Tyler Moss

Apparently Levi wasn't the only one who got insecure in our relationship, but I prided myself in being able to hide my emotions better than Levi, since that was the only thing I was better at than him.

I wasn't as impulsive as him either, but as of right now, I was downright embarrassed at the level of jealousy i felt and how I wanted to retaliate. I could no longer feel superior in this department of life.

He's completely failed to hide his disgust for Jay being around us, though whenever Jay isn't around he tries to convince me subtly to ditch Jay. Still he was trying his best so I should too.

But Of course, like Levi, I was possessive as well, despite my self-control there were times were I nearly lost it, like now, as i watched Levi fake smiling up front with Jessica, his new chemistry partner. The same one that Liam was trying to get me with for years even though she had a new boyfriend every week.

She wasn't even that pretty. Fucking slut with fake teeth. Why even fake smile? Ugly bitch!

But that was a lie. She was appealing to the eye in every conceivable way. A real stereotypical mold of a beauty queen that everyone would be afraid of stealing their man. I was just hating quietly in the back in the room.

And she was trying to steal my man!

It was again that feeling of anger that I could barely contain, but at least I was next to Jay. Someone I could talk to at least.

Luckily Jay was smart and picked up quickly on why I started to steam up. And after assuring Jay that I wasn't mad at him he patted my shoulder.

"It's Levi," i muttered. "Look at that bitch....being a....a bitch."

"Let it go." Jay whispered in my ear. He quickly backed up and gave me a thumbs up when I turned to him. "You don't want to go crazy out in the middle of chemistry, okay? That wouldn't be ok, and you're looking a bit scary."

"She's touching him." I growled back, fingers digging into the wood of our shared table, leaving indents in the strong material. "And he's letting her. Why is he letting her? I don't get it."

Jay frowned, watching the ones in front. "Tyler, you told me that you are the one who told Levi that he had to be friendlier to everyone at school, remember? You can't really be angry at him now for following your orders. You even said he's trying his hardest."

"I said 'be friendly'-not 'let them molest him'." I hissed. "Ugh, he was fine how he was. Why'd I want to change him."

"He needs friends right?"


"You'd rather have him stay isolated?"

"No...yes....no....maybe, I don't know. I do want him all to myself...just not all the time? I don't know what I want, I'm not smart enough to know. There goes my A."

"If Levi does all the work, how will you pass on you own."

"He doesn't do it all....just most." I shamelessly admitted.

"That's not healthy. It's called codependency."

"So you're a doctor now?"

"Some people just think differently. With Jessica, being friendly and flirting are kind of the same thing." Jay sighed. "Don't worry big guy, the one Levi takes home at the end of the day is you, so calm down."

"I know he's going to shoot her down but I'm still upset watching it." I complained freely. Was this how Levi felt when I was interested in other people? Sitting back and just watching really isn't for me. "I'm a man of action like my grandpa. He was in the IRA and he taught me that men take action when they feel threatened."

"But you're not fighting the British empire, this isn't The Troubles. You're a privileged kid who has an above average peaceful life. You're just jealous."

"Why are you so reasonable?"

"You trust him so don't worry." I know Jay was just trying to calm me down, but honestly, fuck that.

"Yeah, but....She's a whore, don't you think so?" I asked. "The biggest one I've even seen."


"What, you like her too? Agree with me right now!" I quietly demanded of Jay.

"No....she's a-a slut. Like you said."

"Say it and mean it!" I snapped.

"Jessica's a slut!" Jay said a little too loud making everyone including teacher turn to him. I was satisfied with the glare we received from Jessica, so I flipped her off to make her turn back around."Her Ph is so off balance I can smell low tide!"

I along with the entire class burst out laughing. Jay turned beat red before hiding his face realizing all eyes were now on us. Jessica had turned back around to glare but Levi kept his back turned.  "A chemistry joke! You're the best Jay!"

"It's biology," Jay corrected me.

"Quiet down!" The teacher desperately tried to quiet the class down again.

"She's nothing to worry about, Tyler. I can't believe you made me say that." Jay scolded and buried his head in his hands. "You're too jealous for nothing! Why are you so insecure? I thought you two were solid!"

Jay was right of course, but the fact that this was Jessica (Labia) Libia, the most popular slut in school, irked the shit out of me. Now she's flirting with Levi to get back at me for some reason!

"I can't calm down! I think I'm panicking, because of that Slut!" I confessed. "Why does she get to be there? She always talks shit about Levi and I!"

"Look around, breathe, and keep repeating things around you until you can calm down," Jay pleaded. I took a deep breath and looked around. "It's not like we have a choice in the matter. It's useless to get upset over things you can't control. You can't control people talking to Levi."

Chair. Desk. Teacher. Chair. Desk. Teacher.

I repeated this in my head until I could speak calmly. "I can't help but steam over anyone who's interested in him. I'm not very sure why it's so bad." I should get rid of this Jessica girl somehow. Liam would know how to get her to fuck off. "You should tell me more jokes."


"Your glasses are super cracked up." I turned the conversation seeing Jay becoming extremely uncomfortable being put on the spot. I was leaning on this antisocial guy too much wasn't I? Is this bullying?

"It's fine, they're not prescribed."

"Why do you wear them then? Levi does that too....I don't want to pressure you to tell me, of course. If you don't want to-"

"It's so I can hide myself better. But that's just wishful thinking. I know glasses can't hide my from bullies and all that....I'm just so weak." Jay admitted. "It just makes it easier to get thru the day and be invisible."

"Oh...." were the glasses this emotionally deep? Did Levi feel like this? He still wears glasses, his hair is even overgrown. "Well I don't think you're very weak."

"I was really surprised to see you do that to Stephen and his guys. How did you stand up to them? Weren't you scared at all? I really envy your confidence."

Confidence? I was just imitating Levi. Levi helped me gain muscle and learn to fight. "I'll be honest...I was scared also and I'm scared as hell that they'll retaliate. So I just followed Levi's instructions to the letter. He's taught me how to fight and we've been working out together for a while."

"It's all an act?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Then why'd you jump in if you were scared? It could've been terrible, Tyler."

"It's the right thing to do, right?"

"Really?" Jay looked a bit shocked.

"Well, there's another reason to be honest. You remind me of what people used to do to Levi. I would get so mad, but I was too scared to do anything. I was also weak. Then Levi bulked up much more than me and I never had to worry about that stuff again. I was shocked also. Eventually by imitating Levi, bullies stopped picking on me. But unfortunately other student avoid me as well, so I never really made other friends."

"That can't be helped."

"Just try and think of it like, 'they're a bunch of high schoolers like me. They're nothing but useless scum to society.'"

"Useless scum?" Jay repeated. "Then why not let me kill him like I wanted to? He deserves it for being such scum."

"I thought you were going to kill yourself." I pointed out. Jay looked away. Ugh, too blunt.

"I was going to do both."

"Jay, the point I'm trying to make here is that there was nothing wrong with being weak. Your emotions are just taking you to a really dark place. Do you really have no one to talk to you about these things?"

"My parents aren't really interested and I don't have any friends." Jay stayed blankly. Would Levi be like Jay had we never met? "I wish I had someone like Levi to protect me."

"Huh?" What the fuck?

"You two have always just naturally fit together. Even when you guys hold hands it looks natural like it was meant to be. I wonder what it's like to love someone that much."

"Was it really that obvious?"

"Yeah, I used to hear people talk about it. Rumour has it that you two are secretly married. Is it nice? Having someone care about you?"

I felt really really bad right now. "It's great. But Jay, you don't have to be alone anymore, you know that."

"I don't know....Levi-"

"Levi's fine with it," I lied. Levi was extremely against my new friendship with Jay. I didn't see a messed up wolf in sheep's clothing like him though. I couldn't even find a reason to not try and trust him. I Just saw a pathetic guy who's already given up on himself. Jays self esteem was below the dirt.

So what was Levi seeing that I wasn't?

"Is it true that he did that to Liam?"

I was shocked. Even Jay heard that stupid rumour? Well, it was true so I guess it wasn't a rumor. But no one else was going to know that. "No way, Levi is harmless. People always tend to beat up on him. You shouldn't believe Everything you hear."

"You're a bad liar...." Jay covered his mouth and started to apologize non stop.

"Jay it's really ok! I've heard that before. Seriously calm down, it's fine. You don't have to be afraid to speak. Levi is a bit of a loose cannon but he only gets violent if someone attacks him first."

"I...I believe you."

"Well, I'm sorry I lied." I sighed. "And I'm sorry I made you say all that."

"I won't tell anyone."

"Promise?" I held out my pinky. Jay cautiously wrapped his pinky around mine. I smiled slowly watching him drop his gaurd again. "So I noticed that you have your worksheet done..."

"You want to copy it?"

"Yeah, Levi usually lets me copy his. It's up to you."

"Uh, yeah," Jay smiled and slid his paper over. "Are....are we really friends now?"

"Yeah, hang with us," I assured him. "Levi will come around. He's like that with everyone. It doesn't mean he doesn't like you he's just....by the way....what made you ask that question?"

"I'm sure you know that Levi sticks out like a sore thumb despite trying to blend in. Claiming to be weak and helpless but he sure didn't act that way. I've always felt he was hiding something under an obvious facade, but I didn't like the idea of danger to myself..." Jay explained. "Turns out my suspicions were right. I wanted to see what he was capable of, but sadly I never got to. Now, I have an idea that anyone around you gets hurt. So I looked him up."


"Nothing but a child abuse case file. I ended up feeling bad. His mother just up and disappeared somewhere."

"So was that was his mother? Wait, she's not dead?"

"Maybe it's just something used so people don't question his history. He's gotten in trouble for brutalizing people before but all complaints were retracted eventually. Then add on top of that all his stalker like tendencies and you get someone who is revenge driven and uncontrollable. A psychopath."

"Levi isn't crazy."

"I didn't say he was, this is all based on if the rumors are true, but I believe you," Jay assured me. "Just somethings I noticed. I mean you're obviously safe seeing as you two are in love. He can't be a psychopath."

"How far do you think could he possibly go?"

"Uhhhhh.....well there's no way to gage that really. Unless you were to just dump him or really get under his skin. I don't suggest either."

I wouldn't either. Every time I tried to leave Levi alone for a bit of space, he spiraled out of control insanely fast. "Makes sense. All that aside he's definitely hiding something from me."

"Maybe he's going to try and elope with you."

I couldn't help but chuckle and blush. Run away with Levi and marry him. Start a new life together and be away from all the drama. No worries. Getting married and adopting kids. "I wouldn't mind that at all."