Tyler Moss

I got up extra early and got ready, taking extra time in the shower, on my unruly red hair and time to hype myself up to see Levi. I could confirm that yesterday really happened.

We kissed, and it wasn't a dream! And I loved it, i even dreamt about it going even further. He told me he loved me too! He told me, he's loved me for so long!

Now I wanted more of it.

Honestly I was on top of the world. The simple confession was what got me to stop thinking over my own emotions and just embrace Levi. We could be together!

"That's quite a smile, Ty, getting spruced up for Levi?" I heard my dads voice carry in behind me. When I saw myself stupidly smiling back at myself, I made it a point to mess my hair up.

"No." I couldn't help it! Just the thought of Levi made me so happy that I couldn't hide it. These overwhelming emotions have most likely been building up in me for years.

If it wasn't Levi, I didn't feel anything.

"Come on Tyler, your mom told me about it," dad chuckled and started to fix my hair back up. "No sex until you move out though....says your mom. Just make sure you use a condom."

"Dad.....I don't know what to do."

"You probably won't have to do much. Just make sure Levi wears a condom before he goes in."

"What makes you think I'm the bottom?" I snapped.

"Come on now, Tyler." My dad scoffed at me and laughed as he rolled his eyes. Yeah, it was a stupid question. Due to our sizes, Levi was definitely fucking me not the other way around.

"Whatever, I wouldn't know what to do anyway!"

"Neither do I....but your mom told me that you need lubrication to go in the back so just do that so you won't feel any pain. She says the comic books said you have to be prepared back there too. But slowly, I went too fast the first time with your mother-"

"DAD!!! I meant about dealing with Levi!" God, why were they so open about this shit? I hated hearing about their flourishing sex life all the time. It wasn't a nice picture at all.

"You worried you'll mess up?" Dad asked.

"No, how do I treat him now? How did you and mom handle that first day?"

"Well, when I first saw your mom back in school I kind of went crazy. Suddenly she was everything I ever wanted. Fantasizing turned into obsession. I started Taking pictures of her, following her home and even beating up her boyfriends when she wasn't looking. I even got a few of them drunk so they'd cheat on her, then she'd cry to me, the best friend." Dad dazed off.

"Did mom ever find out?"

"Your mom caught me," dad smiled.

"Yeah, and it was really really weird," mom said from my door. "But your dad kept following me around because he didn't know I knew. I also kept dating trash guys to keep your dad around, including your school Dean."

"He works there after going to school there? How depressing," My dad rushed over to pull my mom into a loving embrace. "Anyway, She confronted me after a while of chasing off girls who liked me and well, I'm not sure what happened after but we ended up getting together. After a date we made you. It was sooooo dirty!"

"Stan, not in front of Tyler!" My mom giggled.

"But it was a beautiful moment baby. You gave me a beautiful family and are the light of my life. I'll kill any man who tries to take you away from me, my love."

"And I'll kill any woman who approaches you romantically," my mom giggled back.

"So my parents are both stalkers?"

"Stalker? No way, Tyler, it's human nature to go after what you want no matter what. We just go a bit more extreme than others. Lucky your mom was crazy enough to fall for a psycho like me!" My dad hugged my mom tighter. "Which makes sense that you would be in love with Levi."

"What?" I asked.

"I thought you two were already dating because of how Levi acts. He reminds me of your father a lot. Plus I caught him a few times just watching you when you didn't know."

"Why'd you keep quiet?"

"Because you did the same thing. Every time you thought Levi wasn't looking, you would stare at him. And not just normally, I know smitten when I see it. I just wanted you to tell us yourself." Mom explained.

"Don't forget how well he looks after you!"

"Oh Stan, their love story is just like ours, friends to lovers! I love you!"

"I love you too, baby," my dad kissed my mom. I resisted to urge to gag.

"Makes sense I would like Levi?" I asked. "What did you mean by that?"

"Well yeah, you're just like your mother, except without the emotionally unstable or manipulative side. You're definitely of sound mind compared to us," dad said. "Too bad your mom walked in before you did it."

"Speaking of that, disregard what your dad said. No sex until marriage," mom snapped before grabbing a hold of my dads ear. "And I sent you here to give him a sex talk, not a green light! What was that about condoms?"

"Mommy, what's lube? Dad said I should use it," I whined. My dad shot me a look before wincing in pain when my mom tugged on his ear a bit harder. That's what you get for completely ignoring my plea for advice.

I got a useless back story and I'm still nervous to meet Levi. I have zero dating experience and I have no idea what do? What is dating?!

"Are you trying to corrupt my baby?!" Mom snapped while pulling dad away.

Hopelessly in love.


I grabbed my bag pack and walked past my my mom and dad arguing. "A mans gotta know what to do when it's time! I was terrible the first time! My son will know what he's doing!"

"Are you saying our first time was terrible?" My mom whimpered.

"No baby, I loved it so much, you know that. I was never happy until then. I just didn't want him to feel insignificant and mess up like I did."

"Oh Stan!"

"I'm leaving now," I yelled back. Geez, they were annoying. Why did I ask for anything?

"Yeah, just slam the door so we know your gone for sure. You don't want to hear what we-" I slammed the door in disgust. It was like living with two horny teenagers who just fucked all the time....and gave horrible advice.

I've never experienced this before. How should I treat a boyfriend? Everyone tells you about girls but not about boys! Is there a difference?!

I'm going to be terrible at this, aren't I?

"Morning," a warm voice sounded from in front of me. Involuntary my face broke out into a smile and suddenly I didn't feel so nervous anymore.

However the smile was knocked from my face when I saw Levi standing there with a black eye and broken glasses, so the anxiety was back as soon as it was gone.

He looked pretty happy for someone who looked like they were freshly clobbered.

"Who did that to you?" I came closer resisting the urge to throw myself into his arms and comfort him. I reached for his face but Levi grabbed my hand.

"It's healing, don't poke it."

"Who hurt you?"

"Liam....but it doesn't hurt anymore," Levi smiled. "Don't worry about it please."


"I promise it's nothing. Let's just forget it so we can enjoy our time."

"Well, I guess if you say it doesn't matter...." I still felt bad for him. All this bullying because of me stubbornly taking up for him. "I won't be friends with Liam anymore."

"It's really ok, I don't want to tell you who you can and can't hang out with. But let's just forget it. It's our first day together, let's focus on that." Levi assured me. He laced his fingers with mine and smiled before pulling me closer and giving me a deep kiss. "Good morning Tyler."

I smiled back. He kissed me again! It's really real! It wasn't a dream! "good morning Levi!"

"Did you sleep well?"

"Not really, I was too...excited to see you again." I admitted. How could I tell him that I got only three hours of sleep because my heart was beating from my chest. How could I tell him that his face and voice were the only things I could hear after he left. How could I tell him I spent half the night jacking off to him?

I now understood why Levi lied about the pictures.

We started in the direction of school, still holding hands. I never realized how much I actually truely missed this, not that I ever really wanted him to stop. I loved this so much. Levi was holding my hand again!

I never wanted to let go.

"We're close to the school," Levi said loosing his hand from mine. "I want to hold your hand more because I've missed it so much. But I don't want you getting bullied for it."

"I want to hold your hand!" I said immediately after him and made sure I had a firm hold on his hand. "I missed it, we should've never stopped! So you better be ready to hold my hand too!"

"You can't take it back again, I won't let you."

"I don't have to deny what I like anymore."

"Tyler!" Someone yelled out. George Peterson, the centerfield and Liams 'best friend' ran up to me. "Practice got cancelled! Liam jumped out of his window! He broke both his legs!"

WhAt the fuck? Why would Liam do that? He was just fine yesterday after we spoke, We argued but he was still ok. And he did his usual live stream last night and seemed ok. "What?"

"Yeah, the cops said he tried to overdose on liquor and Xanax then jumped out of his window. My dad said it was kind of brutal," George told me. "I'm going to the hospital to check on him. Lucky he got away with some broken legs but now he has to do ten days mandatory for mental health reasons."

"That's terrible," I gasped. What the hell was going on in Liam's head? I had to know why he suddenly wanted to die. "Let's go visit him."

"I don't think I should go. Liam hates me," Levi kept his head down but I could tell he was annoyed. I squeezed his hand to no avail.

"That doesn't matter, go there, forgive him for what he did yesterday and maybe he'll be ok," George said to Levi. I glared at George because he was just another perpetrator. "Just to help his mental state, you don't have to mean it."

"I guess, Forgiveness is a good form of mental healing. I mean he tried to kill himself," I reasoned. "Please come with me to see my friend, Levi. I know it's uncomfortable but he's still my friend."

"Don't beg Tyler, you don't have to with me." Levi looked extremely uncomfortable at the moment. "I'll go, only because you asked me."

"I'm sorry, but the circumstances-"

"You don't have to apologize. If he's important to you I'll do it," Levi muttered. Was he jealous?

"You don't have to really forgive him dude, he went pretty far, I get it. Just say it just to help him heal up a bit," George tried to pat Levi on the back, but Levi avoided his touch. "I'll take you two in my car."

"Now? We'll miss class," Levi protested. "Your parents will hate that! You'll fall behind-"

"Well you can teach me what we missed, you're in all my classes anyway," I said. It was actually weird Levi wasn't in a more advanced class.

Levi looked at me almost astonished. "Are you sure you want to go now and not after school?"

"Yes!" Liam was a jerk but he wasn't a bad guy.

Levi looked at the school but ended up squeezing my hand again. "Then, I guess.....Let's go."

We all walked over to George's car in silence. Levi sat next to me in the back seat and we drove on our way. George filled us in on more details as he drove.

Apparently Liam hit his head really badly resulting in a severe concussion. He was covered in bruises and both of his legs were broken in multiple places. He threw up basically everything he ate as a fear response and he's becoming increasingly paranoid.

When we reached the hospital the nurse led us right to his room. "Make it quick please, Liam, your friends came to see you."

"Ok," a weak voice sounded from behind the curtain.

"Hey man! I brought Tyler! And you know he comes as a pair." George smiled back. Liam froze in his bed, looking horrified when he saw us. He sat up quickly and reached for the nurses button. "Hold on man, it's just us. I know you don't like Levi but I brought him here to tell you something."

George looked at me practically begging for me to say something.

"Why didn't you tell us that you were so sad? You didn't have to try to kill yourself! What are we supposed to do as your friends?!" I snapped at him. "I'm sorry, but this is extreme, why are you so sad?"

"B....Because....I-I just t-took too much xanex," Liam stuttered. Wasn't Xanax supposed to reduce his anxiety? He was usually sedated fifteen minutes after he took the pills. Did abusing them drive him nuts? "And I felt b-bad about everything I've b-been doing. I-I-I'm so sorry Ty."

"You should apologize to Levi, you haven't done anything to me," I demanded.

"Tyler, come on now."

"Shut up, George," I snapped. Liam got his karma for being a bully, right? He took everything too far and it came back to bite him. "The proof of why he should apologize is what he did to Levi's face, even after that thing in school."

"I-I.....I'm sorry," Liam looked like he was about to piss himself. "I'm....sorry!"

"I forgive you, water under the bridge," Levi smiled and walked closer. "I hope we can be alright now." Levi held out his hand slowly.

I think we all noticed Liam jump back dramatically while Levi reached his hand out and stared at it in horror. Frantically he reached for the button to call the nurse again.

"Dude, you peed!" George exclaimed. Liam didn't seem to hear him. His eyes were focused on Levi and his hands. Not in a weird way, but like he was waiting for Levi to attack him. "I'll call the nurse for more sheets. But maybe you can feel better with no hard feelings left. Lucky he forgave you! Cheer up!"

"Liam are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes!" He insisted averting his eyes and clutching the sheets.


"I'M FINE!!!!"

George and I continued to try to speak to Liam but he clearly wasn't of sound mind. His words were slurred and erratic. All the while he watched Levi in a desperately terrified way.

What really happened between these two? Liam has never behaved like this before and I didn't believe his story. He was too beat up for a simple fall.

"You guys need to leave now," a male nurse came in the room with two policemen.

"See you in school Liam," I said. I went to put a hand on his shoulder but he flinched away. I retracted my hand and settled for a wave.

"I like him better this way," Levi said. I get it, but it was still harsh to vocalize that so soon. Then again, Levi was very blunt. "He finally been tamed."

"Well forgiveness can help healing, but yeah, he does seem more docile now," George agreed. "I'm just wondering why the police were there. I'll get the car."

"Because his story is obviously not true," I stated too low for anyone to hear me.


"I wonder why they're here too." I lied. "If it was just a suicide attempt, why investigate?"

"Procedure I guess," Levi shrugged. "I hope he feels better."

That's what I loved about Levi. Nothing ever bothered him. To the point that he forgave the guy who's been bulling him for years.

I couldn't help but shiver. It made zero sense for him to be this content when I knew how petty he was. He was actually pretty capable of doing that damage.

"Levi," I whispered. "Just a thought. Did you do this?"

"What? No, I would never do something like that." Levi said avoiding my eyes. Is he lying to me? I brushed that thought off, just because he could do the damage doesn't mean that Levi was capable of something like this.


"Can we finally enjoy being together now?" Levi asked suddenly. I snapped out of my thought process and immediately blushed. Levi and I are together now and I forgot.

I now felt horrible.

Something so amazing was happening right now and I booted it out of my head like it was nothing at all. He must be thinking I don't give a fuck about it as much as he does!

"Levi, I didn't mean-"

"I didn't say that to make you feel sorry!" Levi quickly assured me. "You're a good friend, so of course you'll worry about them. I'm not mad about that at all. I just finally can be with you how I wanted to for years and I got impatient."

"Levi," I blushed and tried to look away but he grabbed my chin gently. "Where did you learn a line like that?"

"Those Kdramas you love so much," Levi smiled.

"Hearing it in real life is so weird!"

"I love you, Tyler," Levi smiled knowing I would try to look away again. Then he brought me close engulfing me in a loving embrace. Stroking my hair. "I love you messy hair and that you tried to fix it up this morning."


"Your hair has never been so tame. It must've taken a lot of time. You even wore your cleanest uniform, the button up has zero stains and your blazer doesn't smell like you haven't sweated in it yet. I could tell you washed your face a bit as well." Levi continued to speak. Thankfully he kept my face buried in his chest, because I was burning up. Did I really spruce myself up that much? "And i wonder if you blush all over."

"Levi! Tyler!" George honked his car horn a few times to get us to hurry to the car.

"He's fucking annoying," Levi hissed before taking my hand again and leading me into the car.

"You guys got super close," George remarked.

"Shut the fuck up and drive," Levi rolled his eyes and stared out of the window. Was he mad because we were interrupted?

Levi laced our fingers together and squeezed my hand every few seconds. When I leaned on him he finally relaxed a bit and leaned his head on top of mine.

Why didn't I try this sooner? Why was I so content not noticing my love for this guy. He didn't even have to do anything for this.

Is this what love is?