Tyler Moss

All eyes were on us right now. I sat next to an overly happy Levi who decided to hold my hand after walking into fifth period, ignoring all the stares and whispers. He seemed really good at shutting the world out.

I said I wanted everyone to know but for them to just stare like this was concerning. I couldn't even make a face because my ass hurt and the stares were too intense. Maybe I didn't think this all the way through enough.

Was it weird that we both had visible hickeys? Damn my impulsiveness. Damn my stupidity! Why don't I ever think of consequences?!

But I couldn't care about that now, I just had sex with Levi for about three hours. We only stopped because I almost passed out....And it still wasn't enough, I wanted more as soon as he stopped. I'm not a virgin anymore! It's the most enjoyable thing I've ever experienced. We needed to do this again soon so I could improve my stamina.

Who knew Levi could be so hot and talk so dirty. It was like a sexy porn star has awoken in him. I loved it. He even had me screaming his name and the way he marked me like an animal stuck in my mind.

To Top it off, Levi was my first everything.

"How are you feeling? Are you hurting?" Levi asked clearly worried. "I can get you a pillow. Or some tea? Or Advil? Are you in pain?"

"No I'm not, just reminiscing," I smiled.

"Are you sure your not tired?"

"I'm a soccer player, I'm not weak."

"Are you disappointed that we didn't wait until the third date? I honestly lost control of myself back there," Levi looked guilty. "I kind of got lost in fulfilling a fantasy so I didn't go as gentle as I should've and I almost made you faint-"

"Did I live up to your expectations?" I asked. "Or was it disappointing that I can't keep up?"

"It was better than I could've possibly dreamed. Nothing you do can disappoint me."

"How long have you been dreaming about it?"

"Since I met you." Levi answered to quickly.

I felt my face heating up seeing his many hickeys poke from his collar. "I'll tell you what, help me figure out what to do with George and we'll be even."

"You're still worried about him? He was still knocked out after we left the locker room," Levi rolled his eyes and took my hands to kiss them. "Let me take care of it, baby. You'll never lift another finger again."

He called me baby!

My insides longed for Levi, my body felt like it was going threw withdrawals. Am I addicted to Levi now like he said?


I told Levi to meet me at his locker after the bell ring, I just needed to go pee. When I reached the locker room, I could see that George had moved from where we had left him. He was still knocked out when we left, I guess the stun effect wore off soon after we left.

Was he going to tell on me? Should I have brought the knife like mom advised me to do? Well she also said not to hurt anyone! This is why I stopped acting out! The possibilities of what's coming back to me always got me paranoid.

Levi would know what to do! He always did!

I ran towards Levi's locker. "But he's a loser, Levi!" I heard the last person I ever wanted to hear say Levi's name say it. Why was he talking to him? Luckily I stayed out of sight. "I know I can satisfy you a lot more."

"George, I'm only going to be with Tyler," Levi said clearly. "Find someone else, because I'm taken. Liam's waiting for you in the hospital."

"You wouldn't go with me?"


"I get it, you want to be on top, it'll be my first ever time bottoming," George baited. "And Tyler proved he was crazy, did you see what he did to me in the locker room. You don't want crazy!"

"I love crazy. You got tased for trying to be a slut and you know that. Tyler's not going to let you hurt Liam like that." Levi said.

"Is he threatening you? Are you being forced to say this?" George asked sympathetically. "I can get rid of Tyler for you."

I heard something slam into a locker hard. "Don't you ever threaten my Baby! I'll fucking hurt you so bad."

I heard George gasp for breath. "So strong and you can manhandle people? That's cool how long you hid this from anyone. How about just one time, and Tyler won't go to jail for tasing me. On top of that I won't tell Tyler about that hidden past of yours!"

"What are you talking about?"

"It must suck that you can't remember it, and I know more about you than yourself."


"My dads a cop," George said. "I can do and find out whatever. So if you want to truly protect Tyler, you'll meet me after school instead of your beloved boyfriend."


"Shhhh, I'll see you after school," George said as the final bell rang. I hid behind another locker so George wouldn't see me.

As he walked past, I followed behind him.

He was threatening Levi with me just to sleep with him, because I was Levi's only weakness. So this was about getting back at Levi for Liam, wasn't it? Usually when George cheated he never went to this extent so it wasn't interest.

Maybe he was just a genuinely disgusting person. I can't believe Liam has the nerve to say I had bad taste when he's in love with dumpster fire.

All the way past the school gym, I quietly followed him to last row of lockers in the corner hall before the stairs. "Hey George," I said.

He jumped around what he saw me. "Oh, it's the crazy bitch again."

"Crazy how?" I could only see red right now. How dare he try to entice my Levi? To blackmail him? What kind of material did he have? What did he know?

"You tased me!" George snapped. "That's why I'm going to take Levi from you! I thought we could be friends, shame. Who knew all this time you were the crazy one, not Levi."

"Then you should've listened to me telling you to back off," I said.

"Fuck off, Tyler. I have a problem and only Levi can help me."

"I don't give a fuck! Back off, I'm warning you," I growled. "I will kill you." What was I saying? This isn't like me at all. "Talk to my Levi again and I'll slit your fucking throat!"

"Your Levi?" George laughed. "I don't even know how someone like that could even like you. But I see how they'll manipulate you. You think I want you around? No one does! You're a freak, and a stupid one at that! You don't even realize who you have!"

I wasn't stupid. I just don't pay much attention. "You're wrong. I meant what I said, talk to my Levi again and I'll kill you."

"I'm not just going to talk to him more, I'm going to fuck him too since you keep getting in my way," George smiled. "How about that."

"And what would Liam say? Aren't you two together again?" I snapped. Liam said they were on and off but it was clear who Liam likes. "My best friend loves you."

"What does love have to do with a quick fuck?"

"Do you think you'll be getting even on Liam's behalf by doing this?"

"Liam has nothing to do with this."

"Why do you think you know Levi better?"

"Because he has a backstory. I know bits and pieces but I can definitely say I know your boyfriend better than he knows himself. Better than you actually."

I was short of breath and my vision narrowed on George. I was furious to the point that I could feel my heart speed up. What a disgusting person!

He plans to hurt my friend with my boyfriend?

As fast as I could I punched his Adam's apple. George looked at me surprised and gripped his neck gasping for air and fell to his knees.

I warned him, too many times to let this go. Honestly, fuck self control.

"YOU MAY DIE ROARIN' LIKE DORAN'S ARSE!!" I screamed Grandmas favorite Gaelic insult before I jumped on top of him and started to rain down blows on George's face, neck and stomach, taking the blows he dealt back like nothing. I may be small but I was stronger than I looked.

"Break it up!" The gym teachers suddenly pulled us apart. George tried to get out of the teachers grip to get at me and I tried to buck right back. "I said stop!!!"

"Fuck you George!" I yelled as the hallways filled to watch us fail to watch us get at each other. "Don't fucking touch Levi! He's mine!"

"Fuck you!" George screamed back.

The gym teacher who grabbed me carried me as i flailed all the way to the Dean's office and called my mom. And after he brought George in he called his mom.

"I'm suspending you from the team," the Dean said. " Our star players are fighting like animals! You two are supposed to be setting examples! What is this about?"

"He's a bitch who doesn't know how to back off." I shook my head. "When you cross boundaries there's consequences and he felt the wrath of karma!"


"He fucked up! George started something he couldn't handle!"

"I didn't start anything! You're the crazy one here!" George defended. "Who just attacked people like that?!"

"Said like the true shit bitch you are!"

"Fuck you!"

"Be a man and own up to your part!" I snapped.

"What part?! You fucking psycho!!"

"Boys, tell me what's this about!" The Dean yelled over us.

"I'm dating Levi and he tried flirting with him!" I yelled. "Tell him not to talk to Levi!"

"I'll talk to whoever I please!"

"Then I'll fuck you up however I please!"

"Tyler, please calm down! This is all over Levi Winchester?" The Dean said. "Ah, here's your mother. Hello Mrs. Moss You'll have to take your son off school property for the rest of the day."

"I will, thank you so much, Dale." My mom smiled. I noticed the Dean shift uncomfortably and start to sweat under my moms gaze when she said his name. I guess she was pretty intimidating when angry. But then again, this is my mothers ex.

"Y-you're welcome," he wiped his forehead with a napkin.

My mom walked me out of the Dean's office. "What was this big fight about? I told you not to fight wain."

"That's the boy tried flirting with Levi," I explained. "I got him earlier and warned him, but then he tried it again. Then I kind of blacked out. I tried mam!"

"Awwweeee, look who's just like his mommy!" My mom squealed. "I didn't know we were so alike. Did you really tase the boy? It is true?"

"Yes, I couldn't just cut him up in the school," right before Levi and I had the best sex. "I took your taser instead of the knife. I didn't want to cut him, but it probably would've been more effective looking back because he still tried it."

"Violence wasn't the right thing to do after." Mom lectured. "My advice was to find a way to deal with it, not use a slightly less violent alternative."

"I know. I know but-"

"No buts, Tyler. You went overboard and that's it. Kids your age shouldn't be doing things like that. My growing up was different, but I raised you differently. Violence corrupts you from the inside and I want you to be ok." Mom stroked my head. "I understand you, but those impulsive moves are dangerous. Think before you act Tyler, or you'll lose everything you love."

"Yes mam."

"Did he provoke you in any other way?"

"He called me stupid and said he knew Levi better than I did," I admitted.

"That would set me off as well. Still you're a child and you shouldn't be going this far with things. You're old enough to get that."


"Did you bang after?" My mom suddenly giggled.

"What?! No!!"

"Liar, after I used that same in pink taser on a girl, your dad ravaged me," mom smiled. "It was the best thing I ever did. I just....well let me not tell you the details."

"We didn't have sex."

"I'm also a bad liar. Tyler, you dare lie to your mammy? I thought I taught you to tell the truth. Lying makes me so sad Tyler. Do you hate me that much?"

Fuck off mom. She loved over exaggerating things when I was caught to infuse guilt into me.

Unfortunately it worked every time.

"Fine, Levi and I did have sex."

"Good, because I brought a couch pillow for you to sit on," my mom laughed hard while reaching into the backseat to pull up a big couch pillow, as I turned tomato red.

"You're a dumbass mom!" I snapped.

"No baby boy, we're dumbassess." My mom grabbed my hand and continued to laugh while making butt jokes the entire way home.