Levi Winchester

I crouched hidden in the tree beside Liam's home.

It's been about three hours since I had left Tyler's house now and I just had to make sure everyone was really asleep to execute my plan. After a few months of sitting on this, tonight I would make everything just about square.

Liam spent at least an hour on his face and hair and it definitely was gross how vain he actually was in private. What man plucks his arm hair with tweezers? ok, the Ten step skin care routine was something I would definitely try out, but everything else seemed excessive.

Liam's mother and father had gone to bed, not bothering to check up on, let alone speak to their other children. Liam's sister had snuck her boyfriend in and they had long fallen asleep after drinking a lot. The housekeeper had just left a while ago as well without interacting with anyone and cursing the family on her phone in Spanish.

This family was a broken mess, wasn't it. Still the neglect didn't warrant how Liam treated other people.

Another hour of watching Liam streaming Overwatch online and popping xanex flew by. He was actually really good at this, better than he was at playing soccer. It was what he originally wanted to do anyway.

Finally he started to go to bed.

Life must've been great having options on what he wanted to do. He had so much, yet he acted like he did. What an Asshole!

Liam's mom and dad and sister were eerily similar to him. What with the same skin care routines, the vanity, the extreme pampering. No wonder, people called then the glowing family. Each of them was more vain than the last.

Finally the last light went off in Liam's room and therefore the house. I watched Liam climb into bed and pop two pills. Green bars? He'll be out in about fifteen minutes, so I had to act quickly.

Tightening the straps on my bag, I reached for Liams window from the tree I sat in.

They creaked opening up, but I ignored it because it wasn't the first time I've watched Liam. He had noise canceling head phones every night so he could sleep like a log....in addition to all the Xanax abuse. How did he ever pass a drug test? I closed the window quietly and turned back to my target.

Liam Hart was a stain on my life. He hadn't really done anything that bad until recently. There were the moments before and after class that we may share some heated words, but otherwise I hardly ever saw him.Liam had long stopped pulling pranks on Me, but whenever we did see each other, bickering would always ensue. In fact, our insults had become almost automatic; the anger that used to reside behind our words increasing as the years passed.

But he just took it too far this time for me to let it go.

He humiliated me in front of Tyler to try and separate us for good! He made Tyler's life hell under the guise of being a concerned friend. He told everyone that Tyler and I were gay and banging each other! He started all the bullying! He made My Tyler worry more about me when he didn't have to. Worst of all, He hurt my Tyler's feelings and it couldn't be forgiven.

I now stood at the side of his bed staring down at this trash pile. I wanted him to suffer like he made me and Tyler suffer. I want it to be as painful as you tried to make me feel. Maybe more.

You didn't deserve Tyler's kindness!

Slowly I raised my hand and brought it down on his face as hard as I could. Liam scrambled awake and, a bit confused, rubbed his eyes. Try as he might, I knew he wasn't seeing straight yet because of the drugs. His reactions were delayed and he looked extremely high.

"What? Levi is that you? What the fuck?" Liam asked before waking up completely and squinting to see me. "Why are you in my house?"

"Why are you doing what you do about it?"

"Excuse me?"

"We need to talk about Tyler, Liam."

"You broke into my house to talk about Tyler?" Liam asked before shaking his head. He was already looking down on me. "You really are a loser you know that? Who breaks into peoples homes to do something like talk? Is this about earlier? Did you come here to kill me or something?"

"I'm not going to kill you, Tyler would hate that." I smiled back at him. "I just want to hurt you really, really bad, Liam! I think it's time I delivered your karma to you. In fact I think it's long overdue in your case."

I lunged at Liam and tackled him to the ground. I expected that the drugs should be wasting him, but he managed to knee me in the face cracking my spare glasses. Dammit! Why was he actually coherent right now? Drugs aren't supposed to help you in a fight!

He threw me off of him and back into the bed post before he stood up. I could tell that we were both seriously confused. Him as to why I was even here and me wondering why he was actually fighting back.

Fuck my life! Can't things just be easy?

Liam punched my ribs and stomach a few more times before stumbling back over his own two feet.

"You couldn't hurt a fly if you tried!" Liam kicked my side making me double over in pain for a moment. "Fuck you, ya creep, breaking into peoples houses like this!!"

"You need to pay for what you did!"

"Shut up!" He kneeled on top of me and placed both his hands on my neck before starting to press. "Tyler deserves someone better than some lowly peice of trash following him everywhere. Once you're gone, he'll be my best friend again. I wonder how far I can stretch him out. He would be a perfect little fuck toy, especially since I'd touch him like he's never been touched before."

I froze. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"So you can talk even when I try to cut off your air! You're actually playing weak, huh?" Liam pointed out. "I knew you weren't right!"


"You've never imagined fucking him too?"

Too?! Of course I dreamed about fucking Tyler all day....but that didn't give Liam a right too! How could he have the nerve to view his best friend like that! How could he even have the audacity?!

I was fucking raging right now. How dare he talk about my Tyler in that way? Like an object! I summoned the strength to lift my arm and punch Liam in his Adam's apple, making him ease off my neck, before kicking him off of me.

I never let my eyes leave Liam, just in case Liam tried anything stupid or grabbed something. He could barely grab his own balance. I walked over to him and grabbed him by his arms, yanking them accidentally dislocating one.

He let out a silent scream and fell to the floor. "So....You want to have sex with Tyler?" I asked him.

"What?! Is that all you took from what I said?!" Liam looked genuinely confused. I wondered why he was so shocked by my question.

"You're broke with George because you wanted Tyler, didn't you?!"

"That's not-" Before he could finish, I punched him across his face sending him stumbling back a bit. Liam looked stunned for a second before I got him again on the other side of his face.

He always assumed I was weak because I never fought back. And it must terrify him that someone was actually going to hurt him back for once.

"I didn't even touch you! Why are you-"

"Because you aren't a real tough guy. You got popular and changed up on everyone to the point only Tyler was willing to put up with you. Didn't anyone tell you that if you choose the behavior, you choose the consequences? Or..." I made sure to look right into his eyes so he could see my intent. "You will always find someone stronger than you."

"N-No! Pl-Please! That's really not why I broke up with George. I was- I was just joking! The...the joke is going to far! I'm really sorry! D-don't really hurt me!" Liam cried, getting my intentions, trying to squirm away and catch his breath. "Levi! Come on!"

"But you really hurt me, and not only me. Didn't everyone else you bullied beg for mercy just like you are right now. Why should you be special?" I stated before I reached down, grabbing Liam by his hair, pulling him back up. He screamed in pain as he was thrown to the wall, causing him a great deal of pain as his body broke the dry wall a bit, and seconds later, he started to go in and out of consciousness.

He deserved it.

He dared to talk about my Tyler like that in front of me! He was going to get between us to try to use him as a fuck toy or something! He's a fucking piece of shit! People like him don't stop unless they're stopped. He had to be taken out before he got to Tyler.

I saw Liam crawling slowly towards the wall, he looked like he was about to pass out, sweat was pouring down his body, soaking his clothes. His face was all pale, and he looked like he was about to throw up.

I got down on eye-level with him and examined his face. The look of pure terror was actually very nice to look at. I could get addicted to the high it gave me.

"P-Please." Liam whispered. Still conscious? How could he speak?

I smirked and said, "Please what? Please hit me? Well if you insist!"

I struck Liam across the face with the back of my hand. A painful shriek burst through the air, Liam fell to his side, clutching the cheek. He spit out blood onto the floor as he coughed. I rained down more blows using my full strength until I was subsequently tired. "Please!" Liam cried.

"So, you think I'm a weak loser because I let you bully me, right?" I asked calmly. "And you think you can fuck Tyler, right?"

"I'm sorry, I took it too far!" Liam pleaded.

"I'm sick of you not answering my questions, you know. Your parents are too wasted on pills and liquor to hear all this commotion, right? And your sister with her boyfriend is too drunk to help you on top of that your housekeeper hates you guys as well." I told him.

Liam looked twice as horrified. "Don't touch them!"

"I won't, this is between you and me. I heard about all the rumors you started, and all the manipulation shit you tried to separate Tyler and I. Embarrassing me in front of  Tyler. Trying to put crap in Tyler's head! Smart...but I'm afraid I'm going to have to change your plans. You definitely fought bravely though." I snapped. "In the end, you never had a chance against me, Liam. Someone seriously needs to check your fucking ego."

"Why didn't you just fight back then!?"

"Because Tyler was protecting you! You're his best friend, of course I can't beat you up. But....I bet he's tired of defending you now," I explained. Of course it wasn't like I had permission to do this, but I'm pretty sure Tyler wouldn't get mad at me now. "I bet if you were out of the picture, he'd feel better."

Liam shuttered, as I kicked him in the side repeatedly.

He wailed in pain, trying his best to crawl away. I grabbed the waistline of his pants, and yanked him back towards me. Liam screamed as he was thrown back against the wall, he punched and kicked into the air, trying to fight me off with no success.


"Scream some more!" I laughed, "No ones going to hear you! See! HELP HIM!! SOMEONE HELP HIM!! PLEASE!!!! HE'S GOING TO DIE!!!!"

Liam sobbed uncontrollably realizing that no one was coming to save him now, but kept his eyes on me. Did he feel what he did to others on a daily basis now? I pulled out the butterfly knife from my bag pack.

When I flipped the blade out, Liams screams got more frantic. "I'll do whatever you want! Just don't hurt me anymore! Please, I'm so sorry!"

"What a mood change!" I chuckled. As I slowly walked closer I noticed a puddle on the floor slowly getting bigger. "Ew, you pissed yourself! And you're crying? I stepped in it! Gross!"

I stomped on his out stretched leg with my pissy shoe, feeling satisfied at the crack of his calf bone. "Fuck you!" Liam yelled.

"You still haven't learned to be nice? I was just cleaning my shoes off," I smiled at him before jumping full force with both feet onto his other calf and snapping it.

At this point Liam was a mess, wailing in pain in a pissy puddle, flailing around like a chicken. I held the knife up to his neck and pressed down a bit.

Time to end this for good.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I yelled. Liam quieted down except for his heavy breathing and some silent ugly crying. He kept his eyes solely on me as if he was pleading. "Good. Now, I can stab you in the neck leave you to bleed out and die. Or I can skip the theatrics and call you an ambulance now so you can live."

"Please, call the ambulance," Liam begged. I gave him a disappointed look. Did he really think it was going to be that simple? "I'll do anything you want. Name it!"

"You promise to say nothing about our little talk to anyone?" I asked.

"I won't say anything!"

"You promise to leave Tyler and I alone and stop spreading rumours? You promise not to think about Tyler sexually ever again?"

"Yes....I...I promise! Please...Please don't let me die! I'll never come near Tyler again! I won't even think about him! PLEASE!!!!" Liam begged. "I'll leave you two alone! I'll set everything right!"

"Who was wrong?"

"I was wrong!"

"Good boy, now let's eliminate all questions from the police," I picked up Liams dead weight and dragged him to the window, pushing both panes open. "Ready?"

"W-wait....no....I'll die....I'll die!" Liam pleaded. With a polite smile, I picked him up and pushed his feet out first. Liam disparately tried to cling to me but I quickly got him to stop by punching him.

We stared at each other breathing heavily. In this moment I could honestly understand why Liam did what he did. Children who have no power for anything tend to try to exorcise unexsisting power elsewhere. In reality, He was actually too weak to be himself, so he turned the tides on Tyler who wasn't so afraid.

Liam was just a lonely coward so I kind of felt bad.

Not bad enough though.

"Remember our promise, as long as you keep it, you can live, but if you tell anyone you didn't fall out this window because you were too high or break your promise....I'll be back to finish things up before anyone can catch me. And no one will catch me." Liam cried harder as I spoke. He decided to then throw up all over the front of himself. "Tonight, you get to live. It's all because Tyler still considers you his best friend."


"By the grace of Tyler, you can live."

I pushed him  out of the window and watched him fall legs first. We maintained eye contact the entire time. He screamed and howled in pain as he landed legs first. His body looked mangled from here.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I think  my friend is going to commit suicide! Come quickly he's on so many drugs!" I feigned urgency. I gave them a fake name a random number and Liams address before walking downstairs and out the front door.

I went to the side of the house and kneeled next to a terrified Liam, Crying and whimpering in his broken state.

I pressed my knife to his throat again. "The ambulance will be here soon. It's such a shame that you felt like you need to jump out of a window on your little Xanex trip. You should know by now that drugs are bad."

"D-d-don't let me die!!" Liam begged grabbing a hold of my ankle. I've never seen him look so pathetic. "Please! Levi!"

"I won't let you die, Liam. You can live...if you can tell me how you got like this?"

"I....I-I-I jumped b-because I do too much xanex..." Liam whimpered.

"And no one was here to save you? What a shame this happened. You're a Good boy though, the ambulance is coming," I shook Liam's hand off my ankle and ruffled his hair before running off.

I got it done, exactly as planned.

I really just did that! I made a bully stop his shitty ways! I can protect Tyler now for sure! He would be so proud that I can stand up for us.

I wanted to kiss him right now!

When I reached my home, I broke into uncontrollable laughter. Liam just broke like a twig! I'd never felt so powerful before! How awesome did I look doing that?

I reminisced about feeling his bones break under my shoes and the feeling of impact when I punched and kicked him. His bones cracking, his blood leaking from his mouth. It was like I had solved all my problems in one go. I wish I could've recorded the symphony of his terrified screams.

I enjoyed this way too much.