Levi Winchester

Apparently I'm good at planning dates!

Good enough for Tyler to think I'm perfect! Everything went According to plan, I didn't end up just railing Tyler in the bathroom like I wanted to either. Good job me!

More importantly, Tyler was by my side as happy as ever. I don't think anything could put a damper on my mood right now. Not even the shenanigans I saw in front of me at school.

All over my locker were derogatory words. It could only be one guy, Chris Gallagher, the steroid gym rat as he was the only one to do vandalisms. He was such an insecure follower of Liam it made me sick how far his head was stuck up there. He was the only one who tries to continue what his leader started. Only he would do something so childish.

Fucking brat. And now he was off his leash, so there was more problems than when I started. Liam had a stronger grip on people than I thought, because he's just causing more problems even though he isn't here.

"Oh, it's the stalker!" Chris yelled out to get everyone's attention. I should've done what I did to Liam sooner, then this wouldn't even be going on. Tyler glared at Chris as I stayed quiet. It's better to just ignore it right?

He doesn't matter.

"Shouldn't you be shooting up somewhere, you steroid cow?" Tyler hissed back at him almost immediately. "Get fucked, Gallagher!"

"Tyler leave it alone, it doesn't bother me," I smiled. I wasn't even mad at this guy, last night went so well that I just didn't care about anyone else. Did Liam ask him to do this?

"Aw, Tyler I didn't know you played for the other team. Is the stalker forcing you to do this or do you actually like this?" Chris asked.

"Fuck off. And what I like is none of your business." Tyler snapped. "Why don't you go stick your arm you-oof!" Tyler dropped to the floor after Chris landed a hard punch in his stomach.

I immediately dropped to my knees to help Tyler. He had gotten the wind knocked clean out of him. He tried to lunge at Chris but I held him back towards me so he wouldn't get hit again.

"What'd you say?!"

"You shit bitch! You should've been swallowed!" Tyler snapped from the ground.

"What the fuck?!" I snapped. Chris just embodied everything I hated. Having perceived power and abusing it to the extreme, he was just pathetic. "Tyler are you ok?"

"Yes," Tyler caught his breath but held his stomach in pain. "Stupid fucking steroid stupid fuck! Shitty dumbass! Bad cess to you, ya thieving bitch! You're just trying to fill in Liams position! Something you'll never live up to! Fucking shitty steroid bitch!"

"Still sticking up for this loser?"

"Dude shut the fuck up!"

"Make me!" Tyler lunged at Chris again as soon as I lightened up my hold on him, and before I could stop him again in a split second was knocked back down. Tyler was no match for him as the steroid rumor about Chris was indeed true. I noticed the swelling on Tyler cheek as blood came out the side of his mouth.

This made my run cold. How dare he touch my Tyler? "Faggots!" Chris yelled for everyone to hear. The hallways erupted in laughter, despite this random attack. I was used to this of course but I never wanted Tyler to go through this!

Why even go for Tyler?

I'm pretty sure That even Liam didn't hit or bully Tyler, so why was his dog stepping out of line now? There was no reason except that he was excited that Liam was out of his way!

I've decided that I'm going to kill him.

"You're dead," I growled before Picking Tyler up and running towards the nurses office.

"Fuck that hurt," Tyler whimpered. "Stupid drugged up fuck! Who does he think he is? How dare he talk to me like that? Steroid bitch! I told Liam to get his ducks in a fucking row! Now everyone's taking things too far! I should've made him do something about Chris sooner!"

"Get checked out and stop worrying," I smiled nervously. "Thank you Tyler. I'm happy that you jumped in, But don't ever do that again, I hate seeing you get hurt. It wasn't a fair fight."

"I'm strong too and I can fight!"

"But you're not on steroids, Tyler." I pointed out. "It's unfair."

"The fuck are those flitstones then? Grandma calls them steroids!"

"Shut up, please," I sighed opening the door to the infirmary avoiding the urge to roll my eyes at Tyler. He was way to stubborn."Multivitamins can't turn you into a testosterone pit."

"Oh, you two again," the nurse sighed.

"Tyler got punched hard by that steroid psycho," I explained. "I think you should check his ribs or something."

"Fine, go to class. I'll take care of your friend here, Levi," nurse Caraway smiled. I gently set Tyler down on a bed and smoothed his hair a bit. He was still pouting and I could tell that he was thinking of way to handle everything.

"I'll see you in class, Tyler, and I'll take care of everything. Just stop worrying and the ignore the problem." I ran a hand threw his hair a few more times and kissed his forehead.

"I want to hit him," Tyler hissed as the nurse put an ice pack on his cheek.

"You can't do that in school," nurse Caraway stated. Tyler groaned a bit.

"She's right, just let me handle it the right way. I'll go to the office after class and we'll report him together, ok," I smiled. Tyler smiled back and nodded before relaxing into the bed so the nurse could check him out. "I'll see you in class."

"Yeah, I'll see you," Tyler shot me a heartwarming smile. How could anyone hate him or try to bully him? How could anyone hurt him purposely? I have to protect him.

I vowed right there, i'll take care of anyone who's ever hurt him!

Now to convince Chris to leave you alone. I couldn't use my words, because he wasn't smart enough for an intelligent conversation. He was much stronger than I was due to his playing all those sports, and, on top of that his steroid use made him even stronger. I couldn't take him on in a one on one fight.

And I couldn't approach him head on in front of anyone because he'd make a spectacle. Therefore fighting him was out of the question.

But, I did know where he kept his steroids, only because it didn't take a genius to figure it out. It was a pretty open secret, and It was literally my only means to an end.

I wish he had just ignored me when he got no response those other times. Then I wouldn't be impulsively doing something this extreme to him.

I went to the front office and told the receptionist that I had forgotten my combination. Of course they would believe me, there's no way a straight A perfect student like myself would lie. I had no reason to draw up any suspicions.

"Find your locker number," the secretary handed me a small folder. I opened up the folder to see a list of locker numbers followed by the combination of the locks. Every locker in school was listed, including the gym lockers. I didn't think this would actually work out, as I've only kind of heard about this through a creepy pasta, but it was actually really accurate. Thanks to whoever wrote 'Your Secret Admirer' and posted it.

There was no sense of security in this school either.

There it was, number 878.

I wrote down the combination with a pen on my hand before thanking the lady. They all gushed about how polite I was. "This school needs more fine young men like you. Let us know if you need anything else." She smiled brightly.

"Thank you ma'am. Have a wonderful day!" I smiled before leaving the office.

I opened Chris's gym locker with ease. I took out his next shot that sat there mixed in with sweaty underwear. It was just on the metal with no cover over the needle part. How unsanitary.

I squirted a little bit of liquid out of the end and pulled the syringe plunge back to where it was, leaving a big air bubble. I could kill him but it was clearly visible if he takes a few seconds to look.

I'm sure he did, I just want him to be scared that someone messed with his drugs. He would be furious but I'm pretty sure it would also make him paranoid enough to get himself expelled. Besides, that creepy pasta couldn't be that accurate.

One thing I knew was that Chris was no doctor, and had no clue how any of this shit worked. He just shot up and trained while he skipped class and the teachers couldn't say anything because were scared of his harassment after one teacher was "made an example".

I put the shot back and closed his locker and went into the school gym. I stood there with my headphones in and sat on the bike machine. I would soon hear him freaking the fuck out, right? He'd get paranoid and not take the shot.

I waited patiently.

Finally after about fifteen minutes, Chris entered the gym laughing with some of the soccer team. Why was he so happy? Did he not see that his drugs were messed with? Did he skip a dose? Or.....I finally understood as he picked up a heavy set of weights.

Enjoy asshole, it won't last long at all. I can't believe you just took the shot without looking! The sudden turn of events was a bit jarring but I felt myself getting extremely excited and couldn't help but chuckle at my foolishness. I actually thought Chris was smarter than he actually was.

I pedaled a bit harder but kept my eyes on him.

For a while everything was fine and it made my skin crawl. Did just i fuck this up? Did he take the shot I messed with? Did he already work it off? As soon a I thought that, I noticed Chris slow down a little.

There we go! The air bubble must've gotten somewhere critical!

He had a dazed and confused look on his face obviously wondering what was going on. As he stumbled around a bit, his friends crowded around him trying to see what was up. That's when he started thrashing around.

They wouldn't know that air in a syringe injected into the body can cause an air embolism. They could only watch helplessly as Chris writhed in pain clutching his chest.

Chris fell onto his back panicking and desperately started to gasp for air. I watched as four different people tried CPR, potentially making Chris's situation worse than it already was. There was little to no trained medical staff actually on campus.

There wasn't a ventilator on school ground because this was high school full of teenagers. No one was expected to have respiratory failure in high school. It was too unlikely.

I've seen all I needed to see. I gathered my things and walked out of the gym unnoticed as someone finally called 911.

Call all you want, it's already too late for him.

That's called karma.

"Sorry I'm late, I just stopped by the nurse." I bowed my head as I walked into class twenty minutes late. My teacher smiled taking in my black eye and said this is my first warning. I knew it wasn't true though as she looked sympathetic and no doubt she heard what happened with Chris earlier already. I walked to my seat and immediately zoned out.

Was Tyler still at the nurses office? That was lucky as I took up more time than I had wanted too. Was his breathing ok? Was he really hurt? I should have went back to the nurses office instead of class!

I sent Tyler a text and anxiously waited. After few minutes of waiting, my phone finally buzzed. I was so amazingly excited by the text I saw.

Chris Gallagher just got wheeled in, they're trying to bring him back but it looks like it isn't working. Also I think the nurse forgot I was here, I can't come back to class without a pass.

I smiled at this. I remembered the fact that Chris was turning blue! He looked so scared and helpless. And now he wasn't a problem anymore!

He would probably be brain dead.

It didn't feel better than Hurting Liam, probably because I couldn't do that with my own hands. But it still felt good. I brought karma to Chris Gallagher. This feeling of pure bliss and satisfaction washed over me.

I feel so happy. If he dies, he dies.

My Tyler will be....should I even tell him? Would he even understand why I did this? This wasn't exactly a normal thing to do. I could let my gaurd down around him though, he said I could. I could tell him anything I wanted to. He doesn't care about Chris like he cares about Liam. So this should be ok, right?

Omg, he's dead!

I smiled at my phone.

Good, and he can rot in hell. It would be clear that there wouldn't be any police investigation. It's clear that he died from a massive heart attack, less common than people thought.

And it's not like he was a model citizen.

This was the embodiment of what happens when you give an idiot power. This could be the beginning of something very new. Or something very bad. I did kind of put myself out there. I spoke to too many people during.

For some reason I felt my stomach in my ass. It could've been anxiety or excitement, I couldn't tell.

Guilt? No. Nausea? Discomfort? I didn't feel this for Liam! Am I upset because it wasn't in my plans to kill him? But, it isn't my fault he didn't check his needle before he injected himself like an idiot. Even junkies check their needles.

That does't matter though. No one would ever fuck with my Tyler again. Tyler will never get hurt on my watch again. He never has to worry again because he'll always be safe, and his dad will approve of us dating!

I definitely had what it took to protect my Tyler. This was going to last one way or another.

No matter what. But, just to be safe, I won't take things this far again without a backup plan.