Tyler Moss

"You thought I would dump you?" I asked. "You know I'll fuck people up for you. I only got a light punishment. The Dean is scared of my mom because they used to date."

"You shouldn't have been punished at all!"

"I started it."


"I didn't go overboard either."


"My parents aren't mad."

"Oh." Finally Levi could just drop it. Why did he feel so responsible for everything I did?

"So Does that guy really know more about you than me? Or yourself?"

"I'm not actually sure. I meant it when I said i don't remember a lot and it hurts my head to force myself to remember. I feel weaker because I know myself but at the same time, I might not even be me."


"I'm just sick of being so weak. You always save me, Tyler. More than you think," Levi sighed. "The pictures you found....at first, it was means to survive when I was set free to go outside. It helped keep me from going crazy."

"From what? Also you had pictures of me before we met?" Just how far back did this go?

"Whoever it was that kept me in that house. After I was set free" Levi looked down. "With meals she would leave a picture of you. And you were all over the books too."

As Levi started to speak more about himself I started to understand why he clung to me like he did. Why I always felt the need to protect him. Why he was so obsessed with keeping me in perfect shape and always in his sight. And why he so crazy about how I see him.

"You don't even know about your name?" I asked horrified. "Wasn't lady that your mother?"

"If she was, I'm better off without her," Levi started as a matter of fact. "Your parents have always been my family in a way since I first met them. Especially when she disappeared and I was on my own."

How could Levi never tell me about this. I could have helped him! He was always just handling things on his own. "Levi..." I didn't know what to say. Levi hated to get pity and I didn't want to give that impression. He already looked stressed. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I did a little, bit by bit, but I was too worried you'd think I was too much. So I held myself back."

"I like it better when you open up and tell me things. I want to know everything about you....because you're the only one who knows everything about me."

"Really?" If I knew everything, then who was giving Levi the things he had? Who was taking care of what he needed? Was he homeless? He obviously owns a shower. The more Levi told me about his past, the more things just didn't make sense.

"Yeah, really" still, it pissed me off a little that he was too scared to be himself because he feared losing me. I hated whoever did this to him! Levi looked a bit tuckered out, so I decided to change the subject. "Want to hear what the fight was about?"

"Coach said it was about me." That stupid pervert!

"I didn't like the way he spoke about you. I went crazy when he said he was going to have you....I kind of blacked out a bit," I smiled. "I went after him personally though. And I'm suspended for three days and from playing soccer."

"You got in trouble! It wasn't worth fighting over someone like me."

"Yes it was," I snapped. "No one can speak about you like that in front of me and get away with it. You're worth all the trouble."

Levi smiled. We ended up just laying down in my bed and speaking for hours after that. It was actually nerve racking to see Levi vulnerable to such an extreme.

But if he was always kind of emotionally intense.

Was Levi really ok? Or did he need some serious help like everyone kept telling me? Who wouldn't need help after going through what he did?

Could this lead up to him doing something even more extreme?

"If I ask you a question, will you tell me the truth?"

"Of course."

"No matter how you think I'll react, you still tell me the truth right? You know I hate liars."

"I'll say the truth."

"Did you hurt Liam?" I asked suddenly. Levi looked at me surprised. Of course he wouldn't do this, i was stupid to think that the rumors were true. I was just letting it get to me. "I heard rumors and that's why I'm asking again. Just look me in the eye and tell the truth."

I watched him think very hard and my stomach turned.

Just fucking say no! What the fuck are you even thinking about right now?

"Well.....I didn't kill him," Levi sighed. "He's going to recover soon."

So that was why Liam looked terrified and kept on just watching me. "Please, tell me you didn't, Levi! Tell me I'm all wrong and I'll believe you." I pleaded.

"I can't."

"What? Why?"

"Because he wanted you to himself so he tried to torture me and you. He was trying to make you hate me so much. He's the one who started the rumors and the bullying. He was trying to make it his mission! Then he said how you would look under him! He talked about you so intimately that it was disgusting! So I kind of snapped....he just..."

Liam wasn't lying then? "Liam and George have an on and off thing, you know that Liam wouldn't lay a finger on me himself. So, did you really push him out of the window or something?"

"Not exactly," Levi walked me through his account of the events that night. It was almost nerve racking to hear how violent Levi really could be. To learn that he planned this all out very meticulously. To learn that if anyone were to ever even speak about touching me, he could hurt them.

It was a bit scary.

Is this what grandma meant when she said violence just corrupts people? Levi explained what he did without batting an eye....but either way....didn't he feel he went too far?

"And you feel that this was justified."

"Yes, I did." Levi said matter of factly. Why did I keep asking questions? Why didn't I just leave this alone?

Because Liam is my best friend.

"Liam wasn't lying then...you were," I started. Levi looked very confused. "You lied to me when I asked what happened. You said it had nothing to do with you. You told me you didn't even know why Liam hated you!"

"I didn't....I mean I lied but not about that. I don't know why he hates me."

"Levi are you joking?"

"I wouldn't joke about this." Levi looked a big concerned at this point. "Are you angry?"

"Get out," I shook my head. Levi lying to me was the worst feeling I've ever felt. Why would he lie about this? I felt hypocritical but at the same time justified in my actions. This was on a different level.


"You think I'm stupid like everyone else does don't you? I never question anything you say and always just believe you, so you think you can just get away with whatever!?!"

"What?! I never thought you were stupid! It's a misunderstanding-" Levi looked visibly panicked and I felt a bit scared at my feelings of wanting to comfort him.

"Misunderstanding? I've seen you stand outside my house until I turn the lights on in the morning. I always see you everywhere I go, even when I think I'm alone! And you've been following me around and doing things to 'protect' me! Did you think I would just fall to my knees and thank you?! No! It's fucking creepy!" I could feel my eyes stinging. I didn't mean any of what I said. "I was willing to look past it all until you made me feel like an asshole just now!"

"Creepy?" Levi looked genuinely confused. Was he playing with me?

"I thought you were some superhero protecting me, but you're just some crazy stalker! You're nice to me now, but I know you'll probably stab me in the back like everyone else did with you when things don't go your way!" I tried wiping the tears as all my insecurities spilled out.

"I'm not a stalker!" Levi snapped back at me. "I did that to-"

"Why do you look as if you're more creeped out than I am?! Are you acting to try to get away with this?!" If you make that face, I just want to comfort you Levi! Stop looking heartbroken! Wasn't this done maliciously?

You lied and I'm taking my anger out on you!

"I just-"

"DAD!!!!" I screamed. I don't want to hear any of his excuses! I didn't want to hear his stupid bullshit and have him justify this somehow. He always would be able to lie to me if I did!

I would fall for him all over again if he did. I would just listen and believe him if I listened to him more.

My dad burst threw the room door almost knocking the door off the hinges, pistol drawn. "What?! What happened?!"

"Get Levi out of my room, NOW!!!" I screamed! My dad immediately grabbed the back of Levi's shirt and dragged him out of my room by force.

Levi lies to me.

Levi lies to me.

Levi lies to me.

I ignored his many many calls throughout my three day suspension. It was horribly long and lonely without Levi. I didn't even get up to look out of window because I knew he'd be there.

I thought about him constantly, even contemplating just apologizing for my own hypocrisy and going back to how things were. I wanted to see him and hug him and kiss him more than ever. I missed him terribly.

"Just talk to him, Tyler. Everyone lies sometimes," dad advised.

"Shut up."

"Why torture yourself like this? Just talk it out, he's not leaving the property."

"I said shut up dad!"

"Hey! I'm trying to give you good advice here. Be a man! Make up or break up!" Dad snapped at me. "Stop sulking around my house!"

It wasn't that I didn't want to make up, I wanted to since I saw his face when my dad dragged him out.

Unfortunately he was waiting outside of my house for our usual walk to school. I had missed him so much that I wanted to throw myself into his arms. I wanted a kiss and hug and to feel his loving embrace again.

A part of me felt guilty for lashing out. Remember he crossed the line!

I shot him a dirty look before turning away from him. "I came to walk you to school." Levi smiled weakly. He looked like he hadn't slept much either.

"Fuck you," I started to walk. Levi followed close behind. How do I make up with him?

"I wanted to walk with you, it's dangerous."

"You're proven more dangerous though. Besides why are you so concerned? I apparently wasn't the one in danger." I sneered more angry at myself. This isn't what I want to really say at all.

"Tyler, can we please talk! Just a little bit!" Levi pleaded behind me.

"Actually i don't feel like talking to you, why don't you leave me alone?" I scowled.

When we got closer to school I noticed people were walking up to me and saying hi. People I barely acknowledged existed. Some people even going as far as telling me that Levi was too intimidating to be around.

It made sense now why people didn't want to be around me. It felt different not having Levi hovering over me. Almost like I completely exposed. I knew he was always watching me but now I felt naked.

Talking to other people sucked ass!

"Sit with us for lunch dude," Giovanni, the goalie, told me. "Glad you finally dumped the creep!"

Dumped?! Who said that?

No! I wasn't going to let him creep up into my feelings again. He had to just endure it a bit until I could wrap my head around this. I couldn't help but miss him terribly though.

As I asked Levi didn't speak to me. Even when Giovanni and the other guys called me over for lunch he said nothing. He held two lunch boxes but quickly turned and left the lunchroom when I clearly walked away from him.

I felt absolutely awful.

For the first time in a long time, I stomached an awful school lunch and tolerated the obnoxious assholes that were really Liam's friends. I had nothing in common with these people.

"You ok dude?" Giovanni asked figuring out that I wasn't comfortable. "Shit, well let's step into the hall."

"Ok," I followed Giovanni out.

"Everyone's kind of sex crazed. I could tell you aren't used to all their shit." Giovanni rolled his eyes. "I heard you beat up George pretty good. He still hasn't come back to school yet. You must have fucked him up good."

"No, just simple things I learned from Levi."

"Yeah about that, tell Levi I said thanks for putting Liam in his place. He really opened the position of captain and you beating up George is even better."

"Why thank Levi?"

"Everyone thinks that crazy stalker did it." Giovanni told me. "I thought he did too. Everyone knew they hated each other. One was going to kill the other, it was only a matter of time."

"Levi....Levi would never do that. He's harmless. Everyone knows that. And he's not a stalker." I defended. "He just doesn't really get along with anyone."

"Fine, fine, There's still something off about him."


"He worships the ground you walk on. Isn't that kind of strange for friends? Like is this a master/slave situation or what?"

"No! He's my boyfriend! And he's perfectly fine the way he is! He's perfect in every way!" I blurted without thinking. I covered my mouth and felt my face Heat up. It was like I was hardwired to jump to his defense somehow.

"Then why are you two avoiding each other?" Giovanni asked.

"Is it that obvious?"


"We had a little spat."

"I knew something was up with you two! You guys are never apart from each other. I don't care as long as you kill it in the field man. I just think your boyfriends....not normal."

So did I. "I get it."

"You should also just talk it out."

"Piss off."

As we walked I saw Levi walking towards us. I looked away very obviously despite wanting to speak to him. I got my excuse when he bumped into me, causing my phone to fall, and he stepped on it.

What else was this fucker going to destroy?!

"Ah, sorry, it's broken," Levi mumbled. This was a bad attempt at trying to talk. How will I listen to my kpop if it's broken. "Tyler-"

"It's ok, just give it back," I snatched my phone back and kept on walking. My phone was fucked.

Stray Kids will have to wait😭😭😭