Tyler Moss

"Here have it as an apology," I handed Jay my chips almost mortified at Levi stomping away from us. This was getting ridiculous as hell from him. I told him a million times that if he had proof that Jay was a problem, he should present it and I'll believe him no matter what kind of proof it is.

But he had none. I even asked for a reason why he thought so and he couldn't give me one. It was times like this that I wondered what Liam would tell me. Not that I felt I had the right to ask him now.

"It's ok, I don't like him at all either. But I can hide it better than him at least," Jay rolled his eyes. "I can barely notice it anymore."

"It's still awkward as fuck. We're in high school, why can't he just loosen the fuck up?" I groaned in frustration.

I'm not just going to let him have his way about this though. He's too caught up in his own jealousy which is why he can't think of a good reason for us not to hang out. Right?

I'm not being insensitive...and I've listened to all his concerns that he had about Jay. But too be fair, there seemed to be a lot more to Jay than he let on. Of course, to the untrained eye, he was just some weird kid, but I've dealt with this before, so I know he's not being his full self with me.

I don't think he's dangerous though like Levi said though.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked noticing me staring at him.

"Nothing. As I was saying, Stephen hasn't called you out again since yesterday right?" I asked. "And his dudes leave you alone, right?"


"Good, try to avoid being alone," I ordered. "It's just better if we stick together. This way they can't catch us alone."

"What about Levi?"

"Levi is better built than us both. It's us that need the help." I admitted. "You don't have to worry about that sourpuss."

"Nice to know." Jay sighed. The bell signaling the end of lunch rang loud over us. "I don't think the sourpuss is coming back."

"For sure," I agreed. I noticed Levi took his bag with him which wasn't usually the case. We usually did this together. "Let's go to class, he'll meet us there."

"Cheer up, you said it'll take him a little bit to warm up right?" Jay nudged me. Yeah, he always comes around, but I don't think I've seen him mad for this long.

"Can I see you for a bit, Jay." The science teacher called out. Jay looked at me as if to ask my permission. I nodded so he went a bit grateful for the distraction.

Was I in the fucking twilight zone or something?! Are we on the outs? Was my hanging out with Jay giving him the wrong idea!? And where the fuck did Levi go? I know he doesn't have the shits.

Anyway Jay never returned to class either. Maybe I should go to the teachers office to check on him. I hope nothing happened. Just as I was about to get up and do that a hand clamped down on my shoulder.

"You're Tyler Moss right?" Some guy said. I recognized him as the one of Stephen's goons by his black eye.

"That's what people call me."

"You need to come with us. Steven wants to speak to you," he said. "Alone."

"I'm already alone though."

"So come with us!"

"What for? I don't feel like it." At least they didn't have Jay, right?

"Don't get smart! Just come with us now!" The other said. Why does Stephen want to speak to me? I beat his ass last time.

"Whatever!" I got up and followed them. It was a long walk but eventually we arrived at the same bathroom I kicked  Stephen's ass in.

"Nice to meet you, Tyler Moss, I've heard so much," some guy treated me. Next to him with a shit eating smile was Stephen. So he got the seniors involved to beat up Jay and I? But then where was Jay?

"Who are you?" This question seemed to piss him off.

Weak guys like him piss me off. Picking on the weak, then getting some older guys to deal with things when they can't take the heat. I knew he was a senior but that was about it.

"I'm Jason Ryan."

"Who?" I suddenly crumbled to the ground a few feet back after I received a quick kick to the stomach. "Ugh!"

"Are you looking for that Jay kid or something?" The guy named Jason laughed. "Don't bother, you're the one I wanted to see. Begin boys. Make sure to avoid the face and arms, we don't want any trouble."

The two guys who escorted me here started to rain down blows and kicks. Every time I would move I would get hit pretty bad, so eventually I settled to curling up.

"Steven said you were quite the fighter the other day. Is it because Jay isn't here, or because we surprised you?" The guy asked.

"Hey! Jason asked you a question!" Black eye kid kicked me over onto my back. "Answer!"

They both started hitting me again. I wasn't all that hurt because I've definitely taken worse fighting my dad. Compared to him, this was "Doesn't it hurt?! Stubborn BITCH!!!! He's not even screaming!!!"

"Stop!" Right away the blows stopped. This Jason kid turned to Stephen. "Little bro, you should join in and release that pent up anger! He's the one who embarrassed you right?"

"Me?" I shot Stephen a glare and he looked a bit shaken.

"Don't you want to?"

Stephen gulped before walking over to me. "Th-that's why you should mind your own business! See how it did you no good." Stephen's voice was shaking a bit.

Was he scared of this Jason kid? "You don't have the balls," I copied Jays words from that day.

Hesitantly Stephen brought his foot back a gave me a hard kick to the side. Ok, that was going to leave a mark, still I wasn't going down silently or the way they want. "Keep going." Stephen flinched at the tone of Jason's demands.

Stephen dropped to his knees and started to punch me again. The hits were surprisingly light....but then again I was a bit numb already. Maybe he wasn't really trying to hurt me?

How do I make four people Fear me enough to stop messing with me or Jay? If even the threat of violence doesn't work, what then?

You've got to make them afraid so they don't even think about acting up again.

I should have listened to Levi! I still can instead of just taking these hits! It would surprise them enough to make them sloppy if I wasn't hurt. I caught Stephen's fist and managed to slam Him down onto his back.

I wasn't going to get beaten up without fighting back! I wasn't letting Jay get beat up either! Levi taught me exactly what to do in this kind of situation.

Throw them off! In the second of clarity while I kept getting hit, I started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Fucking psycho!" One of Stephen's goons jumped at me and almost managed to grab my hair. I punched up at his elbow, as Levi thought me, and heard the satisfying crack before I watched him fall before pushing the other lunging idiot on top and stomping on his knee, also hearing a nice clean crack.

Just go crazy and the rest handles itself.

Levi's crazy words are actually inspiring me right now. Stephen had tried to get me again but I easily pushed him back against the wall. Before he could try and get back up, I drove my foot into his face.

Each time with more force, until Stephen wasn't moving and blood visibly poured from his broken nose and his jaw hung open a bit.

"Oh wow, Tyler-" I didn't let that Jason kid finish before I landed a nice punch to his stomach making him fall down. No chance for explanation! Not while I was feeling....just crazy!  "Ow."

"Get. Up. You. Fucking. Pussy." I demanded still giggling reaching in my back pocket. "You need three other people to take one down?!"

Jason stood and chuckled. "What are youAAAGHGH!!!" Jason gargled as he felt my moms taser. He fell again but wasn't knocked out completely.

In my blind rage I continued to punch and kick this motherfucker up. How could someone who had people so shook, really be so weak in real life? No wonder they picked on Jay. Did no one bother to fight back just because their dad is a state senator.

That's stupid. They perceived Jay as the weaker specimen, but now he's just a giant baby!

"STOP!!!" Jason pleaded as he tried to block himself. I continued to hit him despite him being desperate. It may have been a bit much but this was  necessary to stop them like Levi said.

"You should've thought twice before you got involved! Why stick your nose in peoples business after they've settled things?! See what happens when you can't mind your business?!" I laughed. Hitting this dude felt so good. Every hit and kick landed on him hard and he kept screaming louder as he begged for me to stop. "Keep your nose clean and maybe you wouldn't need so much intervention!! Next time I won't be as nice as I'm being now! I don't even know who you are! But you'll regret knowing me!"


"No you don't! I'm going to make sure you'll never do shit like this again!"

I heard someone shift so I stopped on Jason, who was now curled up in a ball bleeding and crying. I looked over to see one of Stephen's goons with a bucket.

Was he trying to fight again? I was so pumped. "S-s-stop it!"

"You didn't get enough?" I started to walk towards him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!?!!" Someone yelled. Everyone froze. I knew that voice myself and that means I'm screwed. Luckily I have damage on me as well, so we're all going down equally.

"Fuck! Is that the Dean?" Stephen gargled. "Did we get caught?! We're fucking screwed! Jason, get up, we'll be done for if the Dean catches us again!"

I kicked Stephen back down as he tried to get back up. When Stephen looked at me, he seemed visibly terrified, especially after he'd seen that all his backup was fucked up. If I go down, so will the person who started it.

I knelt down so I could look him in the eye. "Listen. Go apologize to Jay for everything you did. Right. Now."

Stephen didn't seem to be looking at me though. When I turned to see what was so interesting he pushed me onto my butt before limp running to the door.

"Hey!" I snapped running after him before stopping in my tracks to see the Dean right at the bathroom door.

Shit! I Just got back to school! He still has to apologize to Jay!

"YOU BRATS!!!! STOP THAT NOW!!!" The Dean continued to walk forward past the bathroom door. He wasn't yelling at us?

That's when I noticed a commotion in the hallway. People were screaming and crowding around out there.

I ran to the door and I looked at where the Dean was walking towards. He pushed through the crowd and I couldn't believe the fuckery I saw in front of me right now.

What the fuck was he doing here?!

I quickly turned back to the messy heap I was about to leave behind. These guys were not a beat up as I would've liked but they were all too tired to move. I guess soccer is great stamina for this kind of thing. "If you guys say anything, I'll come for you with backup."

I can't believe he really put himself out there like that so I could have a chance to get away with this. I knew he'd come around at some point!

I needed to stop underestimating Levi. By staying out of everything, he was able to be in everything without anyone knowing. Not even me.

He was too smart for me.