Levi Winchester

He didn't call his mom back and he saw the pictures I had. I didn't think that Tyler would know at the moment to look in the google drive. But of course he did, we've watched every episode of catfish together and that's where I got the idea.

Did he see his naked pictures?

Do I have to delete them now? It was years worth of work. It would be a shame to just trash it all.

I only started to take the pictures because the time without Tyler left me feeling violent and lonely....maybe a bit crazy. His face could always bring me back to the surface if I ever thought anything irrational. Not to mention, I'll have no masturbation material left.

What suddenly prompted this investigation anyway? Tyler was never curious about my phone before. Was it that stupid Liam that told him? He's even acting weird around me now. Like he started to pay attention to absolutely everything I did. How did he know about the pictures? How did he know about anything I did? How did he get the balls to try and intervene?

What the fuck did he tell Tyler?

"You good Levi?" Tyler asked. I caught myself before I could roll my eyes. He's trying to act like his usual self, but I could tell he's been observing me closely as of late. To the point that I could feel his stares. Tyler has never been this consistently attentive before. He just kept looking at me and smiling. "You look pale."

"I'm fine," I smiled at him. He definitely thinks I don't know that he knows. He thinks he's hiding it very well, but He's been staring at me the entire class. How do I bring it up now that my covers been blown?

"You're sweating buckets."

"I'm just fine," I assured him.

Should I even ask to keep anything? He was nice enough that he would let me keep some of the pictures, right?

"I need a lot of help for this upcoming test," Tyler mumbled. "I don't understand any of this academic stuff. I've gotta get my mind right Levi."

"I'll tutor you in all subjects if you need it," I offered. He looked at me red faced. I did mean ALL subjects Tyler. Your thoughts aren't wrong, and we can do it in your room.

Let's get real Levi!

As if he's having those thoughts about me after what he saw In my phone. He still didn't know there was another box of physical photos he never saw. He'll probably think I'm a freak as well, he's just way too nice to actually say something like that to me. He probably wanted to break it to me gently.

Even in a bad situation, he could be extremely nice. I just have to brace myself.

"Yeah, I do need the help, a lot of it. I've been improving slowly but my mom wants to see at least one A."

I was a little shocked, but still it wasn't weird for me to offer help and him accept. I guess maybe I was overreacting over something that was unconfirmed. Act normal Levi of else he'll know somethings up!

But he already knows somethings up! Dammit Tyler! What are you even thinking right now? Why ask me when you know?! Just ask about it!

Is he trying to let me know he's ok with this? That would be impossible, right? Who actually would be ok with this in real life? I just need to tell him that it's for his protection that I hover around him. I just needed to tell him everything.

"After school, I'll help you."

"But we're already studying after school today." I froze when Tyler said that but quickly recovered with a smile. He still wants me to come over! Should I tell him the truth? He knows and he's still inviting me over. "You canceling on me or something?"

"No, I'm just a bit distracted right now. I completely forgot. I thought maybe after that talk with Liam you wouldn't want to hang out as much," I half lied. I just need to test how much he'll give away.

Tyler started to look really guilty suddenly. "I'm not worried about what others say. They're not as interesting to be around in my opinion. They're all  fake and popularity obsessed. And all they talk about is girls. There's only so much you can talk about girls before you get bored. I'd rather hang out with you."

"And the constant teasing?"

"I should be asking you that. You get it worse than I do." He's still worried about me in this situation? He should be worried for himself! He's the one with a stalker!

"It doesn't bother me. I'm not trying to fit in, I like who I am and I like who you are and there are bigger things out there than being popular. Plus If i have you, fuck everyone else." I semi confessed. I still had to keep the line. I couldn't tell him for sure yet.

Tyler sighed. "I'm sorry I cursed you out back then because people were teasing me. I wasn't as strong before. It must've been really hard for you."

What? He apologized to me?

He's talking about the day before I stopped holding his hand. We had gotten used to it somehow a while after we met. It had started as consolation for Tyler's Grandmother and we never stopped. I just enjoyed that we had gotten closer, and that I was the only one who helped Tyler feel better. But I had no idea how effected Tyler would be by the bullying that escalated from that little bit of joy.

One day, He had been called a fag by someone he used to be close to and then got pushed down some stairs. Everyone had turned on him by that point. I caught him before he hit his head but he pushed me off and told me to fuck off from his life and never speak to him again.

I remember the devastation I felt from that day. It was the first time I really lost sleep and got into watching him all night through his window. He threw things around his room and even punched the wall a few times, but in the end, through his cracked window, I heard him crying for me to come back.

The next morning, after I practically blew up his phone with apologies, he still met up with me to walk to school in front of his house. This time I resisted the urge to take his hand. By lunch time we weren't very awkward anymore, but the new space between us drove me crazy.

I felt as if I couldn't get back. It was then that I decided to never confess and only stay as close to Tyler as possible.

After all that Tyler's bullies directed their comments to me only. Most of them have stopped since I never responded to them. But I still get a lot of shit for 'trying to turn people gay'. Which I guess, I was trying to do with Tyler.

How could he feel like that was his fault? How dare Liam put that stupid fucking idea into my angels head?!

"I've already forgotten about it, Tyler," I waved off the apology. Does this mean I could hold his hand again? Should I try it now?

No, too daring. I don't even know how Tyler feels about me. Then again, those pictures haven't exactly made him run away from me. I'm getting mixed messages here and it's just getting harder not to act on pure impulse.

"Levi...is it really ok between us?" Tyler suddenly asked. He seemed genuinely troubled and I was too insecure to ask what exactly he meant.

"What do you mean?" Shit! I didn't mean to say that out loud! I know what you mean, I'm just too scared to lose you. I'll be ok as just a friend, as long as you're happy.

Tyler looked straight into my eyes. What the hell was he doing? What the hell was he thinking? Am I being scrutinized? Tyler smiled, "Never mind."

The happiness was back, he looked more comfortable. What the hell was all this? I'm more confused than I've ever been. "Ok."

"Hey, are you cooking?" Tyler asked.

"You don't want take out?"

"No, I like your food better."

I could feel myself heating up. He's still going to rely on me for this. He wasn't trying to push me away even though he knew what was on my phone. Hold his hand. Pull him to you. Ravage him. Tear off his sexy uniform and Mess Tyler up and make him beg for more....slow down. "I'll make something nice for us."

The rest of the class I spent casting side glances at Tyler. He seemed to be zoned out and thinking hard about something. Maybe I could find out more about his conversation that made him like this.

Should I hold his hand to the next class so I can ask?

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll meet you at the next class!" Tyler ran off before I could answer him. There goes my plan to hold his hand and probe for answers.

So cool that he could dodge me like this.

I felt something hard hit my head and something wet dripping down my back. I turned to see a cut open  water bottle on the floor.

I knew who this was.

"Hey, why don't you stop trying to creep on Tyler like that," someone yelled. Stupid soccer team, this was a complete waste of my time. I turned to walk away but my hair was grabbed and I was yanked back onto the floor.

I pushed up my glasses and saw Liam and his shitty smile while he had a handful of my hair. " you should really listen to me, Stay away from Tyler you creep."

"Jealous? Do you miss your friend?" I smiled. Liam let go of my hair and I let him punch me, knocking my glasses clear off my face. When I reached for them I felt my hand being stepped on and little pieces of glass going into my hand.

"Shut the fuck up," Liam slapped me hard across the face before grabbing my hair again. Just endure Levi, you can get him back when there's no crowd. "I'm going to get you out of the picture, stalker! I know what you are! I know what you do behind his back! I've seen it! Everyone has! You're just a creep! Have you done anything to Tyler?"

"What-" I was interrupted by a kick to the face.

"Shut up freak!" Another soccer guy snapped. I'll make sure to pay it back to the ringleader. "Just stay the fuck away from Tyler! We all know you're just trying to screw him, you asshole!"

"And you're a stalker," another guy said. "Let's see what's in the bag pack! I saw him in Tyler's locker earlier!"

A crowd was starting to gather to watch the spectacle that was going down. I tried to get up but two more people jumped on me to hold me down as Liam opened my bag. I tried desperately to get my bag back but was held down by a few guys.

Shit! This wasn't good!

"Fuck man! I knew it was you I saw! Look what we have here! You're the one who's been stealing Tyler's underwear!" Liam pulled Tyler's underwear from my bag. People started to look at me and they gray boxers like I was a psycho pervert.

I didn't care about my reputation, but what would this do to Tyler's?! Would he even still be ok with knowing that I stole his underwear on top of taking secret pictures of him? He would probably cut me off for crossing too many lines so close together.

"Liam! You said to meet you-What the fuck! Guys get the fuck off of him! You're going to far!" Tyler's voice sounded out. He ran up to the guys holding me down and pushed them off of me. "What the fuck is all this?! You said you'd leave it alone Liam!"

"I never said that! Anyway, look, He's been stealing your underwear dude, stop being around this guy!" Liam snapped. "Everyone knows it's for real now! Look!" Liam held up Tyler's underwear. Tyler blushed and looked at me quickly. I shot him a desparate look pleading for even a smudge of understanding.

Was he mad? Was he disgusted? Was he going to hate me? Was he creeped out? Was this the end of our friendship forever now? Did I cross the final line?

He was going to condemn me in front of everyone wasn't he? He's going to never want to see me again! I'd have to-

"Shut the fuck up, Liam!" What did he say?

"Doesn't this bother you at all!?" Another guy yelled. "He's a freak! Kick his ass!"

"Shut the fuck up! You guys don't know shit about Levi! I asked him to hold these for me since you want to be in my business so badly! I needed a spare after lunch sometimes! Stop taking your breakup out on Levi!! You went too fucking far!" Tyler pushed the guys coming towards me away and helped me up grabbing my bag pack and his underwear in the process. "Come on Levi!"

I got up and walked behind Tyler. He still took my side before he took Liam's. This time he cussed him out in front of everyone, exposing the cracked friendship publicly, for me. He was truly an angel in any situation.

How could I have ever doubted him? "Thanks."

"Of course. Can you see?" Tyler pointed to my face.

"I can see perfectly fine. I just don't like the attention from other people," I admitted. "It helps me fly under the radar better."

"Bullshit, i don't want others looking at you too much! I have your extra pair," Tyler pulled out my spare glasses and handed them to me. Lucky he had those, I really wanted to hide my face.

"Who else would look at me?"

"Sh-shut up and say thank you!" Tyler demanded.

"Thank you."

Tyler sighed and pulled out some tweezers from his pocket as we went into the bathroom. "Give me your hand. I'll take care of it."

I held out my bleeding hand as Tyler started to remove chunks of glass from it. I forgot everything else and focused on how close we were right now. Tyler's curls looked more messy than usual. And his lips were twice as tempting.

"So.....You're the underwear thief?" Tyler asked suddenly breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I admitted. There was no point in denying it now that Liam had exposed me. "I'm sor-"

"I thought I was getting bullied all this time. At least it was you who has them and not some creep." Tyler chuckled.

What? He's not scared now? He's not going to call me freAk and stop talking to me? Why did he look happy? Did he not realize what was going on?

"Im confused."

"About you taking my clothes?"

"Are you seriously....you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad if you have my things? If you needed underwear I could buy you some. You've been taking them for two years." Tyler smiled. "Are you shitting yourself?"

What? This is why he was ok with it? Why would he say this if he saw the pictures earlier? Could it be he likes all this? Or that he's in cahoots with Liam?

Both are impossible. Wait! He doesn't really think I'm shitting myself, does he?

Is he offering me a way out of explaining? This is probably not something to talk about in school. After all there were ears on us all the time.

"Sometimes," I lied. "Sometimes, it happens. It's just too embarrassing to just ask you."

Tyler shot me a look. Disbelief? Shock? Did he know what was going on by now? How much did he know? He knows I'm lying, that's for sure. "Levi...I'm done with your hand, run it under some water. I'll think of way to get Liam to stop this bullshit he's on. It makes me worry about you."

"You can't get Liam to do what you want," I pointed out. "He changed too much."

"I know, but I never thought he'd take things so far. He actually hurt you this time. I'm so mad-"

"You don't have to worry about me."

"Shut up, I can't help it. I'll get them to stop doing this. You don't deserve what they do to you even if your hobbies are a bit different from others." Tyler said. "They went way too far to try and control me and make me assimilate. Just know I'll always be on your side, ok?"

I've already thought about that. "Ok."

"I also don't think you're a freak or a creep or a weirdo," Tyler stated. Was he trying to cheer me up after I was called those names? "I won't listen to anyone else about this and don't try to convince me otherwise."

He really was an angel. "I won't."

Tyler placed a bandage on my hand delicately. His strawberry scented shampoo was all I could smell right now.

"Did you sniff me?" Damn Liam for making him pay more attention to things.

"Your hair smells nice."

"You can smell it, as long as you don't steal it too. Are you one of those kelp-toes?"

"Kleptomaniac," I corrected. "I'm not. You're just my only friend."

"And that's true?" Tyler stared right into my eyes, as if he were staring into my soul. He definitely knew I was telling a lie, but I definitely know he wouldn't push it unless I was willing to talk.

It wasn't fair to do this to him, and I actually felt shitty for lying to Tyler about this. But I swore I would never confess. And how could I possibly tell him that my feelings for him are past that of regular friendship now?

He would turn me down if I said anything right now and I can play the friend really well. I've done it well for years and I've prepared myself to continue for the rest of my life.

"It's true," I said. I could hear the crack in my voice. The lie was completely exposed.

"Fine, I'll trust you since you said that's the truth," Tyler half smiled. Don't try to guilt my Tyler! I made a promise not to ruin us!

He's pissed.