not make out what they were saying, though he could see their lips moving and their fingers pointed in his general direction. Eventually, the morning fatigue dissipated, and he could now clearly hear.

"Is it true, Senior Lieutenant? You really going to get us out of here?" enquired a desperate sounding voice hidden amongst the gathered slaves. Moreover, Lev was also confused as to why the mysterious voice referred to him by his rank.

Then, as if catching a brick to the face, it hit him. Ivan and Maxim had spent the night telling the other slaves in the barrack about Lev; about his background, his humbling of the Grand Duke, and his plan to eventually lead a revolt and liberate the mines. Since they were already referring to him by rank, it could be assumed that the majority agreed with the plan; and had indeed placed Lev on the mantle as leader of the revolt. With this realization, Lev responded appropriately:

"If indeed you have been told about the plan, then yes. It is true, I will be leading an attempt at liberating this mine… by this, I mean we will storm the guards and tear the Overseer from his throne".

Although speaking confidently and with ideological zeal, Lev had little idea as to how this plan was going to be enacted. Yet, this was only to be expected, as before formulating an in-depth plan he would at least need people in agreeance as to the general idea of starting a revolt.

"That'll be suicide, won't it?" spoke up an inquisitive yet worried voice from the pack. Using his natural skill at motivating and managing moral, Lev responded patriotically:

"Perhaps a few will fall, but they will do so for a cause greater than themselves… that is, if one comrade falls then five more shall be liberated. Simply put, yes some may perish, but they will do so bravely carrying out the sacred duty"

The Slaves averted their gaze and instead looked at one another. The speech seemed to have worked for the majority of those present, as they realized amongst the convoluted wording that although a few might perish, the majority would most likely survive. Still, a few remained hesitant.

"What is this sacred duty?" asked one such hesitant figure.

"I use the phrase in relation to myself… as I am a Communist, and moreover a Senior Lieutenant of the Red Army, it is my sacred duty to combat such appalling conditions. In essence, my sacred duty is to further the interests of the common person, and to ensure that no man or woman lives under such oppression as experienced within these mines"

"Sounds like a good cause… well put" remarked one slave, nodding his head in approval.

"Are you a Saint or something?" remarked another, his tone semi-sarcastic but also intertwined with seriousness. As to crush any final reservations regarding the plot, Lev made a conclusive proclamation.

"It must be done… we are being worked to death, whilst the Overseer sits upon his throne. Whether you agree with my sacred duty, or if you just want to save your own skin, we can all come to the agreement that what we are planning must be done lest we perish in these mines".

It was done. The figures, amongst them Ivan and Maxim, unanimously nodded in agreement. Next, it was imperative that an actual plan be developed. As such, with the little time they had before being called out to the mines, Lev got up, approach and then sat down with the others, and began talking about the specifics of their revolt.

Eventually, it was agreed upon that the general plan would be to firstly spread the word to other slaves. This was deemed to be most achievable during work hours, when they would have the opportunity to intermingle with laborers from different barracks. Then, from this the plan would proceed with Lev's barrack consisting of 20 men leading the revolt. That is, it was decided that these 20 men would use the cover of night to lead the assault; their voices igniting the sky with battle cries, from which slaves from the other barracks would heed the call and descend on the outnumbered guards. An immediate location of interest was the toolshed, as it was there that sharpened pickaxes could be located and utilized in the struggle. Otherwise, the slaves were to arm themselves with looted spears and bows.

Although doubling the guards in number, and having the important factor of surprise, it was regardless acknowledged that casualties would be sustained. Though, this only provided the slaves more reason to fight vitriolically; with this sentiment being further fueled by Lev's speech.

"Come on, suns up, get out here and get to work" boomed a voice from outside, followed by a loud hammering of the stranger's fist on the crooked door.

"Remember, get as many on board as possible… we'll strike within two nights, before anyone has time to develop feelings of reservation or hesitancy" concluded Lev in a whisper, as to not let the outside guard hear. With that, the men all stood up and one-by-one exited the door. The guard, clenching his spear tightly, looked confused as to what had taken them so long.