Levi Winchester

I sat in class extremely confused. Was this what being alone felt like? Where the fuck was Tyler? Did he collapse? He wasn't in the infirmary when I checked and he never came back from the bathroom.

Why would he just disappear?

I pulled out my phone and saw no texts. Dammit Tyler! What the fuck happened to you?! I started to feel incredibly guilty now, did I hurt him?

If I scared him, I have to apologize and bring him back to me! I should've taken this chance to lock him to me for good! What the fuck was I thinking letting him out of my sight?

Next time, I'll make it so he can't disappear again!

The soccer coach burst into the classroom and stormed into the classroom. This was incredibly unlike him. To my surprise, he stormed right up to me. "Levi, come with me!"


"Because I said so!!" He snapped. I rolled my eyes to his visible annoyance and gathered my stuff. I did nothing wrong so why was he yelling at me in front of everyone? Did George make a move and get us in trouble? Tyler told me he was a pshycho pervert, did he do something to him? Everyone stared as I followed the coach out of the room.

"Why am I being called, sir?" I asked.

"You're the cause of this fight!" Coach Nichols snapped. But I was obviously in class, how could I have started a fight? "A quiet guy like you stirring up a fuss like this."

"I caused a Fight? What fight? If you didn't notice I've been in class not fighting anyone." Who the hell was fighting because of me?

"Tyler And George were fighting because of you! My team is falling apart and we don't need any distractions! People keep saying we're cursed." Coach snapped. "If you're dating Tyler, why are you letting George around? Are you trying to start fights? You can't just two time-"

"Coach Nichols, Tyler fought George?" I asked. "I mean, I told George I was with Tyler, but he wouldn't listen. He's convinced that Tyler has me scared or something. Then George tried to blackmail me to get me to meet him. I'm very sorry-"

"It's not your fault kid! Just....ugh, I've heard about your past situations, just don't let it keep spilling out into your normal life. You need a better parental figure or stuff like this happens." Coach told me. Who the fuck was this asshole?

This fucking past that other people keep throwing in my face annoyed me. "My past isn't the problem here, I was in class and had no idea. It was your team who fucked up, not me." I snapped. "I'm not sure who the fuck you think you are to tell me that."


"And don't ever try to speak down to me about my past again. Having parental figures is irrelevant. All your players have parents yet they act like animals around the school. Go fucking talk to them."

"Kid I-"

"You really shouldn't be taking your frustrations out on other students because you failed to keep your team in check. I also never asked for your advice or your pity, Coach." I glared at him. "And I never needed it. Respectfully, fuck off, you pervert."

"Pervert?!" I turned and headed back to my class as Coach Nichols stood watching me. Mouth ajar. He wasn't the only one who could be rude for no reason.

I haven't even thought about it in years. Since I can remember, which isn't much, I've been locked up. A small uncomfortable room with no windows. It was no different from any other room I can remember, except when I opened the door, there was a locked cage.

In the corner there was food and some water. I didn't touch it much. I had no idea how I got there or where I came from. But I had to eat and drink sparingly for fear I wouldn't get another meal.

I had to be about twelve at the time maybe younger. I didn't know if I had parents, or siblings, or even a name. Only the blond lady, that i didn't know, who opened my cage to feed me when she felt like it.

I had no choice but to get used to that lifestyle, in fact I was accustomed to it already by that point for some reason. It was the only thing I knew.

Sometimes I would sit and stare at the clock tick away for days. I needed things to distract me so I read the huge bookcase that was there and I was able to learn a lot about many different subjects.

Specifically on how to take a life.

The name 'Levi Winchester' was written in bold on every book cover so I just assumed that it was my name. And in every book there was a picture of Tyler and his family.

After discovering this I collected his pictures, a habit I never grew out of, thinking that he was absolutely my savior from that terrible situation. When I ran out of books, with every meal came a photo of Tyler.

After a while I started to makeup stories about how he might actually be. It made life durable for all that time. Tyler became my entire world. I even had many play conversations with myself, pretending that Tyler was sitting there with me laughing.

Sometimes I hated him because he was free and living somewhere else happily. I thought he should be with me to be happy. But I would quickly let that thought go, because he would hate living here with me.

All I wanted to do was escape. Not because I was locked up, but because I wanted to be with Tyler all the time. I wanted to save him from the person who wanted me to kill him.

One day I had found a new book under the bed in the room. In it was a new picture of Tyler. I was excited about it as usual but it was quickly replaced with worry.

On the back of the photo it said 'kill'.

It truly shook me to my core. Why would they want to kill my angel? So I vowed to protect Tyler from then on. I tried to be as strong as I could.

Then one day, I was free. The cage was open as well as the front door and I escaped. The sun was incredibly bright a burned my eyes, the grass and the smells were overwhelming to me. For the first time, I felt real hope because I now had a purpose.

Later on, I would meet Tyler in person after a year of searching desperately. I got into his school and managed to befriend him...well he befriended me because I had no idea how to socialize. We definitely were attached at the hip from the start.

Still I watched him every chance I got.

I would never let anything happen to my Tyler. So why was I letting George fuck with him or me? I needed to take control and I didn't when I should have! I was capable of doing so.

I can't fail Tyler again!

Fuck, I was pathetic! I've just gotten so complacent around Tyler by hovering around for so long that I've stopped taking actions against people actively trying to hurt Tyler. In that time people moved in closer are trying to destroy us.

Why would anyone try to hurt Tyler? He's literally a normal person from a normal family. What should I do? Would you think I'm dangerous? Would you even believe me if I let you know everything?

What should I do to protect you? What do I need to do to get even closer to you?!

"I have to go!" I said. Ignoring the school security calling me back I ran. I had to apologize for scaring him this bad. To quell this anxiety he had to be here. I ran and ran until I found myself in front of Tyler's house.

I banged on the door frantically until the door opened. Tyler stood there confused, but before he could speak I dropped to knees.

"I'm sorry!" I begged. "I should have done more to make sure you would never have to deal with something like this! I didn't take care of it well enough! I'm sorry if I scared you with the way I was earlier! If you hate me I understand, but I won't leave you until things are safe and taken care of! So until then, please let me be with you! And I'm sorry I broke my promise to take care of things!"

"H-hey, Levi," Tyler knelt down and picked up my chin so we stared at each other face to face. Quickly I turned my head. His image of me had to be shattered now! "Have you eaten?"

"N-no..." I realized now that I was speaking through tears. I quickly wiped them and followed Tyler to the kitchen closely.

"You know, whenever my dad bitches me out or I get mad, my mom asks me if I ate. And if I didn't we would get something great to eat," Tyler scooped some food that was sitting in a pot and set it in front of me. "After eating my favorite food I always feel better. But I'm not really sure I know what your favorite food is, you usually just eat what I eat. But my mom made Irish Parsnip Soup."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Well....don't worry, Levi. Eat up and stop worrying," Tyler smiled and messed with my hair a bit as I took a bite. It was good....I guess. "What did you want to say?"

"What I did was wrong. I didn't even know I was a stalker until I kept getting called one. I honestly still don't think I am or ever was a stalker. You may not believe me but where I grew up....no one taught me these things. How to converse and approach people is something I never learned." I blurted out. My deepest insecurities seemed to be pouring out.

Why wasn't Tyler dumping me right now? I failed him! Why did he look like he was pitying me?

"Levi," Tyler pulled me into a hug. "Why are you so worried? Just tell me What's going on?"

"I failed you! You got in trouble because I didn't-"

"Levi, there was nothing you could do!" Tyler covered my mouth before I could object. "I heard you reject him more than once. I heard him threaten you and try to blackmail you. I'm not sure what business he thinks he has with you or what he thinks he knows about you, but I don't care. There's not a thing you could do to stop me from confronting him."

"You confronted him?"

"Yeah, while you weren't around to stop me. And I know people have called you a stalker but I don't feel that way either," Tyler said. "I trust you before anyone. I even said I love you, so stop trying to hide your problems from me. I can protect you too you know! I just got violent when I shouldn't have."

"You trust me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"


"Shut up! You need to eat and feel better because you're bugging out right now. You will accept my love and protection back." Tyler ran his fingers through my hair gently. "You've never opened up this much before. I'm glad you finally have."

I nodded and started to eat.

"Tyler go and get the mail," Drita walked in all smiles. Tyler rolled his eyes but walked away.

"Hello Drita," I said keeping my face towards my bowl.

"Are you pansexual, Levi?" Drita suddenly asked.


"Meaning you're attracted to Tyler but not because he's a boy, but because you like who he is?"

"No...I mean, I guess....I'm not really sure, I just love Tyler."

"Ok, I believe you, but something seems weird to me. I've met people at churches like you. Those people are so lonely that they would worship something that isn't there to feel any kind of love. People stand there and express their love of an invisible savior like mindless drones in a crowd. In other words your feelings aren't romantic, but religious. Like you have extreme faith that Tyler would one day save you from something. And I wonder what it is you need saving from."

"It's not-"

"Well I shouldn't interfere anyway, that's something you should speak to Tyler about. The past does effect the future, so I can't help but worry, but don't mind me," Drita looked me right in the eye.

"Here, now leave us alone," Tyler handed his mom the mail. That's why she stopped talking, huh? Drita never spoke much but when she did, she always left me a lot to think about.

I hated it.

"Well this is my house so you can go upstairs," Drita smiled. "And don't be so cold to your mommy. We have to much in common to be divided. Like-"

"Whatever! Let's go upstairs Levi," Tyler blushed hard. So cute.

Did I love Tyler for real? Or did I only want him to save me? And what did I need to be saved from? I was already kind of free. Drita was wrong about this being a religious love. I have romantic feelings for Tyler. He's always been my first one and only love. "I love you Tyler." I said.

Tyler turned and gave me his biggest smile. "I love you too, Levi."

I felt my heart swell as usual.

There was nothing religious about the love I felt for Tyler. I just love him unconditionally, I think he's perfect.

I was already saved when I met him.