Tyler Moss

"You really have that losers back?!" Liam Hart, soccer captain and one of my best friends, snapped at me. As much as I respected Liam and his opinions, he was an Asshole. And he was wrong about Levi. "After I told you he was a stalker? Stop it Tyler! Think about your reputation."

Honestly I felt my friend had changed since we decided to join to soccer team in middle school. He went from really nice to some arrogant asshole I barely recognized. He stopped gaming online, something which he really loved and poured hundreds of hours into, turned into a dickhead jock. What made him happy now was taking out his anger on others when they don't listen to him. It destroyed him completely.

Still I didn't want to give up on Liam.

"Come off it," I begged. "Aren't you tired of this yet? It's getting super old."

"We all tolerate your fucking weird ass friendship with that loser but why do we have to start being nice to him too? Haven't you noticed he likes you way too much to just be friends and how he flirts with you all the time. That's not friend stuff! It makes everyone uncomfortable to be around you two. I get that you're a nice guy but, seriously, of all people, that guy?"

"That guy is my best friend. And no one asked you guys to tolerate anything for my sake. On top of that, If you hate it so much, you guys can honestly fuck off. I don't need your approval or your permission." This spiel was getting increasingly annoying. They could just leave Levi alone. And Liam needed to get through his damn head that he doesn't own me in anyway. "How does any of this effect you guys?"

"He's a stalker, you're just too naive to know the difference," Liam told me. "I'm actually really concerned at the way he acts towards you. We've been best friends since diapers Tyler, I'm telling you he's no good. He's trying to get you all to himself to do dirty stuff. He's probably a secret pervert."

"What the fuck?! We've been best friends since eighth grade! Why is it so weird to hang out with him? He's actually cooler than some of you on the team!" I snapped. How dare Liam go into slanderous territory. We just felt comfortable with each other. On top of that I was all brawn and no brains, while Levi was the opposite.

We just balance each other out perfectly. And our chemistry was natural and flowing, so much so that it often left me flustered and confused at how great we are together. These assholes just judge him because he's a little bit awkward.

It always pissed me off whenever they went on these smear campaigns just to try to get me away from Levi. He wasn't the one doing or talking about weird sex shit like everyone else. Levi didn't care only about being popular and all that other unimportant stuff. Didn't they get that I can hang out with whoever I wanted?

Why couldn't I feel complete in peace?!

"Fuck you! You're just to stupid to see he's really obsessed with you! Like, it's so obvious, Stevie Wonder could call it out."

"Fuck you! How the fuck would you know anything about him?" How can he suggest he knew Levi better than I did? It really pisses me off!

"It started at sleep away camp in ninth grade man. We all saw him watching you sleep at one point. I thought I was wrong, so I kept my mouth shut, but people came to tell me what I saw myself. He takes secret pictures of you too! We've all seen it at least three times. Dude are you really that stupid to not notice?! How could you be the only one who doesn't see it. He's obviously in love with you! Anyone with eyes can see how attracted he is to you, he doesn't even try to hide it anymore."

"Shut the fuck up," I rolled my eyes. I remember that faintly, waking up and seeing Levi and feeling....safe and happy but that was probably just a dream. Levi often showed up in them. "I hear this everyday. I thought you as my friend would understand. I'm not listening to your slander."

"Everyone thinks you're a secret couple. Are you guys?"

"No! We're just really attached to each other."

"You mean attracted to each other."

"Stop being stupid!"

"Then hang out with the team tonight! There's a party at Jessica's place!" The thought of partying with the future offenders of America made my skin crawl.

"No, I can't, I'm getting tutored by Levi after school. Then we're hanging out. I'd rather be around him."

"See, this is why people think you two are dating. You can't get enough of each other! Are you two fucking? It's cool if you are dude, but as least be honest about it. It's annoying seeing the back and forth."

I felt my face heat up at Liam's stupid suggestion. We hang out because we're good company! "Levi and I are not dating! He's like a brother to me and I'm sure he doesn't like me like that."

"A brother? Really? So he hasn't confessed anything to you yet it seems. That's probably why you won't acknowledge it. Don't you ever want to go out with girls?"

"I haven't really thought about any." Even if I wanteD too, Levi was the one always popping into my mind and steals focus. Besides, I just always end up comparing the girl to Levi anyway, but I wasn't going to let Liam know that.

"I know. But you have thought of Levi, you tell me all the time. He's the only person you like anymore. I'm proving my point here and you still haven't denied being in love with Levi."

"How would you know?"

"This is the first time in two years that we've spoken without Levi next to you. I don't care that you're into him honestly, he just creeps me out and he's super obvious. I just want you guys to admit you like each other. You're obviously into him."

"I'm not....I'm not into Levi."

"Aren't you though?"

"He's like a brother to me. He just doesn't get along with others very well because he's socially awkward. We click and we get along really well. That doesn't mean we're in love man. We just click really well."

"Oh my god, you do like him, don't you."

"No! We're friends!"

"You're blushing, Tyler!"

"No I'm not!"

"I know that Face! You made the same face at Stacy for years," Liam pointed out.

"You're wrong!"

"Prove me wrong then. Pay more attention to how Levi is towards you and tell me that he's not in love with you and that you're not in love with him," Liam whispered. "Also make sure you check his phone. I think the pictures are still there. Then check his bag for your things. Then you can deny that you two fell in love at first sight like everyone says."

"Why are you-"

"Hi, Tyler," I heard Levi's voice behind me.

"What's up, Levi," Liam smiled. "I'm falling behind in class so can you tutor me as well? Ty here has just been telling me all about how smart and capable you are."

"You have?" Levi's face lit up a bit. That was normal for praise.

"Yeah he has, how you made his score steadily go up and how could I not want to spend time with my cute little TyTy to learn." Liam smiled and pinched my cheeks like he used to in elementary. Like Liam said I paid attention to Levi who's face went from happy to something I didn't recognize. Although it lasted for only a second it was a bit haunting.

Was I really being naive? Am I just seeing things? What if he gets the wrong idea of why I was speaking to Liam about him? What if he thinks Liam and I are too close?

"It's just because I think you're smart, so I let him know," I explained for some reason. I just didn't want Levi to get the wrong idea!

"If Tyler's okay with it," Levi said. It wasn't genuine.

Is this what paying attention does? You notice all the weird things about people? I'm suddenly nervous as hell. Why was Levi's weird ways appealing to only me and not everyone else? It was  adorable. If people just got to know Levi, they'd see how cute he actually was."Come on Liam-" I slapped his hands off my cheeks. "I don't think you want to come to our study sessions anyway. We usually do a huge workload. Your brain wouldn't be able to cope."

"Because your brain is such a sponge," Liam retorted.

I just couldn't focus because Levi watches my every move while I'm trying to focus. And it only takes so long for me to grasp things because I'm flustered every time he smiles at me, so I have to review everything after he leaves my house. Most of the time he doesn't leave for the night so I just don't review anything.

And when he doesn't leave, he stays right next to me. And he will always hover over me so his smell distracted me and my thinking strayed. And I'm realizing that I don't feel completely happy unless he's close because I'm so used to having him next to me. And how he tries his hardest to make me smile everyday by doing a bunch of the activities I like without promt.

And when he stopped holding my hand all the time because people were making fun of me....I always thought about how much I missed that. It sucked that I made it stop. I've never held hands with any other friend I had.

I just wanted him to myself. Wasn't that normal?

"Why are you so red?" Levi asked me before putting a hand to my forehead. His hand was big like a lumberjack or something. Was Levi always so tall and muscular? Now's not the time! "Are you getting sick? I can make the soup you like."

He would even take care of me because he knows what I like! "I don't think he's sick, but you can check one of my points off the list, right Tyler?" Liam giggled and nudged me.

"What list?"

"Proving that he-"

"Shut the fuck up, Liam!" I snapped.

"Realizing something on your side Tyler?"

"Y-You're probably just trying to fuck with me anyway. What's for lunch today, Levi?" I had to change this subject quickly.

"Rice, chicken and cabbage," Levi said looking back and forth from Liam to me. "I made it just how you like it."

"Just how you like it, Tyler," Liam repeated. "You're so obvious with each other. Just send out the invites already! It's only a matter of time."

"Y-you're lying."

Levi was still glaring at Liam who looked super uncomfortable. I think he got the wrong idea and thinks Liam's trying to bully me? "I'm going to see George. I'll leave you two to your little love fest, I can tell when I'm not wanted." Liam hurried away before I could say anything to him.

"What was that all about?" Levi asked. "This is weirder that usual.


"You're keeping secrets with Liam now?" Levi stared Liam down as he walked away. "You've never kept a secret from me before? Are we growing apart or something?"

"No! Liam just had this silly idea, it's stupid really. There's no way it could be true." Should I just tell him. It's not like it was really a secret.

"Tell me."

"He thinks you're obsessed with me and you're a stalker. And he said that you're so in love with me that it's getting criminal," I laughed.

"Of course I love you, you're my best friend," Levi smiled. I could feel the disappointment hit me like a brick. I didn't like that answer at all even though he was mirroring what I said. It was extremely disappointing to hear him say that so nonchalantly.

Was I expecting a different answer? "Your mom called me. You should call her back."

"She'll pick up your call faster," I said remembering that Liam urged me to check the phone. "Can I call off your phone?"

Levi handed me his phone. Geez, I even know his password. 052595, my birth date. Was that normal for friends to do?

"Levi, there you are," our maths teacher walked up to us. "I've been meaning to speak with you."

"I'll be right in the corner Levi," I smiled at him. I walked around the corner of the hallway thankful for this distraction.

Thanks maths. For once you were useful in my life.

I opened Levi's photo gallery to see....nothing but a few pictures I took on his phone and a few landscapes pics. It was disappointing because I hyped myself up for nothing at all. But that's good news!

Undeniably, it meant that everything everyone said was a lie and Levi was just a normal friend who was getting bullied. He just didn't have anyone else who would stick by him and be his friend.

I was very aware to acknowledge the painful tug in my chest at the revelation. I think I really wanted him to like me in someway more than a friend. Or maybe after so much hype, I'm let down?

Then I remembered that show Catfish when Nev goes into that guys google drive to find pictures of all those girls he got pictures from. I would try that if I was hiding something as well.

So that's where I went. Six folders? I opened the first one named 'forever mine' very quickly. My stomach immediately dropped into my ass at what I saw. There was over six thousand photos in this folder....of me. I obviously wasn't aware of the pictures being taken by the angle. I went back to the first picture taken and looked for a date. It was from four years ago.

There were at least ten to fifteen per day!

Still at unease, I closed the folder and went to the second folder named 'study'. It was all pictures of me trying to focus. The third folder was random angles of me walking in random places outside of school. But I didn't call him to hang out when I was wearing those clothes.

I can't believe he was really doing this! I can't believe Liam was right about this! A part of me might have knew, but why has Levi never said anything?

How could he say anything?

He must be hurting just watching from afar! How could he just stay quiet and accept me calling us just friends or even brothers? How could I have been so stupid?! It must've been so hard to hold that back for so long.

Is he ok?

Was I that hard to approach on something like this? Or did I come off as someone who would cut him off? I guess everyone else didn't exactly make it easier for him. Should I keep quiet about knowing this?

I closed the app and locked the phone. Levi's been watching over me all this time? Why did this make me feel....so happy? Why was I smiling like a dumbass after seeing so many pictures of myself I had no idea about.

Levi really was in love with me in some way! Levi likes me this much and it makes me want to do cartwheels!

I should be disgusted like Liam said, right? I am being stalked...but all I can focus on is how Levi isn't looking at anyone else but me romantically. I felt so special right now, so fucking happy that Levi's been only interested in me. My heart was about to beat out of my chest.

Was Liam fully right? We love each other?

Levi to me was someone who couldn't be replaced. With a single look, he tears down any walls that I've built up around me and makes me feel amazing. Every time we touch the static between us makes me want to always linger like he tends to do. He makes my heart beat too fast.

Yeah, I think I really like Levi.

"Sorry about that," Levi appeared next to me. "Are you sure you're ok? You seem, a bit more hyper than before. Was it something Liam said? Should I-"

"No....I...I just...want to eat." I stopped myself from the overwhelming urge to hug him tightly. Suddenly, Levi was looking a lot more attractive in a different way. I couldn't wipe the stupid smile from my face. I could honestly feel myself soaring above the clouds right now.

"You just want to eat?" Levi seemed to think a little bit as he studied my face. I smiled back at him excitedly and exhaled when he smiled back. He was trying way to hard as usual to read me." I guess I'm hungry too. Let's eat somewhere nice and quiet. Im tapped out of patience after speaking to Liam and that stupid teacher. She wanted me to join the math club. I told her no of course."


"Are you going to join too?"

"Hell no. But why won't you?"

"Because If you aren't there, there's no point," Levi shrugged. "I'd rather just be with you. It's better way to spend my time. Your face is getting red again. Do you want me to make you some soup?"

"No, I'm just....really hungry." And I just realized that my feelings for you are more that friendship. And that the feeling is probably mutual! I held back the smile I felt creeping up. We basically said the same thing, that we'd rather only hang out with each other! He really likes me! He follows me because he really likes me!

Is he holding back?

"Is something funny?"

"No, it's nothing," i involuntarily burst into a giggle fit. "I think I'm having heart palpitations."

"What? Should I bring you too a doctor?" Levi you idiot! A doctor couldn't cure this at all!

"No, I think I just need to relax a bit."