Tyler Moss

God, this school was a shitshow. I can't believe Chris was actually on life threatening steroids! I guess it would explain his rages during practice and why he looked 40 at 17 though.

"Two guys this week," George came to the empty lunch table Levi and I had occupied for some reason.  He seemed unnecessary comfortable around us now despite being Liam's biggest supporter/on again off again boyfriend. "I knew about the steroids but who knew those things could kill you."

"Everyone with a brain," Levi chuckled but rolled his eyes. He seemed incredibly un phased by the news, but I couldn't blame him. Obviously Levi hated being around others and George was getting under his skin. I grabbed his hand under the table and felt him relax.

Honestly I understood, we've only been dating three days and things around us have all been fucked up already. Everything was a distraction from us already and now George won't leave us alone.

"Whatever, dude, we need to fill a spot on the team, nobody wants to try out now because they're saying the team is cursed." George said staring right at me. "Tyler ask Levi to try out!"

"He's right here," I pointed out. I always hated when people did this. It's not like Levi was invisible. "Ask him yourself. Stop acting like he's not here."

"I know but he'll do it if you say so. You practice with Levi so he knows all our drills and he watches practice so he knows formation. Plus he'll do it if you tell him to!" George pointed out. "Please just ask him for me, Tyler!"

"Ask him yourself!"

"He won't acknowledge me when I do!"

"Do you want to join the team, Levi?" I asked clearly annoyed. It wasn't that I didn't want him on the team, I just didn't want to force him into anything.

"Not interested." Levi answered quickly. "I'm going to get some napkins." Levi let go of my hand and walked off into the hallway. He's clearly had enough for now. I probably shouldn't have asked.

"Why are you so special?" George narrowed his eyes at me.

"Excuse me?" Why was he putting up his jealous act again? First for Liam, now for Levi? "Now that Liam's gone, the best piece of eye candy is Levi for the guys. But he only sticks to you just like Liam used to do. It's so annoying."

"What's your point?" I knew George was bisexual and basically loved his life fucking everything that moved, but his sudden attention to Levi was annoying. He and Liam were an on and off thing, so why was his sights set on Levi so suddenly? He should hate Levi like Liam did.

Why was I so pissed? People could like Levi, it doesn't matter because he only loves me. If only that was enough to stop other people from trying. This was tough.

I don't think I can relax until he's completely mine.

"He wouldn't be interested in you anyway." I scowled at him.

"Oh please, losers love it when people with status give them some attention," George waved off what I said. "That's how it's always been."

"Stay away."

"You obviously aren't going to fuck him. And I know he's a virgin since he always hangs out with you. That could be nice for a night," I resisted the urge to slap the shit out of George for having the audacity.

What the fuck is this boiling feeling?

"I thought you were trying to get him to try out for soccer, and you already have Liam," I snapped. "What would Liam do if he heard that?"

"Relax, Liam and I are on a break! Levi's so uptight like Liam used to be. He needs a good fucking, just needs to loosens up a bit," George licked his lips. "Besides aren't you glad Chris is gone? He was terrorizing everyone in his roid rages. This was low key a blessing in disguise. No ones actually sad about it. That's just the truth as harsh as it sounds. We can finally relax, and I want to relax on Levi. Liam's staying on as a helper but he'll never play again. So should I go for it? You won't tell this time either, right?"

"Go For what?" He wasn't actually asking me this seriously right? I knew people think I'm a doormat but I didn't realize to what extent it actually extended too.

"Should I try to fuck Levi or not? And then get him on the team?" What a fucking dog! He wants me to ask Levi to join the team, so he can leverage being on the team, so he can have sex wit my Levi.

"Respectfully, you should fuck off." I said nicely. "Think about Liam."

"I guess, I can't even get him to talk to me or look in my direction. But quitters never prosper," George said. Poor Liam. "I'm horny, and I've always wanted a virgin."

"He's mine. Back the fuck up," I snapped at him.

"Stop lying, Tyler, you're the least sexual person I know," George laughed at me. I was boiling now, why the fuck was George even still here? Least sexual person?!

Levi returned a few seconds later but I kept staring at George. "I got some napkins for you too."

"Thanks," George took a few napkins and made it a point to brush his fingers along Levi's hand. I turned my glare to Levi who seemed off in his own world.

Did he not notice what was happening right now?

"You can leave us alone now," I muttered.

"Come on Tyler, I just want to get to know you guys better, what better time than at school?" George smiled. "It's not like you ever chill with everyone else."

"You never were interested before." I sulked. "Why now?"

"People can change," he winked at me. He wasn't going to back off, was he? He thinks I agreed to let him have Levi while Liam was gone.

I sat and listened to George's stupid ramblings about stupid shit. He even asked Levi to hang out after school in front of me. And best believe I gave him my best shit eating smile when Levi said he's hanging out with me, not that George saw it.

"The more he rejects me, the more irresistible he gets," George whispered to me. "I'll try again and again. Thanks for your help, Tyler."

My face started heating up. He wasn't going to stop?

All throughout the day, George tried to set a time and day to hang out with Levi and I got progressively more angry.  I hated this down to my very core.

He even had the nerve to offer us a ride to my house and only left us alone after I started taking a different route. Why the fuck was George coming after my man?!

"Are you ok, Tyler? You've been so quiet and out of it," Levi mentioned on our walk squeezing my hand. I could feel him rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand. "Are you upset? Did I piss you off?"

"It's nothing, are you going to join the soccer team?" I asked. I could clearly hear the irritation in my voice. "Yes or no?"

"I might, George was right with what he said with my grades, an extracurricular activity could be helpful on college forms. Especially for a scholarship like I'm going for," Levi contemplated. "Plus I get to watch you change and shower after getting sweaty."

"Are you joining for George or me, asshole?!" Shit I wasn't supposed to say this out loud!

"What?! Why would I join for George?"

Was Levi serious? "He obviously wants to do it with you!"


"He was undressing you with his eyes all day! He's going after you! How could you be so dense!"

"Oh, you're jealous," Levi chuckled. I blushed. Jealousy? It made sense, I've never had to worry about someone else chasing after Levi before. But now all at once George tells me he wants to fuck Levi and I just lose my mind.

My burning rage was back. "Your my boyfriend. Employ on the taken part."

"You mean 'emphasis', Tyler," Levi giggled a bit. "George isn't any threat. You don't have to be jealous, I only have eyes for you."

I rolled my eyes to Levi's amusement. "I can't help it! It keeps bothering me."

"I'll prove it to you anyway I can. That I can only love you."

When we reached my house Levi immediately took my bag and went to my room while I got some snacks. Like a married couple, we had our own set routine already.

That's right, George is no threat. Levi and I are are already together.

"You two better leave that door open," my mom said from behind me.

"Ugh...." hypocrite. Still, if anything, my mom should know what to do when a love rival appears. Since we're so alike, how would she handle it. "Mom, if some lady was making advances on dad, what would you do?"

"I'd track her down and hurt that bitch," my mom answered immediately. "Do you know some woman that's interested in your dad? What's her name?"

"There's no other lady, mom, calm down, you look scary."

"What do you expect? No one is allowed to be interested in my baby but me. I know your dad has eyes for me only, but I can't help it when my jealousy gets out of control. I'd probably kill that poor woman."

"Just for flirting?"

"Hell yes. Who does that hypothetical bitch think she is? Anyone who looks at my husband like that will die. Is someone interested in Levi?"


"You really are my little baby. After I got with your father, this girl had some.....affections for him. I hated her guts so much I could kill her. She's still alive....but she'll never be the same again."

"Did she stop going after dad?"

"Oh yes," mom chuckled. "Tyler, love is something you must fight for. And I did....by cutting her up really good. But don't do what I do, do as I say, ok baby? Just tell them to back off. It's not like the 80's anymore. There's more cameras and harsher punishments."


Should I cut George up a bit though? No, he would tell. Dead people don't speak though.

"How'd you get her to stop for good?"

"I scared her straight."

"HOW?!" I pried knowing it was futile. "Tell me how, Mammy!"

"Things that were easier to get away with back before cameras got so advanced in quality."

So kill him? Stop it mind! You can't kill George for flirting! "Where's the lady now?"

"Eating shit from her toilet in the nut house," mom rolled her eyes. "Your dad stopped me before I could really hurt her too bad. We had sex right after, he was so proud and horny. It was on our second date."

Ugh, why tell me not to have sex when you and dad have literally banged everywhere in the house? Even when I'm home. And to rub salt in the wound they tell me about what lead up to their sex.

Everything with these two was so sexual. Ugh! So why didn't I come off as sexual?

"I would've killed her if your dad hadn't stopped me that day. He sad so proud of me!"

"Proud for hurting the lady?"

"Proud, because I did whatever it took for me and him. He knew I loved and wanted him and would do anything for him. And I knew he would do the same for me. Of course this isn't so you can go hurt somebody. Your dad and I aren't exactly the most logical and stable in the head. But you are, so do better."

"Useless, I can't hurt him, so why tell me this story?" I snapped at my mom.

"Because you're my son, you asked me a question and I answered it." Mom smiled. "Be grateful."

"You and dad give horrible advice."

"Maybe you're just bad at taking advice and applying it, Tyler."

"Everything you tell me is irrelevant to my situation."

"Ask Levi to help you with your problem solving skills then. The message I'm trying to give you is that you fight back when someone tries to steal what's yours, but you don't have to be as extreme as I was."

"Thanks, mam," I rolled my eyes but still smiled at her. She smiled back and ran her hand thru my hair. After all these years, my mom finally gave me advice I could apply to my own life. I didn't have to kill George, just scare him right. Mom was right.

But I wasn't going to let her know that.

I grabbed a few bags of chips from the pantry and headed back to my room. Levi had already started to take our books out to study and had our homework front and center.

"I don't want to study," I whined plopping myself onto his lap reverse cowgirl. "We're dating but we haven't had enough time together yet! I want to be closer to you, so this is date number two, ok?"

"O-ok," Levi nodded excitedly. "Then sit next to me since your mom said we have to keep the door open. We'll make this more like a date."

I sat next to Levi and he helped with my homework for the day and we cuddled. It was a bitch to not flip the table and just pounce on Levi.

But my reasons were petty. I want to sleep with Levi, but not because of George! "You ok?"

"If I want it, will you give it to me?" I asked. Levi froze and gave me a surprised look. I think he was waiting for me to say I was joking. "Even if it's before three dates, promise me you'll make me feel really good."

"Why are you teasing me, Tyler? It's not fair!"

"I'm being serious!"

"I can do that," Levi's voice cracked. "But until then, please don't bring it up again! I can't go home with blue balls again. It's too uncomfortable."


"I promise! I'll do you until you scream from how good it feels!" Levi promised me.

"You're mine, right?"

"Of course!" Levi answered right away.

"Do you think I'm a sexual person?" I knew George's words meant nothing, but this nagging feeling to know what Levi thought still haunted me.

"You're sexy without even trying," Levi said matter of factly. Did he never get embarrassed?