Levi Winchester

I could only imagine what Liam felt as he apologized to me. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see him so soon after I did this but, I'm glad it happened now. I was just elated to see real terror while he stared at me and pissed his bed. Nobody knew anything about what happened and he was obviously caught off guard as well. I had traumatized him throughly enough to keep him quiet.

To crush someone actually felt amazing.

"I love a good hospital visit," I smiled at Tyler. Tyler shot me a look and I wiped my smile off my face. Do you care about him that much, or are you mad we got disciplined? We got detention for skipping our first two periods but no more trouble than that because of where we were. I seriously couldn't tell why he was so mad. "I mean, it went smoothly."

"I'm glad you forgave him," Tyler shook his head and sighed. "I didn't think he would really apologize to you, but I'm glad he did."

"Me too," i said.

"Mphhhh mmm ohh..."

"Chew your food Tyler," I scolded him. Tyler took a few seconds to chew before looking right at me.

"I hope he's alright though. I've never seen him like this."

"Why do you care about him so much?"

"We've been best friends since birth, Levi. It's a real friendship, of course I feel bad for him." Tyler whined. "How could this happen to him of all people?"

"Fine," I just wanted him to drop this subject of Liam. His words make it sound like he didn't deserve that. But then again, Tyler only sees the good in people.

"Anyway, I meant to bring this up earlier but....what do we do now? I've never actually done this before," Tyler asked. I loooked at Tyler confused. "Do you like me for real?"

"I more than like you." I explained feeling my face heat up. He's finally focusing on us, even though I had to keep assuring him that this was real.

"Do you really like me as a lover? The type you want to kiss and have sex with?" Tyler blushed. He wanted to talk about the kiss yesterday? Was he confused? Was the kiss this morning not clear enough? "Is it that kind of love?"

"Tyler," I sighed before taking his hand again. "I am in love with you, and not as just a friend. I've felt like this since our first meeting and it's never changed. Yes, I want to kiss you and love you and have sex with you. The 'I've already planned our future' type of love," It felt good to say it out loud. But I grew increasingly nervous when Tyler didn't answer. Why was he so quiet? Have I said too much? "What about you, do you love me?"

"Of course I do! I think! I am a little confused...and finding the pictures and the underwear thing....for some reason....it made me like you more.....it's so sudden," Tyler blurted without hesitation. I couldn't help but be dissatisfied with Tyler saying like instead of love. "God, my dad was right, I am just like my mom."


"Were basically living out my parents love story," Tyler rolled his eyes. I assumed he probably got scolded for us making out in his room and getting caught. And my pants falling down....and showing my junk. He was honestly just embarrassed right now and was overthinking the situation.

Luckily I knew how to ground him.

"What do they have to do with us?" I asked. " I'm sure they weren't similar to us."

"I approached you to monopolize all your time and make you only my friend, just like my mom did with my dad. My dad was a stalker as well-"

"Forget that, it's our love story," I said interrupting him at that stalker word. I didn't consider myselpf that....but more importantly, he didn't say he loved me back! He just thinks he does, but it was close enough for me! Tyler wanted the relationship so I won't be picky about words. "I'm so happy right now, Tyler! I've loved you for so long now! But I thought you wouldn't ever look at me in that way."

"I thought about that too, and it makes me wonder how long you held it all back," Tyler mumbled. "It makes me kind of sad. I feel really bad."

"But it was all worth the wait in the end." I pulled Tyler close and kissed him like I did yesterday. He relaxed into the kiss and literally melted into my arms. A perfect fit, it was better than in my head.

"There's something my parents told me as well, I'm a bit nervous."

"What about?"

"Levi, please be gentle with me, I don't know what to do and I'm a virgin," Tyler whispered. Whoa! He's been thinking this far as well? No, both of us have to be ready. "My dad said you need to use lube but I saw your dick and it's huge and I don't know if It will fit-"

"Tyler, I wasn't going to try to have sex with you right now, we're at school," I forced myself to say. On the contrary, I was tempted to slam Tyler against a wall and ravage him....listen to him whither under me and moan and beg for more. I wanted to dominate him and make him scream my name. "I'm horny, but I've waited my whole life for this. I'm not doing anything until the third date."

"Do study dates count as dates?" Tyler panicked.

I hope so, I'd be having sex with you in three days time. I'd go crazy. "Do you want them too? That means three days." I ran a finger over his lips and watched him shiver a bit. Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"I don't know," Tyler mumbled. What a tease! Why'd you bring it up?

"Well, I want to do right by you. You deserve a real romance, and you said that the kdrama stuff can't be achieved in real life, but I'd like to try it for you," Without how goddamn long it takes them to get anywhere in a relationship though. Tyler looked at me strangely. Why was he staring at me like that? My junk keeps tingling. What else should I say? "I'll take you on a date tonight, studying isn't dating!"

Tyler took this second to laugh at me. "It's cute to watch you flustered. It doesn't happen a lot."

"So can I take you out tonight?"

"I don't see why not."

All set for our first official date! I soon started to panic a bit because It was at this moment that I realized that I had never actually planned for this part. In my head I only visualized the sexual aspect of a relationship, so I had no idea how to actually move forward now.

Am I supposed to make the preparations or does he tell me where I need to go? Do we meet up somewhere or do I pick him up? Does he pick me up? That doesn't sound correct. How does it actually work? What does one do on a real date that's not in anime? We haven't even established anything publicly yet.

Every possible date destination was just a way for me to have sex with Tyler like a degenerate. Public parks, restaurant kitchens, game rooms, a fettish club! How could I be so neglectful?

Because you're just a pervert, Levi!

"If it helps, I have no idea what to do either. I'm also a virgin and I'm lost," I admitted. "I'm nervous as hell right now."

"I'm glad." Tyler averted his eyes and looked visibly more relaxed.

"That I have no experience?"

"That no one else was before me," he mumbled before stuffing his mouth full of food. I shifted his hair a bit to get a better look at his blushing face. Was that an all over blush? It looked so erotic.

There was only ever you, I can't remember anyone else I cared about so deeply. "You're the first everything."

My phone rang with the bell snapping me out of my fantasy. "Should I just meet you in class?" Tyler asked. "That's the warning bell."

I looked at the screen of my phone planning a horrible revenge for whoever dared to interrupt this moment.

Tyler's dad? This better be good!

"Yeah, I'll be late, but I have to get this," I covered the screen and watched Tyler walk away alone.

"I saw who it was, you're better at this than I am," Tyler stated apologetically.

"Go, I'll get you out of trouble like usual,"  When he was out of earshot I picked up. "Hello, Stan-"

"I've heard some things, like you and Tyler skipped classes today. Two periods of class you guys basically disappeared for those few hours! It doesn't sound like you  and I'm sorry if my son has been troubling you, but tell me where you were." Stan told me.

"It's not Tyler's fault, he just wanted to check up on his friend in the hospital." I defended. This wasn't a great impression to make but I still had to get Tyler out of trouble. "Don't be too upset, I said it was a good idea and it was my idea since Tyler looked so worried. I forced him to go see Liam."

"It's me, you can stop lying for Tyler.The least that dummy can do is go to school. We Moss men have always only been lookers, but we have to work hard on our brains. It's true for every generation." stan sighed. "I thought if he hung out with you, he could focus on his studies, but now you're encouraging him to skip."

"Tyler wouldn't have been able to focus if he didn't. To pass, you need focus. So I pushed my ideals onto him-"

"Ok, ok, whatever. I'll just believe you since you're a good kid." I could almost hear him rolling his eyes in the phone.

"Stan, can I have your permission....to persue Tyler romantically?" I asked ignoring his scolding completely.

"What do you mean by persue?"

Say it. The words are harder to come out than I thought. I have them at the top of my tongue but it's like the words are stuck in the back of my throat. Why is it so terrifying to say out loud to someone else?

It was because now that Tyler wasn't here, I was anxious. Breathe! "I love Tyler and I want to date him."

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Even a stranger could tell that you love Tyler. And I'm his father I can tell when someone treats him the way he deserves. I guess you're cool to have around because you remind me on a lamer younger version of myself."

"Tyler said something like that too."

"How long have you been gay?"

"I don't think I'm gay, because I've never thought about anyone else. I just love Tyler."

"Ok, but are you sure you aren't confusing a strong bond of friendship and loyalty for love?"


"You're still young, and the path you're set on isn't easy. Are you ready to handle that and the strain it will have? And if you are, are you ready to protect him? Are you ready to stay by his side forever? Marriage? Kids....well adoption? Can I trust you to stay by him when I'm gone and can't protect my precious child?"

"I don't know what will happen in the future, But I'll do whatever it takes to bring happiness and comfort to Tyler. You've seen my school results, I want to be a doctor and I'm well on my way to this goal. I'll make sure to have a career and financial status to apply for adoption and we can go all over the world to get married if we can't here. I've thought it through and planned this a lot." Omitting the sex part.

"God, I hope I wasn't as sappy as you are when I was young."

"Stan, you asked me for this information." I huffed. He was teasing me as he usually did.

"Go for it kid, let me warn you though, if you hurt my precious child, you will feel the wrath of god."

"Can I ask you another question?"

"Shoot kid."

"Where should I take Tyler on date?" If Tyler and his mom were so alike maybe I could get some insight on what he would enjoy outside of being at home.

"I took Drita to a roller rink for our first date. We did a lot after....that reminds me! My wife said she saw the shape of what you're packing. Your pants fell down while you were trying to get on top of my son. The point being, you need to get some condoms and lube. And be gentle with my dear darling boy." Now I remember why I wasn't a huge fan of talking to Tyler's nymphomaniac parents.

This wasn't the case whatsoever! Why did Drita have to make it so dramatic?! Why does he openly tease me?

"I will be as gentle as possible."

"Good boy, so if I see my boy walking funny I'll know what happened. Third point, if I hear my wife saw your dick ever again, I'll break your fucking legs and throw you out of a window-"

"What?" I gasped. Why would he use that specific example? Did he know something?

"-Or maybe I'll throw you into oncoming traffic. We'll talk soon. As of now I don't think you have what it takes to protect my boy when I'm not around, we'll see if it lasts long at all. Oh, that's work calling me in. Bye!"

What the actual fuck? He hung up?

Let's see how long it lasts? He doubted how much I like Tyler, didn't he? He really thought that I couldn't protect Tyler. Is that why he ended up giving me zero advice as to where to take Tyler.

Was he against me too?!

No, he just was a bad person to go to for serious life advice.

But then, Why did he use those examples specifically? How did he know the details of what I did to....it doesn't matter. Don't spiral, Levi, he gave an example that c was just pure coincidence.

Even so, I was scared. The only way someone would know about this was if they were watching me. So Was it Tyler's dad watching me?

Someone was. I had to speak with him as soon as I could. I'm too paranoid.

The fact that I wish Stan would have been some help in date ideas or an idea for anything, pissed me off more. There's not even a roller rink in town anymore. I totally just wasted my breath.

He successfully got under my skin. That was a nasty fucking hobby he had. This is why he wasn't liked by many people.

"Useless," I growled in frustration. But I did get his permission to date Tyler. I'm doing this right. I'll just figure something out quickly.

I'll date Tyler's pants off!

How do I make a fucking date happen?