Tyler Moss

The thought that Levi belonged to me was still a weird thought. One that I couldn't help but be giddy about. I just wonder if this was my intention when I monopolized him for myself.

Just try and be normal Tyler. It's just like hanging out with Levi like the other times. Except this is a romantic date. As in....something I've never done before because I wasn't cut out for it. And it was with Levi!

I never even imagined this would ever happen in real life! I mean, we were best friends literally yesterday. I felt his dick, we kissed and he asked me out. I said yes and now here we are.

I was shitting my pants!

Be normal! Dad said it's normal to be nervous the first date. Mom dressed me so I know I look somewhat decent. Grandma wished me luck from her hospital bed and even sang her blessings in Gaelic.

I'm Irish. I'm born lucky. I'm Irish! I'm born lucky! I'm....incredibly nervous right now.

Levi looked calm and collected as usual. He was dressed casually but it seemed a bit upgraded. Who knew a belt could step a look up so much?

Or was it because it was Levi, that he looked kinda hot.

"Two for Batman," Levi said. So Levi chose a old picnic movie in the park. Good choice for a first date. We've never gone to the movies alone by ourselves, though it was secluded and many people didn't know about this movie space. If Anything got messed up no one would see.

How strategic.

"$32.50." The lady said.

"Fucking thieves," Levi scowled under his breath.


"Thank you!" Levi smiled and took our tickets. Levi hated spending more money than necessary, he always has been like that. "I made food for us. It's fresh."

"You made food?"

"I'm not buying shit here, Tyler. I refuse to pay $12 for a regular size bag of skittles. A small popcorn cost $16. It's absurd." Levi ranted.

"Are you financially independent or something?"

"You don't have to be to know that the pricing is ridiculous," Levi avoided the question smoothly as usual. Guess that's a sore topic for him. "They're robbing you!"

"This is cool, another Batman. They haven't been good since Batman Forever."

"Yeah, you always liked superhero movies, and that twilight guy is in it."

"First of all, he's Cedric Diggory. I won't acknowledge that role he took as a glitter bomb." I snapped.

"Ah, I forgot. Sensitive topic." Levi chuckled as he started unpacking his picnic bag. "The bus must have been so shaky. I had packed everything so nicely."

"Don't worry, it still looks great," I assured Levi before grabbing a chicken and veggie kabob. The flavor was amazing. Levi cooked better than my mother. "And taste shooo Goff-"

"Chew your food before you talk. I don't want you choking," Levi wiped the side of my mouth quickly with a napkin. "I'm glad you like it. Eat slower of you'll choke."

"You brought wine?"

"Yeah, I found it in the fridge but no one will miss it if it's gone," Levi said. I never exactly knew Levi's parents. Just that he says his dad pops in and out sometimes and I was never allowed over. I don't think I even know where he lives. Every time I asked he looked like he was experiencing physical pain trying to explain, so eventually I let it go all together. Levi opened the bottle and took a big gulp.

"You drink?" Levi never failed to shock me. "You?"

"Oh," Levi blushed and put the bottle down. I knew how self conscious Levi was even though he acted so tough. He was very easily flustered now. "I almost forgot we were in public. I have cups. I felt so comfortable around you, so yes. I drink sometimes to calm my nerves."

"You know it's ok to let your guard down sometimes and talk about the things that bother you," i told him. "Especially with me, I'll be there for you like you've always been there for me." I took the bottle up and took a big swing as well. "That tastes really good."

"Sweet red merlot, I hoped you would like it. I made some garlic bread to balance it!" Levi's face was bright, for the first time in a while, there was a full faced expression. "You can't get drunk."

Levi looked super cute today too. His shaggy hair had become over grown and now rested on his eyelashes. His glasses....cracked? He genuinely looked more relaxed than uptight and awkward.

Levi looked like a grown man and was actually very attractive. Dirty thoughts begone! "Ok, I won't get drunk."

I took another gulp of wine. "Ah, I can't bring you home drunk, Tyler, so don't drink the wine so fast and eat a lot of bread." Levi said taking the wine bottle back." I don't want your dad to kill me."

"What else don't I know about you?" I asked. "You know me but I feel I hardly know you."

"What do you want to know?"

"We're you nervous about tonight?"

"Yes! I keep overthinking every little thing so I don't mess this up." It felt better that I wasn't the only one.

"Are you mad at me for basically doing whatever I could to keep you with me....even though I thought I just wanted to be friends?"

"Nope, since I liked you and planned the same thing before we met."

"Before we met?" I asked.

"When I did the school tour, I saw you, and I've liked you since then." Levi explained. That made some sense I guess.

"Why don't you let me come over?"

"It's not a very good place to be," Levi sighed and took the bottle from me to chug it down for a bit. "I think that lady watching me killed herself a few years ago."

"What?! Why haven't you told me this?"

"Because I don't really remember it much, but I was tired of her before she went I know that. I just don't have memory of what actually happened to her, but I don't care. She hated me for being alive, and she let me know that. She was very mentally ill because the years of alcohol abuse had turned her brain to mush. I would have to sit in a locked room while she did whatever she did. Sometimes it would be weeks without seeing her. Sometimes she wouldn't even speak to me. She's always hated me for some reason. I'm glad she disappeared." Levi took another drink. "I was told by someone, I can't remember who, When she overdosed my dad kind of lost his mind because he was called in to take care of his bastard child. It was my fault and I was banned froM the funeral and her grave, even though he has another family. He doesn't pay me any attention and he stocks the house with shit I need. Hell I don't even know his phone number. I don't know where her grave is, I don't know where my real mothers grave is either! I'd tell you more, but literally that's everything I can remember."

"Levi," how was this guy so tough? How could he possibly say he wasn't bothered. He got abused at home for so long. I always wondered why Levi turned his emotions off, anyone else would have probably starting cutting or worse.

"It's only what I've been told, I don't actually really remember much about my own life until she disappeared and I started to go to school. Plus I've never actually seen this guy that's supposed to be my 'dad'. I don't even know if what I know is true."

"How do you get you things then?"

"They appear in the house when I'm running low on stuff. I've never actually seen anyone."

"You never met your parents then?"

"Don't think about that too hard, I just accept reality. I don't need them if I have you." Levi smiled. "You gave me reason to continue going on. Don't cry Tyler...was it something I said?"

I didn't realize the tears falling. I felt warm and emotional, is this what alcohol does? I felt intensely sad. "I don't it's just, you don't deserve all this shit you get. How could you be so calm? Why don't you ever cry?"

"I don't know, there's nothing I care about enough to cry about except you. Plus why cry over things that already happened?"


"Tyler, I was told that I was born a bastard child to a young mental patient, but that doesn't make it true. On top of that, Life isn't smooth sailing for people like me. Bad things happen to people like me. I'm not allowed to live normally. That's the harsh reality of the world. Granted not everyone is shitty but most people are." Levi explained. "You on the other hand are the complete opposite. You make me feel genuine happiness. You keep me strong. You are my everything and I'll do anything for you."

I couldn't stop the tears from falling faster. "Sh-shut up!" I could barely speak. Levi had this sad story of never having any love. "Y-y-you have so much paiiinnnnnn." I was sobbing at this point. "I'll keep on making you happy, Levi. I promise." I jumped onto his lap and hugged him tightly.

I wanted to hurt whoever would hurt my Levi. "Tyler! Calm down, I'm really ok."

"I'll make you happier than you've ever been, I'll never let anyone hurt you again!" I cried. Why the hell was the world so cruel?

"Well, you care so much about me that you would cry for me?" Levi asked. "I totally fell for the right person-"

I grabbed Levi's cheeks in my hands and gave him a kiss. It wasn't subtle either, it's clear that I wanted and needed all of him. Right now!

I could tell that he was a bit into it as well especially feeling me subtly rub against him. But Levi pulled back and turned me to sit in front of him so he could wrap his arms around me. "Believe me I would Tyler....I want to so bad. But there are twenty other people here and a public park isn't the place for a first time. And you've had more alcohol than you can handle, you lightweight."

"You look tempted."

"I told you I had dreams."

"Of doing it in a park? You animal!"

Levi blushed and looked into my eyes almost pleading. "N-not yet. Tyler unless you're trying to get broken in tonight, stop it please. I know exactly where we won't be caught."

"Am I really your first?"

"Why do you doubt me?"

"We don't all have secret lives where we're secretly cool." I snapped him. "Excuse me for trying."

"You think I'm cool? Why?"

"Because you drink I guess."

"It's just wine." Levi pinched my cheeks gently. "Doesn't everyone drink it sometimes? Your soccer friends say that."

"But they're alcoholics in the making. You can cook, you live by yourself, tall and good looking and on top of that you have a huge dick! You're super smart, and kind and you're good at everything you do. You're strong and reliable and really just amazing." I said. "You're actually the perfect person. It's like you're on a completely different level."


"Yeah, I think you're perfect."

Levi stayed quiet even though his face was getting hotter and his hands were turning pink. He was finally at a loss for words for the first time. It was cute watching him trying to hold back his smile and appear calm. He was obviously freaking out.

"The....The movie is about to start," Levi said. I took that as my cue to be quiet, and snuggled into Levi's embrace.

I sneaked a glance and had to catch myself from busting out laughing. Levi had the goofiest smile and his face was a deep red.

My heart felt warm. Maybe it was the wine, but even so, have I always felt this warm with Levi? "Is that an all over blush?"

"Seriously! Tyler! You're killing me here," Levi giggled and pulled me back onto his lap. "I brought you here because if we were alone where no one could see us, you'd be naked and I'd be having my way with you by now."

He really wanted this date to go well. I'm flattered. "Can I still get kisses tonight?"

"No tongue, I can't recover from it again."

"Ok then," I looked up at him and kissed him again.

"You really like kissing, huh?" Levi asked against my lips.

"Sorry, let's focus on the movie," I turned back to the screen as Robert Pattinson made his appearance on screen.