Levi Winchester

"Now that's a sight," I heard George say from behind me causing me to cover my chest with my shirt. I could feel him undressing me with his eyes like Tyler had pointed out. He looked me up and down, eyes stopping on my underwear. "Whoa, big guy. By the way hey, Levi." George tried to be seductive.

He was coming on strong. I felt kind of bad for brushing off Tyler's warning so quickly. I thought he was being jealous and I was kind of happy about it. Who knew I actually had to look out for something for real?

"Do you need help with something?" I felt visually molested right now. "I'm kind of in the middle of getting dressed. If not please le-"

"Yeah, you can help me! I want you," George said randomly. I froze, I'm only changing because this asshole spilled juice on me before school. Now he's telling me that he wants me? That's insane.

Was this Liam's way of trying to get back at me? By setting me up to make Tyler dump me? He just never stopped did he.

"Excuse me?" I asked. Giving him the chance to retract his statement.

"You heard me," George put a hand on my chest.  "Why don't we head to the showers?"

"No thanks, I would only do that with Tyler."

"Then let's ditch school and go to my house."

"I'd rather be shot."

"Don't be a prude, I know you're frustrated and Tyler isn't giving you any."

"George-" I started but was interrupted when George forced his lips on mine. I couldn't believe what he was doing. He knew that I wasn't interested!Especially with him. I pushed him off me quickly and looked at him with a disgusted look clearly on my face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I snapped.

"Come on," George put a hand on my lower back despite me trying to clearly get away. His touch felt horrible. "Let's go somewhere more private."

"I suggest you piss off before you get retaliated on. I'm only with Tyler and you know that." I hissed at him pushing him violently away.

"How about you rethink that?" George stepped closer.

"How about no," Tyler appeared from my peripheral.

"Tyler, I haven't done anything! I swear!" I backed up more. Tyler stomped towards us angrily. Did Liam's set up work? Was Tyler going to dump me now. "Tyler I swear I didn't do anything! He attacked me!"

"Get your hands of my boyfriend," Tyler ignored me and got right in George's face. What? George pulled his hand back quickly. "Stop all of this, or it won't end well for you."

"Tyler, I-"

"Shut up, Levi!" He snapped at me, never turning his angry gaze from George. He's never spoken to me like that before. It was kind of....hot? "Keep your fucking hands off what's mine! I already warned you yesterday."

What happened yesterday? When did Tyler say this?

"And what are you going to do? You can't even get the best-Agghhhhh!" George fell down after locking up for a second. Tyler put his hands down reveling that it held a pink taser.

"Get the best of electricity, bitch!"

"Tyler," I gasped. "What the hell?"

"Shut up, but he made me mad! I told him not to flirt with you but he didn't listen, then I catch him in here after he threw a soda on you, trying to molest you!" Tyler snapped shaking uncontrollably.

"When did you say that?"

"Lunch time yesterday, I warned him to stay the fuck away! And he told me that you would like it if he showed interest in you."

That explained Tyler's mood yesterday. "That's not true at all."

"I don't want anyone else touching you! I should have brought the fucking knife and cut him! Mom was right!"

"What made you do this?"

"My mom gave me the idea....but I didn't want to cut anyone so I took her taser this morning because she said not to hurt anyone. It seemed reasonable before I did it, but that's beside the point! Why didn't you tell him you only love me right away?!"

"We never discussed being out! And I didn't want to cause you any problems," I explained. "I want to tell everyone about it and rub it in their face."

"You should! We're dating and no one else can tell! Even George thought I was lying when I said we were dating officially! He said I wasn't sexual at all! He laughed in my face, Levi!" Tyler ranted. "I'm not hiding this!"

"I don't want to hide anything either!"

"Then fucking tell everyone so they'll stop coming after you! You're too fucking hot to be left alone like this! The next time I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from hurting someone badly! And you better tell me if George comes back around! I'll fucking kill him as well!" Tyler ranted. "No one should be allowed to touch you but me!"

I couldn't say I didn't find this jealousy hot. I was actually really happy to hear this. I really wanted to monopolize him. Something about Tyler being a little unhinged turned me on. "You really feel that way?"

"Not that you're property or anything, but you belong to me. That filthy slut, doesn't get to touch what's mine, or cheat on Liam." Tyler declared. I couldn't tell if Tyler was smiling, but he sounded completely serious.

I've never been so turned on in my life. If Tyler demands the world to know, I'd hijack public broadcasting systems to announce it."Ok. I'll be more open about it."

"Do you like George at all?" Tyler asked. "Do you?!"

"No, not at all, I promise, I'll tell everyone about us," I assured Tyler.

"Ok, good," Tyler instantly calmed down.

"I will, boyfriend." I smiled watching Tyler blush.

"How do I make sure he won't do this again?" Tyler shook his head.

"Easy, you have to make him stop."


"I mean you could...." I almost spoke about what I did to Liam. "I guess make him move somewhere else."

"Ugh, you give bad advice too. Maybe I should've listened to my mom and stabbed him up."

"You were going to stab him for me?"

"Yeah, I was, cuz I'm definitely exactly like my mother," Tyler shook his head. "Tasing him was definitely a crazy bitch thing to do."

"Yeah, but I like crazy," I assured Tyler. Tyler wanted to kill someone for me! Tyler loves me that much!

"I know how I'll get him to back off." Tyler suddenly smiled. "I think I know a way I can for sure know that you're mine."

"How will you do that?"

"Let's get in the shower." Tyler said. "Together."

"How will we do that before anyone walks in?" I asked Tyler. Not that I didn't want to, it was just so public for a first time, right? This was too risky!

"Who cares, let them find us, then everyone will know we aren't lying. I'm going to mark you and you're going to mark me, where people can see it." Tyler stripped out of his uniform and underwear before grabbing my towel out of my locker and walked into the shower room. "I prepared myself a bit after you left last night. You have thirty seconds to decide if I'll be taking this shower alone." He called out.

Was he serious? He prepared himself?! Down there?! Was I about to....I threw off my pants and underwear, trying not to trip over my quick movements, and slammed my locker shut, but not before grabbing the lube that I bought last night from my bag pack.

"No.. Don't look.." Tyler pleaded playfully when I saw him as I rounded the corner at full speed. I had to look away from those eyes, their attention gave me heat through my core.

My dreams were coming true before my eyes. I needed to enjoy this as much as I could.

Dirty fantasy #465. Shower sex at school with Tyler. A frequently revisited fantasy and dream.

Naked Tyler. Naked Tyler. Naked Tyler!

I  palm cupped his cheek as gently as possible, it's so surprising that Tyler can't help staring back at me now. His eyes were a fiery green. And fuck My unfortunate life, they're one beautiful pair. Lit up with mischief.

Even though he was clueless, he was hot.

I leaned closer to Tyler's ear. "With the way you look right now, I bet every guy will do more than just looking."

"Gya-h!" Tyler jolted in surprise, voice unusually high-pitched. His nipples throbbed under my hands.

"A sensitive and loud one, I see.." I commented with a smirk. "So this area is your weakness?"I bit Tyler's right nipple and sucked so hard Tyler's threw his head back and he moaned.

"Ahaah~h!" Jesus, did that pornographic voice came from him? He was incredibly sensitive! "I feel so hot, you pervert! Where did you learn to talk dirtyAahh~" There's angry red teeth mark over his nipples now, and the sound nipple sucking makes is just so obscene. I can't think of anything else but the rough friction of  teeth and nails on Tyler's raw skin. "You bit me!"

"How else do I mark you?" I breathed and proceeded to bite his neck next.

I reached for Tyler's cock and start to tug it hard and then squeezed. "Levi!"

Tyler just breaths heavily, his eyelids half opened. His body trembles in bliss from coming. I pushed up Tyler's leg onto the my shoulder. "I knew you were So flexible...but it's even better than I imagined." Tyler didn't have time to process what's happening before I shoved two lubed fingers into his tight entrance.

It was soft! He did prepare himself!

"Ahaaahhh!" Tyler's waist arched up into a sexy curve as he screamed and came onto my stomach.

"Tyler, your voice should be illegal.. Say my name.. Come on, say my name with that lovely voice of yours..." I demanded, twisting my fingers inside Tyler.

"Nnngghh!" Tyler moaned. He withered crazily, gasping as I added a third and fourth finger into him, stretching him open like nobody ever before. And when I twisted my hand on accurate angle, Tyler almost purred, failing to hide the pleasure that hits his body.

I groans in satisfaction at the view. I kissed Tyler's gasping mouth hard and sloppily, his tongue practically fucking mine. "Say my name..? Say it, or I swear I won't do anything at all." I threatened. My hands roam to Tyler's freckled butt cheeks and i fondled them roughly, determined to leave handprints on his cute fine ass.

"Levi! Please...Ahhh do more! Levi!" He said between breathless gasps trying to catch my lips on his.

"I'll only let you go, after your insides are so full and every inch of your skin reeks of me." With that, I brought Tyler's other leg up and held him up before I thrust into him.

"Ahaaahhh~!" Tyler wailed as I slowly pushed myself fully into him, hands failing to grab a wall like an anchor. It's his first time. It's his first time and I barely fit to get through the virgin-tight rim, my head forcing its way to the deepest parts of him that no one had entered before.

"Fuck, so tight.. So good.." I groaned in pleasure. I felt as though as I was melting and I came right away.

"It's getting bigger....It hurts! Levi..." I  just kept pushing in. I kissed Tyler's forehead, lips lingering there as i whispered sweet nothings as a poor attempt to sooth Tyler.

"Hush, I've got you, it'll only get better from this point. I promise. God, you're so beautiful like this, Tyler... So perfect...I love you." I lowered us onto the floor so it would be a bit easier to push in.

"Sto-ahaaahhh!" Tyler cried out in pleasure as I went buried entirely in him. I felt so hot, so full, so strong, in Tyler's delicate body. Was he feeling good now? I stayed there for a few seconds. "Make me all yours...Levi!!!"

I've always wanted to hear him say something like that! Tyler grabbed two fistfuls of my hair and looked into my eyes begging for me. "I'll fuck you until your body is addicted to me, I'll fuck you until you're completely mine." I whispered to his ear possessively, and then i took over Tyler's lips with mine as I pulled out and rammed into Tyler like a mad man in uncontrolled heat. "I've wanted to do this for years!"

Tyler lost it.

His eyes rolled in their lids, saliva drooled from the corner of his gasping mouth. The muscle of his asshole keeps clenching tightly around Me, making it feel even tighter inside him. "L-Leeeviiiiiiiiii!"

"I swear to God, Tyler, your lewd body is a sin.." My eyes pierced into his as we melted into each other's embrace. "You're mine forever Tyler. I'll never let anyone else see you like this." I whispered my desire as I licked his pulse point and bit harder than ever before, as if all the sex marks i left all over Tyler's pale skin is still not enough.

And Tyler came again.

He let out an euphoric wail, shaking and moaning and shoots cum up to his and Mine abdomen.

Im not far behind, reaching my climax with a harsh grunt.  I could tell that I filled Tyler up, but I didn't stop moving.

While holding me, tyler kissed me passionately, looking at me with those gorgeous eyes, whispering sweet words like 'so good' and 'I love you' and 'don't stop'. It was better than any fantasy I ever had.

And I whimpered because it all feels amazing.

But my body doesn't listen to me anymore, it listens to Tyler's body instead. Because after a few seconds, when I started all over again, Tyler's screams and Moans and quivers made me forget about everything.

"I love you, Levi! I think...I always have." Tyler whimpered to me. "I love you so much....AGH!"

"I love you too, baby," I moaned back feeling him bite my neck again to hide his loud screams.