Levi Winchester

Tyler's new friend annoyed the crap out of me to no end. His innocent act was a complete facade and I hated that Tyler couldn't see through it. But I'm not surprised, Tyler likes things that seemed weak to him.

That's why he always attracted so much danger.

I couldn't even convince Tyler not to take this guy under his wing. It just made me beyond pissed! How could he turn his attention to someone else! He was mine and only mine! It made me want to tie him up somewhere he could never see anyone else.

Then would Tyler finally only think about me?

I stared at him to calm myself down. I won't resort to that! I've lived in imprisonment and I won't put Tyler in through that.

Deep breaths. Get your mind off that.

I've observed everyone in this school on a few occasions at least once, right? Jay was always someone who was focused on School in someway and I when I saw him and literally nothing else.

He couldn't be the other guy because he mentioned parents doing things for him, but it's probably a lie. Something in my gut told me he was lying. Until I had him figured out, I have to find a way to limit their time together.

My only proof was that Jays eyes have no soul behind them. It takes a fucked up life to get eyes like his. Bullying most likely wasn't the problem. He just wasn't who he said he was whatsoever.

"Levi, I just heard people talking about Jay getting dragged off by Steven and his people. Restroom on the second floor." Tyler said urgently pulling me out of the nurses office. "They just walked past the door! I knew we should've taken him to class. We have to go!"

I ran after Tyler who sprinted into action immediately after he finished speaking. He was fast and agile. So athletic. Too much of an angel for his own good.

Why did Jay deserve any of this? His insignificance was appalling and yet Tyler was so invested. Do I have to act like a little lamb to get him to only focus on me again?

When we reached the bathroom, I managed to grab Tyler back for a second as we heard a large sounding crash followed by Jays cry. "Read the situation, don't just run in!"

I hated giving him this advice, it was like I was helping him get close to this guy. But Tyler's proud smile and nod was too cute to ignore. He thinks I'm trying!

We peaked in the door to see the Steven standing over a shivering Jay. Why was he acting like a scared little mouse? He could do something about it, I know he could. But he didn't do a thing after getting thrown around?

I was almost fooled.

"You wanted to stab me didn't you?!" Steven snapped holding up his own butterfly knife. "If you were planning to stab me, you should've sneaked me like a sane person. You got a lot of nerve doing that shit out in the open! Did you think you had a chance against me because that freak Moss saved you?!"

"What are you-"

"No one's here to save you now! Are they?!" Steven got closer and grabbed a handful of Jays hair.

"Steven, you can't kill him though, just cut him to scare him," a spectator chimed in.

"I'm going to do much worse than cut him."

"Y-you don't have the balls," Jay suddenly said while being jerked around. This guy could speak but he couldn't fight?

What a fake!

"SHUT UP!!!!" As Steven raised his hand, Tyler slipped from my grip and ran in. He managed to grab a bucket that was in the corner and throw it at Steven before knocking him down with all his strength.

I felt pride for a second because Tyler really does take my advice on things. But that quickly went away remembering the situation. This was all for a guy who didn't need protection.

"Tyler?" Jay cried.

"You got a death wish, Moss!!" Stevens goons lunged at Tyler and impressively he knocked them both back. An old move his dad taught us to use in extreme situations.

Tyler turned back to Steven and quickly slapped the knife from his hand before grabbing Stevens face and slamming it into the floor. He grabbed the bucket and slammed it down over Stevens head as he tried to get up and kicked Steven back into the wall.

I forgot how capable Tyler actually was. To think I've been treating him like he was a fragile piece of glass all this time. I keep forgetting that Tyler was an athlete and a strong one at that. I feel bad for forgetting how strong he really was.

He looked so cool. I think I'm falling in love with him again. Tyler in action was incredibly hot.

"Don't you dare speak to Jay again! Actually don't even go near him," Tyler warned. Steven still struggled. Tyler picked up Stevens knife and held it to Stevens chest, point first. "I will fucking hurt you."

"Fuck you!"

I watched Tyler smile and press until there was blood coming out and slowly drag the knife. He then picked it up off the skin and brought it back down to start a new cut.

And he must have been cutting deep because Steven howled. His goons were now backing up. Tyler knocked the bucket off  of Stevens head and grabbed a fistful of his hair.

Tyler jerked him around with full strength for couple seconds before holding the knife to Stevens neck. Steven let out a loud cry.

"You going to shut up now?!" Tyler snapped pulling stevens head back holding the blade to his neck. A pebble of blood came out. "Answer me!!"

"Yes....I promise," Steven whimpered.

"Don't cut that way, you'll kill him," Jay warned.

"That's the fucking point Jay!" Tyler punched Steven a few times before putting the bucket back on his head. "Wanna fuck with us?" Tyler kicked Steven right in the stomach making him wheeze. "Fuck with me if you want to, I dare you!"

"I'll...I'll stop!" Steven whimpered.

"If you or your boys get any ideas again, I'll come after all of you. I'll break all of your fucking bones! I'll fuck my boyfriend on your dead bodies!!" Tyler stomped on Steven more. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!?!!!?!!"

"Yes! Let him go! Please stop!" Stevens goons tried to approach Tyler but jumped back when Tyler turned his gaze to their horrified faces. I couldn't blame them. Stevens face was almost unrecognizable right now, I'd be scared as well.

"Fine, you get the point," Tyler smiled and dropped the knife. "Get this piece of shit outta here. And if I hear anything about this again, I can always finish the job myself."

Tyler looked downright psychopathic. I think even Jay was about to pee on himself. That, Or he was extremely aroused by Tyler's amazingness. I know for sure that I was. I walked into the bathroom as Stevens guys were dragging him out.

"Are you ok, Jay?" Tyler smiled, all Anger gone.

"Yes, they didn't get a chance to hit me that much this time," Jay kept his eyes glued to Tyler. "I really just got pushed."

"Thanks for keeping watch, Levi." Tyler said acknowledging me at the doorway. I guess it did look like I was. I flinched, realizing that I really did just do nothing but observe. I could have ended it a bit quicker but I was frozen to the spot. How weird. "I don't know how bad I really scared them."

"You had it under control," I said. "They stood no chance when you got in there. You basically did everything we spoke about perfectly. It was pretty cool..." screw that, it was the hottest thing ever, like what he did with George. I wanted him so badly but Jay was in the way. Tyler had no fucking idea how dangerously sexy he looked just now.

"Cool isn't the word, Tyler," Jays eyed shined a bit too brightly. "It was amazing! You messed them up! How did you get so strong?!"

"Uhhh.....I guess soccer," Tyler chuckled and held out his hand to help Jay up. I couldn't help but notice Jay blush at the skin contact.

What the fuck was that? I knew he couldn't be innocent. He likes Tyler or he's not used to skin contact? He gets knocked around all day, of course he's used to being touched.

I know I'm not overreacting and I won't gaslight myself into thinking so. There was something way off about the way Jay was now looking at Tyler. A type of look that gets deeper over time? Was he secretly dangerous or did he just have a crush. What were his plans?

Why rally for Tyler's attention now after being so secretive all this time.

Did Jay set this up just to get close to Tyler? Just how long has he been looking at my Tyler like this? Was he trying to be genuine? Did he fall for Tyler just because he got saved? Maybe I was just being overdramatic and insecure?

Was he behind the phone?

There was no clues at the places in the map, so I'm starting to question if there really is another person. Don't tell me stealing the phone was part of the plan!

"Levi, stop glaring. You look like you're going to kill someone," I heard Tyler say. I relaxed my face and turned from Jay right away. "Be nice, Levi, please. I thought you were opening up a bit."

"I am," I insisted. I'm just super wary of this guy. There's something seriously off about him, I'm never wrong about these things. I hate him! He gets on my nerves, because he either weak or playing weak. And you keep talking about him non stop Tyler! "I'll try harder."

"Are you ok to go to class?" Tyler asked Jay.

"Um, We have the same class next, chemistry," Jay looked down. Tyler never payed attention to anyone else in chemistry. He mostly just spaced out and copied my worksheets. But that wasn't Tyler's fault that Jay practically had zero presence.

"Oh, shit.....well I never pay attention anyway...We'll walk together then," Tyler smiled trying to hide his embarrassment. Jay nodded.

I won't lie when I say I was annoyed by Jays presence. He wasn't right. Something had to be wrong with this guy I just couldn't figure out exactly what. There was no way I would ever trust him around around my Tyler until I knew.

My gut was never wrong and I always regret not listening to that gut feeling I get. I trust only my judgement 100%.

I don't think Jay was really getting bullied. In fact, I'm 100% sure he wasn't getting bullied for real. He made himself a target for attention recently on purpose. Now there was just the task of finding the reason Jay chose such a flamboyant tactic to get noticed.

"We should just walk by ourselves," I stated.

"Levi, stop it." Tyler scolded.

"I'm uncomfortable."

"New things are uncomfortable, Levi," Tyler brushed off my complaints. It didn't seem to bother Jay one bit. He sure composed himself well around us, didn't he? Sneaky prick!

If that wasn't bad enough he walked way too close to Tyler! So much so, that I had to hold his hand so Jay would get the hint and just walk ahead, which he didn't. Stupid asshole, was too stupid to realize when someone was taken.

Why couldn't he just disappear?!

"We're here," i scowled. We were just a bit late but it shouldn't be a problem. Not with our grades.

"Ah, you three. Welcome to class," the teacher said sarcastically. "We switched lab partners today. Find your names." lab partners? I looked around at the empty seats. Two in a row? That has to be me and Tyler, right? We were always paired together. "You're up here, Levi."

"Fuck," I cursed silently. I watched Tyler and Jay sit next to each other as I walked to my seat a few rows up. My back facing Tyler....while Jay got to sit next to him. I've never felt so anxious.

Fuck my life! This was turning into the shittiest day ever!

Making matters worse, I was sat next to the biggest slut I've had the disadvantage to become aware of. She wore too much perfume and I thought she was pretty ugly. Her character was appalling to even think about.

Yet she kept shooting her shot, like I would turn away from Tyler for her. "Shut up, we have to do the lab."

"Oh, who cares about it," she smiled showing off her new fake teeth.

"You have breakfast in your dentures," I stated bluntly.

"They're not dentures! They're verniers!"

"It's still lipstick on a pig." I didn't even feel like faking nice at the moment. Not even for Tyler's sake.

"How dare-"

"We have to do the lab, just shut up and do your part," i hissed at her. To my surprise she stayed quiet and let me do all the work.

I'll just make sure she gets no credit.