Tyler Moss

Walking the hallways alone was always weird to me but worth the free thinking time. It was the only time I got away from Levi today...who seems a bit more distant and clingy at the same time, today more than usual.

I wonder what was up because this was honestly getting annoying. He's been keeping his distance and in his own world since the walk to school without letting me leave his sight.

Fucking weirdo.

Nothing this guy did made any sense. You would think he'd stop being so goddamn timid after we made up for everything and had a heart to heart, but this introvert shit is being taken to a new extreme. I think I'm at my wits end to an extent.

Did I make a mistake taking him back? It's more annoying than before honestly. He gets on my damn nerves, I swear.

It pisses me off that I love him this much already!

"Screw you, Steven!" I heard someone snap. Another fight? I turned to see Steven Ryan, a kid who basically is a few days away from dropping out. He's a real thorn in the ass....if you're a "loser" so I just avoided his trouble. But who else would be the loser but Jay Vanity, the small scrawny kid that everyone pushed around.

I noticed him a while ago but he seemed to like being alone so I never went out of my way to say anything to him, plus Levi always needed my attention. It wasn't like I could branch out and playing captain save a hoe is time consuming.

Honestly, I couldn't give a shit about him, but it was nice to see him stand up for himself.

"Hey, what the hell?!" Steven snapped but paused looking at the box cutter Jay had just pulled out of his pocket. Ok, that escalated too quickly.

Should I stop this? It's just a box cutter. It's not like that's going to kill anyone. Levi would absolutely flip if I got involved and got hurt somehow. Especially in his fragile mindset.

"I'll...kill....you...." Jay whimpered. Was he really going to kill him? He looked serious enough. If he fails then obviously he'll still be charged with an attempt. And the most he looks like he can do is make a scratch before he gets beat down.

"Uh, Jay calm down," I said. Fuck! I was supposed to stay quiet. Luckily I was ignored.

"I'll...kill you! I'm tired of living like this! Getting kicked around by everyone!" Jays face was messed up with tears now. "I'll just kill myself!!!"

"NO!" Before I could think, my body just moved and I felt a pain shoot up my arm as i mindlessly grabbed Jay and the box cutter went into my arm.

Damn impulsive nature! Stupid inability to mind my own fucking business! Why am I like this?

"Oh shit! What happened?!" I heard the voices flare from the other two people in the hall. Stephen choose this chance to scurry off.

I managed to stop him but I was bleeding a bit. Fucking hell! I turned so the girls wouldn't see the knife but I ended up locking eyes with a furious Levi.

Fuck. I shouldn't have moved.

He stood there turning red before walking over. Jay fell back and scrambled a bit in terror. This wasn't going to just be forgotten. "Levi....wait, it's not....serious. Stop looking like that."

"Your arm!"

"Stop being so dramatic. It's nothing!"

"Are you ok?" Levi asked. I nodded. Levi sighed and pretended to relax but I could see his veins popping out from his neck. That worried me.

"Are you ok?" I turned to ask Jay pulling the box cutter out of my arm. "Let's get you to the nurse."

I started to pull him towards the nurse despite his protests. Eventually he managed to slip out of my grip. He was definitely stronger than he looked.

"W-why did you stop me?!" Jay cried. "It had nothing to do with you so you should've just minded your business! I could've handled him!"

"You should be thanking Tyler," Levi frowned. "We're you really trying to kill Steven? Or yourself? Because you don't even seem to have the resolve to end it."

"Levi!" I snapped at him. He really had no tact during emotional situations.

"You weren't going to be doing anything at all idiot! Because if you were, you wouldn't have used a box cutter. You would've brought something like a kitchen knife instead. Did you just want attention or something? A knife like that won't do it even if you hit a pressure point youMmmhphh!" I covered Levi's mouth with my hand.

"Don't mind him, he's a total weirdo so he obviously has diarrhea of the mouth....but he's kind of right, Jay. If I'd wanted to kill someone, I wouldn't use a flimsy push knife like this," I said. "Let alone to try and kill myself. There are certainly better methods to-"

"You think I want to die?" Jay shook in place. "I don't! But this seemed like my only option left! I've always been bullied by people like him! By everyone! All the teachers are aware and they don't even do anything! And when I told my parents they just gave the bullys things to make them be nice to me! Do you think it really stopped after that?! There's no point in telling the adults! They just make everything so much worse!!"

Jay was breaking down. He was right, the school bully policy was shit! The security was shit. The teachers were shit. And no one really cared about each other here.

"You're right. The school won't help," they won't even stop people from hurting Levi. This school was a joke when it came to authority. Maybe I should've spoken to him sooner. I felt bad because I didn't do anything either knowing fully well what was going on.. "I know how you feel so I want to help you."

"Tyler?" Levi looked shocked but I didn't miss his gaze suddenly cutting to the window. What was he always looking for? Was someone watching him? Or us?

"You can hang out with us," I smiled. "We'll keep people from fucking with you."

"Hell no!" Levi protested.

"I....I don't want your pity!"

"It's not pity! How do you expect people to like you if you think everyone is the same, man? If you push everyone away they'll all stop trying." I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to be pathetic all the time. And you don't suit the role of a killer. So just hang out with us."

"How are you going to Help me!?"

"Sit with us for lunch," I smiled. This guy just tried to stab someone. That little blade could've went deeper if Jay applied more pressure. I couldn't just let him go off yet.

I turned to Levi was staring disapprovingly at this scene in front of him. I could tell he was just keeping quiet at the moment. He was always like this whenever someone else popped up.

He looked so tense.

This is none of my business and this is how people get killed. I know Levi was only concerned about things like that. But I looked at the pathetic heap in front of me, and I just see a weak unpopular kid who's been broken down to the point of wanting to die.

How could I just ignore that?

This was truly sad. What did he do so wrong to not be treated like a human? Why was this even allowed to go on?

"I'm not allowed in the lunch room."

"You are now," I said. That was a stupid rule that Stephen probably made up for him.

"I don't have any money for lunch."

"Lunch is on me then."

"I....I don't want to cause any problems!"

"I'm inviting you, stop coming up with excuses," I smiled about to lose my patience. Jay and Levi stared at me. I did feel badly for this guy and I know Levi didn't. But he would just have to deal with it for the time being. "It's up to you really. Levi and I eat in the courtyard usually, so just meet us there if you want to."

"Why would you want to even be seen with me?" Jay asked.

"What's the harm? Wi don't care about any of that stuff, just look at Levi and I. Well, weather I see you at lunch or not I hope we can still be friends."


I nodded before taking out a pen and a notebook. "I broke my phone, but I-"

"Here, put your number in," Levi held out his phone. I looked at him but he refused to meet my eyes. "It's just until he gets a new phone." Was Levi actually helping me to make a friend? His jealousy disappeared after one hot steamy sex session? What a nice character development. To my surprise, Jay took Levi's phone and texted himself. "If you want to just text or call....or whatever."

"So you'll deal with all of them?"

"Eye for an eye. Just let us know."

Jay nodded. "Can I have my-"

"Hell no!" Levi snapped. He looked super annoyed right now. "You obviously can't have one right now. Look what you did. Just tell us if anyone fucks with you if you want help." Jay put his head down and walked away to his classroom. "Why did you just invite him to lunch? I don't like him at all."


"He's fake."


"I mean it Tyler. I don't trust that innocent act, it feels faked. I know what faking looks like! He's a wolf in sheep's clothing....let's stop your arm from bleeding," Levi said. "Bad news bears, Tyler."

"Is everything alright? Why do you keep looking out of the windows?" I asked trying to distract him by cupping his face in my hands. Levi froze but quickly shrugged and relaxed.

"Baby, I'm just sleep deprived," Levi ran his hands thru his hair. It was getting very long, to the point where it was covering his eyes completely. I could barely see those intense green eyes anymore. "You just got stabbed, why are you worried about me?"

"Stabbed? I wouldn't call it that. It didn't go super far and I think the bleeding stopped already. It was nothing for you to get worked up over." I explained sporting a stupid smile. He called me baby. "Call me baby again."

Levi wrapped his arms around me, spinning us so his back was towards the window and I couldn't see what he was obviously looking out for. "I'm never going to let anything happen to you again, Baby."

I shivered at his words. A promise to me. For what? What was Levi paranoid about? I know I'm not bugging out when I think somethings wrong. Levi couldn't hide shit from me.

"I know....I just wish you would tell me what's going on. And that you would trust me."

"I do trust you! I just feel like I'm being watched all the time now....it's from the lack of sleep. I promise," Levi said. "Nothing else will distract me from you, Tyler. As you can see I'll always be close by. I just want you to know that you can't save everyone."

Wasn't that the truth! Not that I hated it but it sounded eerie. Somethings going on and it looks like I'll have to handle this myself. Wether Levi liked it or not.

"Getting answers from you is like pulling teeth, Levi," I rolled my eyes. "Though....It may have been pointless to get involved with the Jay thing."

"Then why did you?"

"Because I wanted to help him."

"But you didn't need to."

"What about you? I asked jays permission to help him out. You didn't even ask me."

"Because it's dangerous-"

"You protect me because it's dangerous. So, there you go. I'm helping Jay for the same reason. It's dangerous, Levi. I even saw him try to hurt himself. I'm sure there's a lot of people in this world who feel the need to help others. I feel that, and maybe you do too."

"Yeah, only you!" I shot him a look and Levi just rolled his eyes. "I'll help."

"Change of heart?"

"It's only because you said so. But I disapprove."

"Won't things get worse?"

"Not directly. If they attack you can't just fight back like you do. It's not easy to win when you're outnumbered."

"Any tips?"

"If you can, use something around you. Any liquid or solid thrown at them will get them worked up. So use that to get them."

"Do you always plan so intimately?"

"In a way....I'm mostly improvising. The key is to make them fear you so they won't act up again. Crush them from the inside so then can't get back up."

"It's scary how right you are."